WWI 1st Aero Squadron Interview

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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8/6/2019 WWI 1st Aero Squadron Interview

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1...1v. Exp.d1~1en 1ncQ »":de., !:I.long tn .. r1r~1o .rgan1"a1:1.n

...l.n S•• t1on: S1g".~ C.rpe) ..V.r u~"d 1n u,,,lv. fi...d eerv1

the hlet.r,. of the United. St." ... Army.

Ord"r~ " .... r.c.ived .t J < " I ; . Sam Houet ..n. Sa.n Ant.m.,

.n Kerch.ill. J.\Ho to j.in th .. PWl1tiv. Exp.dltlen.t Cel.Wllt

N.." Mexl".. It~ .quipm.nt cOJj~leted of ..lgh" Curti •• R-.L .1

w1,;h eceven orri""r pi ....t" 'lna. .ignty_1'our _nUst"d ",.n. T

SquoodrQ!J"a~ ahipp ..d (n.1o fLown, a~ some St.ri ..~ tlav. r ......".

8/6/2019 WWI 1st Aero Squadron Interview

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to "1111Jet Age IIn<l o"hel" apu'e a-I\vel.

The ail"p1~ne "'~II t1"J.II<I JN~--J.llt J,el"O-Sqll!l.dl'on, Caee.

Mex1eo, PeZ'~n1118'" Punl"lvlI Exp"dltlo," In 1916. The two Cu

!!Il"l1known"" "Pony 503J.<llers." Thill plAne 18 ee ..1gl1ll."ed #5,

lIinoe ~11 O3"nel"PJ..tlnllll in "Ile SqWldron at tne.t tillle bad a t

digit n....."er. tnlll"e 111an inQ.l.ination to bllJ.ieve tllel"e II "1"

hind tne tl"ooper. Th.1a would hal'e ....<1ethi. plene #51.

Thel"e .... II _II,. othel' plellllS in this eq~dl'on "lth ".

tltled pilote. Onll ot thllSII "IlII plane 153, .hollll pilot (1II

t1tled) tul.j1e<l the phne •• hile lIn dZ' _n heJ.d on to the

8/6/2019 WWI 1st Aero Squadron Interview

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v;J4-() Tx- 7#"i{1--

8/6/2019 WWI 1st Aero Squadron Interview

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8/6/2019 WWI 1st Aero Squadron Interview

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8/6/2019 WWI 1st Aero Squadron Interview

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8/6/2019 WWI 1st Aero Squadron Interview

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8/6/2019 WWI 1st Aero Squadron Interview

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