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DR. RANVIR PAHWAAcupuncturist

Ayurveda Practitioner

Homeopath, Holistic Nutritionist

Clinical Herbalist

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

– Lao-tzu

Lily Flowers

The Garden of Dr. Ranvir Pahwa

ContentsWhat is acupuncture?

What can an acupuncturist treat?

What does acupuncture entail in our clinic?

How acupuncture works?

Various acupuncture methods

What is the Ear (auricular) Acupuncture and Auricular medicine?

What are the treatments like?

What is a Facial Acupuncture and what does it entail?

What are the other pearls in our basket?



2Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa

Acupuncture has helped billions of people over past thousands of years. Inside us our body possesses a very intelligent and intricate, interconnected energetic system which keeps us in balance and healthy. There are self healing powers in our body.

What is acupuncture?

The word acupuncture comes from the Latin acus, "needle", and pungere, "to prick". In Standard Chinese, acupuncture is called 针砭 (zhēnbiān), or a related word, 针灸 (zhēnjiǔ), which refers to acupuncture together with moxibustion. Historically needles were made up of stones, bones, bamboo, pottery material, and metals. The earliest Chinese record on acupuncture is the Nei Ching (Classic of Internal Medicine, about 2,600 BC). In India the work of Ayurvedic surgeon Sushruta (7th Century, BC) has details about the body points, which in Sanskrit are called Marma Sthala, meaning "delicate spot". Massage and pressure on these spots produces healing.

Acupuncture evolved in China and travelled to other oriental countries. It was well-developed in Northern India and in Sri Lanka before the Christian era. The Western world became acquainted with acupuncture in the 17th century when it was discovered by missionaries living in China, who then brought it to the West. Today acupuncture is practised all over the world.

Through their observations, ancient Chinese healers discovered that there is a connection between body surface points and internal organs. These points become tender and sensitive in disorders. Acupuncturists believe that these points are located on invisible pathways called meridians, or channels, which run all over the body. They all are interconnected. There are 14 common main meridians and about 365 points. However, more channels and non-channel points were also discovered later on. Later discoveries have found that the hands, feet, ears, and the face also represent the whole body as Holograms. Acupuncture on these parts produces healing, as well. However, the ear (Auricular) acupuncture has been studied extensively and is very effective. Performing acupuncture

3Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa

What can an acupuncturist treat? Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) USA, accepted in Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO). It is effective in the treatment of a wide variety of health problems. Some of the common problems we treat are following.



Headaches Abdominal Problems Bell’s Palsy

Migraines Cancer Pain Neuropathy

Back Pain Menstrual Cramps Meniere's syndrome

Neck Pain Post Surgery Bladder Dysfunction

Sciatica Accidents Bedwetting

Shoulder Pain SPORTS INJURIES Hiccough

Arthritis Foot and Ankle Gastritis

Osteoarthritis Knee Injury Ulcers

Rheumatoid Arthritis Tennis Elbow Colitis, Crohn’s

(TMJ)Pain Golfer’s Elbow ConstipationPlanter Fasciitis Sprains and Strains DiarrhoeaWhiplash and

Tension HeadachesMuscle Injury PainFracture Pain Tonsillitis

Ankle PainSTOP ADDICTIONS Alcohol, Smoking Chewing Tobacco


Hip Pain Paralysis Bronchitis

Knee Pain Weight control Asthma

Heel Spur FEMALE PROBLEMS Sinusitis

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Immunity Rhinitis

Osgood-Schlator Syndrome Impotency Common Cold

Leg and Foot Pain Infertility, IVF Sore throatPriformis Muscle Syndrome Circulation Eczema, Psoriasis, Hives,

Trigeminal Neuralgia Raynaud’s Syndrome Allergies ReductionFrozen Shoulder Wrist Pain NumbnessTendinitis Spondylosis Ramsay Hunt Synd.Fibromyalgia Shingle Pain DepressionPeri-arthritis Incontinence Anxiety

Tooth Pain Leg cramps Sleeplessness, Insomnia

Acupuncture on the Hand

4Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa

Some other features of acupuncture

1. It can also help with inducing labour pains. 2. In recent years, acupuncture has gained popularity for

Facial Rejuvenation and Anti-aging effects. Currently, acupuncture is used as an anesthetic in surgeries and as an analgesic in the delivery of babies. Moreover for inducing labour pains.

3. Clinical research and case studies have proven that acupuncture is one of the safest and most effective of the various healing modalities.

What does acupuncture entail in our clinic?Modern acupuncture involves the insertion of fine sterile needles

of various sizes through the skin and tissues. The needles are made

of steel, silver, or gold. Most practitioners use pre-sterilized

disposable needles. In some cases, healing can be intensified by

the use of an electric current attached to needles.

We always use new, sterile and disposable needles. This is to prevent infections and other complications.

We provide a comfortable, peaceful environment with calming music. We have a very comfortable, adjustable, modern table with high and low adjustment and sitting options for juniors, adults and seniors.

Acupuncture is used as a therapy on its own, but we combine it with prescriptions, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and homeopathy. We recommend that it should not be combined on same day with other body work modalities. This is to stop excess stimulation, fatigue, and to observe the benefit of the modality

How Acupuncture works?Ancient theories: The inserted needles stimulate points and open up channels to facilitate the balanced flow of the energy, or Qi (pronounced "Chi" in Chinese, recognised as "Ki" in Japanese, and called "nerve-energy potential" in the West) in the body. This is an assumed action mechanism of acupuncture.

Modern Scientific Research: However, the Chi theory dissatisfied scientists and to confirm the mechanism they performed experiments on animal models and human subjects. It is evident now:

that the central nervous system (CNS) is involved in the area of acupuncture analgesia, where correlation has been observed between acupuncture point stimulation and, onset of release of a variety of neurotransmitters (beta endorphins, enkephalins, acetylcholine), opioids and hormones (norepinephrine) in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral circulation. 1234

Research involving Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) supported that many effects of acupuncture are mediated through the CNS.1

Acupuncture affects the electrical system of the body by creating or enhancing closed-circuit transport in tissues. This facilitates healing by allowing the transfer of material and electrical energy between normal and injured tissues.2

Acupuncture affects the blood concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipids, suggesting that acupuncture can both raise and diminish peripheral blood components, thereby regulating the body toward homeostasis.2

Acupuncture activates non-nociceptive receptors that inhibit the transmission of nociceptive signals in the dorsal horn, “gating out” painful stimuli.1


1. Neuro-acupuncture, “Scientific Evidence of Acupuncture Revealed”, Cho, ZH., et al., p.116.

5Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa

2. Acupuncture Energetics, “A Clinical Approach for Physicians”, Helms, Dr. J., 1997, pgs 41-42, 66.3. Anatomy of Neuro-Anatomical Acupuncture, Volume 1, Wong, Dr. J., 1999, p. 34.4. National Institute of Health Consensus Conference on Acupuncture, “Acupuncture Activates

Endogenous Systems of Analgesia.” Han, J.S., 1997 (Bethesda, MD).

Various acupuncture methods

Dr. Pahwa uses various acupuncture methods as needed.

There are two main categories of methods which are: Principal Method and Assisting Methods.

A. Principal Method

Body acupuncture: The needles are inserted into different parts of body on the channel points and on non- channel points.

Use of various body acupuncture methods is to

1. relieve pain effectively and quickly 2. restore various Patho physiological imbalances

of the diseases 3. bring energy and body-mind imbalance back to


The methods are:

Chinese Meridian Acupuncture Non Meridian Points Acupuncture Trigger Point Acupuncture Motor Point acupuncture Master Tong’s Acupuncture Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture and Medicine*


The needle does not cause any pain after insertion. It feels a mosquito sting in the start. It is not an injection needle.

Chinese Meridians

Master Tong's Points

6Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa

B. Assisting Methods

In addition to acupuncture your Acupuncturist can use add on methods to help restore and maintain ones health. The following methods may be incorporated.

Meridian Therapy: It is prepared on the tender meridian points and channels. It can be done dry, with oils, and hot stones.

Reflexology: It is a form of an acupressure method which is performed on the feet and hand points.

Cupping: We use suction cups. Cups are used to create a partial vacuum when placed on the skin either by means of heat or a suction pump. Cupping is an ancient deep tissue massage. Cupping causes tissue to release toxins, activates the lymphatic system, and clears the veins, arteries, and capillaries, and invigorates the skin.

Gua Sha: It is a very gentle scraping method where the congested tissue is treated to improve better circulation underneath.

Moxibustion: Herbal cigar is burned over the acupuncture point at a distance to move the blocked Qi. Also it can be burned over needles and various other conducting materials to facilitate the healing by removing blockages.

Shoni Shein and Tai Shein: These are spring operated thick probes which are gently and lightly pecked on the acupuncture points. Specifically good for small kids.

TDP Lamp: It is a heating lamp. Heat is passed through a metal plate which is applied over the body with or without acupuncture.

Marma Point Therapy: Originated in India. There are hundreds of hidden and delicate points on the body which are rubbed to help treat diseases, create balance and correct the flow of life energy in the body.

TENS: Transcutaneous Electro Neuro Stimulation is a technique where trigger points and acupuncture points or pain points are stimulated through electric current to release the muscle tensions and to remove stiffness

Dr. Pahwa provides ACUPRESSURE THERAPY on the body points. Also, when a person is needle shy he uses other non-needle methods as mentioned above.



7Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa

What is Ear (auricular) Acupuncture and auricular medicine?

Modern European discoveries have added a new modality to the ancient use of acupuncture for healing. Integrating ear and body acupuncture in my practice has allowed me to choose the best treatment for the patients.

Ear is an organ on which brain projects the map of the body. When using auricular therapy, we are dealing directly with what the brain tells us. The medical scientists found hundreds of the points or zones on the ear. The points are needled to bring the relief in pain and various physiological conditions, and remove addictions.

Dr Pahwa uses this method often to assess health via seeing different changes in the colors of skin of the EAR. This help to find corresponding body pain and imbalances. He has obtained special training in Auricular therapy and Auricular diagnosis.

Dr. Pahwa uses Chinese, French, German and Italian methods of Ear Acupuncture

What are the treatments like? Usually one course constitutes 5-6 treatments. Depending

upon the relief one may need more number of treatments. Treatment number and effect varies with age, sex, nutritional

makeup, genetics, causes, life style, number of health problems, and the time period of sickness.

In need, during acupuncture assisting methods (as mentioned above) are used to speed up the healing process.

What is a Facial Acupuncture and what does it entail?

Observe, look and feel your best with Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture.Erase 5-15 years from your face without surgical face lifts, interventions and injections.

Facial surgery, Restlyn®, Botox® and similar procedures dominate the cosmetic and beauty industry. All of these procedures are expensive, painful, and can be toxic, dangerous or disfiguring.

Acupuncture and/or acupressure performed on the face brings back your life, personality and rejuvenates you. It increases self-esteem, decreases depression and brings back the flow of the energy on your face and body.

Ear Acupuncture and Cupping

Facial Acupuncture

8Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa

Who does not age?

Naturally everybody ages. Aging is inevitable; however, some age quickly and others age slowly. We cannot halt aging; but, we can slow it down.

Factors that influence agingSicknesses, Genetics, Diet and Nutrition, Sleep Deprivation, Lack of Appropriate Exercise, Stress and Tension, Anxiety, Depression, Pollution, Toxins, Heat, Cold and Weather Changes, Occupational Environment, Bad Relationships and Abuse

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a gentle, effective, and safe way to combat aging.Effects of the treatments: Helps eliminate fine lines and diminish deeper and larger wrinkles It can help reduce double chin, bags under eyes and lifts drooping

eyelids blue or black circles Facial acupuncture improves metabolism, tightens pores and brightens

the eyes Increases local blood and lymph circulation and improves moistening of

skin and facial color and tightens pores Reduces stress and promotes whole health and well being Reduces the appearance of scars and age spots Improves muscle tone and increases collagen and elastin production May improve acne and correct female hormonal problems Acupuncture relaxes you, reduces stress and improves self esteem May impede the aging process from within Promotes overall health and well being

Importantly, the effects of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture can last for years with regularly scheduled maintenance treatments.


Pre-treatment consultation is a must to find out nutritional status, health status and constitution, which makes the basis of your treatment philosophy

Faster and positive results are observed when one is on constitutional diet and nutrition

10 to 12 treatments are required to observe the effects. Nutritionally deprived, smokers and living with other addictions require

more than 12 treatments. It varies from 18 to 20 treatments. One treatment per week Noticeable changes start appearing after 5 treatments We also advise about exercises and other relevant aspects

“A stress less, shining, cheerful and optimistic face is attractive, which

always portrays a positive attitude”

-Dr. Pahwa

9Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa

What languages we speak?

Dr. Ranvir Pahwa speaks English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu

What are the other pearls in our basket?

In addition to the acupuncture medicine sciences, Dr. Pahwa is well versed in helping his patients through health consultations in NATURAL MEDICINE, Diet and Nutrition. He has also studied most of the Western medical health sciences subjects. He has practiced alternative medicine for the last 33 yrs. His areas of expertise are:

Ayurveda (East Indian Medicine): Ayurveda means “science of life.” We analyze individual constitutions; assess health through reading, nails, tongue, pulse, iris etc. and based on constitution and assessment, diet and remedies are recommended.

Herbal Medicine: Western and Eastern Medicinal Herbs. We dispense high quality herbs and phytochemicals.

Homeopathy: A Natural Medicine which originated in Germany and has been practiced for over 220 years in 120 countries. This medicine uses natural substances in dilution; the medicine invokes the immune system, stimulates the energies and removes the blockages of the body. It works at the level of body and mind.

Holistic Nutrition: Looks into individualized biochemical nutritional deficiencies and their remedy. We dispense hypoallergenic and highest quality vitamins, minerals and biochemicals

Meditation: Dr. Pahwa has taught meditation in Saskatoon for a long time. Meditation relaxes, increases focus and concentration and helps to cope with diseases and conditions. It also improves work and sports performances, awakens consciousness and much more.

Presentations: Dr. Pahwa is available for seminars and lectures, on various topics of natural medicine. Meditation and stress reduction classes are arranged too.

An Evening Sky in Saskatoon

The Figs on the Tree

400 year old Silk House in Ardech, France

10Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa


For more details please check our web site or call for more information.

Clinic of Dr Ranvir Pahwa

1130 8th Street East, Saskatoon, SK. S7H 0S4 Canada

(306) 664 3873



However, walk in, talk in and needle in sometimes is inevitable.

Price= $10.00

11Copyright©2012 Ranvir Pahwa