Workshop C19 | Engaging allies in LGBT network group ...

Post on 16-Oct-2021

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Workshop C19 | Engaging allies in LGBT network group activities

Facilitators | Abigail Phillips, Empowerment Programme Delivery Officer, Stonewall.

Alex Gwynne, Senior Membership Programmes Manager, Stonewall

Speakers | David Van Develde, Ward Leader & Co-Chair of the LGBT+ Network,

Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

Steph Maguire, Infrastructure Services Soluttion Manager, IBM

An ally is someone who openly challenges systems, policies

and behaviours that obstruct equality for LGBT people, but

they do not necessarily identify as gay, lesbian, bi or trans


Why do we need allies at work?

• Almost one in five LGBT people (18 per cent) who were looking for work said

they were discriminated against because of their sexual orientation and/or

gender identity while trying to get a job in the last year.

• More than a third of LGBT staff (35 per cent) have hidden that they are LGBT at

work for fear of discrimination.

• One in eight trans people (12 per cent) have been physically attacked by customers or colleagues in the last year because of being trans.

Why do we need allies at work?

• One in eight lesbian, gay and bi people (12 per cent) wouldn’t feel confident

reporting any homophobic or biphobic bullying to their employer. One in five

trans people (21 per cent) wouldn’t report transphobic bullying in the workplace.

• One in eight black, Asian and minority ethnic LGBT employees (12 per cent)

have lost a job in the last year because of being LGBT, compared to four per

cent of white LGBT staff.

• 98% provide new employees with information about their LGBT networks/allies programmes or initiatives as part of induction (67% whole Index)

• 99% provide resources that allow allies to visibly signal their commitment to LGBT equality (80% whole Index)

• 89% support non-trans employees (including LGB) to become trans allies through training, programmes and/or resources (44% whole Index)

• 97% of organisations in Stonewall’s Top 100 have a formal allies programme or initiative.

What are Diversity Champions already doing to engage allies?

Why the network group?

• The majority has a wider space for impact than the minority - allies can help

your network group achieve its goals and grow.




• If LGBT employees want to get involved in LGBT work, but aren’t out, they

could get involved as allies

• Ensure intersectionality

David Van DeveldeWard Leader & Co-Chair of the LGBT+ Network

Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

Our LGBT+ Staff

Network is


David Van de Velde

What is CNWL?

CNWL is a large and diverse organisation,

providing health care services for people with a

wide range of physical and mental health needs

• approximately 7,000 staff

• >300 different health services

• across 150 sites and in many other community settings

• London, Milton Keynes, Surrey, Kent, Bedfordshire







20172016 2019









The Starting Point

• PRIDE@CNWL Est in 2011.

• We started walking in London Pride in 2013

• Membership was roughly 220 members

• Recently launched the Rainbow Lanyard Scheme

• Provides some LGBT+ Awareness training for the trust.

• Network Committee of about five active members

The Challenge

Just Elected as Co-Chair in Jan 2016

• How do we build momentum?

• How do we grow the membership?

• How do we get our Executive Team to notice us?

• How do we become more visible?

• How do we increase Network funding from our organisation?

Our response in from 2016-2017…

2016 Promoted the Rainbow Lanyard Scheme

2016 Article on Lanyard Scheme in trust magazine.

2017 Same article published by LGBT media.

2017 Full Exec team wearing a lanyard

2017 Reverse-mentoring started with Exec Members.

2017 Trust-wide events like Bring Yourself to Work Day

Our response in 2018…

2018 Appointed Ally Lead to Network Committee

2018 Started joint-working with local charities

2018 A Strong and scheduled online presence by CNWL

2018 Network launches REACH: Our External Ally Programme.

2018 Network Sign-up: At every, Induction programme, trust event.

2018 Ally Role Model Booklet updated and circulated trust-wide

2018 Stonewall Logo on every job advert.

So far in 2019…

2019 Fully updated the LGBT Awareness training.

2019 Launching a refreshers course for all our Awareness Trainers.

2019 Two Ally Leads to join Network Committee

2019 Speaking right now at Conference…

Here is the result…

Membership: 278 LGBT+ staff / 1746 allies

(29% of all staff)

Thank you

David Van de Velde


Co-Chair PRIDE@CNWL Network

Central & North West NHS FT


Steph MaguireInfrastructure Services Solution Manager


IBM 365 Ally Programme

Teaming & Tools

What & Why?

Business Case

Our Approach

June 1st


Hints & Tips Post-Launch

T- 3 Months

The Future!

Start by defining your objectives – The 365 Ally programme objectives are:

➢Activate all IBMers to be a part of building a truly inclusive IBM

➢Build an enduring community of active LGBT+ Allies to keep on striving for a more inclusive IBM

➢Ensure that the majority of IBMers understand how to support the LGBT+ community

➢Provide IBMers with the resources and support they need to be amazing LGBT+ Allies

➢Provide IBMers with the opportunities to be active LGBT+ Allies

➢Continually evolve the 365 Ally programme (so all the above keeps happening)

IBM 365 Ally Programme

Our Approach

1.Build a Team

2.Define Success Factors

3.Communications & Marketing

4.Create Branding

5.Build Website & Standardise Messaging

6.Agree a Launch Date – Stick To it

7.Create a Plan & Adapt Continuously!

8.Be Agile – Iterate, Collaborate & Deliver MVPs

IBM 365 Ally ProgrammeOur Top Tips for setting up an Ally Programme

➢ Have two people that are able to dedicate a significant chunk of time

➢ Involve senior stakeholders early

➢ Involve Allies in the design – include them on the project team

➢ Define your Minimum Viable Product and prioritise ruthlessly

➢ Have a launch event to create a buzz

➢ Create a brand

➢ People have busy day jobs and different priorities. Recruit twice the number of people you need…a core team will emerge.

➢ Celebrate your success!!

Top tips

- Consider opening up your LGBT network to allies.

- Work in partnership with a formalised allies group or engage

allies without a formal group

- Advertise volunteering opportunities

- Introduce mentoring/reverse mentoring and coaching

- Champion all inclusion