Writing the Comparison Objective: To KNOW how to COMPARE texts for an exam answer Objective: To KNOW...

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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A grade Mark Scheme Confident Sophisticated Interpretative Analytical Comparative References / quotations Social context – audience, purpose Language & presentation Effect on audience


Writing the Comparison Objective: To KNOW how to COMPARE texts for an exam answer Objective: To KNOW how to COMPARE texts for an exam answer Starter: Look again at Edinbrugh Zoo and Sea World. Remind yourself of ITAPE for these texts. Starter: Look again at Edinbrugh Zoo and Sea World. Remind yourself of ITAPE for these texts. You will have 60 minutes.. 10 minutes to: read the question read the question Choose the text to go with the one GIVEN in the exam paper Choose the text to go with the one GIVEN in the exam paper Refresh your memory of the Refresh your memory of the Techniques Techniques Audience Audience Purpose Purpose Effect Effect That means 50 minutes to write FIVE paragraphs BUT you should Spend MORE time on the TECHNIQUES paragraph A grade Mark Scheme Confident Sophisticated Interpretative Analytical Comparative References / quotations Social context audience, purpose Language & presentation Effect on audience Key Words for your A grade Analytical Analytical Interpretative and evaluative Interpretative and evaluative Social context Social context Write about EFFECT on the audience HOW is the technique trying to make you react, feel or do? Get under the surface of the language and presentation however. on the other hand an alternative interpretation might be Write about the environmental issues i.e. conservation, protection, responsibility, awareness, parents & children, businesses (corporate) I is for INTRO = 5 mins LETS begin. LETS begin. The first website was produced by. and its main purpose is . The second website is by .., its main purpose is Both websites are similar because. The first website was produced by. and its main purpose is . The second website is by .., its main purpose is Both websites are similar because. Key words: Conservation, environment, responsibility T is for TECHNIQUE 15 minutes Lets begin Write about BOTH web pages REMEMBER to EXPLAIN the EFFECT Lets begin Write about BOTH web pages REMEMBER to EXPLAIN the EFFECT Both websites use language and presentational features to create a specific effect on the audience. . Both websites use language and presentational features to create a specific effect on the audience. . Key Words: Colour, layout, image, logo, bullets, text boxes, headings, sub headings, hyperlinks Pronouns, adjectives, imperatives, abbreviation, brackets, connotations, symbolism, synthetic personalisation, triad, semantic fields, technical language ( complex) A is for AUDIENCE 5 mins Lets Begin Lets Begin The language and presentation features used in both sites would be more suitable for because However, the audience extends to . The language and presentation features used in both sites would be more suitable for because However, the audience extends to . Key Words: Adults, parents & children, businesses, interests ( animals, conservation, environmental issues etc) Opportunity for INTERPRETATION AND EVALUATION P is for PURPOSE 5 mins Lets begin Lets begin Both web sites have multiple purposes. Edinbrugh Zoo wants people to visit them but they also try to . In the same way Sea World is advertising its attractions but it also wants to .. Key Words: Information, education, raising awareness, support, empathy, sympathy, responsibility, self representation Opportunity for INTERPRETATION AND EVALUATION E is for EFFECT 5 mins Lets begin.. Lets begin.. Each web site tries to achieve its purposes through its use of language and presentation features. Edinbrugh Zoo is affective because Sea World appears less appealing but Each web site tries to achieve its purposes through its use of language and presentation features. Edinbrugh Zoo is affective because Sea World appears less appealing but Key Words : raising awareness, responsibility, parents & Children, information, challenge, learning. REMEMBER: Interpretation and analysis AND Alternative interpretation NEXT LESSON We will mark what you have written against the exam mark scheme. We will mark what you have written against the exam mark scheme.