Writing a Better Article

Post on 26-Jan-2015

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http://creativesuccessfactor.com?t=slideHere are 3 steps to writing a better article and start generating all the free traffic you need.


3 Steps To Writing A Better Article

By Angel TaylorCreativeSuccessFactor.com

Article marketing is by far one of the most popular methods for generating free traffic


However, it’s not nearly as easy as people seem to think it is.

Don’t get me wrong, it is a very simple process, but it’s not necessarily an easy one.

I say that it’s simple because anyone can learn how to do it by following a few instructions.

The problem, however, is that not everyone fully grasps the fact that it’s more than just

driving traffic.

It’s also about creating valuable content.

If your goal in writing articles is to give as much value to your reader as possible, then you will in

turn get the most value from the traffic as possible.

If you write a crappy article, what makes you think people are going to want to click through

to your site?

Even if you’ve written hundreds of them, they are still crappy articles. Sorry.

The good news is that there are some easy things that you can do to make your articles

more attractive to your readers.

So here are 3 ways of writing a better article.

1. Craft a Compelling Headline

Think about the articles that have made you stop and read them in the last few days.

It probably had very little to do with the topic or the summary of the article, yet primarily had to

do with the title.

It’s your first chance to grab your reader’s attention, so you want to make sure to give it

your all.

A great place to come up with headline ideas is to look at magazines, especially the crazy tabloids

which are usually right next to the checkout lines.

These are some of the best of the best when it comes to attention grabbing headlines, so feel

free to use them to come up with ideas.

2. Know Your Topic

It should go without saying that you should know something about the topic that you’re

writing on.

This doesn’t mean that you have to be an expert or anything, but you should at least sound like

you know what you’re discussing.

Therefore, if you are writing on a topic that you aren’t all that familiar with, spend a few

minutes researching the topic.

You don’t want to simply copy what you’ve read, but you can definitely take the content and

put it into your own words.

You want your reader to look at you as the expert so try to sound as confident and

competent as possible.

3. Keep It Bite Size

People tend to have very short attention spans, so you want to try to give them the content in an

easy to read format.

Try to avoid having really long blocks of text because your reader will simply overlook it.

Instead, break your paragraphs up into shorter, easier to skim, sections.

Also, try to use bullets or numbers as well.

This allows people to hit the highlights of the article without having to read the entire thing.

If you keep these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to writing traffic pulling articles each

and everytime.

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