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�www.pratt.mpls.k12.mn.us :::: Office: (612) 668-1122 April 10, 2018

From the Desk of Nancy Vague, Principal    Dear  Pratt  Families.    

Kind  regards,  


Upcoming  Events  

Friday,  April  13  9:25  -­‐  10  am  Breakfast  and  books  10-­‐11  am  Parent  Meeting  -­‐  calming  strategies  for  home  with  100o  petals.    

Tuesday,  April  17  4:45  -­‐  6pm    Site  Council  Meeting  5:30  -­‐  7pm  PTO  Meeting  

Thursday,  April  19  5:00pm  MPLS  Kids  Play  -­‐  Moana!  

Monday,  May  7  10  -­‐  11am  Hi5  &  K  Registration  (round  up)  

Wednesday,  May  9  Walk/Bike  to  School  Day  

Tuesday,  May  15  4:45  -­‐  6pm    Site  Council  Meeting  5:30  -­‐  7pm  PTO  Meeting  

Wednesday,  May  23  Spring  Music  Concert  2-­‐3  pm  Grades  K  -­‐  2    3-­‐4  pm  Grades  3  -­‐  5  

Friday,  May  25  Field  Day  

PRATT PRESS Please read this important information from the school.

Fadlan akhriya warkan muhimka ah ee ka yimid Iskuulka

For  the  past  two  months  we  have  been  talking  with  families  and  staff  about  educational  priorities.  These  discussions  helped  us  make  our  2018-­‐2019  school  year  budget  decisions.  We  will  experience  some  staff  adjustments  but  will  continue  to  put  an  emphasis  on  the  small  group  instruction  that  takes  place  each  day  with  the  support  of  our  associate  educators.  These  associate  educators  also  supervise  the  students  during  recess  which  helps  build  meaningful  relationships.  

Next  year  we  will  be  making  a  change  to  the  specialists  that  students  experience  at  Pratt.  All  grade  levels  will  have  physical  education,  visual  arts,  and  enrichment  as  specialist  classes.  Our  music  experience  will  take  place  during  enrichment  class  and  will  be  led  by  artists  in  residence.  We  are  excited  to  have  Ms.  Greene  as  the  enrichment  specialist  and  she  is  already  busy  planning  the  focus  of  the  student  experiences.  

Thank  you  to  the  many  people  who  took  the  time  to  provide  input  into  the  budget  making  process.  While  budget  reductions  are  always  a  

challenge,  the  creative  problem  solving  of  our  Pratt  Community  means  

we  should  be  able  to  weather  these  changes.

�www.pratt.mpls.k12.mn.us :::: Office: (612) 668-1122 April 10, 2018


We  had  a  great  Culture  Night!  THANK  YOU  to  the  many  volunteers  who  gave  their  time  to  make  it  happen  and  to  all  of  the  families  that  

brought  in  food  dishes  to  share.  Our  pot  luck  was  the  highlight  of  the  evening  with  dishes  from  all  over  the  world.  You  made  this  a  success!  If  you  would  like  to  include  your  dish  in  the  Pratt  recipe  book  please  call  or  email  Lissa  the  recipe!  

 Lissa  Steenerson,  Family  Liaison  lissa.steenerson@mpls.k12.mn.us  or  (612)  668-­‐1122.

On  Friday,  April  13th  after  Breakfast  and  Books  joins  us  for  a  Parent  Meeting  at  10  am  in  Room  202.  Students  in  grades  3-­‐5  recently  participated  in  a  Moving  and  Learning  Program  at  school  that  taught  skills  for  building  physical,  emotional  and  mental  strength  as  well  as  improved  focus  and  concentration.  Come  and  learn  breathing  techniques,  relaxation  strategies  and  yoga  based  movement.

Culture Night THANK YOU!

Pratt  PTO  The  Pratt  Parent  Teacher  organization  welcomes  students,  parents  and  community  members  to  monthly  meetings.    Please  join  us  on  the  third  Tuesday  of  each  month.  Meetings  are  held  in  the  cafeteria.  Meetings  start  with  free  dinner  and  socializing  from  5:30  -­‐  6  pm  with  the  business  meeting  from  6:00  -­‐  7  pm.  Childcare  for  school  aged  children  is  provided.  

Community Education at Pratt

The  Spring  Session  of  Pratt  Community  Education  classes  will  begin  April  14.  We’ll  continue  to  offer  some  of  our  

most  popular  dance,  music,  fitness,  home  and  creative  arts  classes  Monday  through  Wednesday  evenings  and  

Saturday  mornings.  New  spring  classes  include:  Flowers  for  Pollinators,  How  to  Ride  the  Metro  Transit,  Making  

Summer  Tea  Refreshments,  Sustainable  Lawn  Care,  Save  Money  &  Drop  a  Car,  Parent-­‐Child  Wooden  Birdhouse  

Making,  Prepare  Your  Own  Will,  XaBeat  Dance  Fitness  and  more.  Come  join  the  community  of  lifelong  learners  

at  Pratt  Community  Education,  66  Malcolm  Ave  SE,  Mpls.  For  more  info  or  to  register  for  classes  call  us  at  

612-­‐668-­‐1100,  or  visit  www.mplscommunityed.com  

Parent Meeting with 1000 Petals

�www.pratt.mpls.k12.mn.us :::: Office: (612) 668-1122 April 10, 2018


African Roots 3rd grade concert

Pratt  3rd  graders  were  fortunate  to  be  able  to  use  PTO’s  Artist-­‐in-­‐Residence  funding  to  have  Ms.  Katy  come  in  and  work  with  them  every  week  for  9  weeks.  The  final  performance  was  fantastic!  Special  THANK  YOU  to  Ms.  Katy  for  the  energetic  show  that  included  dancing,  solo's  and  duets.  Great  job  3rd  grade!

MPLS  Kids  Presents………… Join  us  on  April  19th  at  5pm  in  the  Pratt  Gym  to  see  MPLS  Kids  perform  the  play,  Moana!

Minnesota Zoo Field Trip

Thank  you  to  all  of  the  Parent  Volunteers  who  came  along  on  the  4/5th  Grade  Minnesota  Zoo  Field  Trip!  Students,  Parent  Volunteers  and  Staff  had  a  great  day  at  the  zoo  which  was  sponsored  by  Target.

MPLS Kids Challenge

Since  the  beginning  of  the  school  year  Ms.  Jakki  has  had  a  challenge  that  whoever  was  first  to  solve  the  Rubik’s  Cube  in  Mpls  Kids  would  be  showcased  in  the  Pratt  Press.  

Abe  Hanks  -­‐  You  did  it!  Nice  job,  Abe!  

�www.pratt.mpls.k12.mn.us :::: Office: (612) 668-1122 April 10, 2018


Fall School Start Dates

The  Superintendent  announced  MPS  will  NOT  be  proposing  a  change  to  the  adopted  calendar  for  the  2018-­‐2019  school  year.  The  first  day  of  school  for  grades  1-­‐12  will  be  August  27th.  The  first  day  for  Pre-­‐K  and  kindergarten  will  be  Wednesday,  August  29th.

The  end  of  the  school  year  is  filled  with  fun  events  that  we  need  volunteers  for.  We  are  looking  for  volunteers  to  help  out  in  the  library,  Walk/Bike  to  School  Day,  Field  Day,  sell  raffle  tickets,  and  many  Ice  Cream  Social  opportunities  and  shifts.  Please  check  out  the  Pratt  website  under  volunteer  and  sign  up!  You  can  also  contact  Lissa  Steenerson,  Family  Liaison,  at  (612)  668-­‐1122.  Thanks  for  being  a  part  of  what  makes  Pratt  great!  

We need YOU! Volunteer opportunities

Pratt  will  again  be  serving  lunch  at  no  cost  for  both  the  2018  -­‐  2019  school  year  AND  the  2019-­‐2020  school  year.  All  students  of  Pratt  qualify  for  breakfast  and  lunch  at  no  cost.  

Free lunch for all Pratt Students

New Face at Pratt!

Please  welcome  Ricky  Morisseau  to  Pratt  as  East  Side  Neighborhood  Services  Program  Manager.  Ricky  has  worked  with  youth  of  all  ages,  personalities  and  cultures  and  is  so  excited  to  be  starting  his  new  journey  at  Pratt.  Ricky  is  here  in  the  afternoons  and  his  office  is  located  in  the  main  floor  hallway.