World War I. Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N. Militarism: A glorification of the military This can be seen...

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World War I

Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N.

Militarism: A glorification of the military This can be seen

with a build up of militaries

Nations began building huge navies and stockpiling weapons

Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N.

Alliance System: The formation of alliances pitted several nations against each other

Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Triple Entente: France, Russia, and GB

Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N.

Imperialism: Competition and protection of colonies raises tensions among nations

Also, how might the theory of Social Darwinism cause war?

Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N.

Nationalism: Extreme pride in one’s nation/country (jingoism) France wanted revenge

for Germany taking Alsace-Lorraine territory

Serbian nationalism fueled a hate for A-H

Nationalism fueled a desire by every nation for victory

The Spark That Started WWI

A-H had control over many different ethnic groups

Serbs, under A-H control, wanted to break free

Serbia wanted an all-Serb nation of its own (nationalism)

The Spark That Started WWI

Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to the A-H throne) visited Sarajevo, Bosnia

This is an area full of Serbs

A terrorist group known as the Black Hand planned to assassinate him here.

The Spark That Started WWI

Gavril Princip, a Serbian nationalist, assassinated the Archduke

This outraged the A-H, and they threatened war against Serbia

Alliance System Kicks In

Germany, an ally of A-H, gave them a “blank check” This meant that if A-H declared war on Serbia,

Germany would fully support A-H A-H soon declared war on Serbia

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Germany, EuropeJuly, 28, 1914


You can have whatever you like…

War against Serbia Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany

Alliance System Kicks In

Russia, an ally of Serbia, responds by mobilizing on the border of Germany

This angers Germany, and they declare war on Russia

France, the ally of Russia, declares war on Germany as well

The Schlieffen Plan

Germany would plan to attack through Belgium and into France

After France’s defeat, the Germans would then shift to the east and defeat the Russians

This is known as the Schlieffen Plan

The Schlieffen Plan

The problem was that Belgium was neutral, and protected by GB

As soon as Germany enters Belgium, GB declares war on Germany

The plan was foiled, and the war would stall in France on the western front

New Technology Changes Warfare

The war was now a stalemate: This meant that neither side was making progress

So, both sides dug trenches to fight in

Most of fighting occurred in France on the Western Front

Trench warfare was ugly as soldiers battled wet, cold, and dangerous conditions

One common problem was trench foot

Dude, you might want to get your feet out of there…just


New Technology Changes Warfare

One reason for digging the trenches and the danger of “no mans land” was the invention of the machine gun

Its rapid fire could easily kill soldiers in the open

New Technology Changes Warfare

New Technology Changes Warfare

Tanks were first introduced in WWI

But, they were mostly ineffective

Their purpose was to break through defenses, such as barbed wire

New Technology Changes Warfare

Airplanes were first used in WWI, but were again, not very effective

They were used for reconnaissance, bombing, and some air to air combat

New Technology Changes Warfare

Poison gases were introduced

Mustard, chlorine, etc. would kill, burn, blind

Gas masks were used

New Technology Changes Warfare

Most of these technologies usher in “mechanized warfare”

This change in fighting results in millions more deaths during WWI

It is the reason why the war was stalemated for so long

Wilson Urges Neutrality

Wilson desired neutrality Americans, however,

were split in their opinions Some wanted isolation German-Americans

supported Germany British-Americans

support GB, etc

US Moves Towards War

GB began stopping all goods going to Germany

International law permitted non-contraband goods, but GB ignored thisNon-contraband=food, clothingContraband= war supplies

US Moves Towards War

Germany responded by using U-boats (submarines) to sink any ships going to GB

One ship was the Lusitania, which carried US passengers

US Moves Towards War

The sinking of the Lusitania outraged Americans, 128 were killed

The ship did have contraband goods on it though

This warfare by German U-boats was called unrestricted submarine warfare

US Moves Towards War

Wilson still would not go to war, but began preparations

The National Defense Act began increasing the size of the military

US Moves Towards War

The Germans, suffering from a blockade, were desperate

They wanted to resume unrestricted warfare, but were worried about brining the US into war

They wrote Mexico a letter, promising to help them regain territory if they distracted the US

US Moves Towards War

This was known as the Zimmermann Telegram

Once this was discovered by the US, their was no keeping us out of war

April 2, 1917, the US declared war on Germany

The Home Front During WWI


Organization of a nation's armed forces for active military service in time of war or other national emergency. It includes recruiting and training, building military bases and training camps, and procuring and distributing weapons, ammunition, uniforms, equipment, and supplies.

In groups of 2, help Wilson mobilize for war by addressing each of the following problems:

1. The army has only 200,000 soldiers2. For 3 years, Wilson has stated that the USA will

stay neutral in WWI. Now the USA has declared war. How do we keep morale high in support of this conflict?

3. How do we feed soldiers & civilians?4. How do we get enough fuel for the military,

factories, & civilians?5. How do we make enough weapons?

American Builds An Army

Wilson asked soldiers to volunteer

This wasn’t enough soldiers, so he passes the Selective Service Act

This created a draft, supplying 2.8 million soldiers Another 2 million


The War Economy

The economy at home needed to be able to support this large war

Factories were needed to produce bullets instead of lipstick

Food, resources, railroads were all regulated by the government

The War Economy

War Industries Board regulated industryLed by Bernard Baruch

A War Economy

The conservation of food was called the “gospel of the clean plate”

It called for “wheatless Wednesdays” or “Meatless Mondays” The food saved would be shipped to soldiers who needed it

Influencing How Americans Think

Committee on Public Information (CPI), used the media to convince Americans that the war was a good idea

This is known as propaganda

Some Disagree With the War

Some thought it was unconstitutional to force people to fight

Some claimed conscientious objector status These people say it

is against their moral or religious beliefs to fight

Government Silences Opposition

Some women, the media, and others spoke out against the war

In response to this, the Espionage Act was passed Banned seditious

literature Penalized people who

were disloyal and treasonous in their activities

Government Silences Opposition

The Sedition Act was also passed “unlawful to use

disloyal, profane…or abusive language” about the government

Schenk v United States decided that the 1st amendment could be suppressed when order is necessary

German-Americans Experience Discrimination

Germans were vilified in movies and posters

Hamburgers renamed “liberty steaks”

Dachshunds renamed “liberty pups”

Germany forbidden to be spoken

Some were beat upI am an evil German spy! I will bite

your knees off!

War Changes Society

Women Women move into

workforce to take jobs left by men

Farms, Red Cross, Army Corps of Nurses were other popular jobs for women

Their sacrifice convince govt leaders to give women the right to vote

War Changes Society

African Americans: 367,000 served in

segregated units in hopes of proving their worth

Great Migration was a massive movement from the South to the North to take industrial jobs (1.2 million)

Detroit, Chicago, NY

War Changes Society

As AA’s left the south, Mexicans moved across the border to take their place

Most take jobs working on farms in the South

Those who moved to California grouped together in barrios

Task Rotation: SKITS

President Wilson is trying to keep the US out of the War because of the many immigrants we have living here.

The setting will be June of 1915. The Lusitania has just been sunk and 128 Americans have died as a result.

Three friends—one is German-American, one is Russian-American, and one is a native-born American citizen—are having lunch.

The friends discuss how America should respond to WWI, since Americans have now dies as a result.

In groups of 3 write a skit that must include a minimum of 15 dialogue exchanges.

Wilson, War, and Peace

Americans End the Stalemate

German use of unrestricted warfare wreaked havoc on the Allies

To combat this, the Allies used the convoy system (p. 507) This system protected

merchant ships from the U-boats

It dramatically reduced Germany’s ability to stop the Allies from receiving supplies

Americans End the Stalemate 1917- series of events

start to bring war to end Feb. 1917- Russian people

revolt against “Czar,” “Czar,” ruler Tired of war, death, and

starvation 7 Nov. 1917- new

Russian gov’t est.That gov’t signs

peace treaty w/ Germany to get out of the war!

Americans End the Stalemate

This treaty allowed the Germans to focus all of their troops on the Western front

Americans, however, finally arrived and boosted morale

The tide was about to turn

“Doughboys” was the nickname for US soldiers

The Turning Point

June 1918- US “doughboys” “doughboys” arriving @ 250,000 per month! Americans, led by General Pershing, raised morale and turned back the

Germans American manpower and bravery proved decisive By August, USA was pushing the Germans further and further

east German people had had enough! Refused to fight any longer

9 Nov. 1918- German “Kaiser,” “Kaiser,” ruler gave up throne Germany becomes a republic

11 Nov. 1918- Germans sign “armistace” “armistace” cease fire agreement

The War Ends

November 11, 1918 – the 2 sides signed an armistice (cease fire)

5 million Allied troops dead

8 million Central Powers troops dead

6.5 million civilians dead

Wilson’s Plans for Peace

Wilson wanted “peace without victory”- meaning he didn’t want any land or money for the victory

He wanted to ensure a lifetime of world peace and freedom for all nations

Wilson’s Plans for Peace

Wilson’s 14 points:End to secret

treatiesFreedom of seas,

tradeEnd of colonialismArms reductionSelf determinationLeague of Nations

Self-determination: The right of a collective group of people to

choose their own form of government

Wilson’s Plans for Peace

League of Nations: This would be a world organization where nations would resolves disputes peacefully

Paris Peace Conference

Allied leaders met to discuss a peace treaty GB = David Lloyd

George France = Georges

Clemenceau Italy = Vittorio

Orlando USA = Woodrow


Paris Peace Conference

The other three members were not interested in “peace without victory”

They wanted revenge and reparationsReparations: Payment for war damages

Paris Peace Conference

These 3 men rejected Wilson’s 14 points

The Treaty of Versailles Colonies kept Reparations extremely

high War guilt clause

established to justify high reparations

Paris Peace Conference

The League of Nations was kept by the Big 4 US does not join in

fear of being dragged into international conflict

This was never able to prevent more conflict

Paris Peace Conference

Problems with the treaty Self-determination not

followed (hard to draw accurate boundaries)

Burden of reparations too much for Germany to bear

Germans resentful of the treaty

Changes in Russia

While debate of treaty was going on in Paris… Russians in middle of civil war

Many groups battled for control 1920- Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks had won

Change name of country to Union of Soviet Socialist Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicRepublic, or USSR, or Soviet Union

Set up new gov’t based on ideas of Karl Marx, a German economist

Set up communismcommunism, economic system were peoples’ gov’t owns everything and profits divided equally

Homes, farms, land, crops, animals, etc

Effects of the War on North Carolina

Changes from WWI would leave the USA forever changed Including NC

86,000+ NC soldiers fought in WWI 3 training camps were created in NC for US soldiers to train b4

deployment Camp Greene in Charlotte Camp Polk in Raleigh Camp Bragg near Fayetteville

When the war ended, soldiers returned Told tales of places and people they had seen Gave many a new outlook on the world Became critical of conditions at home

Lead to support drives for improvements w/in the state

Many became more tolerant of others ideas and cultures b/c of what they saw during the war overseas

Effects of the War

Returning Home From War

A flu virus struck the US from 1918-1919Killed millions around the world

Returning Home From War

Women and African Americans suddenly found themselves without jobs

Returning soldiers once again flooded the workforce

Race riots became a problem over growing frustrations

Returning Home From War

After war, people spent money like crazy

The demand for consumer goods led to inflation, rising prices

The demand for food, however, dropped dramatically…why?

The Red Scare

The Communists in the Soviet Union were brutal and promoted world wide revolution

This scared many Americans into believing a communist revolution was at hand in the US

The Red Scare

This fear of communism is known as a Red Scare

The Palmer Raids allowed the FBI to arrest suspected communists without any warrant or evidence

The Red Scare

Two Italian immigranst, Sacco and Vanzetti, were arrested and convicted of murder

Very little evidence to convict them, but because of their anarchist and foreign background, they are found guilty

Research in fact did prove their guilt later on

Seeking A Return To Normalcy

By 1920, the US had become the richest and most industrialized nation in the world

The US became a creditor nation This meant that other

nations needed to borrow from us…advantage?

Economic center of world in NY now

Warren G. Harding was elected President in 1920