Xmas Guide Media Pack

Post on 06-Mar-2016

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Xmas Guide Media Pack


christmas cataloguemedia pack

the rhinegold

Christmas Catalogue 2012

The Rhinegold Christmas Catalogue will be distributed as a supplement in

Choir & Organ Classical Music Early Music Today Music Teacher Opera Now

This year the Christmas guide will be featured on the Rhinegold website for the entire year with a button for 3 months on the homepage. With over half a million visitors a year this is great exposure.

The Christmas guide will also be mentioned in the following magazine title monthly e-newsletters (Readership 14,000)

Choir & Organ Classical Music Early Music Today International Piano Music Teacher Opera Now

We will also be sending an e-shot to our entire database of nearly 40,000 email addresses to publicise the guide.

With a readership comprising all of Rhinegolds magazines and website visitors no other publication can offer such a large audience of classical music enthusiasts, teachers and professional musicians and students.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS All dimensions are shown as height x width in

millimetres Digital artwork formats accepted: PDF, TIFF,

JPEG and EPS, designed to the correct size Only CMYK artwork should be supplied Resolution Mono/Colour: min 300dpi at actual

size All fonts should be embedded



TRIM SIZE 245 × 175mm

BLEED SIZE 251 × 181mm

Vital information should be positioned 15mm from all edges



TRIM SIZE 235 × 80mm

Vital information should be positioned 15mm from all edges



TRIM SIZE 115× 165mm

Vital information should be positioned 15mm from all edges