Working on wellness pp final

Post on 06-Feb-2015

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Working on Wellness

Reflections on using the dimensions of health to support dietary change

Change is easier with tools In this course reflection I focus on

how the dimensions of health interplay in sustaining a meaningful change in behavior. My meaningful change is keeping my commitment to eat 3 well balanced moderate meals a day with a snack in the afternoon. Simple enough (S.M.A.R.T. enough) but I am influenced by our culture’s promotion of using food to meet emotional needs. Plus, my own personal affinity for using food as a distraction makes maintenance a life long project. This course identifies and reinforces the tools of change and self care

Physical Dimension

I can plan meals and physical activity to support my goals.

Intellectual Dimension

I am learning NOT to listen to my stoic self talk that says “You should be able to follow your diet by yourself, you don’t need help”. Instead, I accept the reality that it is difficult and self talk my way into seeking support from like minded people.

Intellectual Support

I am willing to read literature and visit web sites that support my food plan such as

Tools for Emotional HealthWhen I write a gratitude list I am less likely to look to fill up

on food that I do not need

I am grateful for my family and home.I am grateful for my health..I am grateful that we live in a beautiful place.I am grateful that I have a job.

I will plan good times with friends and family to let off steam and build relationships, supporting emotional needs without looking to extra food

to relax or feel good.

Social Dimension of Health

Community service in the form of fundraising at my daughter’s school will contribute to my sense of giving back and help maintain this social network.

Appalachian Mountain Club

My membership has lapsed but I will renew it because this involvement helps to keep me informed of interests that I share will other members.

Spiritual Health The act of praying helps to remind me that I am not in charge of the universe. Most of my prayers are informal. However, I use this Buddhist prayer for myself and others.

May I be free from fear,. May I be free from

suffering, May I be happy. May I be filled with loving


MeditationI can spend 15 minutes a day sitting upright with my feet on the floor, my eyes and hands relaxed. The purpose of meditation for me is to practice quieting my mind which allows me to be open to intuitive thoughts.

Occupational WellnessI can practice using “I” statements and “I wonder” statements to express emotions and thoughts in a non-confrontational manner. Less work related stress means less stress.

Happily, I enjoy physical activity in my work day which is helpful to all the

dimensions of health.