World War I Causes Militarism – Building Military w/willingness to use it. Alliances - Centuries...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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World War I

CausesMilitarism – Building Military w/willingness to use it.

Alliances - Centuries old practice of inter-marrying.

Imperialism – Competition for resources of the world.

Nationalism – Pride in country or self-determination

Austria vs. Serbia

• Serbia was takeover target of Austria and once was part of Austro-Hungarian Empire.

• On Serbian Independence Day Archduke Ferdinand visits Sarajevo, Bosnia.

• Assassinated by rebel group – Black Hand.

• War becomes imminent.

World War I Begins 1914

• War had engulfed Europe

• Triple Entente – France, England, Russia

• Central Powers – Germany, Austria- Hungary & Italy

• US sought to stay neutral. Trade with both sides continues, but President Wilson keeps us out of the war.

The United States Enters World War I - 1917

Trade with Europe

American Neutrality is Hotly Debated.

Why?• Wilson wanted trade to prosper but our economic ties to

Allies was strong.

• Immigrants in US had strong ties to their homelands.

• Socialists opposed German vs. American “Imperialist” struggle over resources.

• Conscientious Objectors – morally wrong.

Germany Attacks

• “Schlieffin Plan” – Hold Russia • Hit Belgium & France & take French ports to cut supply lines

• Turn attention to Russia.

British Blockade & Germans Torpedo

• German U-boats sink any and all ships that could re-supply Allies.

• 1915 - ’16 – 3 ships sunk and Americans die…Lusitania.

• Wilson begins campaign for war after he’s re-elected in 1916.

• Zimmerman Note

• American response

• Congress votes for WAR – Enter it - 1917

• Gen. Pershing

• “War to end all wars”

Planning & Propaganda

• War Industries Board manages resources.

• Committee on Public Information manages nation’s opinion about the war.

• Espionage & Sedition Acts prevents disloyalty or obstructing the war effort.

• War Bonds sold to public financed the war.

America Turns the Tide

• Millions of fresh American soldiers help wear down the Central Powers – Allies win.

• Germans blamed for the war & Europe wants revenge for starting it.

• Wilson welcomed as a hero & has a plan for world peace at Treaty of Versailles.

Wilson’s Work for Peace

“Fourteen Points” Proposal

1st 5 Points addressed War’s Causes (MAIN)

Militarism – Arms buildupsAlliances - Secret TreatiesImperialism – Colonies Nationalism- Self DeterminationTariffs & Free Trade promotes goodwill

Wilson’s Work for Peace

“Fourteen Points” Proposal

Next 8 Points

Boundary Changes for countries that helped Allies

Arab Nations, Poland, Slavic Areas

14th Point – Wilson’s Dream

League of Nations

US Congress never ratifies membership

Real Treaty of Versailles

• Forced Germany to accept war guilt.

• Forced Germany to pay everybody war damages - $33 Million.

• Created 9 new nations in Eastern Europe

• Ignored Russia’s Interests • Harsh treatment of Germany sets stage for WWII