Working memor y and phonological awareness in children ... · memory and phonological awareness in...

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| Universitas Psychologica | Colombia | V. 15 | No. 5 | 2016 | ISSN 1657-9267 |


Working memory and phonologicalawareness in children with Rolandic

Epilepsy*Memoria de trabajo y consciencia fonológica en niños con Epilepsia


Received: 06 August 2016 | Accepted: 01 November 2016

Daniele Caroline LeôncioFederal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

Laura AragãoFederal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

Maria Anna CassianoPotiguar University, Brasil

Priscila AndradeFederal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

Thais Mayara de MedeirosPotiguar University, Brasil

Thalisson Filipe RochaPotiguar University, Brasil

Cintia AzoniFederal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

IzabelHazin Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil


ABSTRACTThis study investigated how the difficulties in language in childrenwith Rolandic Epilepsy (RE) could be related to alterations in theirdevelopment of phonological awareness and/or working memory. Weevaluated fourty-two children aged 6 to 13 years old. From these, twenty-one children were diagnosed with RE and formed the experimental group;and twenty-one children without RE, paired with the experimental groupby sex, age, education and socioeconomic status, formed the controlgroup. The results showed significant differences in the performances ofchildren with RE and healthy children in the tests that evaluated workingmemory and phonological awareness. Also, positive and high significantcorrelations were found between working memory and phonologicalawareness in the RE clinical subgroup. Generally, the results suggestthat compromises in both cognitive functions might be associated toloss of language capabilities in children with RE, and also point thatthe development of working memory and phonological awareness areinterconnected.KeywordsWorking memory; Phonological awareness; Language; Rolandic epilepsy

RESUMENEn este estudio se investigó cómo las dificultades en el lenguaje en niñoscon epilepsia Rolandica (ER) podrían estar relacionadas con alteracionesen su desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica y/o memoria de trabajo.

Para citar este artículo: Leôncio, D. C., Aragão, L., Cassiano, M. A., Andrade, P., Mayara de Medeiros, T., … & Hazin, I. (2016). Working memory and phonological awareness in children with Rolandic Epilepsy. Universitas Psychologica, 15(5).


Daniele Caroline Leôncio, Laura Aragão, Maria Anna Cassiano, Priscila Andrade, Et al.

| Universitas Psychologica | V. 15 | No. 5 | 2016 |

Se evaluaron 42 niños de 6 a 13 años de edad. De éstos,21 niños fueron diagnosticados con ER y formaron elgrupo experimental; y 21 niños sin RE, emparejados conel grupo experimental por sexo, edad, nivel educativoy socioeconómico, que formaron el grupo de control.Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas enlos resultados de los niños con ER y niños sanosen las pruebas que evaluaron la memoria de trabajoy la conciencia fonológica. Además, se encontraroncorrelaciones positivas y altas entre la memoria de trabajoy la conciencia fonológica en el subgrupo clínico RE. Engeneral, los resultados sugieren que los compromisos enambas funciones cognitivas pueden estar asociados a lapérdida de capacidades del lenguaje en los niños con RE, ytambién señalan que el desarrollo de la memoria de trabajoy la conciencia fonológica están interconectados.Palabras clavememoria de trabajo; conciencia fonológica; lenguaje; epilepsiarolándica


This study aimed to investigate the workingmemory and phonological awareness in childrenbetween 6 and 13 years who were diagnosedwith rolandic epilepsy, also known as BenignChildhood Epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes.It is a benign epilepsy syndrome, withoutapparent anatomical brain lesions, and it isthe most common form of focal seizures inchildhood, accounting for 25% of all seizures inthis period. Usually, RE occurs with infrequentpartial seizures which occasionally happen onlyone time, predominantly in sleep, usually witha satisfactory response to drug treatment andspontaneous remission of seizures in the periodof one to three years after beginning. REtypically affects children between 3 and 13years of age, with a higher incidence of seizuresoccurring between 6 and 9 years of age;spontaneous remission may occur in adolescence,often before the age of 16 (Berg et al., 2010;Commission on Classification and Terminologyof the International League Against Epilepsy,1989).

Despite the favorable prognosis, studies beganto question the "benign" nature of this syndromewhen faced with complaints about learningabilities and deficits in neuropsychological testsof children affected by the issue (Beaumanoir,Ballis, Varfis, & Ansari, 1974; Hermann, Jones,

Jackson, & Seidenberg, 2012), especially in theareas of language, memory, attention, motorcoordination and executive functions (Capelattoet al., 2012; Hwang et al., 2013; Kim, Lee,Chung, Lim & Lee, 2014; Miziara et al., 2012;Neri et al., 2012; Northcott et al., 2005;Overvliet et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2012;Smith, Bajomo, & Pal, 2015; Tovia et al.,2011; Vannest et al., 2013; Verrotti, Filippini,Matricardi, Agostinelli & Gobbi, 2014).

Research on the extension and specificityof the impact of RE on language has beenpredominant in the literature. This is because thisarea is considered to be the main weakness inthe cognitive functions of this clinical subgroup,which is possibly associated to the harm causedby epilepsy crises on a developing brain (Aquino,Montenegro, Guerreiro & Guerreiro, 2005; Flaxet al., 2003; Overvliet et al, 2013; Smith etal., 2012), especially on the areas of the brainrelated to language: the center of the brain,predominantly in the lower portion of therolandic and Sylvian areas (Fonseca, Tedrus,Chiodi, Cerqueira & Duran, 2004; Hommet etal., 2001; Staden, Isaaca, Boyd, Brandl &, 1998;Xiao et al., 2016; Zaninotto & Hamad, 2012).

Studies also indicate a correlation betweenthe high incidence of epileptic discharges, theappearance of continuous spikes-waves duringsleep and language impairment (Zaninotto &Hamad, 2012). In addition to that, a specificpattern of language dysfunction has beenfound in these children, showing impairmentsin reading, writing, spelling, verbal-auditorydiscrimination and expressive grammar (Stadenet al., 1998).

Besides that, deficits in working memory andphonological awareness have also been signaledin children diagnosed with RE (Northcottet al., 2005; Northcott et al., 2007). Theliterature suggests a strong correlation betweenthese two components and indicates that bothare related to language development (Vieira,2014). Corroborating this perspective, studiesdemonstrate, for example, a positive connectionbetween the performance in working memoryand reading proficiency tasks (Locascio, Mahone,Eason, & Cutting, 2010; Piccolo & Salles,

Working memory and phonological awareness in children with Rolandic Epilepsy*

| Universitas Psychologica | V. 15 | No. 5 | 2016 |

2013), while delays in phonological awareness areusually related to impacts in writing and readingacquisition (Engel de Abreu et al., 2014; Fricke,Bowyer-Crane, Haley, Hulme, & Snowling, 2013;Krajewski & Schneider, 2009; Salles & Parente,2008; Savage et al., 2005).

Given the above, this study investigated howthe difficulties in language in children diagnosedwith RE would be related to alterations in thedevelopment of phonological awareness and/orworking memory.



The study evaluated fourty-two children aged 6to 13 years old, from both sexes, selected withoutrandom assignement. The sample was dividedinto two groups: one experimental group, and acontrol one. The experimental group, called G1,was composed of twenty-one children who werediagnosed with RE. The children were recruitedat the pediatric neurology service of the AnitaGaribaldi Center for Education and Research onHealth, at the Children's Neurology Clinic ofthe Children and Teenagers Ward of the OnofreLopes University Hospital (HUOL), and at theSpecialized Rehabilitation Center (CRE).

The control group, called G2, was structuredas a mirror-group of the G1. Thus, it hadtwenty-one children with typical developmentrecruited from the already existing databasefrom the Laboratory for Research and Extensionon Neuropsychology of the UFRN (LAPEN-UFRN). The children in the control groupwere paired with the ones in the experimentalgroup in relation to sex, age, education andsocioeconomic status. It should be noted that thisdatabase refers to ruling n. 861.284, approvedby the Committee for Ethics in Research of RioGrande do Norte's League against Cancer.

As to the characteristics of the groups, the G1was composed of children who were diagnosedwith RE according to the classification of theInternational League against Epilepsy (ILAE)(Engel, 2001), with average IQ of 60.24 (±

17.50) and enrolled in the regular school system.It should be emphasized that the absence of IQassessment has been pointed as one of the mainweaknesses in studies that associate cognitivedifficulties to a diagnosis of RE (Filippini et al.,2016).

The G2 was composed of children with nohistory of epilepsy, with average IQ of 62.86(±15.46), and also enrolled in the regular schoolsystem. Both groups did not consider childrenwith any other comorbidity or with uncorrectedalterations at a visual and/or hearing level, orof motor coordination, or any other impairmentthat would make executing the proposed tasksimpossible.

This study followed the rules of the NationalHealth Council, through Resolution n. 466/2012,which establishes the guidelines and rules forstudies involving human beings. Its executionwas approved by the Committee for Ethics inResearch of the Federal University of Rio Grandedo Norte – CEP/UFRN (ruling n. 1178354). Allchildren were authorized to participate in theresearch by their parents/guardians, who signed aFree and Clarified Consent Term.


Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices andRaven's Progressive Matrices – General Scale

Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices andRaven's Progressive Matrices – General Scalewere used for IQ evaluation. The goal of thesetests is to evaluate general intelligence (g factor),more specifically the eductive ability. In thisstudy, the Colored Progressive Matrices wereused to evaluate small children (aged 5 to 11years old), and Raven's Progressive Matrices –General Scale were used on children aged 12 orhigher (Raven, 2003, 2008).

Daniele Caroline Leôncio, Laura Aragão, Maria Anna Cassiano, Priscila Andrade, Et al.

| Universitas Psychologica | V. 15 | No. 5 | 2016 |

Digit Span Subtest of the Wechsler IntelligenceScale for Children (WISC IV).

The digit span subtest of the WISC is commonlyused to evaluate working memory (Abreu &Mattos, 2010; Wechsler, 2013) regarding thephonological loop and the central executive. Thisstudy used the forward and backward orders ofthe subtest.

Corsi block-tapping test

The Corsi block-tapping test was used to assessthe visuo-spatial sketchpad and the centralexecutive of the working memory (Abreu &Mattos, 2010).

Phonemic and Semantic Verbal Fluency Test.

The Verbal Fluency Test (Fisk & Sharp,2004) is considered to be a valid measurefor investigating cognitive processes related toboth lexical-semantic and executive processes(Elst, Boctel, Breukelen, & Jolles, 2006; Lezak,Howieson, Bigler & Tranel, 2012; Strauss,Sherman, & Spreen, 2006). Thus, this testhas been very useful to research the inhibitorycomponent (Capovilla, 2006), the cognitiveflexibility (Filippetti, 2011) and working memory(Elst et al., 2006; Troyer, Moscovitch, &Winocur, 1997). In addition to that, theinstrument enables the assessment of semanticverbal memory (Elst et al., 2006). This study usedlimited categories (animals, clothes and fruits)and letters (F, A, M).

Phonological Awareness – SequentialEvaluation Instrument (CONFIAS)

The CONFIAS evaluates phonologicalawareness in a broad and sequential manner. TheInstrument has two parts, evaluation at the levelof syllable and phoneme (Moojen et al., 2003).


The collection procedures had two stages. Thefirst stage consisted of anamnesis with parents/guardians so as to contextualize the children'sclinical and socio-demographic data. The secondstage involved the evaluation of the IQ, workingmemory and phonological awareness with theapplication of neuropsychological tests.

The subtests were not applied in a fixed order,so the examiners elaborated a specific work planfor each child, taking into consideration theirengagement and motivation in the proposedtasks. The subtests were conducted individually,in a single session (in some cases there was theneed for two sessions) of approximately one hour.

Data analysis

The descriptive and inferential statistical dataanalysis were performed using the statisticalsoftware SPSS (Statistical Package for SocialSciences), version 22.0. The study adopted p<0.05 as the significance level for all analyses.Non-parametric statistic was used since thesample was small.

Initially, we conducted a descriptive statisticalanalysis of the performances obtained with thetwo groups in each of the tests. Later, theperformances of the groups were comparedusing the Mann-Whitney U test. Correlationsbetween variables were tested using Spearman'scorrelation test. The criterion adopted forinterpretation of the correlation coefficients was:0 to 0.09 (null); 0.10 to 0.39 (low); 0.40 to 0.69(moderate); 0.70 to 0.99 (high) and 1.00 (veryhigh).


Characteristics of the General Sample

The general sample has forty-two children,twenty-four male (57.1%) and eighteen female(42.9%). The age of the whole sample variedfrom 6 to 13 years and 11 months, with average

Working memory and phonological awareness in children with Rolandic Epilepsy*

| Universitas Psychologica | V. 15 | No. 5 | 2016 |

age of 9.14 years (SD = 2.03). In terms ofsocioeconomic status, 52.4% of the childrenbelonged to classes D and E (family incomebetween R$ 600.00 and R$ 1,350.00) and 47.6%to class C2 (family income between R$ 1,351.00and R$ 2,250.00) (Table 1).

TABLE 1Characteristics of the sample as a whole

Source: own work

Analysis of the performances in the WM andPA tasks between G1 and G2

The comparison of the performances obtainedby the groups in the Phonemic Verbal Fluencytest (the sum of the words referring tothree letters – A, M and F) showed asignificant difference between the obtainedmeans (p<0.001), indicating better performancein G2 (mean = 19.52; SD = 4.05) in relationto G1 (mean = 8.48; SD = 4.66). Equally, therewas a significant difference between the means ofboth groups (p<0.001) on the Semantic VerbalFluency task (sum of the words referring to threecategories – Animals, Clothes and Fruits), andthe performance of G1 (mean = 21.57; SD =4.67) was inferior to G2 (mean = 29.10; SD =7.78).

In terms of general performances obtainedthe in Digit Span subtest of the WISC IV,there was also significant difference betweenthe means of both groups (p<0.001). Generally,the performance of G2 (mean = 10.38; SD =1.16) was better than G1 (mean = 5.57; SD =

2.03). Specifically, on the Digit Span Forward,a significant difference was found between theperformances of both groups (p<0.001). Theperformance of G2 (mean = 9.33; SD = 1.46)was significantly better than G1 (mean = 5.86;SD = 1.82); similarly, in the Digit Span Backwardtask (p<0.001), G2 (mean = 10.76; SD = 1.30)performed better than G1 (mean = 6.19; SD =1.63).

The analysis of the performances in theCorsi block-tapping task indicates a significantdifference between both groups (p< 0.001), withG2 performing better (mean = 15.38; SD =3.02) than G1 (mean = 9.52; SD = 2.06).Specifically, for the Forward Corsi block-tappingtask, the performance of G1 (mean = 5.57;SD = 0.98) was inferior to G2 (mean = 7.71;SD = 1.61), evidencing a significant difference(p<0.001). In the Backward Corsi block-tappingtask, the results were similar to those obtainedin the previous task, with a significant difference(p<0.001) indicating that G2 performed better(mean = 7.76; SD = 1.78) when compared to G1(mean = 4.05; SD = 1.28).

TABLE 2Mean and standard deviation of the performancesbetween G1 and G2.

Source: own work

The tendency shown above repeated itself inthe analysis of the performance of both groupsin the Confias syllabic task (p<0.001), indicatinginferior performance of G1 (mean = 25.71) inrelation to G2 (mean = 34.43). The same wasfound in the phonemic task of Confias, in whichthe performance of G1 was worse (mean = 12.71)when compared to G2 (mean = 24). Similarly,the analysis of the performances of both groupson Confias (total score) (p<0.001) found G1 had

Daniele Caroline Leôncio, Laura Aragão, Maria Anna Cassiano, Priscila Andrade, Et al.

| Universitas Psychologica | V. 15 | No. 5 | 2016 |

an inferior performance (mean = 38.90; SD =12.46) when compared to G2 (mean = 58.90;SD = 8.20). The summary of the differences inperformance between groups are shown on thetable below (Table 2).

Correlational analyses between subtests

The correlational analyses indicate the presenceof positive correlations between the subteststhat evaluate working memory and phonologicalawareness. In this sense, positive and highsignificant correlations were found between theperformances obtained in Confias (total score)and the Phonemic Verbal Fluency task (p <0.001/R = 0.811); between the performancesobtained in Confias (total score) and the DigitSpan subtest (p < 0.001/R = 0.748); andbetween the performances obtained in Confias(total score) and Corsi block-tapping task (p <0.001/R = 0.814). High, positive correlationswere also observed between the performancesobtained in Confias (total score) and the ForwardDigit Span subtest (p < 0.001/R = 0.741);between the Confias (total score) and theBackward Digit Span subtest (p < 0.001/R =0.719); between the Confias (total score) and theForward Corsi block-tapping task (p < 0.001/R= 0.751); and between the Confias (total score)and the Backward Corsi block-tapping task (p< 0.001/R = 0.788). Additionally, the analysesfound a moderate positive correlation betweenthe Confias (total score) and the Semantic VerbalFluency task (p < 0.001/R = 0.694).

It should be noted that high and moderatepositive correlations were found between thesyllabic task of the Confias and the tasks thatevaluated working memory. Similarly, high andmoderate positive correlations were observedbetween the phonemic task and tasks evaluatingworking memory. The following table showsthe correlations identified between the subtests(Table 3).

TABLE 3Correlations between the working memory andphonological awareness subtests

Source: own work

In addition, it is imperative to notethat, although not discussed here, this studyinvestigated the performances of G1 basedon clinical variables, namely "age of onsetof crises," "number of crises," "age of seizureremission," "exposure time to crises" and "use ofAEDs." However, the analysis of variance of onefactor (Kruskal-Wallis) revealed the absence ofinterference of all variables on the performanceof children of the G2 in all tests and tasks.


Despite the good prognosis and remissionof seizures during adolescence, a significantnumber of children with RE has aheterogeneity of cognitive deficits, despite theirintelligence levels being classified within thenormal range. Commonly, these children havelearning difficulties, notably involving languagecapabilities and executive functions (Filippini etal., 2016; Verrotti et al., 2014).

However, there is no consensus regardingthe underlying factors to the presenceof cognitive deficits, about which coexist

Working memory and phonological awareness in children with Rolandic Epilepsy*

| Universitas Psychologica | V. 15 | No. 5 | 2016 |

neurodevelopmental and structural arguments.On the one hand, it is considered that the lesionscaused by the manifestations of epileptic seizuresare on a developing brain (Overvliet et al., 2013,Smith et al., 2012), suggesting that the readingdifficulties presented by children with RE aredirectly associated with the amount of nocturnalepileptiform activity (Gobbi, Boni, & Filippini,2006). On the other, there is the occurrenceof overlapping cortical areas of language withepileptic activity in the central region, namelythe rolandic and Sylvian regions (Fonseca et al.,2004).

In general, the language deficits in childrenwith RE have been the subject of numerousdebates; however, few studies propose toinvestigate specific abilities connected to theacquisition and development of language skills,which may be associated with this condition.In this scenario, this study presents someconsiderations about its findings.

Initially, the results show significantdifferences between the performances of childrenwith RE and healthy children regarding theworking memory tasks, suggesting weaknessesin this cognitive domain in the groupof children with RE in all investigatedcomponents: phonological loop and the visuo-spatial sketchpad.

These findings are consistent with recentstudies (Goldberg-Stern et al., 2010; Kárpáti,Donauer, Somogyi & Kónya, 2015; Oliveira,Neri, Capelatto, Guimarães & Guerreiro, 2014)which reported statistically significant differencesin working memory tasks, revealing losses inthis ability in children diagnosed with RE whencompared with healthy children. In addition tothat, Goldberg-Stern and colleagues (Goldberg-Stern et al., 2010) found the verbal ability wascompromised in the clinical subgroup, throughpoor performance in tasks considered to bedependent on language and poor performanceon the Digit Span task, both forward andbackward; they concluded that the workingmemory is a strong indicator for the acquisitionand development of language skills.

It is valid to point out that during theacquisition of language skills the working

memory is responsible for children’s ability toanalyze the structural properties of language,since this ability is connected to language’ssyntactic and phonological components, whichgives this executive function a critical partin linguistic processing (Baddeley, 2003).In this direction, working memory deficitscompromise the temporary maintenance oflinguistic information, causing the formationof simpler, shorter sentences, with less lexicaldiversity, as well as difficulties in comprehendingsentences, acquiring languages and learningnew words. Thus, this suggests a bi-directionalinfluence between language and workingmemory (Montgomery, 2002).

In addition to that, although some studiesshow that the components of working memory,together, play a fundamental part in language(Alloway et al., 2005), the phonological loopis emphasized regarding the maintenance ofphonological information that are necessaryfor reading. This component is responsible forretaining, for brief periods, the words andsentences while they are being processed, sothe longer units of text can be understood(Baddeley, 2012). Significant losses regarding theperformance of children with RE in tasks thatinvestigated the phonological loop, a componentof the working memory, were also found in thisstudy.

In this context, starting off from theweaknesses in working memory capabilities inchildren with RE found in this study, as wellas considering the fundamental part of theexecutive component in linguistic processing(Baddeley, 2012; Uehara & Landeira-Fernandez,2010), our findings suggest that the languagecompromise in this clinical subgroup seems to beinfluenced by deficits in working memory.

Regarding phonological awareness, the resultspoint to statistically significant differencesbetween the performances of children withRE and healthy children, both in the syllabicand the phonemic tasks. These findings areconsistent with previous studies that suggestthat a compromise in this ability in this clinicalsubgroup impacts the children’s level of reading

Daniele Caroline Leôncio, Laura Aragão, Maria Anna Cassiano, Priscila Andrade, Et al.

| Universitas Psychologica | V. 15 | No. 5 | 2016 |

and writing (Amaral et al., 2015; Bedoin et al.,2011; Oliveira, 2011; Oliveira et al., 2014).

It is essential to note that the processes ofphonological awareness and reading and writingacquisition are highly complex, reciprocal andmutually strengthened, considering that theinitial stages of phonological awareness – that is,awareness of rhymes and syllables – contributefor the level of early reading developmentand for the development of more complexmeta-phonological abilities, like phonemicmanipulation and transposition (Grégoire &Piérart, 1997). In this sense, phonologicalawareness, which begins early (Capovilla &Capovilla , 1998; Gindri, Keske-Soares &Mota, 2007; Krajewski & Schneider, 2009) andgradually (Supple, 1986) is improved and refinedby the exposure to words, to the perceptionof words as being formed by a sequenceof identifiable sounds, and to the acquisitionof grapheme-to-phoneme conversion, duringthe formal process of reading and writingacquisition, associated to cognitive developmentand neural maturation (Bernardino, Freitas,Souza, Maranhe & Bandini, 2006; Freitas,Cardoso & Siquara, 2012).

Thus, just like the working memory,weaknesses in the ability of reflecting aboutand manipulating the phonological structureof words may be associated to languagecompromise in children diagnosed with RE, sincephonological awareness plays a fundamental partin the development of reading and writingskills, because it helps to establish letter-soundinteractions and enables the grasping of thealphabetic principle. Thus, an impairment in thisability is one of the main indicators of difficultiesin learning how to write and read (Engel deAbreu et al., 2014; Fostick, Eshcoly, Shtibelman,Nehemia & Levi, 2014; Fricke et al., 2013).

Additionally, in this study, throughcorrelational analyses, positive and highsignificant correlations were identified betweenthe subtests that evaluate working memoryand phonological awareness in the RE clinicalsubgroup, suggesting that the development ofworking memory and phonological awarenessare interrelated and signaling the components

of the working memory as participants in theprocesses of coding and phoneme storage in thephonological awareness tasks. This finding isconsistent with other studies, which indicateda significant connection between workingmemory and phonological awareness, whichare often inextricably linked and dependenton chronological age, maturity and level ofeducation (Cardoso, Silva & Pereira, 2013;Gindri et al., 2007; Northcott et al., 2005;Northcott et al., 2007; Silva & Capellini, 2013).

The lack of consensus among authors isevident, in the scientific field, regarding theinterrelation between phonological awarenessand working memory. If on the one handsome authors point to the development ofworking memory and phonological awarenessas independent skills, reinforcing the absenceof predictive effect of the working memoryon phonological awareness (Cárnio, Sá, Jacinto& Soares, 2015), others hold the position infavor of a positive relationship between theseskills (Cardoso et al., 2013; Silva & Capellini,2013), suggesting that the WM and PA skillsare developed concurrently and, in the process,influence the literacy process, especially thelearning of skills such as reading and writing.


In general, the normative results show that theperformances of children diagnosed with RE inworking memory and phonological awarenesstasks are significantly worse when comparedto healthy children. These findings corroboraterecent studies that question the benign conditionof RE, with the goal of identifying specificcognitive deficits in this clinical subgroup, despitenormal levels of intelligence.

The fact that significant correlations werefound between all the working memory andphonological awareness tasks suggests that thedevelopment of the skills investigated here areinter-related. Most tasks that evaluate workingmemory and phonological awareness were foundto have high correlations. Therefore, the findingsare consistent with other studies that noted the

Working memory and phonological awareness in children with Rolandic Epilepsy*

| Universitas Psychologica | V. 15 | No. 5 | 2016 |

connection between the two skills and theirimportance for the acquisition and developmentof linguistic abilities.

Here, it makes sense to go back to theproposition that the phonological workingmemory and phonological awareness sharephonological processing components. It isassumed that this subsystem of working memoryis essential for the execution of tasks thatassess the awareness of the sound structureof words. In this sense, understanding therelationship between these skills can help withthe early identification of possible deficits inthe RE. Certainly, the development of targetedintervention programs for the improvement ofphonological awareness and working memory,together with speech therapy, can soften andeven prevent alterations in literacy in this clinicalgroup.

Just like any other research, this one alsohas its limitations and weaknesses, such as thefact that it worked with a wide age range (6-13years) and a reduced number of participants.However, since Natal is a city with less than 1million inhabitants, the occurrence of individualswith specific diseases is commonly lower than inother regions of the country, demanding greaterflexibility in the selection of the samples andclinical groups.

This study argues that the term benign shouldbe applied with care when talking about RE,since the results show losses in the tasks regardingworking memory and phonological awareness,independently from characteristics associatedwith epileptic discharges and use of medication.

In this sense, despite the spontaneousremission of seizures, RE is an electro-clinical syndrome and, thus, requireslongitudinal follow-up, especially regardingthe academic performance of these children.Neuropsychological assessments should be donesystematically, especially during the phases ofreading and writing acquisition. Finally, we hopethe results of this study can support differentinterventions from professionals, allowing for thedevelopment of intervention programs turned tominimizing the difficulties this clinical subgroup

goes through so as to improve their developmentand quality of life.


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* Research Article