Writing - Persuasive Writing - Dragons Den

Post on 07-Apr-2015

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We are surrounded by persuasive texts all the time.

Persuasive texts - techniques

Are you aware of the techniques they use – the tricks of the trade?

You can use them in your own persuasive writing and arguments.

A rhetorical question is one which doesn’t require an answer. Rhetorical questions are intended to grab the readers’ attention and make them think about something.

Do you know what a rhetorical question is?

Technique 1: Rhetorical Question

“Would you be able to survive without clean water? Millions of people around the world are struggling to survive without this basic necessity…”

Identifying Rhetorical Questions

Repeating the same idea, and even words and phrases, can be an effective technique when you are trying to persuade your reader. It helps to reinforce your point.

“Millions of people around the world struggle to survive without fresh water. Millions of people struggle to survive without basic healthcare. Millions of people struggle to survive without enough to eat. Millions of people around the world die from starvation and disease every year.”

Technique 2: Repetition

Using Repetition

Technique 3: Emotive Language

EXTENSION: Beginning with the word ‘unpleasant’, create a ladder of synonyms that gradually become more and more emotive as the ladder rises. Aim for 10 words within the ladder.

Using Emotive LanguageNow create your own emotive sentences.Imagine you have been asked to write a leaflet for a charity supporting the developing world. Write three sentences:

one which makes the reader feel worriedanother which makes the reader feel guiltya final one which makes the reader feel encouraged.

Command sentences (or imperatives) can be a very powerful tool for persuading readers.

Command sentences are those which tell the reader to do something. They begin with a verb.

Which of the following sentences use commands?

1. Give a little of your time to help others.2. All schoolchildren should have access to a laptop.3. Make 2006 the year you get fit!4. Why don’t you try Hydrasyl, the shampoo for healthy

hair?5. Try Hydrasyl – the shampoo for healthy hair!

Technique 4: Commands

1. You could change your life if you buy a new car.2. A Medways Holiday will help you relax.3. If you use Hydrasyl Shampoo, your hair will shine.4. You can change the world by making a donation.5. You mustn’t drink and drive.

Using CommandsNow change these sentences into commands.

Extension: Create 5 commands of your own.

Other Persuasive Techniques

• Rule of Three

• Exaggeration (hyperbole)

• Bias

• Lists

• Imagery

• Use of Personal Pronouns

Writing to Persuade

Dragon’s Den

‘Dragon’s Den’ is a TV show in which inventors attempt to get funding for one of their latest


Your task is to come up with an idea or product that you think could sell well. Write a persuasive pitch to

the rest of the group convincing them to invest in the product you’ve come up with.

Try to use s many techniques as you can.

An example has been done for you …

The Cash Cleanser

Have you ever wondered how many other people have handled a one pound coin before you have? Ever

considered how much dirt and bacteria might be on the coins that you handle every day? Worried? Well, worry no more! Try the all new ‘Cash Cleanser 2008’! It helps remove harmful dirt from both coins and notes to ensure

that you and your children don’t catch those dirty diseases that are so common nowadays.

Do you perhaps own a shop or manage a bank? Are you worried about the people who work for you catching diseases from the money that they handle and then

having to take time off work? Then the ‘Cash Cleanser 2008’ is for you! Removes dirt with a squirt!

Persuasive Writing: Final Task

Write this pitch using as many of the persuasive techniques we’ve covered as

possible.There are 10 techniques in total. You will be

given an informal mark for this persuasive pitch. You will be marked out of 10 and will receive one mark for each technique you
