Writing to Learn Using Technology

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Technology tools to use


  • 1. Using Technology
  • 2. Learning intentions1. Provide some clarity about writing to learn2. Use a variety of tools to discover and experience some writing to learn strategies3. Introduce some online and iOS options to use for writing strategies4. Informally introduce the concept of BYOD as a way of enabling ubiquitous access to technology
  • 3. http://todaysmeet.com/writingtolearnGuiding Question: How isWriting to Learn different fromother kinds of writing we askstudents to do?
  • 4. Guidelines1. State your idea, opinion, question, or case2. Respond the ideas, opinions and questions of others3. Be kind, be respectful
  • 5. Writing to LearnThere are two broad terms used to describe cross-curricula writing: writing-to-learn and learning towrite. Writing to learn activities are designed more for meta-cognitive effect ie for students to record their ideas, reflect upon their learning and grapple with unfamiliar content. The goal is for them to learn more deeply. Learning to write activities result in more polished products. These must show content area learning plus competency in a particular writing form. While all subject area teachers are required to teach students how to write specific forms of writing and use subject specific vocabulary, it is the responsibility of the teachers of English to instruct students in the mechanics of the English language. Slide courtesy, Lisa Gilby
  • 6. Writing to Learn Writing-to-learn activities, which are generally short stints of writing, can switch students brains from off to on. It is necessary to have students write in order for them to deepen their own learning. It assists them to reflect on their learning, which is linked to increased understanding, and supports their increasingly sophisticated use of specific vocabulary. Slide courtesy, Lisa Gilby
  • 7. Writing to Learn In order to make the writing process an important component of learning in any class, we must first make sure that our students are comfortable with it. Low risk, engaging writing must precede higher risk, intellectually rigorous writing. Slide courtesy, Lisa Gilby
  • 8. Types of WritingWriting to learn (low stakes) Published writing (high stakes)Short SubstantialSpontaneous PlannedInformal ConventionalExploratory AuthoritativePersonal Audience centredOne draft DraftedUnedited EditedUngraded Assessable
  • 9. When to Use Write to Learn ActivitiesAt the beginning of a lesson: Activates prior knowledge Activates further thinking Supports setting class and individual goals 20%Along the way: Learning Framework Stop and collect thoughts Sort out ideas 60% Notice and record thinking To ensure everyone is on task and thinking Review and re-adjust goals Get ready to move aheadLater Synthesise learning Connect with others 20% Compare notes Reflect on learning
  • 10. Writing to Learn Activities Writing-to- learn Graphic Reflective CreativeListing Note-taking Organisers Writing writing Entrance and Cornell notes exit slips RAFT ABC Venn diagrams Combination Think, Write, I am poemsTop 10 Tree charts notes Pair/share Top 3 Flow charts Bio poems Outlines 4 square Cycle diagrams Recasting the reflection text Most important word and symbol Processing your process Source Peery, Writing Matters in Every Classroom, 2009
  • 11. Content Area Writing Public Writing Short WritingQuick Writes Going Deeper Writing Process ProjectsWriting Break Written People Research Conversation Exit Slip Faction Write-around Admit Slip RAFT CarouselBrainstorming Brainstorming Brochure Drawing Double-entry Newspaper Clustering Journal Web Page Mapping Nonstop Writing KWL Teacher-student Correspondence Source - Daniels, Zemelman and Steineke, Content-Area Writing, 2007
  • 12. Daniels and Zemelman
  • 13. Finish your own written responsesand quickly review your colleaguescomments and choose one or two torespond to if you have not alreadydone so.
  • 14. Strategies Quick Writes & Going Deeper
  • 15. Using WordThings to review with students prior to usingtechnology for writing or other purposes.1. Create a file folder or directory (Windows, GoogleDocs, iPad) create a learning log of their work.2. Naming protocols (how do you want your students to save their work3. How to find their work once it has been saved.
  • 16. Fake text - http://www.lipsum.com/Task: Recreate this Word document
  • 17. ListingListing activities are excellent to use during prewriting, andare also effective to use as stand-alone, writing-to-learntasks. (Peery, p59)Create a numbered list of the top 10 ways that you usewriting to think.When you are finished verbally share your list with yourtable mates.
  • 18. List Options Word Home Numbered lists OR Apps Remember the Milk Online Listigator - http://www.listigator.com/index
  • 19. Double Entry Journal AKA Cornell NotesThis note taking format allows students to to do twokinds of thinking by recording ideas side-by-side in twocolumns on their paper.In the left-hand column go notes that outlineinformation as students read, take in a lecture orotherwise take in information in some way.The right-hand column is used to respond to or reflecton the information in some way. (Daniels, Zemelman,Steineke, P85)
  • 20. Double Entry Journal Examples Computations Explanation of thinking Problem Solution Reasons for Reasons against Opinion Proof Quote from text Personal connections Quote from text Discussion questions Words Images Facts Feelings Notes Interpretations (Daniels, Zemelman, Steineke, P85)
  • 21. Create a Double Entry JournalUse the table (Insert Table) feature in Word tocreate a 2 column and 6 10 row table.Use the reading provided and student examples frombit.ly/wkiPW5 to complete the chart.
  • 22. Drawing and Illustrating Students make quick drawings, sketches, or diagrams to illustrate ideas, events, science experiments, real world situations involving math problems, and so on, in order to help themselves and others understand something they are trying to learn. (Daniels, Zemelman, Steineke, P48)
  • 23. MappingMapping asks students to arrange groups of ideasvisually and to show relationships among them.Maps allow students to represent thinking thatinvolves multiple, simultaneous associations ratherthan just linear steps. Maps help us organize,consolidate, and digest knowledge. (Daniels, Zemelman, Steineke, P60)
  • 24. Drawing, Illustrating and MappingUsing the information presented at the beginning ofthe presentation and the two readings provided doone of the following Create a diagram or illustration OR Make a mind mapto illustrate your understanding of Writing to Learn.
  • 25. Tool and App Options Word Insert SmartArt iOS apps Sketchbook Pro Show Me Popplet Online Bubbl.us - https://bubbl.us/ Mindmeister - http://www.mindmeister.com/
  • 26. Written Conversationssometimes called dialogue journals providestudents a chance to write notes to each otherabout what they are learning.Two kinds of written conversations Live (here and now) e.g. Todays Meet Take-away (over time) (Daniels, Zemelman, Steineke, p69)
  • 27. Edmodo at a Glance
  • 28. Writing Break Quick Write If you have used writing activities with your students describe one effective activity and why it is beneficial to you and your students. If you have not used writing with your students describe how you might use one of the strategies mentioned today and how it might be beneficial to you and your students.
  • 29. Preparing for Publication
  • 30. EditingYou, the teacher, serve as the final proof-readerand mark each students paper. You then return allof the papers a day or two before the final draft isdue, and students use your marks as guidance inpreparing their published copies. Peery, p95
  • 31. Editing using the Review tool bar in WordGo tohttp://lskywriting.wikispaces.com/PublishingDownload the student writing example. Open it in Wordand using the review tool, make comments and editingsuggestions.Teacher and student editing - Common ProofreadingSymbols (referenced in Peery, p.95)http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/writing/symbols.htm
  • 32. Citing and Referencing using the References Tool in WordUsing the References tool create a Works Cited list andinsert 2 3 parenthetical citations. Include a WorksCited list at the end of the document.
  • 33. Referencing Tool Options http://www.bibme.org/ iOS App Easybib
  • 34. Exit SlipTo implement exit slips, all you have to do is rememberto stop whatever you doing toward the end of theperiod. (Daniels, Zemelman, Steineke, P35)Provide students with an email address or ask them torespond in the LMS e.g. Edmodo and the offer a simple,opened prompt.Email donna.desroches@lskysd.ca your response to thequestion, What did you learn today?
  • 35. Sources Gilby, Lisa. Writing To Learn PD for Staff, March 17, 2012, http://www.slideshare.net/LisaGilby/writing-to-learn-pd-for-staff Chapter 4: Writing to Learn Mathematics: Glencoe Mathematics Professional Series http://moodle.escco.org/file.php/1/MATH/Ch4_ReadingWritingMathClass .pdf Peery, A. (2009), Writing Matters in Every Classroom: Englewood, Live and Learn Press. Daniels, H., Zemelman, S., Steineke, N. (2007). Content Area Writing: Portsmouth, Heinemann. Writing to Learn, Distilled, http://www.greencastle.k12.pa.us/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=bz6XkE2oxuA %3D Kuropatwa, D. (2006) Scribe Post Hall of Fame. http://thescribepost.pbworks.com/w/page/22148105/HallOfFame