WTO Presentation PEP

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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  • 8/6/2019 WTO Presentation PEP


    WTO, Globalization &WTO, Globalization &

    PakistanPakistanPresented By

    Abiha Jafar Zaidi Fareeha Saquib


  • 8/6/2019 WTO Presentation PEP



    WTO(World Trade Organization)WTO(World Trade Organization)

    Established: 1stJanuary, 1995

    Created By: Uruguay Round Negotiations

    (1986-94) 18th GATT round.

    Budget: 185 Million Swiss Francs for 2008

    Membership: 153 countries, with Ukraine as

    its newest member


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    ADVANTAGES OF WTOADVANTAGES OF WTO Free trade cuts the cost of living It gives consumers more choice and a broader

    range of qualities to choose from Trade raises income Trade stimulates economic growth, which is

    good for employment The basic principles make the system

    economically more efficient and cuts costs The system allows disputes to be handles

    constructively A system based on rules rather than power

    makes life easier for all


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    Purpose of WTOPurpose of WTO

    Liberalize Trade

    Solve Trade Disputes

    Organize Trade Negotiations

    Maintain Trade Barriers

    Assist with Trade Policy Issues


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    Objectives of WTOObjectives of WTO

    To raise standard of living.

    Ensuring full employment. Developing the full sense of the resources

    of the world and expanding the

    production and exchange of goods.


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    4 Basic Principles4 Basic Principles

    1. Protection to Domestic Industry

    through Tariffs.

    2. Binding of Tariffs3. MFNTreatment

    4. National Treatment Rule


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    Standards and Safety Textiles


    Anti-Dumping Intellectual Property

    Non-tariff Barriers


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    the free movement of goods, services, laborand capital across borders.

    Types Of Globalization Economic globalization

    Environmental globalization

    communicative globalization


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    Economic globalization is characterized by

    increased trade and investment,

    liberalization (free trade),

    privatization of public services and

    de-regulation of many government institutions.

    Environmental globalization recognizes that anenvironmental incident or impact that happens in

    one region or country. It has the potential to affect

    the entire world's health and well being.

    communicative globalization refers to the rapidgrowth of communication technologies such as

    internet, telephone, cellular phone, satellite and so

    on. This has great impact on culture.


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    Impact Of GlobalizationImpact Of Globalization

    On The developing countries


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    Impact on industrial sectorImpact on industrial sector


    Textile and related productsy Trade liberalization principle

    y The average tariff in Pakistan is around 17% however

    there is a need to ensure that there are no adverse

    affects of trade liberalization on the domesticproducers.

    y Completion of all textile and clothing products into

    free trade environment underAgreement of Textile

    and Clothing (ATC)


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    Impact onAgricultureImpact onAgriculture

    y Agreement ofAgriculture (AOA)

    y Rules regarding export subsidies,

    domestic support and market access

    y Agreement regarding food safety and

    protection of human and animal life and

    health from agricultural imports

    y Production and exports of meat, dairyproducts, fruits, vegetables, etc.


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    y Agreement on Trade related aspects of

    Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)

    y To fully utilize its competitive advantage

    and to ensure that the industry is

    encouraged to provide intellectualproperty protection for its products, and

    imported products.


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    y Genaral Agreement on Trade in Services


    y WTO agreements have an in-built

    mechanism for trade remedial measures

    for problems of increased imports and

    unfair practices under the global trade

    regime.y WTO agreement of Technical Barriers.


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    y Proper support and policies for industry,

    along with intelligent balancing of imports

    and exports is vital for growth of

    Pakistans economy and is likely to leadtowards a bright future and trade

    enhancement under the WTO regime.


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    Pakistans experiencePakistans experience


    fter 1947:

    a strategy of import substitution (IS) industrialization

    was adopted.

    Pakistans exchange rate was relatively over-valued,use of quantitative controls on imports .

    The objective of the end of EBS was to adopt more

    uniform effective exchange rates for exports.

    export promotion (EP) emerged as a desirable

    strategy of development.


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    y During 1970s:

    Increased in international oil prices

    This increased the import bill and thus worsened the

    balance of payments problem.

    On the other hand, the emergence of Middle Eastmarket and remittances contributed significantly to

    improving the trade balance.

    Devaluation, elimination of EBS, and the end of

    import licenses were the most notable measuresduring 1970s that were taken to reduce anti-export



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    y 1980S ONWARD:

    Pakistan started liberalizing the economy with thehelp ofIMF and World Bank in 1982-83.

    Government has taken a number of measures during

    1990s that includes: privatization, liberalization of

    trade and foreign exchange, and opening up its capital

    markets to foreign investors.

    like many other developing countries, Pakistan has

    made significant efforts to integrate its economy withrest of the world through foreign trade, investment

    and other macroeconomic policies.


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    Rationalizing the Tariff Structure

    PakistansAgricultural potential has not been takenadvantage of due to inadequate research, structuralproblems, barriers in assessing export markets andcompetitions from other countries exporters

    Very few institutions are in Pakistan where differentstake holders can interact on the WTO issues. Theyare based on assumptions rather than research

    The speed and sequencing of reforms must becarefully orchestrated

    There should not be excessive reliance on demandmanagement, as it can further slow down the pace ofeconomic growth


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    There is need for a coordinated and collaborative effort among theSouthAsian countries to expand trade in the region

    Pakistan needs to diversify its exports base and shift from primary

    agricultural products to more value added and industrial products Pakistan should increase exports not only to earn more foreign

    exchange but also to join the world community in globalization

    Direct foreign investment is crucial for resource mobilization,therefore, it is strongly recommended that the government ofPakistan must attract foreign direct investment by giving themvarious incentives

    Financial depth is also playing crucial role in the overalldevelopment of the country. It is important that we shouldstrengthen our financial sector for capital flow

    Political stability is crucial for economic development of the country

    Pakistan should be provided enhanced access to the internationalmarket

    Pakistan should try to attract FDI through the policies ofliberalization, deregulation, and privatization

    All three sectors, first (government), second (business), and third(civil society) must work together towards achieving nationaldevelopment objectives and strengthen national institutions
