“Wrong Place, Wrong Time”

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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“Wrong Place, Wrong Time”. Storyboard by Donald Owens Starring: Mario Massillamany, Dave Sharp, Scotty Brooks Photography by Donald Owens. Shot 1: [M.S. - POV Mario - Time lapse…10 seconds] Mario walks into the bar, hoping to drown his sorrows into a nice glass of Hennessy. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


“Wrong Place, Wrong Time”

Storyboard by Donald Owens


Mario Massillamany,

Dave Sharp, Scotty Brooks

Photography by Donald Owens

Shot 1: [M.S. - POV Mario - Time lapse…10 seconds]

Mario walks into the bar, hoping to drown his sorrows into a nice glass of Hennessy.

Shot 2 [ MS - Time lapse: 10 seconds]

Mario introduces himself to Dave, the bartender.

Shot 3 [MS - time lapse: 5 seconds]

Mario orders a glass of Hennessy.

Shot 4 [CU - POV Mario - Time lapse: 10 seconds]

Dave pours Mario a drink.

Shot 5 [CU - POV Dave - Time lapse: 45 seconds]

Mario drinks his Hennessy.

Shot 6 [CU - POV Mario - Time Lapse: 20 seconds]

Dave pours Mario another glass of Hennessy.

Shot 7 [CU - Time lapse: 20 seconds]

Dave talks Mario into a “friendly” game of cards.

Shot 8 [MS - POV Mario - Time lapse: 10 seconds]

Dave tells the dealer, Scotty, to deal Mario a losing hand.

Shot 9 [MS - POV Dave - Time lapse: 1 minute]

Scotty shuffles the cards, attempting to stack the deck.

Shot 10 [LS - Time lapse: 1.5 minutes]

Scotty deals the cards after he stacks the deck.

Shot 11 [MS - Time lapse: 30 seconds]

Dave picks his cards up, thinking of how to bet.

Shot 12 [MS - Time lapse: 30 seconds]

Mario then picks his cards up, hoping that he has a good hand.

Shot 13 [CU - POV Mario - Time lapse: 10 seconds]

Dave makes a sizable bet, suckering Mario into the hand.

Shot 14 [CU - POV Dave - Time lapse 10 seconds]

Mario sees Dave’s sizable bet, hoping that he can win a game in his impaired state.

Shot 15 [CU - POV Mario - Time lapse: 15 seconds]

Dave shows his hand to Mario. He has a pair of Jacks.

Shot 16 [MS - POV Dave - Time lapse: 15 seconds]

Mario smiles as he shows Dave his better hand. He has a “dead man’s hand”: A pair of Aces and a pair of eights.

Shot 17 [CU - POV Dave - Time lapse: 5 seconds]

Arrogantly, Mario drags his chips towards himself.

Shot 18 [MS - POV Dave - Time lapse: 5 seconds]

Knowing that he switched the hands by mistake, Scotty hits Mario as to take back the money that he has just won.

Shot 19 [MS - Time lapse: 10 seconds]

Disgusted after losing, Dave relentlessly joins in the attack.

Shot 20 [MS - POV Mario - Time lapse: 5 seconds]

After being beaten, Mario watches Scotty draw his Shotgun from under the table.

Shot 21 [LS - Time lapse: 5 seconds]

Scotty shoots Mario.

Shot 22 [CU - POV Scotty - Time lapse: 1 minute]

Dave slings Mario over his shoulder to remove his body from the bar room.

Shot 23 [MS - Time lapse: 10 seconds]

Dave places Mario’s dead body into the trunk of a car while Scotty serves as a lookout.

Shot 24 [LS - Time lapse: 5 seconds]

Dave and Scotty shake hands after luring Mario into a game he couldn’t win.