Www.novalys.net Migrate your PowerBuilder applications to the web Migrate your PowerBuilder...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Migrate your PowerBuilder applications to the web

Modernize your PowerBuilder Applications

Take your PB Apps to the next level!

Give your PowerBuilder applications a new look PowerBuilder + Active Directory: Advanced user management Make your PowerBuilder Applications Multilingual


Migrate your apps to the web

Development Production



+ Unbeatable productivity

+ Rich User Interface

- Deployment Cost

- Limited Access (LAN users)

Web redevelopment

(Java / .Net)

- Lower productivity

- Redevelopment cost

- Delays in deployment

- Risk of failure (long projects)

+ Simplified Deployment

+ Unlimited Access (Web users)

+ Comply with corporate production standards (Java or .Net)

In 2010, 58% of PB Projects had either web enabled their Apps or planned to do so (1)

Here is Why:

Appeon for PowerBuilder

+ Unbeatable productivity

+ Rich User Interface

+ Simplified Deployment

+ Unlimited Access (Web users)

+ Comply with corporate standards (Java or .Net)

Optimal combination = keep PB for development and deploy as Java or .Net



How does it work?



Appeon Partitioning Approach

Web App



Web browser

Application Server

Appeon Server

Presentation Tier

Business Logic













Appeon Utilizes a “Balanced” ArchitecturePreserve PB’s desktop UI and rich client functionality

Deploy DW, SQL, and NVOs (i.e. business logic) to the app server

Re-use database, including functions and triggers


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System RequirementsPowerBuilder

Includes the latest versions: 12.0, 11.x, 10.x, 9.0.3, 8.0.4

Web BrowserInternet Explorer 8/7/6; FireFox (in progress)

Web & Application ServerServer: Microsoft IIS 7.0/6.0, Sybase EAServer 6.1/5.5, IBM WebSphere 6.1/5.1, BEA/Oracle WebLogic 10.0/9.2, JBoss 5.1

O/S: Windows 2008/2003, Red Hat Linux 5.0/4.0, IBM AIX 5.3/5.2

DatabaseSybase ASA 11.0/10.0/9.0/8.0, ASE 15.0/12.5, IQ 12.7, Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2005/2000, Oracle 11g/10g/9i/8i, Informix 9/7, IBM DB2 9.5/8.2

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Major Unsupported Features

* Nearly all major unsupported features can be commonly worked around utilizing server-side PowerBuilder NVOs

** Many unsupported features can be readily worked around at the client-side without utilizing server-side PowerBuilder NVOs

PowerScript Statements GOTO, THROW, THROWS

DataWindow TableBlob Control for DataWindow

System Functions

Class Definition functions, DDE Server functions, Garbage Collection functions, Help functions, Library functions, Shared Object functions, Tracing functions

System Objects

ADOResultSet, ArrayBounds, ClassDefinition, ClassDefinitionObject, ConnectionInfo, ConnectObject, ContextInformation, ContextKeyword, CORBA (all), CPlusPlus, DivideByZeroError, DWRuntimeError, EnumerationDefinition, EnumerationItemDefinition, Error, ErrorLogging, Exception, ExtObject, JaguarORB, NullObjectError, OLERuntimeError, OLEStorage, OLEStream, OLETxnObject, OMControl, OMCustomControl, OMEmbeddedControl, OMObject, OMStorage, OMStream, ORB, PBTocppObject, Pipeline, ProfileCall, ProfileClass, ProfileLine, ProfileRoutine, Profiling, RemoteObject, ResultSet, ResultSets, RuntimeError, ScriptDefinition, Service, SimpleTypeDefinition, Throwable, Trace (all), TransactionServer, Transport, TypeDefinition, VariableCardinalityDefinition, VariableDefinition


Automatic Performance Boosting Numerous functionalities built-in to boost Web performance under real-life

situationsDownload manager offers Just-in-Time (JIT) or Preload options for running the

Web application

10X data compression to compress DataWindow result sets

3-level DataWindow caching technology caches at the application server, Web server, and Web browser

Micro-refresh (via AJAX) eliminates all redundant generation and downloading of data, such as in commonly and frequently-used “Master-Detail”

Application server connection pooling can boost database scalability by several folds through “shared” connections



• Shortest development time and lowest cost.• Migrate existing PowerBuilder applications to web in a few months or weeks• No need to retool your engineering team• No need to re-train your end-users

• Least project risk.• No need to rewrite your entire code base• No need to re-architect your system,

• Powerful PowerBuilder Web deployment.• Effortlessly handles the largest of applications (up to 600MB) • with the most robust PowerBuilder feature support• offers powerful desktop integration with the richest Web user interface.

• Performance and scalability.• Delivers virtually the performance of client/server with the scalability of the Web

Why Choose Appeon?



How to get there?



Migration Process Analyze the application with Appeon tools Unsupported PB functionalities? Ineffective code?

Replacement of any unsupported functionalities Optimisation of specific componentsWe keep the usual tools (PB, VE, PB Delta…)

Appeon developer generates .NET or Java code This code is deployed on the Appeon Server The application is accessible on the Internet


1 – Analyze the PB code

2 – Adapt the PB code

3 – Web deployment

The migration is done once and for all Maintenance and future development will only use

functionalities supported on the web Any future versions will be deployable “as-is”

4 – Future development?



Appeon DeveloperAppeon provides a suite of tools to assist developers in their


Appeon Developer

Automatically migrate to Java/.NET


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Unsupported Features AnalyzerIdentifies unsupported features based on keyword, providing you with location, line number, and code snippets

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Appeon Code InsightKeep future development Web-compliant by listing only supported PowerScript at your fingertips

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Appeon (Web-to-PB) DebuggerUse Appeon Debugger to real-time debug the resulting Web application tracing back to specific line of PowerScript


Timeframe and budgetAverage budget for an application serving 200 to 400 concurrent users

(i.e. simultaneously connected to the application) Software : ~ 10 K$ Hardware : 1 Dual CPU Server Migration : varies from a few weeks to a few months of work.

The migration can be : Done internally: Appeon tools list all unsupported features, you replace them with PB Outsourced: A ready-to-deploy version of your application is delivered

Examples : Mid-sized applications : 30 to 80 MB PBL, with a few hundred Windows. Cost of a turnkey migration : 30 to 80 K$ Timeframe : 2 to 5 months



What about your applications?

Go further:

To try Appeon by yourself : get a trial To find out the cost of a turnkey migration : get a quote

For any questions about Appeon : In English : sales.north-america@novalys.net En Français : sales.europe@novalys.net En Español : sales.latin-america@novalys.net



Give your Application a new look


Why makeover PowerBuilder Applications?Over the years, presentation standards have evolved.

Some applications need a redesign to give their GUI a new, modern look.

But obstacles to this exist:• Reworking screens and reports consumes lots of development resources• The application code is stable we don’t want to risk adding bugs to it• In certain cases, there is no PB developer available for this • Developers are not designers. They have mastered the technique, but do not

necessarily know how to create new interfaces with attractive modern looks…

Customization Studio proposes a new approach

to avoid these problems…

Makeovers: Pros and Cons


What is Customization Studio?


– A solution to modify screens and reports of a PB application.

– Providing simple tools, designed for non-developers (users, designers...).

– Making modifications on an executable copy of the application.

Customization Studio is:

End-usersDevelopment Design or


Source code


New User Interface


Why use Customization Studio?

• No need to pull resources from the development team.Anyone can update the GUI with a new look (user, designer…)

• The code of the application remains stable and unchanged.At any time, you can deactivate some or all of the changes

• Customization Studio provides Style Sheets to speed up the process:Define a style once and apply it to several components

Makeovers for PowerBuilder Applications


Average budget for Mid-sized applications (30 to 80 MB PBL, with a few hundred windows)

• Software: ~ 10 K$ • Hardware: same requirements as the PB application• Makeover time: from a few weeks to a few months

As for the web migration, the makeover can be done internally or outsourced

Timeframe and budget


Go further:

To try Customization Studio for yourself : get a trial

To find out the cost of a turn-key makeover : get a quote

For any questions about Customization Studio:In English : sales.north-america@novalys.net

En Français : sales.europe@novalys.net

En Español : sales.latin-america@novalys.net

What about your applications?


PowerBuilder + Active DirectoryAdvanced user management


Reuse Windows Accounts

In the majority of companies, a user often has multiple accounts to access multiple systems and applications.

Each application often relies on its own access control solution.

As a result, each application is managed as a « Silo ».

Managing silos comes with the following shortcomings:

• You have to maintain several access control systems

• You manage multiple accounts per user

• Fragmented policy management is too complex

• No centralized View and Control of access rights


Reuse Windows Accounts

To eliminate these inconviences, companies use Windows accounts to manage access rights for their users.

Visual Guard automatically integrates your PB applications with Active Directory:

A Single list of users:

All user accounts are listed in the same Repository (Active Directory)

Users only need 1 account to access all applications

A Single Administration Console:

Administrators use the same tools to grant access to all systems

You can delegate limited administration rights to local administrators

Centralized view and control of:

User access rights

User operations made in all applications

Administration operations for all applications


1. Add the Visual Guard libraries to the Application’s PBL List

2. Declare and instantiate the Security manager

3. Connect to the Security Repository

4. Load the user Security profile

5. Secure the application objects (apply permissions)

Visual Guard Implementation Process:


Single Sign-On


Single Sign-On

Why implement Single Sign-On (SSO)?Users are automatically identified by the PB Applications with their

Windows accountThey log in once (Windows startup) and gain access to all applications

without being prompted to log in again for each of them

Benefits include:Reducing time spent re-entering passwords for the same identityReducing IT costs and Helpdesk calls about passwords


Timeframe and budget

Average budget for an application serving 100 to 400 users Software: ~ 6 to 10 K$ Hardware: same requirements as the PB application Work: a few hours for implementation.



Go further:

To try Visual Guard for yourself : get a trial

To find out the cost of a turn-key integration: get a quote

For any questions about Visual Guard :In English : sales.north-america@novalys.net

En Français : sales.europe@novalys.net

En Español : sales.latin-america@novalys.net

What about your applications?


Make your applications multilingual


Why make your application multilingual?

Extend life-cycle of existing applications

Expand commercial markets for existing applications quickly and easily

Work in preferred language: multilingual employees, international branches, personnel visiting from abroad

Streamline maintenance (single source code) and distribution (single executable code)


What is Enable?

A solution for transforming PowerBuilder software into multilingual applications

Enable is a Framework-level tool: maximum control, flexible, easy to apply

Single source code, single applicationPowerBuilder oriented in every aspectTranslated application does not require any royalty fees.


Timeframe and budgetAverage budget for a PowerBuilder team :

Software: ~ 10 K$ Hardware: same requirements as the PB application Work : a few hours to a few days for the implementation.

Texts extraction and translation depend on the size of the application.

The implementation can be done internally or outsourced



Go further:

To try Enable for yourself : get a trial

To find out the cost of a turn-key implementation: get a quote

For any questions about Enable :In English : sales.north-america@novalys.net

En Français : sales.europe@novalys.net

En Español : sales.latin-america@novalys.net

What about your applications?