Xplora Design Skool

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    Indias Premier Vocational Multimedia EducationCompany



  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    Xplora Design Skool, Indias premier

    multimedia education and developmentcompany, is based in Gujrat and has 27franchise education centres spread acrossIndia (within first 5 years of its operation)

    with a turnover of Rs. 70 million in 2004.It mainly focuses on constantly exploringand delivering cutting edge technologyand developing latest softwares.

  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool






  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    Xplora had always laid special emphasis

    on multimedia development and serving

    overseas markets. With time, the industrystarted to experience a scarcity of trained

    professionals. Thus Xplora came up with

    the idea of training individuals inmultimedia to satisfy their manpower

    needs. The approach proved to be fruitful

    for XDS.

  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    Multimedia education being oftenconfused with IT education faced a major

    setback with the downturn of IT in early2000. Lack of awareness about multimedia was

    a constraint.

    People didnt consider it to be a long-termcareer option.

    Additionally, software license acquisitionwas a problem in this field.

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    However with progress in computerization

    and growth of related industries like

    media, advertising and film-making,multimedia industry stands a fair chance

    in 21st century. The government estimated

    a requirement of 3 lakh multimediaprofessionals by the next 10 years.

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    Multimedia can be defined as Apresentation made on a computer using

    more than two forms of media. Ex: TV,Movie, Print advertisements, specialseffects etc.Multimedia has four broad areas:

    Graphics Animation Web design Audio

  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    XDS wishes to set up as many as 300centres in the next 3 years.

    Industry tie-up yielded the significant benefit

    of a job guarantee to students who enrolledfor the course at XDS.

    XDS has gathered strong technical andsoftware expertise in all areas of multimedia

    and using licensed software programmes. The key objective of XDS is understandingstudent requirements in terms of industryneeds.

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    The market segments which the XDS

    currently caters are :

    Students Professionals

    Multimedia enthusiasts

    Job seekers

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    53% of the students thought that the coursewas value for money

    The students of Xplora gave maximum

    importance to the course content followed byjob guarantee and quality of faculty.

    Another noticable trend was that the studentshad not given much importance to theindustry tie-ups.

    The students at the multimedia instituteswere very satisfied with the institute and thecourse.

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    55.8 % of the students gave a score of 8

    out of 10 and above.

    87% of the respondents at Xplora saidthey would recommend the institute to

    others, which is the highest level achieved

    by the institutes of this type.

  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    Primary competitors were : Arena (subsidiary of Aptech computers) Image C-Dac (govt.)Secondary competitors were : NIIT APTECH NETVISION MAAC EDIT

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    50% growth rate.

    Offer a variety of courses, giving more

    options to customers. They also offer nationally recognized

    certificates more valid than those of XDS.

    Greater market penetration in advertising

    and communication.

    More cost effective due to centralized


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    Known for corporate training and excellent

    corporate connections.

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    Longer course duration

    In depth knowledge

    Live projects in curriculum Limited flexibility in price structure

    Indulge in discount-offering straps result in


  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    Product positioning :Arena focused on long-term hobby oriented

    course, whereas Image focused on short-

    term professional courses. Distribution and pricing of a course :

    Everyone followed a discount of upto 50% of

    the fees. Xplora avoided discounts on the

    fees however there were someconsiderations in branches of smaller cities.

  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    Advertising and Publicity :

    Major tool of advertising was newspaper

    in addition to word of mouth advertising.Image used events and seminars to

    promote their courses.

    Arena used discount and joint offers in

    addition to seminars and events for


  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    XDS has been using various

    communication tools as a way to promote

    their institute. The various sources usedwere newspapers, Radio Mirchi, banners,

    posters, cable television, danglers, data

    base mailers, road shows, handbills, stalls

    at exhibitions, bus shelter advertising,

    dispensers, discount coupons, caps,

    bags, pens etc.

  • 8/7/2019 Xplora Design Skool


    The key objective of the project was todevelop a marketing strategy and mediaplan for XDS. The processes were :

    Consider small towns for expansion andleave aside metros.

    Clustering of town based on social status,profitability, existing competition, ease ofentry etc.

    Market segmentation and identification oftarget market.

    Market positioning. Designing market strategies.

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    Strategies :After market clustering, a different marketingplan needs to be chalked out for each

    cluster. Brand awareness in high income and high

    awareness states such as Jaipur. It is easy tomarket in this cluster so it should beprioritized first.

    Bringing down the hobby factor forpromotions.

    Students must find it beneficial and utilizationof their time.

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    In low income cities it can be projected as

    a source of income for the people with

    wider career prospects. Promotion through advertisements, local

    media to create awareness in low

    awareness areas.

    Target the female customers as they are

    more interested to utilize such courses in

    spare time and improve their CV.