Written and Illustrated by Prairie Kids Illustrations were scanned and coloured with Adobe Photoshop...

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Written and Illustrated by Prairie Kids

Illustrations were scanned and coloured with Adobe Photoshop or Paint.

May 12, 2002

Dear Friend,

Did you know Saskatchewan is a great place for horseback riding? It is a great place because of the long flat land. You can ask your horse to gallop and feel the warm wind cut through your hair and the smooth soothing gallops and canters. You can enter in competitions and race against other riders. I love horses and horseback riding because I can go as fast as the wind.



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Dear Pal,

Did you know that lots of grain elevators are being knocked down? Saskatchewan is a great place for grain elevators, because there is lots of wheat. In Saskatchewan there are also lots of farms. Those farms bring wheat to the grain elevators. We need grain elevators to store wheat.



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July 26, 2002

Dear Pal,

Have you ever driven a dirt bike? If you haven't you should try it. Lots of people in Saskatchewan have one. It’s lots of fun. You can hear the loud sound of the engine. The only bad parts are it’s very bumpy and you crash easily. It is fun going off ramps and racing with your friends.


J.R. W.

April 26, 2002

Dear Friend, It is great living on the prairie. Many people in Saskatchewan love to play baseball because of how fast and how much fun it is. My dream is to play professional baseball for the New York Yankees. My favorite position is short stop. I hope you like baseball too.



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June 17, 2002

Dear Friend, Lately I’ve been going on hikes in the valleys and seeing many kinds of wild life. The most common of these are Canada geese and prairie moose. It is fascinating watching these animals on the open prairie. There are many lakes where you can see the silvery fish gliding through the clear blue water. The flowers and the wheat sway on windy days. I wish you could visit me in Saskatchewan.

Your friend, Aivlys Salgoud

May 26, 2002

Dear Friend, Did you know lots of kids in Saskatchewan like to draw cartoons? Some people are good at drawing and some people are not. It is usually sunny in Saskatchewan and there are lots of farms with cows on them. Those farms probably don’t have cartoon cows on them. There aren't any cartoon birds either, but there are lots of real birds. Its really fun drawing cartoons.



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July 25, 2002

Dear Friend, Saskatchewan is the best place for quadding. A quad is an off road vehicle with four wheels..It’s sort of like a dirtbike.You can have lots of fun.You can have races and fly off ramps..I feel wild and free.I love quadding and I think you would too.


G. Baby

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April 26, 2002

Dear Friend, Did you know that Saskatchewan has a lot of tractors? I like to ride on them. I also like to cut the crops and look for animals. I like to look at the back of the tractor and look at the birds. It is fun to ride on tractors.



April 26, 2002

Dear Bud, Do you know how many people like boating? About 5,000 people I’m sure.My friend and I like boating. I like knee boarding too. It’s my favorite sport I bet you’d like them both.

Sincerely, Spit-fire

April26,2002 Dear Pal, Did you know that the beaver is on the Canadian nickel? Beavers can be seen almost anywhere in Saskatchewan, as long as there’s water and trees nearby. Beavers have two large teeth for chopping down trees. Beavers are good swimmers and have flat tails which they use as a tool for packing mud on their homes to make the trees stick. Hope you see a beaver sometime.

Sincerely,Duane Notlock

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April 26, 2002

Dear Pal,

It is really nice when we go driving our odyssey in our field behind our house. An odyssey is like a quad except you can lean back. Kids can drive it.

We go along the dirt road until we get to a valley. We watch people golf and then on the way home we go through the mud and puddles. It feels great when the wind blows your hair. I think you should try odysseying.


Big Papo

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May 26, 2002

Dear Friend, Saskatchewan is an awesome place to ride a horse. You can go almost everywhere, up in the hills, through the trees, on the field, and down in the valley. When you gallop along if you close your eyes it feel like you’re flying. The summer breeze keeps you cool when you ride across the field. I love riding horses and I think you will too.

Your friend,

Rebma Sitruc

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April 26,2002

Dear Pal, Did you know that in Saskatchewan driving a quad is a very popular outdoor activity for hot days? A quad has four wheels like a tiny tractor. There are lot’s of hills to go quadding on, in Saskatchewan. I go for rides around the prairie with my friend. We soar over lots of ramps and land on our back wheels. In Saskatchewan we have better quads, because we use them more.



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January 8th,2002

Dear Buddy,

Saskatchewan is a great place to do winter sports like hockey and snowboarding, but my favorite is dog sledding because it’s different from other winter sports( although I like hockey and snowboarding). It includes animals and it can be more than a month long. In Saskatchewan you don’t need huskies to go dog sledding you can use any

breed of dog because it’s not as cold here as in places like the Yukon. You can also make your own dogsled out of a normal sled and strong string. If you come to Saskatchewan you can try it too. Bye for now.



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July 12, 2001

Dear Pal,

Saskatchewan is famous for its sunsets. I remember the time I was camping on the green grassy hills. The camp fire was was glowing. The sun was setting on the west side of the hills. Two robins were soaring through the air. I hope you can come camping with me some time.

Your friend,

Little Cuddy

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Apr.26, 2002

Dear Pal, Did you know that in Saskatchewan, if you take your dog for a walk you will likely see a deer? It is fun to play with your dog too. You might even see an owl or a gopher. I hope you come to Saskatchewan soon.

Sincerely ,


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July 10,2001

Dear Buddy, Do you like skateboarding? I love skateboarding with the wind in my hair and I can get to my friends houses really fast. There is so much space to skateboard. You could build ramps to practice on. Oh and did I tell you I went to a competition and won gold? It is so much fun you should try it.



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August 6, 2001

Dear Friend,Did you know that Saskatchewan has over 30 types of owls? Owls are unpredictable and curious. Only some people understand them and to others they’re a mystery. Owls are nocturnal animals which means they sleep all day and hunt all night. Owls help the world by eating insects because insects could take over the world. I love to watch owls because they are so funny. They turn their heads upside down, they waddle across dead grass, and they have a staring contest with you. You should really come to Saskatchewan to see our owls.

Sincerely,D.J. Man

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July 6 2002

Dear Friend,

Saskatchewan is the best place for camping. When you go camping you can go hiking, biking, swimming. What I like the best is having bomb fires!!! I love camping and I think you will to!!

Your friend,
