writing demostration

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writing demostration


Teaching Demonstration-teaching writing

Subject: Special Topics in Grammar and Writing TeachingReporter : Vivian 9722607Instructor : Dr. Chin-Ling Merry Li

Date : Dec. 10, 2008


Lesson Plan1. Goal :

Students will comprehend the writing skills2. Level and number of learners :

30 fundamental level students of the sixth grade at elementary school

3. Timetable fit :50 mins for a course

4. Objectives :Students can write a paragraph with irregular verbs

5. Teaching materials :2 textsheets and 3 worksheets


Lesson Plan6. Procedures :

7. Assignment : Writing a paragraph


Warm-up : Mind-mapping ( 10 mins )


Imagine you are seven years old again, what can you do? Look at text sheet (1).Write the actions you can do on the mind map.


7 years old


sing sang

The verbs that show the past by adding –ed are called regular verbs.

The verbs that show the past by adding –ed are called regular verbs.

The verbs have no –ed ending but have changed are called

irregular verbs.

The verbs have no –ed ending but have changed are called

irregular verbs.


Text Sheet (1) Mind mapping

Pre-writing : Listen, sing and write ( 10 mins )

Listen to the song : Irregular verbs don’t add –edListen, sing and try to write down the past irregular verbs on work sheet (1).

Regular verbs form their past tense by adding –ed.Verbs that don’t add –ed but change in other ways arecalled irregular verbs.Let’s sing 「 irregular verbs don’t add -ed 」 .

Irregular verbs as you know don’t add –ed to form their past, form their past, form their past.Let’s all practice irregular verbs that change in different ways to form their past.I’ll say the present- you say the past.Let’s all practice as much as we can.


Pre-writing : Listen and write ( 10 mins )

Ready :

Let’s sing more, let’s sing more, let’s sing more of them.

Irregular verbs, irregular verbs, change in different ways

to form their past.(Dinorah Pous, Sing & Learn Grammar)










While-writing : Racing past ( 15 mins )

Look at text sheet (2) below and follow the steps toplay the exciting game!

1. Make two groups and place your counters on START.

2. Throw the dice and moves along either horizontally or vertically but not diagonally.

3. Make a sentence in past tense that consists of the word in the circle on the whiteboard and then get the circle, only the ‘owner’ can pass through it to move onto others.

4. The group with the most words in correct sentences is the winner!


Text Sheet (2) Racing Past

9(Maria Toth, Children’s Games)

Post-writing : Re-writing ( 15 mins )


Kevin, a cute boy, always does the same things every day. Try to read the article

on work sheet (2). Circle the verbs at first. Revise the article with past tense. (Hint: change the verbs with past


Assignment : Writing a paragraph


Now, it’s your turn! On work sheet (3), draw a picture about your life after went to school last Friday

and write a paragraph like Kevin’s life.

Now, it’s your turn! On work sheet (3), draw a picture about your life after went to school last Friday

and write a paragraph like Kevin’s life.



Rath, A.(2005), 初級英文文法圖解練習 , 語言 工場 Pous, D.(2002), Sing & Learn Grammar, Mc Graw HillToth, M.(1995), Children’s Games, Macmillan


白佩玉 (2000), 全腦英語教學 , 師德教育訓練 顧問公司蘇妙慧 主編 (2005), EnglishWorks 英文工廠

22: 學寫作 , 一點也不難 , 東西圖書

Rath, A.(2005), 初級英文文法圖解練習 , 語言 工場 Pous, D.(2002), Sing & Learn Grammar, Mc Graw HillToth, M.(1995), Children’s Games, Macmillan


白佩玉 (2000), 全腦英語教學 , 師德教育訓練 顧問公司蘇妙慧 主編 (2005), EnglishWorks 英文工廠

22: 學寫作 , 一點也不難 , 東西圖書

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