#wsla12 In Action

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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#wsla12 tweets from the event organised by @ogunte. #socmed reporting and curating by @youcanhub.



#wsla12 In Action

#wsla12 tweets from the eventorganised by @ogunte. #socmedreporting and curating by@youcanhub.

Trending Words

rt, @ogunte, #women, #socent,women, social, -, @ogunte:, winner,@louisevanrhyn, amazing, &,leadership, leader, inspiring

Event Participants

RT @louisevanrhyn: Apologies for broken link b4. This is so cool. @SymphoniaSA story in UK Guardian:https://t.co/PNGKXNlv #WSLA12

18-Jun-12 05:36 | phileayres

Really looking forward to doing the #socmed for #wsla12 tonight. Keep an eye on our stream and @ogunte foramazing women leaders!

18-Jun-12 08:05 | youcanhub

RT @youcanhub: Really looking forward to doing the #socmed for #wsla12 tonight. Keep an eye on our streamand @ogunte for amazing women leaders!

18-Jun-12 08:09 | ogunte

Looking fwd 2welcoming @peteholbrook @SocialEnt_UK & Paul @pch083 from @sharedimpact @ #wsla12today! #menwhodare #support #women #socent

18-Jun-12 08:15 | ogunte

@LiamABlack Looking forward to seeing you this evening for #wsla12 at @hubwestminster. Laura Haynesspeaking! #women #socent

18-Jun-12 08:41 | ogunte

@ogunte have a fab #wsla12 tonight!

18-Jun-12 08:57 | jmollring

RT @youcanhub: Really looking forward to doing the #socmed for #wsla12 tonight. Keep an eye on our streamand @ogunte for amazing women leaders!

18-Jun-12 09:06 | Recreations_Up

RT @youcanhub: Really looking forward to doing the #socmed for #wsla12 tonight. Keep an eye on our streamand @ogunte for amazing women leaders!

18-Jun-12 09:06 | stacymineart

Charging the tablet, loading up tweetdeck, ready for #wsla12!

18-Jun-12 09:22 | stacymineart

RT @youcanhub: Really looking forward to doing the #socmed for #wsla12 tonight. Keep an eye on our streamand @ogunte for amazing women leaders!

18-Jun-12 09:38 | melfindlater

"Technology should be beautiful" - I think you will like this @melfindlater! #wsla12 http://t.co/jf7s6uPf

18-Jun-12 10:22 | LouShackleton

Excited about @ogunte #WSLA12 tonight? Here's some great content to see you through to the main event!http://t.co/rw5puum2 #women #socent

18-Jun-12 10:50 | youcanhub

RT @ogunte: #socmed Reporting at #wsla12 tomorrow done by @youcanhub team: @LouShackleton@stacymineart @melfindlater http://t.co/CKuhvL27

18-Jun-12 10:50 | LouShackleton

@ogunte @youcanhub @stacymineart @melfindlater We're very excited to be bringing our #socmed passion to#wsla12 tonight! Can't wait!

18-Jun-12 10:51 | LouShackleton

RT @louisevanrhyn: Pls help share the news abt @SymphoniaSA story in UK Guardian. We are so chuffed.Thanks @ogunte & #WSLA12 https://t.co/PNGKXNlv

18-Jun-12 10:55 | SA_Innovate

RT @13theatre: Spec mention this week 2 fab #socents &founders @ogunte 4 #WSLA12 @benitamatofska@peoplewhoshare #sharingeconomy @AGoodWeek

18-Jun-12 11:06 | ogunte

RT @ogunte: @LiamABlack Looking forward to seeing you this evening for #wsla12 at @hubwestminster. LauraHaynes speaking! #women #socent

18-Jun-12 11:22 | hubwestminster

RT @ogunte: @LiamABlack Looking forward to seeing you this evening for #wsla12 at @hubwestminster.Laura... http://t.co/6B5d1kqL #vgiveadamn

18-Jun-12 11:24 | vgiveadamn

best wishes to @ogunte #wsla12 event tonight recognising women powering societal change & see you there!

18-Jun-12 11:33 | Alchemistas

RT @Alchemistas: best wishes to @ogunte #wsla12 event tonight recognising women powering societal change& see you there!

18-Jun-12 11:37 | vikjanderson

RT @louisevanrhyn: Pls help share the news abt @SymphoniaSA story in UK Guardian. We are so chuffed.Thanks @ogunte & #WSLA12 https://t.co/PNGKXNlv

18-Jun-12 11:55 | melfindlater

Ogunte uses Sayzu http://t.co/Ja3vppZb for cloud during #wsla12- #women #socent http://t.co/NZOuzKg9

18-Jun-12 11:56 | ogunte

@LiamABlack hey mr b. are you going to @ogunte #WSLA12 tonight! I'm on way but got wrong train got somechatting up inspectors to do !

18-Jun-12 12:10 | susanaktemel

RT @melfindlater: “@youcanhub: Looking forward to being #socmed for #wsla12 - finalists is @First_Power fromCanada, home of our @melfindlater!” go Canada!

18-Jun-12 12:26 | LouShackleton

RT @ogunte: Looking fwd 2welcoming @peteholbrook @SocialEnt_UK & Paul @pch083 from @sharedimpact@ #wsla12 today! #menwhodare #support #women #socent

18-Jun-12 12:46 | SocialEnt_UK

RT @ogunte: @LiamABlack Looking forward to seeing you this evening for #wsla12 at @hubwestminster. LauraHaynes speaking! #women #socent

18-Jun-12 12:59 | isapuchwein

Interested in Women's Social Leadership Awards? Find out more: http://t.co/HjWPQvMt #women #socent#wsla12

18-Jun-12 13:06 | stacymineart

RT @stacymineart: Interested in Women's Social Leadership Awards? Find out more: http://t.co/HjWPQvMt#women #socent #wsla12

18-Jun-12 14:17 | LouShackleton

RT @ogunte: Looking fwd to meeting finalist Ummul Choudhury frm @bidnacapoeira at #wsla12 #capoeira is agame v. close2my heart! Great #women #activist

18-Jun-12 14:18 | LouShackleton

Great cause @benitamatofska! Looking forward to interviewing you later on behalf of @ogunte at #wsla12@pimpmycause @peoplewhoshare

18-Jun-12 14:21 | LouShackleton

RT @youcanhub looking 4wd to doing #socmed for #wsla12 tonight Keep an eye on our stream & @ogunte foramazing women leaders! -hear hear!

18-Jun-12 14:23 | LouShackleton

Congrats @louisevanrhyn! Can't wait to hear more later at #wsla12 @SymphoniaSA @ogunte

18-Jun-12 14:25 | LouShackleton

RT @Alchemistas: best wishes to @ogunte #wsla12 event tonight recognising women powering societal change& see you there!

18-Jun-12 14:25 | ogunte

Looking 4ward 2 meeting you! "@LouShackleton: Congrats @louisevanrhyn! Can't wait to hear more later at#wsla12 @SymphoniaSA @ogunte"

18-Jun-12 14:29 | louisevanrhyn

@louisevanrhyn I will be with the camera & the questions - and my very own friendly face! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 14:38 | LouShackleton

Great! I ♥ friendly faces "@LouShackleton: I will be with the camera & the questions - and my very own friendlyface! #wsla12"

18-Jun-12 14:43 | louisevanrhyn

Hectic day in London today. Just about everything that could go wrong did :-). Now off to meeting @ LondonBusiness School and then #WSLA12

18-Jun-12 14:49 | louisevanrhyn

RT @Alchemistas: best wishes to @ogunte #wsla12 event tonight recognising women powering societal change& see you there!

18-Jun-12 14:50 | louisevanrhyn

RT @stacymineart: Interested in Women's Social Leadership Awards? Find out more: http://t.co/HjWPQvMt#women #socent #wsla12

18-Jun-12 14:50 | louisevanrhyn

@Liannelippert Yes! In +/- 2.5 hours we'll know who the Woman's Social Leadership Award winners are. Follow#WSLA12 for news :-). Thanks!

18-Jun-12 15:01 | louisevanrhyn

RT @Alchemistas: best wishes to @ogunte #wsla12 event tonight recognising women powering societal change& see you there!

18-Jun-12 15:17 | FionaJWallace

@louisevanrhyn What they always say: bad dress rehearsal = excellent show! Thinking of you this evening.Good luck. #WSLA12

18-Jun-12 15:18 | FionaJWallace

"@FionaJWallace: What they always say: bad dress rehearsal = excellent show! Thinking of you this evening.Good luck #WSLA12". Let's hope!

18-Jun-12 15:21 | louisevanrhyn

brilliant afternoon with @LevenesCycle then 2 amazing women at Institute of Directors. Heading across the roadto help set up #wsla12 now

18-Jun-12 16:07 | beckypants

Have arrived! Setting up for #wsla12!

18-Jun-12 16:34 | Recreations_Up

Have arrived! Setting up for #wsla12!

18-Jun-12 16:34 | stacymineart

@beckypants great to see you again and be on the #wsla12 team!

18-Jun-12 16:42 | LouShackleton

#wsla12 about to begin! Welcome to all past winners, finalists and speakers.

18-Jun-12 16:45 | ogunte

RT @ogunte: #wsla12 about to begin! Welcome to all past winners, finalists and speakers.

18-Jun-12 16:48 | cliffprior

Exciting! RT @ogunte: #wsla12 about to begin! Welcome to all past winners, finalists and speakers.

18-Jun-12 16:55 | thinkingflowers

If you're at #wsla12 say hello to our very own @LouShackleton and @stacymineart . Focused on social reporting& I promise they're nice!

18-Jun-12 16:58 | youcanhub

RT @stacymineart: Interested in Women's Social Leadership Awards? Find out more: http://t.co/HjWPQvMt#women #socent #wsla12

18-Jun-12 17:00 | youcanhub

Wondering who the finalists are at #wsla12 ? Check them all out here! http://t.co/3dI0pJzw

18-Jun-12 17:04 | youcanhub

RT @youcanhub: Wondering who the finalists are at #wsla12 ? Check them all out here! http://t.co/dUDUgjEZ

18-Jun-12 17:05 | ogunte

Lending us remote social media support for #wsla12 is @youcanhub's own @melfindlater!

18-Jun-12 17:07 | ogunte

Amazing women changing the world RT @youcanhub: Wondering who the finalists are at #wsla12 ? Check themall out here! http://t.co/GLYkTDVf

18-Jun-12 17:17 | thinkingflowers

Hi gals!! :) RT @ogunte: Lending us remote social media support for #wsla12 is @youcanhub's own@melfindlater!

18-Jun-12 17:17 | melfindlater

Preparing for kick off @ogunte 2012 Womens Social Leadership Awards over @hubwestminster #wsla12#socent #women

18-Jun-12 17:20 | gl0ria

RT @gl0ria: Preparing for kick off @ogunte 2012 Womens Social Leadership Awards over @hubwestminster#wsla12 #socent #women

18-Jun-12 17:29 | ogunte

#wsla12 networking buzzing already. Servane of @ogunte really is a one woman intro agency

18-Jun-12 17:34 | beckypants

RT @LouShackleton: @beckypants great to see you again and be on the #wsla12 team!

18-Jun-12 17:34 | beckypants

likewise! RT “@LouShackleton: @beckypants great to see you again and be on the #wsla12 team!”

18-Jun-12 17:34 | beckypants

Feeling the mounting excitement! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 17:35 | ogunte

A little jealous of all those people buzzing and networking at #wsla12 about #socent and some amazing womenleaders.

18-Jun-12 17:37 | melfindlater

RT @ogunte: Feeling the mounting excitement! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 17:50 | hiddenground

RT @thinkingflowers: Amazing women changing the world RT @youcanhub: Wondering who the finalists are at#wsla12 ? Check them all out here! http://t.co/GLYkTDVf

18-Jun-12 17:51 | hiddenground

RT @thinkingflowers: Exciting! RT @ogunte: #wsla12 about to begin! Welcome to all past winners, finalists andspeakers.

18-Jun-12 17:51 | hiddenground

@ogunte Sending best wishes to Donna @first_power! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 17:51 | hiddenground

#wsla12 arrived and already meeting like minded women who want to chg the world. There really is something inthe air

18-Jun-12 17:55 | oneandonlydebs

Hi @hiddenground Glad to see there is a Canadian Women at #wsla12 with @first_power I was born in Alberta :)

18-Jun-12 17:56 | melfindlater

RT @beckypants: #wsla12 networking buzzing already. Servane of @ogunte really is a one woman intro agency

18-Jun-12 18:00 | LouShackleton

Awards Ceremony beginning now, welcome to our first Speaker @melstack from @weightwatchers #wsla12#women #socent

18-Jun-12 18:01 | ogunte

RT @ogunte: Awards Ceremony beginning now, welcome to our first Speaker @melstack from@weightwatchers #wsla12 #women #socent

18-Jun-12 18:02 | youcanhub

Hi there @hiddenground! Nice to see a #socmed fan from Canada following #wsla12 - meet @melfindlater!

18-Jun-12 18:02 | LouShackleton

oh, you've already met on #wsla12! @melfindlater @hiddenground @first_power That's the power of @oguntenetworking!

18-Jun-12 18:04 | LouShackleton

@volanschar "it's good for women to have a place where they can have a real conversation" -Charmian Love#womeneffect #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:04 | stacymineart

Full house! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:05 | gl0ria

Grt bunch of #socent women @ogunte #wsla12 @hubwestminster 2nite-waiting for award winners to beannounced! http://t.co/7MRPi9RW

18-Jun-12 18:05 | 00alice

@BidnaCapoeira "working with women means having caring, passionate people who throw themselves into whatthey do"--Ummul Choudhury #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:05 | ogunte

@benitamatofska "I don't want my son to ask me in 40 years 'how did you let it get this bad?" --Benita Matofska#wsla12 #womeneffect

18-Jun-12 18:08 | ogunte

The awards are kicking off withServane taking the floor at the hub westminster . #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:10 | beckypants

"Women focus on the long term and think from a more generational perspective" --Charmian Love @volanschar#wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:11 | ogunte

Such a global feel to the event tonight thanks to the finalists from all over the world! http://t.co/07uRUaqX#wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:12 | LouShackleton

At the Women's Social Leadership Awards @HubWestminstet #Wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:12 | sandradonskyte

RT @00alice: Grt bunch of #socent women @ogunte #wsla12 @hubwestminster 2nite-waiting for award winnersto be announced! http://t.co/7MRPi9RW

18-Jun-12 18:13 | Adizah_Tejani

RT @LouShackleton: Such a global feel to the event tonight thanks to the finalists from all over the world!http://t.co/07uRUaqX #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:13 | Adizah_Tejani

RT @ogunte: @benitamatofska "I don't want my son to ask me in 40 years 'how did you let it get this bad?"--Benita Matofska #wsla12 #womeneffect

18-Jun-12 18:13 | vikjanderson

RT @ogunte: "Women focus on the long term and think from a more generational perspective" --Charmian Love@volanschar #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:14 | youcanhub

RT @00alice Grt bunch of #socent women @ogunte #wsla12 @hubwestminster 2nite-waiting for award winnersto be announced http://t.co/XOKCR8gz

18-Jun-12 18:14 | hubwestminster

Am at the Ogunte Social Leadership Awards at Hub Haymarket -celebrating amazing achievements in socialenterprise #wsla12 #socent #women

18-Jun-12 18:14 | hattyrichmond

"Women helping Women is what we're about, It's why we're here" Melanie Stubbing @melstack @ww_uk#wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:15 | ogunte

Leader in the Workplace/Intermediaries finalists: Charmian Love @volanschar , Andrea Krause @lundunhelijia,sara damber @Sara_Damber #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:15 | ogunte

Welcome to our second speaker Laura Haynes, @appetiteuk introducing Intermediate / Leader in the Workplacecategory. #wsla12, #socent #women

18-Jun-12 18:15 | ogunte

#wsla12 Melanie talking about the original Weight Watchers idea as being the first 'social enterprise'

18-Jun-12 18:15 | oneandonlydebs

Alice from @hubwestminster now speaking about how the hub is a lab for creating change. This really is anamazing, inspiring space #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:16 | beckypants

Great experience to be at @ogunte Women's Social Leadership Awards #WSLA12 at The Hub in London. Thankyour for all the good wishes from SA!

18-Jun-12 18:16 | louisevanrhyn

Women helping other women - that's what @WeightWatchers are about. #Wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:16 | sandradonskyte

RT @ogunte: Welcome to our second speaker Laura Haynes, @appetiteuk introducing Intermediate / Leader inthe Workplace category. #wsla12, #socent #women

18-Jun-12 18:16 | hattyrichmond

Brilliant turn out for #wsla12 @hubwestminster. Inspiring #women everywhere we turn. plus @giannagee & Ifound snacks in our goody bags. Ace

18-Jun-12 18:17 | TheGirlsAre

.@00alice Talking about the @hubwestminster making change #wsla12 http://t.co/YBiPYCcy

18-Jun-12 18:17 | Adizah_Tejani

Fascinating. RT @oneandonlydebs #wsla12 Melanie talking about the original Weight Watchers idea as beingthe first 'social enterprise'

18-Jun-12 18:17 | LogicalB0T

Cheering for @volanschar, finalist at the @Ogunte Women's Social Leadership Awards! @hubwestminster#wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:17 | volansamanda

RT @louisevanrhyn: Great experience to be at @ogunte Women's Social Leadership Awards #WSLA12 at TheHub in London. Thank your for all...

18-Jun-12 18:18 | ogunte

@TheGirlsAre @hubwestminster @giannagee snacks are a definite must. @ogunte is doing #wsla12 right! :)

18-Jun-12 18:18 | youcanhub

Helping passionate connected women achieve their goals in a collaborative ways of working-alignment btw#weightwatchers & @ogunte #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:18 | 00alice

Now at @ogunte's #wsla12 awards...can see @00alice @benitamatofska @volansamanda @jobeda and somany more godesses changing the world! :-)

18-Jun-12 18:19 | mariairurita

RT @hubwestminster: RT @00alice Grt bunch of #socent women @ogunte #wsla12 @hubwestminster2nite-waiting for award winners to be...

18-Jun-12 18:19 | ogunte

"Women focus on the long term and think from a generational perspective." -- Charmian Love @volanschar@ogunte #wsla12 #futurequo

18-Jun-12 18:19 | volansamanda

RT @thegirlsare: Brilliant turn out for #wsla12 @hubwestminster. Inspiring #women everywhere we turn. plus@giannagee & I found snacks in...

18-Jun-12 18:20 | ogunte

RT @sandradonskyte: Women helping other women - that's what @WeightWatchers are about. #Wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:20 | ogunte

Love the concept of activist angels that @ogunte have. Social innovation and social business about much morethan the money #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:20 | beckypants

RT @volansamanda: "Women focus on the long term and think from a generational perspective." -- CharmianLove @volanschar @ogunte #wsla12 #futurequo

18-Jun-12 18:21 | oneandonlydebs

At @ogunte #women leadership awards waiting to hear some inspiring tales of Amazing Women like this #wsla12http://t.co/ANMWE6ql

18-Jun-12 18:21 | MsWandas

#wsla12 Learning about Ogunte, a better world powered by women at the Women's Social Leadership Awards.About to be inspired by the winners.

18-Jun-12 18:21 | HilaryGander

RT @HilaryGander: #wsla12 Learning about Ogunte, a better world powered by women at the Women's SocialLeadership Awards. About to be inspired by the winners.

18-Jun-12 18:23 | louisevanrhyn

@AmazingSchool nice to meet you @hubwestminster #wsla12 !!!

18-Jun-12 18:23 | beckypants

Wish @weightwatchers had provided some calorie free wine too #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:23 | MsWandas

Social businesses are just that - businesses, but with range of success criteria. All about positive impact andprofit for good. #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:23 | hattyrichmond

RT @loushackleton: Such a global feel to the event tonight thanks to the finalists from all over the world!http://t.co/w10mttqA #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:24 | ogunte

RT @MsWandas: At @ogunte #women leadership awards waiting to hear some inspiring tales of AmazingWomen like this #wsla12 http://t.co/ANMWE6ql

18-Jun-12 18:24 | louisevanrhyn

RT @mariairurita: Now at @ogunte's #wsla12 awards...can see @00alice @benitamatofska @volansamanda@jobeda and so many more godesses changing the world! :-)

18-Jun-12 18:25 | louisevanrhyn

Am in 'proud mum mode' supporting @volanschar who is shortlisted for @Ogunte Womens' Social LeadershipAward @hubwestminster #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:25 | volanssam

"Ensuring #women have a platform to make a contribution" - watch the film that opened #wsla12 for yourself!http://t.co/W0YCiiG5 #socent

18-Jun-12 18:25 | LouShackleton

RT @TheGirlsAre: Brilliant turn out for #wsla12 @hubwestminster. Inspiring #women everywhere we turn. plus@giannagee & I found snacks in our goody bags. Ace

18-Jun-12 18:26 | louisevanrhyn

RT @LouShackleton: "Ensuring #women have a platform to make a contribution" - watch the film that opened#wsla12 for yourself! http://t.co/W0YCiiG5 #socent

18-Jun-12 18:27 | youcanhub

@hattyrichmond, @MsWandas @oneandonlydebs @sandradonskyte @mariairurita @00alice @Adizah_Tejanisome of the amazing "tweeps" at #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:29 | ogunte

Awesome #socent #women @ogunte #wsla12 sharing amazing stories of what they've achieved in past 6mths@hubwestminster http://t.co/q50UkwI9

18-Jun-12 18:30 | 00alice

RT @youcanhub: RT @LouShackleton: "Ensuring #women have a platform to make a contribution" - watch thefilm that opened #wsla12 for...

18-Jun-12 18:30 | ogunte

RT @LouShackleton: Such a global feel to the event tonight thanks to the finalists from all over the world!http://t.co/07uRUaqX #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:31 | louisevanrhyn

Campaigners category introduced by Melanie Stubbing @melstack #wsla12 @ww_uk @weightwatchers

18-Jun-12 18:32 | ogunte

Amazing women are out there... Share your #women #socinn #socent message in less than 140 characters onthe hash tag too! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:32 | LouShackleton

RT @LouShackleton: "Ensuring #women have a platform to make a contribution" - watch the film that opened#wsla12 for yourself! http://t.co/W0YCiiG5 #socent

18-Jun-12 18:32 | TheGirlsAre

'women making a difference with huge energy, passion and inspiration' @melstack on the finalists in one of the#wsla12 categories

18-Jun-12 18:33 | beckypants

RT @ogunte: Campaigners category introduced by Melanie Stubbing @melstack #wsla12 @ww_uk@weightwatchers

18-Jun-12 18:34 | louisevanrhyn

RT @beckypants: 'women making a difference with huge energy, passion and inspiration' @melstack on thefinalists in one of the #wsla12 categories

18-Jun-12 18:34 | hattyrichmond

RT @beckypants: 'women making a difference with huge energy, passion and inspiration' @melstack on thefinalists in one of the #wsla12 categories

18-Jun-12 18:34 | Adizah_Tejani

RT @beckypants: 'women making a difference with huge energy, passion and inspiration' @melstack on thefinalists in one of the #wsla12...

18-Jun-12 18:34 | ogunte

RT @beckypants: 'women making a difference with huge energy, passion and inspiration' @melstack on thefinalists in one of the #wsla12...

18-Jun-12 18:34 | stacymineart

RT @beckypants: 'women making a difference with huge energy, passion and inspiration' @melstack on thefinalists in one of the #wsla12 categories

18-Jun-12 18:35 | louisevanrhyn

#wsla12 watching a film of nominees for first award is in campaigning

18-Jun-12 18:35 | oneandonlydebs

You can find out more about the @ogunte #makeawave preincubator here http://t.co/85U2AENQ #wsla12#women #socent #socinn #womeneffect

18-Jun-12 18:35 | LouShackleton

RT @00alice: Awesome #socent #women @ogunte #wsla12 sharing amazing stories of what they've achieved inpast 6mths @hubwestminster...

18-Jun-12 18:36 | ogunte

RT @00alice: Awesome #socent #women @ogunte #wsla12 sharing amazing stories of what they've achieved inpast 6mths @hubwestminster...

18-Jun-12 18:36 | stacymineart

RT @LouShackleton: You can find out more about the @ogunte #makeawave preincubator herehttp://t.co/85U2AENQ #wsla12 #women #socent #socinn #womeneffect

18-Jun-12 18:37 | Adizah_Tejani

RT @oneandonlydebs: #wsla12 watching a film of nominees for first award is in campaigning

18-Jun-12 18:37 | louisevanrhyn

President of @WeightWatchers Melanie Stubbing announces the winners of Women's Social Leadership Awards#Wsla12 @ogunte

18-Jun-12 18:37 | _BitchOnline

Completely inspiring videos telling the finalists' stories. Humbling. #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:37 | hattyrichmond

RT @oneandonlydebs: #wsla12 watching a film of nominees for first award is in campaigning

18-Jun-12 18:38 | ogunte

RT @oneandonlydebs: #wsla12 watching a film of nominees for first award is in campaigning

18-Jun-12 18:38 | stacymineart

RT @hattyrichmond: Completely inspiring videos telling the finalists' stories. Humbling. #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:38 | melfindlater

@beckypants Likewise! What a great crowd here tonight. #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:39 | AmazingSchool

RT @oneandonlydebs: #wsla12 watching a film of nominees for first award is in campaigning

18-Jun-12 18:39 | Adizah_Tejani

RT @adizah_tejani: Loving the @ogunte way of thinking. #wsla12, #women, #socent

18-Jun-12 18:40 | stacymineart

RT @beckypants: 'women making a difference with huge energy, passion and inspiration' @melstack on thefinalists in one of the #wsla12 categories

18-Jun-12 18:40 | AmazingSchool

Movie time at #wsla12 - "You see children gain confidence and feel special" - Ummul Chowdury @BidnaCapoeira- watch it http://t.co/vPNZGBMR

18-Jun-12 18:40 | LouShackleton

RT @melfindlater: RT @hattyrichmond: Completely inspiring videos telling the finalists' stories. Humbling.#wsla12 #womeneffect

18-Jun-12 18:41 | ogunte

RT @melfindlater: RT @hattyrichmond: Completely inspiring videos telling the finalists' stories. Humbling.#wsla12 #womeneffect

18-Jun-12 18:41 | stacymineart

Inspiring women in the room tonight @hubwestminster #proud #women @volanschar @mariairurita@beckypants @benitamatofska @gl0ria #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:41 | 00alice

So inspired already. #wsla12 film abt finalists contextualises so much. Lovely to lift your head up & see biggerpicture every now and then

18-Jun-12 18:41 | TheGirlsAre

RT @hattyrichmond: Completely inspiring videos telling the finalists' stories. Humbling. #wsla12 > see them here:http://t.co/HfmK7JDY

18-Jun-12 18:42 | LouShackleton

hi @adizah_tejani sounds like we have some common tech for good interests! I'm 'watching' #wsla12 from afar :)

18-Jun-12 18:42 | melfindlater

And the winner in the Campaign Leader Category is: Louise Van Rhyn! @LouiseVanRhyn @Guardiansocent#wsla12 #women #socent

18-Jun-12 18:42 | ogunte

#wsla12 partners for possibility are there to support not fix. Nice value from the winner of the campaigning awardLouise Von Ryn

18-Jun-12 18:42 | oneandonlydebs

Congratulations @louisevanrhyn - a well deserved win! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:43 | hattyrichmond

RT @ogunte: And the winner in the Campaign Leader Category is: Louise Van Rhyn! @LouiseVanRhyn@Guardiansocent #wsla12 #women #socent

18-Jun-12 18:43 | Adizah_Tejani

#wsla12 correction Louise van Rhyn

18-Jun-12 18:43 | oneandonlydebs

@LouiseVanRhyn "we need all the help we can get to deal with the crisis" #wsla12, #socinn

18-Jun-12 18:43 | ogunte

RT @LouShackleton: Movie time at #wsla12 - "You see children gain confidence and feel special" - UmmulChowdury @BidnaCapoeira - watch it http://t.co/vPNZGBMR

18-Jun-12 18:43 | TheGirlsAre

RT @ogunte: And the winner in the Campaign Leader Category is: @louisevanrhyn #wsla12 #women #socent -see http://t.co/tXurP3vu

18-Jun-12 18:44 | LouShackleton

RT @LouShackleton: You can find out more about the @ogunte #makeawave preincubator herehttp://t.co/85U2AENQ #wsla12 #women #socent #socinn #womeneffect

18-Jun-12 18:44 | TheGirlsAre

Intermediaries, Leaders in the Workplace Category announced by Laura Haynes @appetiteuk #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:45 | ogunte

RT @ogunte: And the winner in the Campaign Leader Category is: Louise Van Rhyn! @LouiseVanRhyn@Guardiansocent #wsla12 #women #socent

18-Jun-12 18:45 | louisevanrhyn

RT @LouShackleton: RT @ogunte: And the winner in the Campaign Leader Category is: @louisevanrhyn#wsla12 #women #socent - see http://t.co/tXurP3vu

18-Jun-12 18:45 | youcanhub

Can help eg @Webiversity @00alice #Inspiring #women @hubwestminster @volanschar @mariairurita@beckypants @benitamatofska @gl0ria #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:45 | whymandesign

RT @ogunte: @LouiseVanRhyn "we need all the help we can get to deal with the crisis" #wsla12, #socinn

18-Jun-12 18:45 | louisevanrhyn

#wsla12 Extraordinary women campaign leader winner @LouisevanRhyn changing education on South Africa -wow!

18-Jun-12 18:45 | HilaryGander

RT @hattyrichmond: Congratulations @louisevanrhyn - a well deserved win! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:46 | AmazingSchool

congratulations to @louisevanrhyn first winner at #wsla12 working in a South Africa still 'feeling the pain ofapartheid'

18-Jun-12 18:46 | beckypants

Inspiring to hear from and meet some amazing #women working in #socent at #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:46 | SkillsSocEnt

"time for organisations to do more than just make money for their shareholders" - Laura Haynes, Appetite#wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:46 | hattyrichmond

RT @ogunte: Intermediaries, Leaders in the Workplace Category announced by Laura Haynes @appetiteuk#wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:48 | Adizah_Tejani

Campaign Leader the amazing Louise Van Rhyn Symphonia for RSA #wsla12 #socent #women

18-Jun-12 18:48 | vikjanderson

RT @beckypants: congratulations to @louisevanrhyn first winner at #wsla12 working in a South Africa still'feeling the pain of apartheid'

18-Jun-12 18:48 | louisevanrhyn

RT @hattyrichmond: "time for organisations to do more than just make money for their shareholders" - LauraHaynes, Appetite #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:48 | youcanhub

RT @HilaryGander: #wsla12 Extraordinary women campaign leader winner @LouisevanRhyn changingeducation on South Africa - wow!

18-Jun-12 18:48 | GeoWatchNet

Workplace leaders award given by Laura Haynes of Appetite & UN women board women to improve rights &quality of life for women #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:48 | 00alice

@louisevanrhyn A worthy winner of the #campaigner award at #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:48 | SkillsSocEnt

#wsla12 the second award will go to leaders in the workplace; another video of ppl who do not talk about doing

18-Jun-12 18:48 | oneandonlydebs

RT @vikjanderson: Campaign Leader the amazing Louise Van Rhyn Symphonia for RSA #wsla12 #socent#women

18-Jun-12 18:49 | louisevanrhyn

RT @HilaryGander: #wsla12 Extraordinary women campaign leader winner @LouisevanRhyn changingeducation on South Africa - wow!

18-Jun-12 18:50 | louisevanrhyn

RT @hattyrichmond: "time for organisations to do more than just make money for their shareholders" - LauraHaynes, Appetite #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:50 | AmazingSchool

RT @thegirlsare: So inspired already. #wsla12 film abt finalists contextualises so much. Lovely to lift your headup & see bigger picture...

18-Jun-12 18:51 | ogunte

RT @oneandonlydebs: #wsla12 the second award will go to leaders in the workplace; another video of ppl whodo not talk about doing

18-Jun-12 18:51 | beckypants

@louisevanrhyn Congrats #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:51 | Adizah_Tejani

"@SkillsSocEnt: @louisevanrhyn A worthy winner of the #campaigner award at #wsla12". Thank you!!!

18-Jun-12 18:52 | louisevanrhyn

RT @loushackleton: Movie time at #wsla12 - "You see children gain confidence and feel special" - UmmulChowdury @BidnaCapoeira - watch...

18-Jun-12 18:52 | ogunte

RT @beckypants: congratulations to @louisevanrhyn first winner at #wsla12 working in a South Africa still'feeling the pain of apartheid'

18-Jun-12 18:52 | GeoWatchNet

RT @ogunte: @LouiseVanRhyn "we need all the help we can get to deal with the crisis" #wsla12, #socinn

18-Jun-12 18:52 | GeoWatchNet

#wsla12 FYSE 'we want to see more women making a change throughout the world'

18-Jun-12 18:53 | oneandonlydebs

"@hattyrichmond: Congratulations @louisevanrhyn - a well deserved win! #wsla12". Thank you so much!

18-Jun-12 18:53 | louisevanrhyn

@johanbrand Talk of play @ogunte #wsla12 tonight.

18-Jun-12 18:54 | Adizah_Tejani

Just love that these amazing women from all over the world are here in one place. Some serious 'energy' theroom @First_Power :) #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:54 | hattyrichmond

#women from Europe, Africa and Asia represented at #wsla12 - all of them making a difference #socent

18-Jun-12 18:54 | SkillsSocEnt

"@Adizah_Tejani: @louisevanrhyn Congrats #wsla12". Thank you so much!

18-Jun-12 18:54 | louisevanrhyn

RT @oneandonlydebs: #wsla12 the second award will go to leaders in the workplace; another video of ppl whodo not talk about doing

18-Jun-12 18:55 | louisevanrhyn

"I found about it through twitter--someone retweeted about Social Entrepreneurs in Ghana" Social mediainspiring change!! #wsla12...

18-Jun-12 18:56 | ogunte

Loving the sound of the playing for change project, giving kids opportunity to play where play is often a lost need.finalist #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:56 | beckypants

RT @ogunte: @benitamatofska "I don't want my son to ask me in 40 years 'how did you let it get this bad?"--Benita Matofska #wsla12 #womeneffect

18-Jun-12 18:56 | GeoWatchNet

Fascinated by social change achieved by women globally. At Ogunte's women's leadership awards #wsla12#socent #women

18-Jun-12 18:56 | Spark_Inside

Winner in the intermediaries category is: (Drumroll please) Andrea Krause @lundunhilijia @Guardian Socent#socinn #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:56 | ogunte

Cheering. So proud of you. "@ogunte: The winner in the Campaign Leader Category is: @LouiseVanRhyn@Guardiansocent #wsla12 #women #socent"

18-Jun-12 18:57 | FionaJWallace

RT @SkillsSocEnt: #women from Europe, Africa and Asia represented at #wsla12 - all of them making adifference #socent

18-Jun-12 18:57 | louisevanrhyn

RT @ogunte: Winner in the intermediaries category is: (Drumroll please) Andrea Krause @lundunhilijia@Guardian Socent #socinn #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:57 | hattyrichmond

RT @beckypants: congratulations to @louisevanrhyn first winner at #wsla12 working in a South Africa still'feeling the pain of apartheid'

18-Jun-12 18:57 | FionaJWallace

Congratulations Andrea - Andrea Krause @FYSE Winner 2012 @ogunte #wsla12 #socent #women

18-Jun-12 18:57 | vikjanderson

The winner is foundation for young social ents #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:58 | oneandonlydebs

"Take the best people from #biz world & the best people from social world & bring them together"http://t.co/UMF9Ge7B @sara_damner #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:58 | LouShackleton

Ogunte inspiring us with the content of #wsla12 thank you

18-Jun-12 18:59 | isapuchwein

"@FionaJWallace: Cheering. So proud of u. "The winner in the Campaign Leader Category is: @LouiseVanRhyn@Guardiansocent #wsla12". Thanks!

18-Jun-12 18:59 | louisevanrhyn

Congratulations to all the finalists in the intermediaries category at #wsla12, including @volanschar #socent

18-Jun-12 18:59 | SkillsSocEnt

RT @ogunte: Winner in the intermediaries category is: (Drumroll please) Andrea Krause @lundunhilijia@Guardian Socent #socinn #wsla12

18-Jun-12 18:59 | Adizah_Tejani

RT @Spark_Inside: Fascinated by social change achieved by women globally. At Ogunte's women's leadershipawards #wsla12 #socent #women

18-Jun-12 18:59 | louisevanrhyn

RT @oneandonlydebs: #wsla12 FYSE 'we want to see more women making a change throughout the world'

18-Jun-12 18:59 | ogunte

RT @SkillsSocEnt: Congratulations to all the finalists in the intermediaries category at #wsla12, including@volanschar #socent

18-Jun-12 19:00 | hattyrichmond

RT @volansamanda: "Women focus on the long term and think from a generational perspective." -- CharmianLove @volanschar @ogunte #wsla12 #futurequo

18-Jun-12 19:00 | ogunte

Introducing the Social Business Leader Award finalists, is Diana Verde Nieto @Dianaverdenieto #wsla12 #socent#socinn #women

18-Jun-12 19:00 | ogunte

#wsla12 Diane Verde Nieto talked about the importance of having a purpose...

18-Jun-12 19:01 | HilaryGander

RT @volansamanda: "Women focus on the long term and think from a generational perspective." -- CharmianLove @volanschar @ogunte #wsla12 #futurequo

18-Jun-12 19:01 | GeoWatchNet

@PositiveLuxury On the power of Nemo and the power of positive brands #wsla12 #women #socent

18-Jun-12 19:01 | vikjanderson

RT @ogunte: Introducing the Social Business Leader Award finalists, is Diana Verde Nieto @Dianaverdenieto#wsla12 #socent #socinn #women

18-Jun-12 19:01 | maartenvleeuwen

SO PROUD OF YOU Louise, well done "@ogunte: The winner in the Campaign Leader Category is:@LouiseVanRhyn #wsla12"

18-Jun-12 19:02 | Liannelippert

RT @ogunte: Winner in the intermediaries category is: (Drumroll please) Andrea Krause @lundunhilijia@Guardian Socent #socinn #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:02 | youcanhub

RT @isapuchwein: Ogunte inspiring us with the content of #wsla12 thank you

18-Jun-12 19:02 | louisevanrhyn

RT @ogunte: Introducing the Social Business Leader Award finalists, is Diana Verde Nieto @Dianaverdenieto#wsla12 #socent #socinn #women

18-Jun-12 19:02 | Adizah_Tejani

What a truly positive CEO of @PositiveLuxury . Another successful foreign woman! Introducing the winners at#Wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:03 | _BitchOnline

"@Liannelippert: SO PROUD OF YOU Louise, well done "@ogunte:The winner in the Campaign LeaderCategory is: @LouiseVanRhyn #wsla12". THANKS!

18-Jun-12 19:03 | louisevanrhyn

#wsla12 'the arts are perfectly placed to do something positive with social impact'

18-Jun-12 19:03 | oneandonlydebs

Diane Verde Nieto said she was a 'failure'. By this she means not there yet! We need to be willing to fail inorder to succeed. #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:04 | AmazingSchool

Good to see #Scotland represented at #wsla12 in Impact Arts' @susanaktemel #socent

18-Jun-12 19:04 | SkillsSocEnt

Finalist Impact arts: @susanaktemel #wsla12 http://t.co/S97ZZdze

18-Jun-12 19:05 | ogunte

Videos for the Social #Biz Leaders category #wsla12 http://t.co/1v0j0f37 http://t.co/lgDV1iZihttp://t.co/QwO7cZBH #women #socent #socinn

18-Jun-12 19:05 | LouShackleton

@ogunte Will the videos from tonight be available online? #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:05 | Adizah_Tejani

RT @_BitchOnline: What a truly positive CEO of @PositiveLuxury . Another successful foreign woman!Introducing the winners at #Wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:06 | louisevanrhyn

"No reason to seperate art and technology" @First_Power http://t.co/wG3Lest2 #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:06 | ogunte

I liked it so much I volunteered to help out... The @ogunte women's social leadership awards #wsla12 is asinspiring as last year. Lovely

18-Jun-12 19:06 | beckypants

RT @beckypants: I liked it so much I volunteered to help out... The @ogunte women's social leadership awards#wsla12 is as inspiring as last year. Lovely

18-Jun-12 19:08 | louisevanrhyn

Congratulations to Susan Aktemel, winner in the Social Business Leader Category! @susanaktemel @impactarts@Guardiansocent #wsla12...

18-Jun-12 19:08 | ogunte

Indigenous ppl all over the world are best placed to take us back and make the world more sustainable #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:08 | oneandonlydebs

RT @ogunte: Finalist Impact arts: @susanaktemel #wsla12 http://t.co/S97ZZdze

18-Jun-12 19:08 | Adizah_Tejani

Look at that arts win the social business leaders in the third category. #wsla12 how do u like them apples!

18-Jun-12 19:09 | oneandonlydebs

For summary of #wsla12 finalists see here! http://t.co/QOvpS83K @ogunte @hubwestminster

18-Jun-12 19:09 | 00alice

Suzanne Aktemel the inspiring Impact Arts Social Business Leader @Ogunte #wsla12 #women #socent

18-Jun-12 19:09 | vikjanderson

Woot! @beckypants @ogunte This is a special team to be on, there is a great vibe and we just make it work!#wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:09 | LouShackleton

@susanaktemel congratulations on winning in the social business leaders award at #wsla12 #socent

18-Jun-12 19:10 | SkillsSocEnt

Mention for the #neverseconds blog at #wsla12 - women social entrepreneurs at all ages!

18-Jun-12 19:11 | SkillsSocEnt

I liked it so much I volunteered to help out... The @ogunte women's social leadership awards #wsla12 is asinspiring as last year. Lovely”

18-Jun-12 19:11 | AmazingSchool

"Challenge the big boys, but do it with dignity and skill" @susanaktemel #wsla12 #women

18-Jun-12 19:11 | ogunte

RT @SkillsSocEnt: Mention for the #neverseconds blog at #wsla12 - women social entrepreneurs at all ages!

18-Jun-12 19:12 | Adizah_Tejani

RT @ogunte: "Challenge the big boys, but do it with dignity and skill" @susanaktemel #wsla12 #women

18-Jun-12 19:12 | hattyrichmond

RT @SkillsSocEnt: Mention for the #neverseconds blog at #wsla12 - women social entrepreneurs at all ages!

18-Jun-12 19:12 | HilaryGander

Many congratulations to @susanaktemel of Impact Arts - dedicating her win to Martha of #neverseconds Brilliant!#wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:13 | hattyrichmond

RT @vikjanderson: Suzanne Aktemel the inspiring Impact Arts Social Business Leader @Ogunte #wsla12#women #socent

18-Jun-12 19:13 | hattyrichmond

RT @amazingschool: I liked it so much I volunteered to help out... The @ogunte women's social leadershipawards #wsla12 is as inspiring...

18-Jun-12 19:14 | ogunte

"We should be encouraging our daughters to do the same" <<same straight! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:14 | MsWandas

Great power of #socmed story at #wsla12 thanks to @susanaktemel of @impactarts http://ow.ly/bEU7T#neverseconds - be a #changemaker !

18-Jun-12 19:16 | LouShackleton

RT @ogunte: "Challenge the big boys, but do it with dignity and skill" @susanaktemel #wsla12 #women

18-Jun-12 19:16 | youcanhub

RT @loushackleton: Grt power of #socmed at #wsla12 thx to @susanaktemel of @Impactarts http://ow.ly/bEU7T#neverseconds -be a #changemaker

18-Jun-12 19:18 | melfindlater

#wsla12 'I am a complete failure because I have not achieved anything I set out to' thus spoke the entrepreneur.Diana Verde Nieto

18-Jun-12 19:18 | oneandonlydebs

I liked it so much I volunteered to help out... The @ogunte women's social leadership awards #wsla12 is asinspiring as last year. Lovely.

18-Jun-12 19:19 | CauldronInc

RT @ogunte: "Challenge the big boys, but do it with dignity and skill" @susanaktemel #wsla12 #women

18-Jun-12 19:20 | giannagee

RT @TheGirlsAre: Brilliant turn out for #wsla12 @hubwestminster. Inspiring #women everywhere we turn. plus@giannagee & I found snacks in our goody bags. Ace

18-Jun-12 19:21 | giannagee

#wsla12 Naomi Divine travelled to Rio overland for the summit joins us by Skype. I'm sure some sea travel wasinvolved but still awesome!

18-Jun-12 19:21 | HilaryGander

RT @SkillsSocEnt: Mention for the #neverseconds blog at #wsla12 - women social entrepreneurs at all ages!

18-Jun-12 19:21 | 00alice

#wsla12 first power canada ' there is no reason to separate art from technology' if u ask me it more vital now thanever to regroup

18-Jun-12 19:23 | oneandonlydebs

Wow!!! Lovely @First_Power has won the people's choice award. Amazing woman, amazing organisation. Sopleased for her :) #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:24 | hattyrichmond

RT @louisevanrhyn: Pls help share the news abt @SymphoniaSA story in UK Guardian. We are so chuffed.Thanks @ogunte & #WSLA12 https://t.co/PNGKXNlv

18-Jun-12 19:24 | welt_bewegend

Great to be at #wsla12 representing 'myself' for once, with my @thegirlsare hat on :)

18-Jun-12 19:25 | giannagee

RT @beckypants: I liked it so much I volunteered to help out... The @ogunte women's social leadership awards#wsla12 is as inspiring as last year. Lovely

18-Jun-12 19:25 | Gasnolar

Attending #wsla12 in spirit. All the best to @ogunte: empowering & advancing entrepreneurial women innovators.Shout out to @First_Power.

18-Jun-12 19:25 | BonnieOWong

"Helping people to own their power, own their energy" --Donna Morton @First_Power #wsla12 #socent #socinn

18-Jun-12 19:25 | ogunte

Go Canada Go! RT @hattyrichmond: Wow! Lovely @First_Power won the people's choice award. Amazingwoman, amazing organisation... #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:25 | melfindlater

Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy! RT @ogunte And the winner of the People’s Vote: Donna Morton @first_power@guardiansocent #wsla12 #women #socinn

18-Jun-12 19:26 | BonnieOWong

Thanks @ogunte - have been to #wsla12 for the last 3 years, always inspiring

18-Jun-12 19:26 | giannagee

RT @ogunte: "Helping people to own their power, own their energy" --Donna Morton @First_Power #wsla12#socent #socinn

18-Jun-12 19:26 | NaomiDevine

RT @giannagee: Great to be at #wsla12 representing 'myself' for once, with my @thegirlsare hat on :)

18-Jun-12 19:29 | TheGirlsAre

Keep watching #wsla12 to hear more from our wonderful winners and speakers!

18-Jun-12 19:30 | ogunte

"Are we inspired? We are" Hilary Gardner, Level 1 (sitting next to me) #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:36 | ogunte

"Are we inspired? We are" Hilary Gardner, Level 1 (sitting next to me) #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:36 | stacymineart

RT @thegirlsare: RT @giannagee: Great to be at #wsla12 representing 'myself' for once, with my @TheGirlsArehat on :)

18-Jun-12 19:36 | ogunte

RT @giannagee: Thanks @ogunte - have been to #wsla12 for the last 3 years, always inspiring

18-Jun-12 19:42 | ogunte

@Adizah_Tejani sounds good to me! You London based? I'm in Cambridge. My @youcanhub colleagues@loushackleton @stacymineart are at #wsla12

18-Jun-12 19:57 | melfindlater

RT @bonnieowong: Attending #wsla12 in spirit. All the best to @ogunte: empowering & advancingentrepreneurial women innovators. Shout out...

18-Jun-12 19:59 | ogunte

RT @volansamanda: "Women focus on the long term and think from a generational perspective." -- CharmianLove @volanschar @ogunte #wsla12 #futurequo

18-Jun-12 19:59 | sharedimpact

“@ogunte: Susan Aktemel, winner in the Social Business Leader Category! @susanaktemel @impactarts@Guardiansocent #wsla12...” woohoo!

18-Jun-12 20:07 | RachaelOA

RT @Adizah_Tejani: @johanbrand Talk of play @ogunte #wsla12 tonight.

18-Jun-12 20:07 | johanbrand

RT @ogunte: "Helping people to own their power, own their energy" --Donna Morton @First_Power #wsla12#socent #socinn

18-Jun-12 20:18 | cecepoint

Sometimes the world really can surprise you. A fab and thoughtful night with the ladies has been had. Thanksand well done all #wsla12

18-Jun-12 20:21 | oneandonlydebs

RT @Rioch1 : @ogunte very inspired and empowered by the finalists at the 6th Women's Social LeadershipAwards! #WSLA12 @hubwestminster

18-Jun-12 20:53 | timahrensbach

Helping people to own their power, own their energy. Glad to connect with the inspiring winner Donna Morton@First_Power #wsla12 @ttkingston

18-Jun-12 20:57 | HilaryGander

RT @ogunte: "No reason to seperate art and technology" @First_Power http://t.co/wG3Lest2 #wsla12

18-Jun-12 21:04 | NaomiDevine

It's all about The GOOD We Do! Massive shout out to all the amazing women & winners at today's #WSLA12@hubwestminster http://t.co/rI3D2QRD

18-Jun-12 21:15 | timahrensbach

"@ogunte: And the winner in the Campaign Leader Category is: Louise Van Rhyn! @LouiseVanRhyn@Guardiansocent #wsla12" congratulations!

18-Jun-12 21:18 | KrisyDavidson

RT @timahrensbach All about The GOOD We Do! Massive shout out to the amazing women @ today's#WSLA12 @Ogunte http://t.co/6ZWsSzsB #AGoodWeek

18-Jun-12 21:19 | hubwestminster

"@KrisyDavidson: @ogunte:And the winner in the Campaign Leader Category is Louise Van Rhyn!@Guardiansocent #wsla12" congratulations!" Thx!

18-Jun-12 21:25 | louisevanrhyn

RT @ogunte: And the winner in the Campaign Leader Category is: Louise Van Rhyn! @LouiseVanRhyn@Guardiansocent #wsla12 #women #socent

18-Jun-12 21:27 | CraigYeatman

It appears there is a #wsla12 after party *hic*

18-Jun-12 21:28 | beckypants

RT @ogunte: RT @louisevanrhyn: Great experience to be at @ogunte Women's Social Leadership Awards#WSLA12 at The Hub in London. Thank your for all...

18-Jun-12 21:35 | appetiteuk

RT @ogunte: Introducing the Social Business Leader Award finalists, is Diana Verde Nieto @Dianaverdenieto#wsla12 #socent #socinn #women

18-Jun-12 22:07 | PositiveLuxury

Thank you! RT @_BitchOnline: What a truly positive CEO of @PositiveLuxury . Another successful foreignwoman! Introducing winners #Wsla12

18-Jun-12 22:08 | DianaVerdeNieto

Thank you RT @vikjanderson: @PositiveLuxury On the power of Nemo and the power of positive brands#wsla12 #women #socent

18-Jun-12 22:09 | DianaVerdeNieto

RT @BonnieOWong: Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy! RT @ogunte And the winner of the People’s Vote: Donna Morton@first_power @guardiansocent #wsla12 #women #socinn

18-Jun-12 22:29 | hiddenground

whoo hoo! THE PEOPLE SPEAK!! Donna Morton, CEO @first_power winner of the People's Vote @ogunte#wsla12

18-Jun-12 22:33 | hiddenground

RT @ogunte: "Helping people to own their power, own their energy" --Donna Morton @First_Power #wsla12#socent #socinn

18-Jun-12 22:41 | solarmaandpa

RT @ogunte: "No reason to seperate art and technology" @First_Power http://t.co/wG3Lest2 #wsla12

18-Jun-12 22:42 | solarmaandpa

-served some amazing women libations this evening! #wsla12

18-Jun-12 22:59 | Pacificant

Ace to see you at #wsla12! @beckypants @jobeda @volansamanda @volanschar @volanssam @ogunte@smallbarlow #rocknrollmondays

18-Jun-12 23:28 | giannagee

Had an awesomesauce evening with @stacymineart doing #socmed for @ogunte #wsla12 via @youcanhub -bring it on!

18-Jun-12 23:40 | LouShackleton

@JenniferSertl #TY for the tip on #wsla12 (familiar names from #Socent 500 Daily)--@ogunte actually posted meon the event last week. #sis12

18-Jun-12 23:57 | mitgc_cm