workplace envy

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Workplace envy

“ Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn’t that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.”

Marilyn Monroe

CONTENTS• Introduction • Definition• Origin• Faces of envy• Causes of workplace envy• Impact of envy on work• Real life examples• Managing envy• conclusion

What Is envy? An emotion which occurs when a person lacks another's

superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it

Origin • Since the time of hazrat Adam and eve.• Muslims Qabil envious of habel .

faces of envy

• Destructive In workplace it damages relationships, disrupts teams, and undermines organizational performance.

• Competitive Compete to be better than others.

Why not me??

Causes of workplace envy

• Another employees ideas are used over yours.

• An associate's performance seems to be appreciated more than yours.

Conti..• Your expected promotion goes to someone else

• You’re skipped over when reward is given out for a job well done

Conti..• Your boss shows favoritism to someone

Impact of envy on work

Real life example• There were colleagues Scott and Marty executives in an elite consulting firm.

• Initially, they were good friends and were the heart and soul of the team.

• They always say that they would “change the world together.”

• Marty was the strong performer. Scott’s had socially strong network which give him more opportunities, and recognition both inside and outside the firm.

• Marty’s envy won out when his boss made eye contact with Scott and not with Marty while in meeting several times.

• Marty now lacked passion for his work and performed poorly. Marty started criticizing at Scott during a meeting.

• Scott moved forward, but Marty left the firm.

‘‘Envy eats away good deeds like fire eats away wood’’

(Abu Daud and al-Tirmidhi)

Managing envy• Be honest .do not deceive yourself . revel your true feelings, attitudes and motivation .

Conti..• Develop a lifestyle of kindness . Think about what you do

have be grateful.

Conti….• Avoid activities that encourages comparison.

Conti..• Ask your self why? when feeling envious ask your self what

is about someone else that your are envious off.

Conti..• Take step back when feeling envious. Stop and realize it.

Conti..• Grow make a plan to develop your own positive qualities

and unique gifts.


• Do not give struggle.

conclusion• we can not eliminate envy because it’s a natural part of

human nature.• We can minimize it by avoiding favoritism and fair

distribution of promotions and reward in workplace.• If we take envy as an competitive way then it’s a positive


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