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JUNE 2008



Donald Forbes

Regional Manager

Kenny Wood

Regional Manager


Pension Change ProjectPension Change ProjectEmployer Engagement

Marion ChapmanMarion Chapman


What is the Pension Change Project

A dedicated team was set up in 2005 toA dedicated team was set up in 2005 to

Procure a New Pension Administration Procure a New Pension Administration

System to administer the pensions that System to administer the pensions that

the SPPA is responsible for.the SPPA is responsible for.



• Pension ReformsPension Reforms

• Legacy SystemLegacy System

• Business OpportunitiesBusiness Opportunities


What happened 2006/2007?

• Prepared RequirementsPrepared Requirements• Early engagement with employing Early engagement with employing

organisations aorganisations a• Procurement ProcessProcurement Process• EvaluationEvaluation• Selected Heywood Ltd. Selected Heywood Ltd. • Commenced DevelopmentCommenced Development


Where are we now?• Finalising the development• Carrying out robust and detailed testing• Paylink• End to End testing• Training• Go Live Go live for STSS – 16/09/2008• Go live for NHS – 02/12/2008• Electronic Interfaces – early 2009• Web/on-line services – later in 2009


After go-live

• Employer InterfacesEmployer Interfaces

• Web ServicesWeb Services


Employer Engagement

• A major Workstream of the Pension Change A major Workstream of the Pension Change ProjectProject

• Under control of Operations DirectorUnder control of Operations Director

• Workstream Manager – Christine RossWorkstream Manager – Christine Ross


What we want to achieve• Improved Data – review what we want and

how often we want it.

• Improved Data flow – look at the methods for sending data between our organisations

• Robust validation processes – agreement to send back incorrect or incomplete information


What we need from you• Let your organisation know this is happening• Identify the relevant people in your organisation to

be involved in a work group:– SPPA– Employers– Heywood

• We will need to work with the – people empowered to make decisions and– the people with IT knowledge


What we will be doing for you• Communicating the plans

• Communicating the progress

• Taking your needs into account

• Supply dedicated contacts and support

• Working together towards a successful conclusion that benefits all stakeholders


Pension Change Project

Any Questions ?Any Questions ?


Submission of data and requests for missing data

Nigel BaylisPensions Change Team


• Completion of Starter and Leaver information

• Electronic Submission of Data

• Common Errors


Completion of TSS1 (starter) form

A TSS1 is required when:

• A new employee begins to make superannuation contributions

• When a member goes from either Full time to Part time OR from Part Time to Full Time

• When the member makes a winding down election, takes phased retirement or becomes re-employed


Completion of TSS2 (Leaver) form

A TSS2 is required when:

• A member leaves pensionable employment (retires/opts out/leaves your employment)

• When a member goes from either Full time to Part time OR from Part Time to Full Time

• When the member makes a winding down election, takes phased retirement or becomes re-employed


Templates for Submission of Data

• Data can be e-mailed directly to SPPA, this can be uploaded to our Pensions Administration System email: pct@scotland.gsi.gov.uk and copy to appropriate STSS team email address

• Data can be encrypted and saved onto CD/Disk, and submitted to the SPPA

• Currently the SPPA can only accept ‘WinZip’ encrypted files

• Templates can be requested, and SPPA will send them electronically to you


Benefits of Submitting data in this format

• Time efficiencies

• Reduced risk of misplaced/lost data

• Members records can be updated much quicker

• Problems with data can be identified straight away

• Cost savings


Missing Data Requests

The SPPA will be conducting further exercises to identify and request missing information

These requests will be electronically issued to you for completion, with the specific cells that we require

to be completed highlighted.


Common Problems with the Submission of Data

• Missing/Inaccurate Added Years Contributions

• Missing Basis of Service

• No Superannuation Number

• Temporary NI Numbers

• Leading Zero’s

• School Code and significance to Pay Reference

• Missing Part Time Hours

• Data in wrong format


Submission of Data Post Implementation of AxisE

• AxisE Data Interfaces have been developed to support the current methods of data upload.

• Therefore we will still be able to accept CSV files and DDS data tapes.

• Improvements to data transfer options will be looked at through Employer Engagement


QuestionsFor Pension Change Team


Winding Down Scheme • Application must be completed and signed off by

Employer and then submitted to SPPA for approval

• Example application form and guidance notes in your Delegate Pack and also available at www.sppa.gov.uk


Pensionable Salary• Excessive Salary increase in the material period -

Regulation E34 (11)

• This Regulation governing the pensionable salary calculation safeguards the Scheme against excessive increases in Salary in the lead up to retirement


Ill Health Retirement

SPPA currently tendering for new supplier – contract to start 1 October 2008


New SPPA StructureOverview

Janet MacLean

Communications Manager


Why am I here today?

To inform you of recent structural changes within the Operational Directorate of SPPA

Tell you about the new Operations Communication team and their role


The Revised Operations Directorate

Ian Clapperton

Director of Operations

Gerry McGarry Christine Ross Roy MillanEleanor Guthrie

PayrollTechnical Support

(currently Pensions Change Team)

Planning – NHS Choice & AFC,

Actuarial procurement,Employer Engagement

Management of NHS/STSS

And Pension Sharing

OperationsCommunications Team



Operations Communication Team

Who are we?


• Janet MacLean – Manager

• Claire McGow – Team Leader

• Shelley Hardie – Administrator


What will the Communications Team do for you?


• Develop and maintain a contact database

• Ensure that our website (www.sppa.gov.uk) is kept up-to-date.

• Keep all scheme forms and guides updated (the latest always available on the website)

• Undertake a survey of all our stakeholders


From 2009

Communications Team will lead in organising Employer Seminars for STSS

and NHS


To summarise

Communications Team will work hand in hand with the STSS and NHS Operations Teams to ensure our stakeholders are kept informed on all aspects of the

Operations business.


STSS Team Structure

Group 1

STSS-1, 2 & 7

1 = Argyll & Bute, Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway and Renfrewshire

2 = Orkney, Shetland, Western Isles, Aberdeen, Moray, Highland and Grampian

7 = Edinburgh and Lothian

Group 2

STSS- 4, 5 & 6

4 = Fife, Falkirk, Tayside, Central and Angus

5 = Glasgow, SQA, Stirling and Inverclyde

6 = Lanarkshire, Dunbartonshire and Borders


Contacting the Agency

Voice Recognition System


Changes to the STSS 2008

The Teachers’ Superannuation (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2008

SSI 2008/227

Coming into force 1 July 2008


Removal of the earnings cap

• Earnings cap removed from 1 April 2008

• Members, whose contributable salaries are subject to the cap, will have the option of electing either for the cap to continue to apply or to have their service apportioned during the period when the cap applied

• SPPA will contact those members affected


Purchase of Additional Pension

• Extended to NPA 60 members aged 60+

• Effective from 1 July 2008

• Cost will be based on factors for age 65 members


Discretionary severance compensation

• Increased from 66 weeks to 104 weeks

• Continues to be at discretion of employer

• Effective from 1 July 2008


Questions ?

Thank You

Complete Question Sheets

Latest information www.sppa.gov.uk