World Diabetes Day

Post on 07-May-2015

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Every year on 14th November, World Diabetes Day is celebrated world-wide to increase awareness among people and masses. Extent support to this day in hope that the increased awareness will lead to more resources to fight the causes of diabetes and help fund research into improved treatment options.


Diabetes is the common name for a range of conditions including diabetes mellitus type one and diabetes mellitus type two, diabetes insipidus and gestational diabetes. These are all conditions, which affect how the pancreas (an organ in the digestive system) secretes insulin or how the body reacts to this hormone.

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• 285 Million People Suffer from Diabetes Globally• It is Predicted by 2030, 438 million will suffer from Diabetes

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The symptoms of diabetes are very common and can easily be diagnosed, if you are aware of the symptoms of diabetes. Here are some……

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These are the Best Predictors of Diabetes Risk

Age Genetics Lifestyle

19 Yrs & Under

20 Yrs & O


65 Yrs & O


Risk of Developing DiabetesEither parents Diabetic – 15%Both parents Diabetic – 75%

All Male Female

•Excess Weight

•Physical Inactivity

•Poor Diet

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World Diabetes Day (WDD) is celebrated every year on November 14.World Diabetes Day was created in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat that diabetes now poses.

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November 14th is a significant date in the diabetes calendar because it marks the birthday of the man who co-discovered insulin, Frederick Banting. Banting (right) discovered insulin in 1922, alongside Charles Best.(left)

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Each World Diabetes Day famous buildings and monuments all over the world are lit up in blue. This powerful and striking image helps to spread the message about World Diabetes Day to diabetics and non-diabetics alike.

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Non- strachy vegetablesWhole Grain

Foods and starchy veg-


Protein based foods

Top 20 Power Food to Eat with Diabetes

Non – starchy Vegetables- Broccoli

- Cauliflower- Cucumber

- Leeks- Mushrooms

- Peppers- Tomatoes

Protein Based Foods- Lean Meats

- Skinless- Poultry

- Fish- Shellfish

- Eggs- Beans- Lentils

Whole Grain Foods and Starchy

Vegetable- Brown Rice

- Whole Grain Pasta- Carrots

- Parsnips- Potatoes

- Peas- Sweet corn

Dividing your plate into the following portions can help with weight management, diabetes control and ensuring a balanced diet.

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Don’t Skip MedicationFollow your doctor’s recommendations and do not skip a dosage, even if you feel fine.

Don’t StressStress can complicate diabetes so speak to someone if you ever need support

Don’t SmokeIn Addition to its many other dangers, smoking can harm your circulatory system

Keep Teeth HealthyHigher blood sugar levels lead to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum diseases

Check Blood GlucoseKeep track of your blood sugar levels to stay in control of your diabetes

Check Your FeetCheck your feet for daily cuts, sores and swelling and call your doctor if they don’t go away

How to Manage Your Diabetes

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Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. If you can't control your diabetes with wise food choices and physical activity, you may need diabetes medicines. The kind of medicine you take depends on your type of diabetes, your schedule, and your other health conditions. Details on various diabetes medicines are available at

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