WORLD LPG ASSOCIATION - Home - WLPGA · Empresas Colombianas de Gas Propano, one primary decision...

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What is the World LPG Association?The World LPG Association (WLPGA) is the global voice for the LPG industry. With over 225 members operating in more than 125 countries, WLPGA represents the entire LPG value chain from the upstream producers through to retail under one umbrella. WLPGA unites the broad interests of the worldwide LPG industry into one strong independent organisation.

WLPGA is a nonprofit organisation with all net revenues being invested back into the industry.

The mission of WLPGA is to

■ Demonstrate the benefits of LPG and inform, educate and influence all stakeholders

■ Support the development of LPG markets

■ Promote compliance with standards, good business and safety practices

■ Identify innovation and facilitate knowledge transfer

Why join WLPGA?

Because there is only one unique body representing the LPG business in the world. Your competitors are probably already members. Shouldn’t you be too?


What are the key benefits of joining WLPGA?WLPGA is uniquely placed as the only worldwide LPG industry body.

Unique Global Networking Opportunities

WLPGA’s powerful industry membership

structure provides unique opportunities for

members in both mature and developing

LPG markets to communicate and

create credible partnerships for business


WLPGA provides a platform for information

exchange, regularly organising interactive

meetings and in-country workshops between

technical experts, senior members and key

stakeholders. These events are designed

to highlight the benefits of LPG, discuss

best practices, and promote the safe and

sustainable use of LPG around the world.

WLPGA members receive regular updates,

announcements, newsletters and reports

via email with information on WLPGA

actions, achievements, projects, international

developments and external representation.

Working on Your Behalf

At member request, WLPGA may assist with

specific lobbying actions to support the

development of the industry market or to

avoid the imposition of legislation and or

regulation that is detrimental to the market.

WLPGA has resources to handle members’

questions on all aspects of the business

from fuel specifications, codes of practice

and benchmarks, LPG equipment standards

or providing access to consulting and

engineering companies, regulations, safety,

model tax policies, new technologies and

much more.

Privileged Access to Industry Intelligence

WLPGA produces reports that are available

exclusively for its members. Topics are

decided by members and cover a range of

interests. As an example the WLPGA Global

Statistical Review is consulted throughout

the industry and beyond and includes

LPG production and consumption data

for more than 80 countries. It is free

to members and available at GBP 3,750

to non-members.

Dedicated Working Groups

Membership gives you access to any of the

dedicated network groups run by WLPGA.

These highly focused groups address various

specific aspects of the industry and provide

a forum for discussion and sharing of

ideas. Being part of these groups gives you

the opportunity to actively develop your

markets but also shape the future of the

LPG sector that most applies to you and

indeed the industry as a whole.

The Best Industry Events in the World

WLPGA organises the World LPG Forum

which is the annual industry event.

As a WLPGA member you are entitled to

preferential rates to attend and/or to exhibit

at not only the World LPG Forum but also

at WLPGA Regional Summits and Good

Industry Practices Workshops.

Who can join?Any organisation that has an interest

in the LPG industry can join. There

are various categories of membership

available to interested organisations.


How much does it cost to join?Members are charged an annual

subscription which varies depending

on the category of membership.

How much influence does WLPGA have?With members representing the CEO’s

and senior executives of leading LPG

companies worldwide, WLPGA has

significant influence and a powerful

voice. WLPGA was officially granted

Consultative Status with the United

Nations Economic and Social Council

(UN ECOSOC) in 1989. It has developed

partnerships with other international

bodies such as the World Bank, the

Asian Development Bank (ADB) and

the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Together with national and regional LPG

associations and member organisations,

WLPGA addresses major issues with key

stakeholders worldwide.

Producer, Refiner, Shipping or Trading CompanyLPG producers, suppliers, shippers and traders are a vital part of the

industry. Intelligence on the LPG sector can have enormous value

to any organisation that aims to serve the LPG business. This is

particularly true for producers, shippers and traders of LPG. With the

cost of annual membership being equivalent to just a few hours of

VLGC earnings, membership can be a very easy decision.

WLPGA membership creates a global platform for the important

upstream players to discuss with the major consumers how and

where the markets are developing in order to plan a cost effective

infrastructure to support that growth.

Where is your company in the LPG value chain?

What would WLPGA bring to you?

“ The LPG energy market is in a period of transformation, with access to significant new volumes and recognition of the importance of clean energy solutions creating new opportunities. Our association with WLPGA has helped us to gain valuable insights into the market and introductions to prospective new market participants, which is of great value in realising the potential of the LPG export market.”

Nicholas GleesonCEO, BW LPG

“ Petredec is committed to the LPG industry. As the industry’s leading trader, and owner/charterer of one of the world’s largest LPG dedicated shipping fleets, we have recently diversified our business with the acquisition and development of a number of LPG import terminals within the Indian Ocean region, which will go to form the backbone of LPG supply and distribution into regional emerging markets. As a member of WLPGA we can leverage a rich pool of LPG based knowledge resources proving invaluable in market entry business planning and the ongoing development of existing markets.”

Giles FearnCEO, Petredec


Equipment Manufacturing CompanyLPG is an exceptional fuel used in thousands of applications,

in commercial business, industry, transportation, farming, power

generation, cooking, heating, for recreational purposes and many

more. However, there is a huge number of potential consumers who

are not fully aware of the thousands of equipment and applications

that use LPG and are currently available by manufacturers around

the world.

WLPGA hosts within its networks and its various dedicated working

groups, projects of specific interest to manufacturers, that create

awareness of these products, support the development of selected

promising application areas, such as gas heat pumps, combined

heat and power units, marine applications etc. These applications

are promoted through a dedicated online LPG applications

database, Exceptional Energy in Action (

WLPGA membership gives manufacturers a unique opportunity

to contribute to, and drive WLPGA initiatives and activities related

to market development and promotion of their own products.

“ For us, joining was a very smart business move. WLPGA membership encompasses a large percentage of global LPG distributors and equipment manufacturers. To LEHR or any equipment company there are obvious benefits and great value to membership by way of receiving information to help us make the right decisions. WLPGA - thank you for your great work”

Capt. Bernardo HerzerCEO/Founder LEHR Inc.

Petrochemical Company

Petrochemical companies are operating in an increasingly complex

world, created by ongoing consolidation and restructuring as well

as increasing regulation of environment, health and safety activities.

Meanwhile demographic shifts are creating new markets, while the

volatility in the supply of feedstock provides opportunity to optimise

the overall business performance.

WLPGA membership provides valuable intelligence on the trends

and developments in this highly dynamic business. Through the

association’s unique membership, interaction with major suppliers,

customers and key competitors will help your company maintain

its competitive edge, enabling you to capture value from today’s

opportunities while preparing for the challenges of tomorrow.

“ At Flogas we are very positive about the outlook for LPG, and are looking to grow and develop the Flogas Group. By joining WLPGA, and becoming a member of the Council, we can get behind the challenges of promoting LPG as an incredibly versatile and relatively clean fuel. Indeed, as oil majors pull back from downstream LPG marketing, Flogas believes it has a responsibility to contribute where it can to the WLPGA’s active agenda. Furthermore, by participating at the London, Cartagena and Miami conferences, we have learned a great deal about best practices in other regions which we look to bring back to our own business. All in all, WLPGA brings great value to our industry, but as ever it’s about what we put in, as well as what the team at the WLPGA do so well themselves.”

Henry CubbonManaging Director, Flogas Group

Marketing and Distribution CompanyOne of the main goals of WLPGA is to facilitate the development

of LPG markets in a safe and sustainable manner. Principally this

is done through educating, informing, and influencing all key

stakeholders. WLPGA is also a focal point for the exchange

of innovative business practices. Through in-country workshops,

regional and global seminars WLPGA enhances safety

and operational practices. With a broad global and regional

communications strategy WLPGA influences policy makers,

opinion leaders and the media.

“ Ultragaz is committed to the LPG industry and is a long-standing Industry Council member of the WLPGA. Also, as a Board Member myself, I see a great deal of value in being a member of this important association. Ultragaz fully supports the work that the WLPGA undertakes, both here in Brazil and across the world and, of course, we fully endorse the Exceptional Energy brand.”

Pedro JorgeManaging Director, Ultragaz and WLPGA Board Member

“ When our associates decided to establish GASNOVA, Unión de Empresas Colombianas de Gas Propano, one primary decision was to become a member of the WPLGA. We needed to be in contact with the new international developments in the LPG world. Besides that, being a Latin America Association, we foresaw the importance of bringing to the world our experience and particularities as a country. Our membership has provided us a very rich experience.”

Evamaría UribeUnión de Empresas Colombianas de Gas Propano


Autogas Company

Autogas is one of the most important and fastest growing

segments of our industry and WLPGA is the unique body that unites

companies operating in this sector.

WLPGA provides members with a forum for discussion and sharing

of ideas and intelligence for developing the Autogas sector through

market initiatives, application of new technology and interacting

with all key stakeholder groups.

At member request, WLPGA may assist with specific lobbying

actions to support the development of the Autogas market or

to avoid the imposition of legislation and or regulation that is

detrimental to the market.

For an automotive manufacturer, WLPGA provides both unique

insights into key Autogas markets and represents the established

link to the fuel marketers, thus facilitating direct communication

with the companies active in this sector.


Associations around the world face many of the same challenges

and WLPGA membership allows you to benefit rapidly from

experiences in other parts of the world. The opportunities to learn

and share best practices within WLPGA are extensive and are

facilitated through its networks of association executive directors,

communications professionals, technical resources and others.

For the Executive Directors of LPG Associations, WLPGA provides

access to a unique network of your peers worldwide.

“ In WLPGA interested companies from the major markets like Europe, South Korea, Japan and Turkey join forces to promoting Autogas around the world by sharing their knowledge and experience.

Armando ViçosoAssociations and Regulatory Policy Manager, Repsol LPG


Exceptional EnergyWLPGA has created the global ‘LPG Exceptional Energy’ brand to raise awareness of the exceptional features of LPG among policymakers, consumers and industry stakeholders worldwide. An increased understanding of the environmental benefits, versatile applications and the immediate global availability of LPG will encourage conscious and responsible decisions on the type of energy sources used. The brand also aims to promote the use of common and consistent messages across the industry globally.

WLPGA is successfully rolling out the brand worldwide and all WLPGA members are encouraged to join in this exciting initiative.


182, avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Tel: +33 1 78 99 13 30
