| Using Facebook Fan Pages To Market Your Business

Post on 06-May-2015

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This seminar educated, motivated and inspired its listners to the value of maketing their business on the biggest marketing platform with the platnet...FACEBOOK FAN PAGES. Get over to facebook search for fanpageevangelist.com


Social Media Revolution 2


Social Media Revolution 2

What is an Evangelist? Who we are?

House Keeping | Agenda | Tweetchat.com

Send out http://tweetchat.com/room/FPE10| Remember the hash tag is how

you join the conversation #FPE10


VP of Marketing

Derrick T. Spruiell

Christian, Husband and Father

Infopreneur, Internet Marketer

Publishers, Traffic Strategist


Does anyone not have a Facebook account?

Who does not have a Fan Page?

Who’s not sure?

Receive some great information that will help you understand Facebook at a deeper level

Receive some step by step information that will show you how to perform some critical task on how to use Fan Pages to Market Your Business

Meet some people of like mind set and create some new joint venture opportunities that will surprise you if you remain open

Someone TWEETOUT we’re underway! #fpe10

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Now tell us, which percent matches your action?

Your mind will only accept as much as your bottom will allow (25 minute segments)

Be thoughtful we have a large spectrum of skillsets and will try to add value for everyone at each level

You will hear some information repeatedly to drive important points home

If you say that you will not use social media consider that your biggest competitor is sitting in the back of the room.

An excited brain learns best! What you emotionalize with your

RAS will start to show up more often because you have excited your RAS to look for it.

Want a red car? I mean really want a red car? They’ll start to show up more often by default.

So why not use this tool on purpose? Decide that you want new actionable

ideas from this seminar. Then get excited that they are coming and you’ll be ready to catch that WOW! idea and run with it.

Nothing is actually free | Time | Mental Creativity

Miniature landing page or micro blog.

It’s very active and with every fan page update every fan receives a message from you.

180 people (avg # of friends on Facebook) see your message and the viral nature of fan pages means that each of their friends see the same update. Then their friends might see it and their friends might see it.

Easy to set up and Google LOVES them.

Fan Pages serve as the interface between your solution and the client

( What’s your policy?)

Triangle of Trust

1. Affiliate Products will allow you to market and promote their turn key productions to your FAN’S ex. Clickbank (ITS FREE!)

2. Sell your own products and services to targeted groups and individuals based on your key word research from Groups, Interest, Likes and Ads

3. Promote Webinars and Seminars like the one your at right now. Go Evangelist!

4. CPA offers | Click Per Action offers where you get paid to give away a companies merchandise when people take the desired action of signing up for something. Receive a new iphone or an ipad!



Top 7 Cost Per Action (CPA) Affiliate Networks

1. Commission Junction | 2. Amazon Associates |

3. AzoogleAds | 4. Google Affiliate Network

5. Clickbooth (software) | 6. OneNetworkDirect (software)

7. ClickBank – Sell products from biggest digital market place. ClickBank is largest market place for selling digital products from eBooks, software to online services. You can earn up to 75% commission selling products.

+ Over 6 billion fans were created so far


We have created a partnership with our friend Tom. Tom is a an expert in showing you How You Can Make Facebook Work For You – Not Against You! So for a limited time we would like to offer Tom’s tested and proven strategies, taken straight from the real world experiences of the most successful businesses ever to use Facebook to make money and capitalize on Social Media Marketing.

Fan Page Share

Fan Page vs Group

Things To Consider

Best Practices

Action Plan

Be around since the fall of 2007 – So don’t worry your not an early adaptor you and your rival are both learning this at the same time

Fan is short for FANATIC = a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal

Fan pages are all about building business relationships and networks of like minded people around your product or service to create enthusiastic people that KNOW, LIKE & TRUST you

So let’s build 1! Derrick

Fan Page Share

Facebook is the #2 most visited website in the U.S. When you create a Facebook Fan Page, you are pitching your blog to a potential audience of 400 million active users. Here are some facts you should consider: 20 million people become fan pages everyday. There are over 5.3 billion Facebook fans overall. The typical user becomes a fan of 4 pages per month. With these numbers in mind, it’s easy to see why you should invest a little time and energy into creating a Fan Page. Let’s take a closer look at why it’s a good idea: 1. It’s easy for users to “fan.” All it takes is one click for people to fan your Page. It eliminates a lot of the steps people typically take to connect with the content of your blog. A user does not need to: type in their first name, type in their last name, type in their e-mail address, click the “Subscribe!” button, wait for the confirmation e-mail in their inbox, or click on the e-mailed link to confirm their subscription. All of these steps have been consolidated into one simple, almost-thoughtless click of the “Become a Fan” button. It couldn’t be easier for someone to get involved with your content, and you’ll never have to worry about your messages winding up in someone’s spam folder.

Creating a Facebook Fan pages

in few a clicks

Facebook Fanpage

Fan Page vs Group

Facebook created Fan Pages and Groups to respond to Myspace’s


Fan Page vs Group

….ultimately keeping consumers informed

Fan Page vs Group

Pages and Groups have always been Facebook’s destinations for


Fan Page vs Group

….while pointing individuals toward profiles

Fan Page vs Group

In the beginning, companies setup both Pages and Group to see how consumer would react

Fan Page vs Group

Pages evolved to more of a business profile

Fan Page vs Group

Groups migrated toward individual to expressing

themselves and placing users in closed communications

Fan Page vs Group

Today, most companies create fan pages and monitor groups

Fan Page vs Group

Creating A Successful Fan Page

Fan Page vs Group

Creating Successful Fan Pages

Development Custom Tab for Custom Tabs

Don’t Let New Land on the Wall

Fan Page vs Group

Creating Successful Fan Pages

Create an Unique Page Image

Integrate Applications To Increase Engagement

Fan Page vs Group

Creating Successful Fan Pages

Fan Page vs Group

Creating Successful Fan Pages

Join the Conversation, it’s NOT Optional Anymore

Publish Interested and Relevant Content

Fan Page vs Group

Creating Successful Fan Pages

Repost comments by other users

Update Regularly

Fan Page vs Group

Creating Successful Fan Pages

Post and Tag Users on Photos and Videos

Leverage the Power of Facebook Events

Fan Page vs Group

Key differences of Fan Page and Group

All content on fan pages get indexed by Google (including live searches), whereas indexed content on groups is limited, if any

More activity gets pushed to fans’ New Feeds from pages than from groups users are member of

Fan pages allow the additional of apps that provide much customization potential

Fan pages offer the potential for unlimited fans that admins can message en masse via updates – a group has max of 5, 000 members

Fan Page vs Group

Fan Page vs Group

3 Types of Groups

Open : Anyone can view the group and content and anyone can join

Closed : (default) Invite-only, though anyone can view and read some content

Secret : Invisible to everyone except members; these type of groups are not findable in a search. You have to be invited to know it exists.

Secret groups are ideal for family members. Some companies use as their intranet (in-house internet)

Fan Page vs Group

Final Thoughts on….Facebook Fan Group

Groups are an effective opportunity for companies that want to communicate exclusively with premium customers, sales targets, so on…..

If you have good reason to exclude or qualify users, start a group

If you want invite “fanatics” to be a part an exclusive-members ONLY club

Fan Page vs Group

Final Thoughts on….Facebook Fan Pages

Fan Pages allow the same type of interaction as group with more options for customization and personalization

Fanpages are for real entities to broad great information to fans in an official, public manner

Fan pages are visible to unregistered people and are indexed by search engines. This makes pages an important element for reputation management and search engine optimization (SEO) campaign.

Fan Page vs Group

“Facebook changed customer behavior for the better [...] Though they spent about the same amount of money per visit, they increased their store visits per month after becoming Facebook fans and generated more positive word of mouth than nonfans. They went to Dessert Gallery 20% more often than nonfans and gave the store the highest share of their overall dining-out dollars.“

Study Shows Impact of Facebook Fan Pages

Fan Page vs Group

Creating a Fanbook Group

in 3 minutes or less

Facebook Group

Name – You have 75 characters available including spaces

Representing your large company or direct sales fan page by using company’s name – could cause your account to be close by pulling their rights

Use descriptive keywords with business for SEO – separate with “|” pipe symbol

Things To Consider

Mini Profile Box – “Write Something About Yourself Only have 196 characters

Make sure you include the http:// in front of your web address to make it is a live link

80/20 posting rule – 80% Great Content – 20% self serving

Using the @ (no space) to link person with the post – then type your post

Things To Consider

Post Facebook Fan Page URL via Ping.fm

Ping.fm was created with the intent of making it as easy as possible to post updates to multiple social networking sites simultaneously. The idea came about when creators were updating status messages with micro-blogging sites Twitter and Tumblr. The idea of posting the exact same information in two places seemed a bit tedious, so Ping.fm was born.


Social networking and micro-blogging web service

Now People Can Join Your Facebook Fan Page via SMS/Text Message

You can incorporate this method with your offline advertising. Have a local radio spot? Tell your listeners to text “like username” to 32665, where “username” is the part of your Facebook Page’s URL that follows facebook.com/username.


Mobile Marketing Strategies

Direct Mail driven traffic to Facebook Fan Page via SMS/Text Message

One of direct mail's biggest advantages is its ability to make personal one-to-one contact with your prospect. Create a call to action for the prospect to join your fan page via text message for coupons or discounts


Offline Marketing Strategies

Now Will is coming back to talk with you about some Best Practices

Best Practices Ladies who are married or people with widely used nick names you can add it. Very important because everything is based on keyword searchability.

Best Practices

Learn to back up your facebook account. Do it now! Remember you don’t own any of the information on facebook and your rival can do something like report you for spam and get you banned. Have your data backed up so you don’t lose out. #4 Registration and Account Security (This one gets most people.) Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:

You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission. You will not create more than one personal profile. If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission. You will not use your personal profile for your own commercial gain (such as selling your status update to an advertiser). You will not use Facebook if you are under 13. You will not use Facebook if you are a convicted sex offender. You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.

Best Practices

Best Practices

2 . Click Account Settings Confusing cause it say’s

“learn more” 3. Click “learn more”

Best Practices

Best Practices

You will receive an email when your

archive is ready for download.

This may take a little while for us to

gather all of your photos, wall posts,

messages, and other information. We will

then ask you to verify your identity in

order to help protect the security of your


Verify using photos, Why it’s not good to tag promotional flyer.

Best Practices You recently requested a download of your information on Facebook. Your download has been generated and is now ready. Please follow the link below to download it. Remember that this file contains sensitive information. Because this download contains your profile information, you should keep it secure and take precautions when storing, sending or uploading it to any other services. https://register.facebook.com/download/?h=67c4d09519c519038867f6a52d1b3aca Thanks, The Facebook Team

Best Practices

Best Practices

Best Practices

Best Practices

Clearing up some popular confusion: 1. From your personal page. Click the top right Home link, your post will into your live stream on both your HOME & into the live stream on the Profile page. This will be seen by everyone you’ve give permission to post. 2. From your profile page. Click the top right Profile link, IT DOES NOT GO INTO THE LIVE STREAM of your home and profile page where everyone can see it. It stays on top of your profile page, next to your picture until you post from your the profile page next time. So choose those post more carefully because that post will be seen first by all your visitors.

Best Practices

+ Don’t worry if you see that you’re the same information is being entered in multiple places FACEBOOK uses something known as the Edgeworth Algorithm. + Choose Your Top Friends. Instead of letting FB randomly pick who your top friends are in your friends box. Now you can decide who shows up and for how long. Your choice of friends helps define who your are and what your business stands for. Birds of a feather, flock together. 1. Go to your friends box >>> select the pencil (in the drop

down) 2. Choose the # friends to be displayed 6,9,12 3. Click the box that says “always on top” 4. Then begin typing the names of the first friend. 5. Save and close.

Best Practices

Must get your profile filled out properly. Everything is driven by key words that turn into links

Same with starting at least 2 groups one that supports your business and one of personal interest.

Try and make sure that 80% of your post is good content related to your industry. 20% can be self promotion.

Put 2 or 3 of your WOW moments to use immediately and turn your attention to FACEBOOK ADS…NEXT!

Get some help and save time and frustration

You must take action! Action + Implementation = SUCCESS!

Action Plan

Special Pricing for Seminar Attendees –

Savings Promotion ends on December 15th


For being apart of the Fan Page Evangelists launch,

we want to thank you for helping us make history.

We have put together a “thank you savings discount”. This pricing is for ONLY the participants who were present during the seminar.


Facebook Profile Banners We can design a 200x600 vertical banner that you'll use to replace your standard photo, creating a nice advertisement in the left sidebar. This can be used on both personal Facebook profiles as well as business fan pages and will appear on your wall and info pages.

$79 Price after 12/15/2010 - $99

Facebook Landing Pages We can also design full HTML welcome pages for your Facebook fan page. This means we can design a full-page landing page that is just like any other page on the Internet and can contain graphics, actual text (not just graphical text), videos, clickable buttons, and text links. A custom landing page let's you tell new visitors to your Facebook page who aren't yet fans what you do and why they should click the "Like" button and start seeing your posts in their news feed. Studies show that a landing page actually increases clicks on the "Like" button by up to 25%.

$99.00 Price after 12/15/2010 - $129

Complete Package

*********** Facebook

Landing Pages and

Facebook Profile Banners

$149.00 Price after 12/15/2010 - $199

We can create custom tabs with images, links, videos, audio, opt-in forms, contact forms, You Tube galleries, Flickr image galleries, comment boxes, share buttons, and more.

Custom Designed

Half Price Special Savings for Fan Page Evangelists


Custom Fan Pages

$250 Price after 12/15/2010 - $500

Seminar and Coaching



We are looking for organizations and sales groups that would like to experience our seminar entitled “Using Facebook Fan Pages To Market Your Business”. We will customize the seminar to show your industry how to GROW NOW! (Some FREE slots still available. Restrictions apply. Call and get your group socially educated, motivated and inspired.)

“Like” Campaigns Need numbers for your page? Let us invite/suggest facebook friends to join your facebook fan page or group. Our fees depend on the number you need and the number you need depends on what your goal is.

You do know your goal, don’t you?

Partner Program

We value the power of our community. We understand there are relationships we will never be able to access unless we have help. We believe your relationships have value and we love to leverage them. Please join our affiliate program. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on Facebook. http://facebook.com/fanpageevangelist.com

Must get your profile filled out properly. Everything is driven by key words that turn into links

Same with starting at least 2 groups one that supports your business and one of personal interest.

Go back and look at the 4 principle ways make money now!

Give me the WOW sign and connect with someone to see what the possibilities could be.

If you have found any of this helpful please get on facebook and friend us and post what you found helpful.

Action Plan

Wouldn’t you like to get FREE applications, how-to-videos and content rich articles. Get over to Facebook and search for

FanPageEvangelist.com and “Like” us now.

Get your very own W.O.W Ball for YOUR next meeting or event!

Will Hall | 336.451.0242 Derrick Spruiell | 336.549.2231

FanPageEvangelist@gmail.com http://Twitter.com/FanPgEvangelist

http://FanPageEvangelist.com http://on.fb.me/FanPageEvangelist

Or on Facebook search for FanPageEvangelist.com

“Like” our page and start receiving Facebook videos, how-to’s & applications.

What I learned

What I learned