XSS Injection Vulnerabilities

Post on 08-May-2015

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This presentation explores on how to test Cross site scripting Injection Vulnerabilities, prevention, Best practice, small lab(introduction to web goat) etc.



Cross site scripting

Pankaj Dey,Mindfire

Who knows XSS?

What is cross site scripting

XSS is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to run arbitrary

JavaScript in the context of the vulnerable website

Traditional XSS

Is XSS Dangerous?

Big Yes.(OWASP Top 2)Just think, any JavaScript

you want will be run in the victim’s browser in the context

of the vulnerable web page

what can you do with JavaScript?

what can you do with JavaScript?

Pop-up alerts and prompts

1. Access/Modify DOM

2. Access cookies/session tokens

3. “Circumvent” same-origin policy

Virtually deface web page

Detect installed programs

Detect browser history

Capture keystrokes (and other trojan functionality)

Port scan the local network

Induce user actions…………………So on..

Types of XSS

• Reflected XSS

• Stored XSS (a.k.a. “Persistent XSS”)

• DOM Based XSS

Reflected XSS

Exploit URL:



HTML returned to victim:

<div id="pageTitleTxt"> <h2><span

class="highlight">Search Results</span><br />

Search: "<script>alert('XSS')</script>"</h2>

Stored XSS

JavaScript supplied by the attacker is stored by the website (e.g. in a


Doesn’t require the victim to supply the JavaScript somehow, just visit the

exploited web page

More dangerous than Reflected XSS

Has resulted in many XSS worms on high profile sites like MySpace and



DOM Based XSS (or as it is called in some texts, “type-0 XSS”) is an XSS

attack wherein the attack payload is executed as a result of modifying the

DOM “environment” in the victim’s browser used by the original client side

script, so that the client side code runs in an “unexpected” manner



Tools we need..

XSS-Proxy - http://xss-proxy.sourceforge.net/

ratproxy - http://code.google.com/p/ratproxy/

Burp Proxy - http://portswigger.net/proxy/

OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) - OWASP_Zed_Attack_Proxy_Project

HackVertor - http://www.businessinfo.co.uk/labs/hackvertor/hackvertor.php

PHP Charset Encoder(PCE) - http://h4k.in/encoding [mirror: http://yehg.net/e ]


DOM Based XSS tools


Often fail to test a substantial fraction of a web

application’s logic ..

Especially when this logic is invoked from pages that can

only be reached after filling out complex forms that check

the correctness of the provided values.

Testing guide

Black Box testing

1. Detect input vectors.

2. Analyze each input vector to detect potential vulnerabilities. XSS Filter

Evasion Cheat Sheet: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_Filter_Evasion_Cheat_Sheet

3. For each test input attempted in the previous phase, the tester will

analyze the result and determine if it represents a vulnerability that has a

realistic impact on the web application's security.

Gray Box testing

Gray Box testing is similar to Black box testing with partial knowledge of the



Script. Where it can be executed..!!

<a href="javas&#99;ript&#35;[code]">

<div onmouseover="[code]">

<img src="javascript:[code]">

[IE] <img dynsrc="javascript:[code]">

[IE] <input type="image" dynsrc="javascript:[code]">

[IE] <bgsound src="javascript:[code]">


[N4] &{[code]};

[N4] <img src=&{[code]};>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="javascript:[code]">

[IE] <iframe src="vbscript:[code]">

[N4] <img src="mocha:[code]">

[N4]<img src="livescript:[code]">

<a href="about:<s&#99;ript>[code]</script>">

<meta http-equiv="refresh"


<body onload="[code]">

<div style="background-image:


[IE] <div style="behaviour: url([link to code]);"> [Mozilla] <div style="binding: url([link to code]);">[IE] <div style="width: expression([code]);">[N4] <style type="text/javascript">[code]</style>[IE] <object classid="clsid:..."

codebase="javascript:[code]"><style><!--</style><script>[code]//--></script><![CDATA[<!--]]><script>[code]//--></script><!-- -- --><script>[code]</script><!-- -- --><<script>[code]</script><img src="blah"onmouseover="[code]"><img src="blah>" onmouseover="[code]"><xml src="javascript:[code]"><xml d="X"><a><b>&lt;script>[code]&lt;/script>;

</b></a> </xml><div datafld="b" dataformatas="html"

datasrc="#X"></div>[UTF-8; IE, Opera] [\xC0][\xBC]script>[code][\xC0][\xBC]/script>

Developer Guide

Validate OutputEncode HTML Output

If data came from user input, a database, or a file


Not 100% effective but prevents most vulnerabilities

Encode URL Output

If returning URL strings


How To: Prevent Cross-Site Scripting in ASP.NET http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms998274.aspx

XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet:http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_%28Cross_Site_Scripting%29_Prevention_


How to safely render untrusted data


XSS vulnerabilities are bad.

Don’t satisfy with black box scanner.. Hacker


Avoid introducing XSS vulnerabilities in your


Beware while clicking on a phishing link..