World War Ii

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Significant Battles

Dunkirk June 1940 340,000 soldiers escape Went across English Channel

Battle of Britain Germans bomb Britain Royal Air Force defends homeland First loss in war for Germany

Kasserine Pass Battle in Tunisia Dwight D. Eisenhower Embarrassing Defeat

Stalingrad Germans Advance Soviets destroy everything Winter helps Soviets Stops German push to the East

Battle of the Bulge Largest Battle in Western Europe Hitler reinforced with 15 year olds After battle Nazi leaders recognize war is lost March towards Berlin

Battle of Coral Sea 5 day battle Battle was considered a draw Prevented the Japanese from invading Australia

Battle of Midway June 1942 Allies attacked when Japanese refuel Destroyed 4 Japanese carriers Japan no longer able to launch an offensive

Battle of Guadalcanal 5 month battle Fought on the island Allies conquered the first piece of Japanese territory

Battle of Leyte Gulf Allies return to Philippines MacArthur “I have returned” First use of Kamikazes Took over a year to take the entire Philippines

Battle of Iwo Jima 700 miles from Japan 27 Medals of Honor Awarded Historic Photograph “uncommon valor was a common virtue”

Battle of Okinawa 350 miles from Japan Last obstacle to Japan mainland Banzai charges Costliest engagement of Pacific War