XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX - ENETS fileINTRDUCTIN 4 ENETS Aims • improve the diagnosis and therapy of...

Post on 07-Sep-2019

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2 Footnotes







Table of Contents

Introduction General Information Scientific Program CoE Workshop Sponsors & Exhibitors

ENETS Aims & Key Dates .............................................................................. 4Welcome Letter from the ENETS Chairman.................................................. 5EACCME - UEMS Accreditation Statement 2016.......................................... 7

General Information........................................................................................ 8Conference Floor Plans.................................................................................. 12 Scientific Organizing Committee................................................................... 14 Life Achievement Award................................................................................. 15ENETS Committees......................................................................................... 16 ENETS Reviewing Committees...................................................................... 18Scientific Program Overview.......................................................................... 20 Postgraduate Course...................................................................................... 22 Scientific Program........................................................................................... 30 Abstract Titles.................................................................................................. 38

CoE Workshop................................................................................................. 49 Sponsors & Exhibitors.................................................................................... 50









• improve the diagnosis and therapy of patients with neuroendocrine tumors in an international, interdisciplinary andscientificcontext • coordinate research at European hospitals and health research institutes, with emphasis on basic and clinical research for the diagnosis and treatment of NETs • furtherdevelopstandardsfortheaccreditationsofENETSCentersofExcellence • offereducationandtrainingforphysiciansandscientistsatannualscientificandeducationalmeetings • focus on writing and updating NET guidelines for all aspects of NET care including treatment and standards of careandsubsequentlypublicizinginmedicalandscientificjournals • fostertheexchangeofforumsforyounginvestigators • supportcollaborativescientificprojectsofexcellence • communicate with and inform patient advocates and patient self-help groups • cooperate with the pharmaceutical industry for the development of new diagnostic, therapeutic and information technologies • furtherendorsetheENETSRegistryandCentersofExcellencethroughoutEurope

Current Key Dates

ENETS Centers of Excellence Academy Fellowship Grant Application: • Submission begins 1 May 2016 • Submission ends 30 June 2016

3rd ENETS Summer School 2016 - Royal Free Hospital, London, September 2016*: • Submission begins 1 June 2016 • Submission ends 1 August 2016

14th Annual ENETS Conference, 8-10 March 2017, Barcelona, Spain: • ENETS Early Bird Registration begins 1 September 2016 • ENETS Early Bird Registration ends 30 November 2016 • ENETS Regular Registration begins 1 December 2016 • ENETS Regular Registration ends 10 February 2017

ENETS Abstract Submission for the 14th Annual ENETS Conference: • Submission begins 1 September 2016 • Submission ends 1 December 2016

ENETS Travel Grant Submission for the 14th Annual ENETS Conference: • Submission begins 1 September 2016 • Submission ends 1 December 2016

ENETS Grants and Awards Application submission begins 1 November 2016 and ends 8 January 2017: • ENETS CoE Training Fellowship Grant • ENETS CoE Young Investigator Grant • ENETS Translational Grant - partially industry - sponsored • ENETS Hakan Ahlman Award

ENETS Aims & Key Dates

*The exact dates of the 3rd ENETS Summer School will be announced on soon.







Welcome Letter

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the 13th Annual ENETS Conference! ArisingfromaspecialistEuropeanNETworkinggroupledbyKjellÖbergandBertramWiedenmann in the 1990s to the formation of ENETS in 2004, the Society has in effect become largely responsible for the professional management of Neuroendocrine Tumors. Key to this are the ENETS Guidelines, which have been newly updated for 2016andpublishedinthejournalNeuroendocrinology.

In addition, we will also be publishing later on this year the updated NET Standards of Care with guidance and protocols for how to perform the diagnostic and therapeutic management options for each type of NET for local or advanced disease. This could nothavehappenedwithoutourexcellentAdvisoryBoardandfeedbackfromENETSmembers and past Annual Conference participants.

ENETSanditsmembershavealsobeenatthecoreoftheexcitingclinical research trial advances in the recent yearsaswellasbasicscientificadvances.TheENETS Centres of Excellence have continued to grow and succeed contributing to improved care and survival for NET patients. ENETS is increasingly attracting worldwide participation and it is a pleasure to see our friends not only from the USA and Americas but also from Australasia/Far East and the strong association we are developing with China.

ENETS is involved in negotiations in how to play a key role within the developing European Reference Network for Rare Diseasesandthismaybeanexcitingopportunity.

Therehavebeensignificantchangesoverthelast2yearswithinENETSincludingthemodernisation of our by-laws and voting structures, modernisation of the Advisory Board, growth in collaboration with emergent countries, development of the ENETS Nurse Group, expansionintocollaborative guidelines for pulmonary NETs and soon to be published guidelines for carcinoid heart disease. Wehavecontinuedtoincreasethenumberofgrantsspecificallytoencourage young investigators and we have the ENETS Summer School for those young investigators and doctors who perhaps see a career including NETs.

The ENETS Registryisfinallycomingtopracticalfruitionandthiswillhopefullybeagreatresourceinyearstocome.ENETS strives to support clinical trials and we hope you will all support the SEQTOR Study in pancreatic NETs.

The programme for the forthcoming 13th Annual ENETS Conference including the Postgraduate Course is very excitingandhasyetagaingainedexcellentspeakerstofurtheraddtotheNETdiscourse.Wehavereceivedthelargest amount of abstract submissions ever numbering well over 300. In order to aim for the highest quality, the abstract committee has needed to apply strict criteria thus only the best have been accepted.

The conference will be highlighting the latest in understanding in tumor biology as well as offering the most current andrelevantaspectsofneuroendocrinetumoradvancesindiagnosticsandtherapeutics.ThefirstsessionswillcoverNew Understanding in NET Tumorigenesis (Session 1), Predictive Biomarkers for NETs (Session 2A), a specialist Pancreas Session (Session 2B).

I would also like to emphasize the Joint Symposium with the EANM - European Association of Nuclear Medicine Society, PRRT - Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (Session 4), which includes a debate and outstanding speakers on the very latest advances. There will also be a very entertaining and important Surgical Debate on Trans-plant Versus Liver Resection (Session 5) and Resection of the Primary for Intestinal NETs.

This year’s Life Achievement Award goes to Prof. Jean Claude Reubi. Jean Claude is Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology in Bern and has been at the forefront of peptide receptor research for decades! If it wasn’t for him our understanding of somatostatin receptors and even the development of PRRT may not have developed in such a robust way.IamsureyouwillenjoyhisreviewofPeptide Receptors as Targets in Neuroendocrine Tumors on 10 March 2016.

Martyn Caplin(ENETS Chairman)







ENETS has received European CME Accreditation (16 CME) with the EACCME-UEMS, please ensure you have yourbadgescannedshowingyourattendanceatlecturesandenablingtheprintingofyourCMECertificate.

If you are not a member then please join. Therearemanybenefitsanditisincreasinglypossibletoplayanactiverolein ENETS.

Please visit the exhibition hall and poster area. We are very thankful to all the contributors and sponsors as well as thenon-profitandpatientadvocacyorganizationswhohavesuchanimportantroleinkeepingENETSrelevant.

Finally as I complete my tenure as chair of ENETS I would like to thank my outstanding Executive Committee for theirsupportandhardworkincludingBertram,Dermot,Aurel,Kjell,Rocio,Reza,Marianne,WouterandMassimo.I thank the Advisory Board for all their work. Thank you to our Centres of Excellence auditors and Regine Reinstorf from GSG.

I must thank the fantastic staff, Vanessa Tatum and Ulrike Knell for the administration’s smoothly running operation as wellasMalgorzataSzott-Emusforconferenceprojectmanagementandplanning.ThetechnicalsupportledbySimonHirschmann and IT by Marcus Lelle and creative art from Lenz Leberkern as well as legal care from Thomas Jürgens. Finally, I would like to wish my successor Massimo Falconi the very best of wishes and I know he will be a great chairman of ENETS.



Martyn Caplin(ENETS Chairman)

Welcome Letter







Accreditation Statement

European Union of Medical SpecialistsEACCME - European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education

Institution of the UEMSRue de l'industrie 24, B-1040, Brussels

T: +32 2 649 5164 | F: +32 2 640 37 30 | E:

ENETS - European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society

SUBJECT: EACCME accreditation granted EACCME-13320-G

We are pleased to inform you that your application for European accreditation for:

13th Annual ENETS Conference for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroendocrine Tumor DiseaseVenue: Barcelona, Spain (9.–11.03.2016)Event code: 13320

was granted 16 European CME credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing MedicalEducation (EACCME).

European AccreditationEuropean Accreditation is granted by the EACCME in order to allow participants who attend the above-mentioned activity to validate their credits intheir own country.

Accreditation Statement Accreditation by the EACCME confers the right to place the following statement in all communication materials including the registration website, theevent programme and the certificate of attendance. The following statements must be used without revision:

»The 'ENETS - European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society' (or) '13th Annual ENETS Conference for the Diagnosis and Treatment of NeuroendocrineTumor Disease' is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CMEactivity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS),«

»The '13th Annual ENETS Conference for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroendocrine Tumor Disease' is designated for a maximum of (or 'for upto') 16 hours of European external CME credits. Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in theeducational activity.«

»Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convertEACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit canbe found at«

»Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognized by the UEMS-EACCME for ECMEC credits are deemed to be Accredited GroupLearning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.«

EACCME creditsEach medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity. The EACCME credit system isbased on 1 ECMEC per hour with a maximum of 3 ECMECs for half a day and 6 ECMECs for a full-day event.

LogoThe UEMS – EACCME logo is a service mark of the European Union of Medical Specialists – European Accreditation Council for CME. This servicemark may be used publicly only with the permission of the UEMS – EACCME. The logo may only be used in conjunction with, and in proximity to, theEACCME accreditation statement. The logo cannot be used in notices, advertising, or promotion of activities other than in association with theEACCME accreditation statement.

Feedback reportThe EACCME requires you to provide a feedback report of the event within four weeks of its completion together with a copy of the list of participantsand the results of the individual feedback assessments by participants.

Brussels, 8. 2. 2016 The UEMS – EACCME Secretariat

UEMS - Union européenne des médecins spécialistes | Rue de l'industrie 24, B-1040, BruxellesIBAN BE28 0001 3283 3820 | BIC (SWIFT) code: BPOTBEB1

The European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) was set up by the UEMS for the purpose of ensuring the international mutualrecognition of quality assesments of CME-CPD activities organised all over the world for the benefit of European physicians










General Information

ENETS Registration Desk Location & TimesTheregistrationdeskislocatedonthegroundflooroftheCCIB.Tuesday, 08 March 14:00 - 18:00 (Only early pick-up)Wednesday, 09 March 07:30 - 17:30Thursday, 10 March 07:00 - 17:30Friday, 11 March 07:00 - 16:00

Conference Venue AddressCentro de Convenciones Internacional de Barcelona (CCIB)GL events CCIB, SL | Willy Brandt Square 11-14 | 08019 Barcelona,

ENETS Office Location & TimesTheENETSOfficeislocatedinRoom134onthefirstflooroftheCCIB.Wednesday, 09 March 07:30 - 17:30Thursday, 10 March 07:00 - 17:30 Friday, 11 March 07:00 - 16:00

ENETS CloakroomThecloakroomislocatedonthegroundfloor,adjacentthemainentrance.Openinghoursarethesameasthatoftheregistration desk. It is also open for the Welcome Reception and the industry-sponsored symposia.

Business Services, Printing Boarding PassesTheENETSConferencebusinesscenterislocatedinRoom118oftheCCIBonthefirstfloor.ThebusinesscenterhasthesameopeninghoursastheENETSOffice.Laptopsandprintingservices,includingboardingpassesoranyothermaterial, are available here.

iPhone / Android Apps An ENETS conference app will be available in the iTunes Store and the Google Play Store. Please search the stores for “ENETS” or scan one of the provided QR-Codes available at the App-helpdesk across the registration counter. If you need any help installing or using the app, assistance is also available there.

ENETS Booth The ENETS Booth will offer terminals for participants who wish to sign up and become an ENETS member. In addition, members receive more information about their membership area ‘MY ENETS’. All participants can also review the e-learningcourseNET-CME,learnaboutthedifferentENETSprojectssuchasENETSCoE-CentersofExcellence,ENETS Registry, Summer School, Grants and Awards and use the ENETS booth also as a meeting point.

The ENETS Booth will be set-up close to the registration desk. As an addition, in this year, we will be offering participants thechancetomeetamemberoftheENETSExecutiveCommitteewhocanbemetatgiventimes.ThemeetingsweretohavebeenrequestedforpriortotheconferenceviatheENETSOffice.

Please visit the ENETS Booth!











General Information

Meet the Professor SessionsThese sessions must have been pre-registered for as attendance is limited. Registered participants must be present at the session room no later than 07:20 in the morning on 10 and 11 March 2016. No-show slots will be given to interested delegates who were assigned to a waiting list. If you signed up on the waiting list, you should be at the session room by 07:20 and must have the € 35 in cash for immediate payment.

Please note that prior to the Meet the Professor Session a breakfast buffet will be offered as of 07:00.

Name Badges and Barcode-Scan for acquiring CME PointsEvery ENETS conference participant will receive a name badge with a barcode. The badge must be worn at all times in the conference venue. Every badge will be scanned BOTH before the morning and afternoon lectures in the conference plenary room.

Please be aware that you will only receive your CME credits if you have been present in the conference lectures and your badge has been scanned before the morning AND the afternoon session. In order to have all your achieved CME creditsindicatedonyourcertificate,pleaseprintyourcertificateonyourlastdaybeforeyouleavetheconference.

Distribution of the CME points • 6 CME points for the PG course only on 9 March • 6 CME points for the regular full program on 10 March • 4 CME points for the regular full program on 11 March

In order to receive the full amount of 16 CME points for 9, 10 and 11 March, you MUST be present in the sessions and MUST make sure your badge is scanned upon entering the sessions BOTH in the morning AND the afternoon. Should you ONLY be present for the full days 10 and 11 March 2016, then you will receive 10 CME points. If you lose your badge, please go to the registration desk to receive a new one.

Certificate of Attendance and AccreditationEveryconferencedelegatewillreceiveacertificateofattendanceandaccreditation.Thiscertificateisgrantedundertheauspices of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) to provide CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME® is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (U.E.M.S.). The accreditationshownonthecertificateisbasedonwhentheparticipantwaspresentinthescientificsessions.Therefo-re, every participant should be sure to have his or her name badge scanned upon entering both the morning and the afternoon lectures.

Followingtheconference,participantsshouldvisitanyofthecertificateterminals/evaluationdeskssituatedinthefoyeronthegroundflooroftheconferenceareasoastoredeemtheirCMEpointsandprintouttheirattendance/accreditationcertificate.Participantsneedtoscantheirbadgeandfilloutthelearner’sfeedbackevaluationformprovidedtoprinttheircertificate.A detailed instruction sheet is available at the desk as well as a hostess to help with the procedure.

Learner’s Feedback Evaluation FormWeurgeallparticipantstofilloutalearner’sfeedbackevaluationform,whichcanbeuploadedandfilledatalldesignatedterminalspriortoreceivingyourcertificateofattendanceandaccreditation.ENETSexpressesthankyouinadvanceforall submitted evaluation forms, as your feedback is important.










Lost & Found Lost&FounditemscanbebroughttoandretrievedatthecloakroomonthegroundflooroftheCCIB.Thecloakroomislocatedonthegroundfloor,adjacentthemainentrance.Openinghoursarethesameasthatoftheregistrationdesk.It is also open for the Welcome Reception and the industry-sponsored symposia.

Conference BagEvery participant will receive a conference bag at the ENETS 2016 conference, available for pick-up at the registration desk. The following items should be included in each bag: conference program, mini program, abstract booklet, memory stick,post-itnotes,ballpointpen,blockofpaper,microfibrecleaningclothandacottonshoppingbagwiththeENETSlogo.

Speakers Preview Room (Media Room)Room119onthefirstflooroftheCCIBhasbeendesignatedforconferencespeakerstouploadandpreviewtheirpresentations. Please be aware that all conference speakers must have uploaded their presentations at least one hour beforetheyaretobeexpectedonstagetogivetheirtalk.AtechniciantohelpyouwillbeavailableduringtheENETSOfficeopeninghours.

Industry – Sponsored Satellite SymposiaThe ENETS 2016 Annual Conference includes three symposia organized by the platinum, gold and silver sponsors. Entrytothesesymposiaisfreeofcharge.LunchboxeswillbeprovidedforSatelliteSymposiumIandSatelliteSymposiumIIIin room 112.

The schedule is as follows:Industry - Sponsored Satellite Symposium I: 10 March 12:30 - 14:00 Room 112 First Floor Level P1Industry - Sponsored Satellite Symposium II: 10 March 18:15 - 19:45 Room 112 First Floor Level P1Industry - Sponsored Satellite Symposium III: 11 March 12:45 - 14:15 Room 112 First Floor Level P1

ExhibitionENETS will be offering conference participants a chance to acquire information and learn more about NET issues from diverseandinterdisciplinaryareas.ENETSwelcomesallparticipantstovisit theexhibitionhallonthegroundlevelbehindtheregistrationdesk.Thefloorplanoftheexhibitor’shallcanbeviewedinthe„SponsorsandExhibitors“parton page 54.

Exhibitors and SponsorsExhibitorsandSponsorsmaynotholdsatelliteeventsduringthedefined“blackout”timesunlessapprovedbyENETS.ENETS will strictly enforce this policy.

The blackout times for ENETS 2016, which correspond to the conference program, are as follows:Wednesday, 9 March 08:15 - 12:40 13:40 - 18:15 Thursday, 10 March 08:30 - 12:30 14:00 - 17:15 Friday, 11 March 08:30 - 12:45 14:15 - 15:45

ENETS also prohibits marketing research and marketing events from being conducted during the Annual Conference. ENETS encourages pharmaceutical companies to observe PhRMA guidelines in determining how to interact with delegatesattheAnnualConference.SpecificquestionsrelatedtomarketingactivitiesshouldbedirectedtotheENETSOfficeinBerlin.

General Information











ENETS Annual General AssemblyEvery ENETS member is welcome to attend the Society’s Annual General Assembly meeting. Only ENETS members are allowed entry to the Annual General Assembly meeting and only those members who have paid all their membership fees up to 2016 latest until 13:00 on 10 March 2016 are entitled to vote on any agenda items.

The Annual General Assembly meeting will be held on Thursday, 10 March at 17:15 in Room 111, First Floor, Level P1.

Internet / WiFi accessWireless internet access will be available in all areas. The SSID of the network will be “ENETS 2016” and the password will be “Barcelona”.

Conference OrganizationENETS Conference OrganizationENETSOfficec/o Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Virchow-Klinikum Hepatology and Gastroenterology Augustenburger Platz 113353 Berlin, Germany


Tel: +49-30-450 553 096Fax: +49-30-450553942

General Information










Conference Floor Plan











Conference Floor Plan

For full view of all sponsor booths, please refer to page 54.









Prof. Bertram Wiedenmann,Germany

Prof. Aurel Perren,Switzerland

Prof. Rocio Garcia-Carbonero,Spain

Prof. Reza Kianmanesh,France

Prof. Dermot O’Toole,Ireland

Prof. Marianne Pavel,Germany

Prof. Wouter de Herder,Netherlands

Prof. Massimo Falconi,Italy

Prof. Kjell Öberg,Sweden

Prof. Martyn Caplin,United Kingdom

Scientific Organizing Committee









Life Achievement Award

Professor Jean Claude Reubi, MD

JeanClaudeReubiobtainedhisMDinMedicineattheUniversityofZurichin1972,thensuccessivelyjoinedtheBrainResearch Institute in Zurich, the MRC Pharmacology in Cambridge (UK), and the Salk Institute in San Diego, CA. He thenjoinedSandozinBaselandtheSandozResearchInstituteinBern,wherehefocusedonsomatostatinreceptortargets in human cancers.

In1992,hemovedtotheDivisionofCellBiologyandExperimentalCancerResearchandbecameProfessorofPathologyat the Institute of Pathology, University of Bern. His main research focus has been on peptide receptors, including bio-logy,pathology,pharmacology,targetdefinitioninhumandiseasesanddevelopmentofradiopharmaceuticals.

Hehaspublishedmorethan500scientificarticles,isinventorofadozenofpatentsandpatentapplicationsandhasbeenrecognizedbynumerousinternationalPrizesandAwards.HehasbeenAdjunctProfessorattheSalkInstituteinSan Diego, USA, honorary Professor of Pathology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and fellow of the British Pharmacological Society. He has been Emeritus Professor of Pathology of the University of Bern since 2012.

ENETS Life Achievement Award Winners and Honorary Members

2015 Dr. Robert T. Jensen USA

2014 Prof. Eric Krenning NED

2013 Dr. Larry Kvols USA

2012 Prof. Steven Lamberts NED

2011 Prof. Jens Rehfeld DEN

2010 Prof. Enrico Solcia ITA

2009 Prof. Rudolf Arnold GER

2008 Prof. Jun Soga JAP

2007 Prof. Lars Grimelius SWE

2006 Dame Julia M. Polak † GBR

2005 Prof. Werner Creutzfeldt † GER

2004 Prof. Michel Mignon FRA










ENETS Committees

ENETS Executive CommitteeMartyn Caplin GBR Chairman Kjell Öberg SWE Vice-Chairman Massimo Falconi ITA Chairman-Elect Bertram Wiedenmann GER Treasurer Aurel Perren SUI Scientific Secretary Rocio Garcia-Carbonero ESP Member Reza Kianmanesh FRA Member Dermot O’Toole IRL Member Marianne Pavel GER Member

ENETS Advisory Board Detlef Bartsch GEREric Baudin FRALisa Bodei ITAIvan Borbath BEL (Registry Representative)Jaume Capdevila ESPJie Chen CHN (Honorary)Frederico Costa BRAAnne Couvelard FRAJaroslaw Cwikła POLWouter de Herder NED (AB Chairman)Gianfranco Delle Fave ITABarbro Eriksson SWENicola Fazio ITADiego Ferone ITASimona Glasberg ISRVera Gorbunova RUS (Honorary)David Gross ISRAshley Grossman GBRRodney Hicks AUSDieter Hörsch GERRobert Jensen USAGregory Kaltsas GREUlrich Knigge DENBeata Kos-Kudła POLMatthew Kulke USADik Kwekkeboom NEDCatherine Lombard-Bohas FRABruno Niederle AUTEls Nieveen van Dijkum NEDJuan O’Connor ARGUlrich-Frank Pape GERAndreas Pascher GERMarc Peeters BELJohn Ramage GBREric Raymond FRANick Reed GBRGuido Rindi ITA









ENETS Centers of Excellence AuditorsRudolf Arnold GER Günter Klöppel GER Eric Krenning NED Steven Lamberts NEDBabs Taal NED

ENETS Committees

ENETS Advisory Board continuesAnja Rinke GERPhilippe Ruszniewski FRARamon Salazar ESPAldo Scarpa ITAJean-Yves Scoazec FRAHalfdan Sorbye NORAnders Sundin SWEEva Tiensuu Janson SWEChristos Toumpanakis GBRJuan Valle GBRMarie-Pierre Vullierme FRAStaffan Welin SWEJames Yao USAPhilippa Davies GBR (NET Nurse Representative)Jenny Falkerby SWE (NET Nurse Representative)Chris Verslype BEL (Registry Representative)









ENETS Reviewing Committees

Travel Grant Reviewing Committee Massimo Falconi ITADieter Hörsch GER John Ramage GBRPhilippe Ruszniewski FRAEls Nieveen van Dijkum NED

Centers of Excellence (CoE) Young Investigator Grant Reviewing Committee Jaume Capdevila ESPRocio Garcia-Carbonero ESPReza Kianmanesh FRAMatthew Kulke USADermot O’Toole IRLJean-Yves Scoazec FRA

Centers of Excellence (CoE) Training Fellowship Grant Reviewing Committee Martyn Caplin GBRWouter de Herder NEDMassimo Falconi ITAAshley Grossman GBR Guido Rindi ITABertram Wiedenmann GER

Abstract Reviewing Committee

Lead: Nicholas Reed GBR

Clinical: Wouter de Herder NEDBarbro Eriksson SWERocio Garcia-Carbonero ESPUlrich Knigge DENJuan O’Connor ARGAndreas Pascher GERJohn Ramage GBRPhilippe Ruszniewski (Chair) FRAHalfdan Sorbye NORAnders Sundin SWE

Basic Science: Detlef Bartsch GERAnne Couvelard (Chair) FRADiego Ferone ITADavid Gross ISRGregory Kaltsas GREAurel Perren SUIGuido Rindi ITAAldo Scarpa ITA









ENETS Grant Recipients

Centers of Excellence (CoE) Young Investigator Grant Recipient 2016 Re Joakim Crona SWE

Centers of Excellence (CoE) Training Fellowship Grant Recipient 2016 Loana Maria Lambrescu ROM

Travel Grant Recipients 2016 Mauro Cives ITA Simona Falletta ITA Arooj Fatima PAK Elisabetta Grego ITA Thibault Kervarrec FRA Adrian Lock GER Ariana Madani NED Francesca Muffatti ITA Roberta-Elisei Rossi ITA Yuhong Wang CHN Yu-Qing Zhang CHN Alessandra Zilli ITA








20 * European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)

Scientific Program Overview

Wednesday, 9 March 2016 Time Topic Room

08:15 - 17:15 ENETS Postgraduate Course 112

17:15 - 18:15 ENETS ANNUAL CONFERENCE WELCOME RECEPTION Foyer in front of 112, Firstfloor

Thursday, 10 March 2016Time Topic Room

07:30 - 08:25 Meet the Professor 123-128

08:30 - 08:45 Welcome and Introduction 113-116 (Plenary)

08:45 - 10:10 Session 1: New Understanding in NET Tumorigenesis 113-116 (Plenary)

10:10 - 10:30 Life Achievement Award 2016 113-116 (Plenary)

10:30 - 10:45 Presentation ENETS Grant Winners 2015 113-116 (Plenary)

10:45 - 11:20 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER VIEWING Exhibitionarea


11:20 - 12:30 Session 2A: Predictive Biomarkers for NETs 111

Session 2B: Advances in Management of Pancreatic NETs 113-116 (Plenary)

12:30 - 14:00 Satellite Symposium I, Industry - Sponsored Symposium 112

12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH Exhibitionarea

14:00 - 15:15 Session 3A: Basic Science Abstract Session 111

Session 3B: Clinical Abstract Session 113-116 (Plenary)

15:15 - 15:40 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER VIEWING Exhibitionarea


15:40 - 17:15 Session 4: ENETS / EANM* Joint Symposium: PRRT - Peptide Receptor 113-116 (Plenary) Radionuclide Therapy

17:15 - 18:15 ENETS Annual General Assembly 111

18:15 - 19:45 Satellite Symposium II, Industry - Sponsored Symposium 112









Friday, 11 March 2016Time Topic Room

07:30 - 08:25 Meet the Professor 123-128

08:30 - 09:50 Session 5: Surgical Debate - Transplant Versus Liver Resection 113-116 (Plenary)

09:50 - 10:20 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER VIEWING Exhibitionarea


10:20 - 11:20 Session 6A: Treatment of NET G3 Or NEC 113-116 (Plenary)

Session 6B: Neuroendocrine Tumor Models 111

Sessions 7Ai and 7Aii are parallel to Session 7B

11:20 - 12:20 Session 7Ai: Molecular Targeted Agents and Angiogenesis 113-116 (Plenary)

12:20 - 12:35 Session 7Aii: ENETS Surgical Trials 113-116 (Plenary)

11:20 - 12:35 Session 7B: ENETS NET Nurse Symposium 111

12:35 - 12:45 ENETS Awards and Grants Ceremony 2016 113-116 (Plenary)

12:45 - 14:15 Satellite Symposium III, Industry - Sponsored Symposium 112

12:45 - 14:15 LUNCH Exhibitionarea

14:15 - 15:35 Session 8: What’s New in the Field? 113-116 (Plenary)

15:35 - 15:45 Closing Comment 113-116 (Plenary)

Scientific Program Overview









Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the 6th Annual ENETS Postgraduate Course. We hope that this year’s course will again prove to be informative and stimulating. The aim is to emphasise new advances and how this translates to individual patients including thosewithunusualsymptomsandsyndromes.ENETS isveryhappy tohaveconfirmedexcellentmultidisciplinaryspeakers for this year’s Postgraduate Course. We invite all participants to take the opportunity to ask questions and meet the speakers during the breaks.

Furthermore, your feedback is always valuable in designing future courses and we look forward to you completing the evaluation forms after the course.

Best wishes, Maryn Caplin, ENETS Chairman and course organiserRocio Garcia-Carbonero, ENETS Executive Committee and course organiser

Professor Martyn Caplin, BSc Hons, DM FRCPMartyn Caplin is Professor of Gastroenterology & GI Neuroendocrinology at the Royal Free Hospital and University College London. In addition to being the 2014-2016 Chairman of ENETS,hehasservedonENETSExecutiveCommitteesinceitsfoundationin2004.HeleadsTheRoyalFreeHospital’s“ENETSCentreofExcellence”andleadsthe“AcademicNET Research Unit” across University College London. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the UK & Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (UKI NETS) in recognition of hisclinicalleadershipandresearchinthefieldofNETs.

He is a founder and Past-Chairman of the UK & Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society. 2006-2014 he was a member of the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Upper-GI Cancer Committee and he is immediate past chairman of theNCRINeuroendocrineTumourGroup.Hehaspublishedoveronehundredandfiftypeerreviewpapers,writtenmultiple book chapters and co-authored two books. He regularly lectures both nationally and internationally. Between 2006-12 he was also the clinical lead for “NHS Evidence” for gastroenterology and liver diseases (under the auspices of NICE) chairing annual evidence updates into gastrointestinal and liver disorders.

Professor Rocio Garcia-CarboneroRocioGarcia-Carboneroisamedicaloncologistwithparticularexpertiseingastrointestinalneoplasias. She coordinates the Gastrointestinal (GI) Tumor Unit at the Hospital Universita-rio Doce de Octubre in Madrid, and is also an associate professor at the university. She is activelyinvolvedinclinicalandtranslationalresearch,andisamemberoftheScientificAdvisory Group for Oncology (SAG-O) at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) since 2008.

Hermajor areas of research interest are the development of new drugs or therapeuticstrategies in the field ofGI tumors, particularlyNETsand colorectal cancer, and the

developmentofbiomarkersofdiagnosticortherapeuticinterestinthisfield.Shehaspublishedmorethan90papersinpeer-reviewedjournals,aswellasmanybookchapters,hasbeenamemberoftheExecutiveCommitteeoftheSpanishSocietyofMedicalOncology(SEOM),andisanactivememberofvariousscientificsocieties(ASCO,ESMO,ENETS,SEOM) and collaborative groups (EORTC, GETNE, TTD).

Dr Garcia-Carbonero is also devoted to continued medical education in many ways and is now a member of the Oncology PROworkinggroup,ESMO’sscientificandeducationalportal foroncologists.Sheisanational leader inthefieldof neuroendocrine tumors, being the President of the Spanish Cooperative Group in NETs (GETNE) since 2011 and memberoftheExecutiveComitteeoftheEuropeanNeuroendocrineTumorSociety(ENETS).

Postgraduate Course Welcome









Professor Eric Baudin, MD PhD Eric Baudin, MD PhD, is Assistant Professor at Gustave Roussy (University of Paris-Sud) where he chairs the Endocrine Tumor Board. He is also co-chair of the French Network for AdrenalCancer(COMETE)andscientificcoordinatoroftheFrenchNetworkofNeuroendocrineTumors (GTE-RENATEN).

HeservedasmemberoftheENSAT,PRESSORandENETSassociations.Hismainfieldofinterestisendocrinetumors.Heisinvolvedinmanysubjects,includingprognosticstratification,treatment with radioactive isotopes, chemotherapy and molecular targeted therapy, but also

biomarker development. He has been investigator for most prospective clinical trials on endocrine tumors. He has published morethan150originalarticlesinthefieldofendocrinetumorsandhasreceivedawardsfromtheFrenchAcademyofMedicine and of Sciences.

Professor Wouter W. de Herder MD PhDWouter W. de Herder is Professor of Endocrine Oncology at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In this university hospital he is chairman of a multidisciplinary group for endocrine oncology in the Erasmus MC (tumorwerkgroep endocriene tumoren) and he is headoftheENETSCentreofExcellenceforneuroendocrinetumors.Hismajorresearchinterests are neuroendocrine and endocrine tumors.

He is a member of several international and Dutch national societies, such as the Dutch Society for Endocrinology (NVE), the Endocrine Society (USA), the European Society of

Endocrinology (ESE), the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS) and the North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS). He served as a board member of the Dutch Society for Endocrinology (NVE) (2009–2014). He served as Chairman (2006-2008) and Vice-Chairman of ENETS (2008-2010) (European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society). He is member of the Advisory Boards of ENETS and NANETS.

Professor Pier Luigi Filosso, MDPier Luigi Filosso, MD is Associate Professor of Thoracic Surgery at the Medical Faculty of the University of Torino (Italy). He is also the Chair of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS), Lung Neuroendocrine Tumors Working Group and the Secretary of the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group (ITMIG).

Hisfieldsofinterestare:Thoraciconcology,lungandthymicNETs,surgicaltreatmentoflung, mediastinal and pleural neoplasms, emphysema and management of thoracic trauma. Heismemberofthemostimportantinternationalthoracicscientificsocietiesandhepublished


Professor David GrossProf. Gross is at the Neuroendocrine Unit at the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center. His clinical interests involve management of endocrine tumors, medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma, bronchial NETs, GEP NETs, the MEN syndromes and von Hippel-Lindau disease. At the basic research level, Prof. Gross is interested in the mechanisms of modulation of the somatostatin receptor and possible therapeutic interactions of the inhibition of the mTOR pathway and inhibition of autophagy.

Postgraduate Course Biographies









Postgraduate Course Biographies

Professor Ashley GrossmanProf. Ashley Grossman graduated in psychology and social anthropology at the University of London and then entered University College London where he graduated initially with a neurosciences degree and then in medicine. He started in the Dept. of Endocrinology at St Bartholomew‘s Hospital and Medical School, eventually becoming Professor of Neuroendocrinology at Barts and the London School of Medicine in 1993.


2012 Fellow of Green-Templeton College. He has published many peer-reviewed papers, chapters and reviews. He was awarded the European Society for Endocrinology Geoffrey Harris Prize in 2014, he has been President of the ENEA and the Society for Endocrinology (2012-2014) and is currently President of the Pituitary Society (2015-2016). His main interest outside medicine is his 6 daughters.

Dr. Gregory Kaltsas MD FRCP (Lon) Dr. Kaltsas received his training in General Medicine – Endocrinology – Diabetes in the UK and his PhD thesis (1993) at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. From 1995 until 2001 he worked as a Senior Registrar in the Department of Endocrinology St Bartholomew’s University Hospital, London UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) since 2005 and in 2008 was appointed as a Visiting Reader at St Bartholomew’s University Hospital. He is currently a Professor of Endocrinology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Professor Kaltsas is actively involved in many aspects of endocrinology and has been a member of the editorial board andassistanteditorinseveralendocrinejournals,amemberoftheAdvisoryBoardoftheEuropeanNeuroendocrineTumorSociety(ENETS)andamemberoftheExecutiveCommitteeoftheEuropeanNeuroendocrineAssociation(ENEA).His research focuses in several aspects of neuroendocrinology, endocrine oncology and pathophysiology of the adrenal glands. The last 10 years he has developed a special interest in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) and runs the adult LCH clinic in Greece.

Professor Ulrich Knigge, MD DMScUlrich Knigge is Associate Professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery at Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen. He became MD in 1978 at the University of Copenhagen, DMSc in 1989, Specialist in Surgery in 1991 and Specialist in Gastrointestinal Surgery in 1994. Since 1994 hismainsubjecthasbeenneuroendocrineneoplasms.

HeisDirectoroftheNeuroendocrineTumorCentreofExcellenceatRigshospitaletwithmorethan 300 new referrals yearly. In 2009, under his guidance, the NET Centre at Rigshospitalet wascertifiedasENETSCentreofExcellenceamong thefirstsixcenters inEurope.He

was member of the Board of the Danish Endocrine Society 1992-1996, co-founder and Vice-Chairman of the Nordic Neuroendocrine Tumor Society. Since 2008 he has been member of the ENETS Advisory Board.

He was co-founder of the Danish Neuroendocrine Tumor Society. He has been organizer for several national and international meetings and symposia on neuroendocrine neoplasms. He has published more than 170 original papers, reviewsandbookchaptersinpeerreviewedpredominantlyinternationaljournals.









Postgraduate Course Biographies

Professor Tim Meyer BSc MBBS PhD FRCPTimMeyer is Professor of Experimental CancerMedicine at UCL Cancer Institute andConsultant in Medical Oncology at the Royal Free and ULCH Hospitals. He is Director oftheNIHRUCLH/UCLCancerClinicalResearchFacilityandtheUCLExperimentalCancerMedicine Centre. He leads the Oncology Neuroendocrine Clinic and is a member of the Multidisciplinary Neuroendocrine Unit at the Royal Free Hospital, London. He is a member of the NCRI hepatobiliary and neuroendocrine sub-groups and is chief investigator for a number of national clinical trials for hepatocellular and neuroendocrine cancer.

Professor Kjell ÖbergKjellÖbergisProfessorofEndocrineOncologyattheMedicalFacultyofUppsalaUniversity.He was the former Head of the Department of Endocrine Oncology, University Hospital, and he is a Specialist in Endocrinology and Internal Medicine. He founded the Dept. of EndocrineOncologyatUppsalaUniversityHospitalandhas35yearsofexperienceinthefieldofneuroendocrinetumors.


School,whichtookplaceinUppsala,Swedenin2014.Dr.ÖbergisamemberoftheRoyalSocietyofSciences,memberof Swedish Society of Medical Research, honorary member of Finnish Oncology Society, Finnish Endocrine Society and honorary member of Spanish Neuroendocrine NET-Work.

HeisamemberoftheNANETSAdvisoryBoardaswellasseveralothernationalandinternationalresearchandscientificboardsandmanyscientificjournalreviewboards.HewastheChairmanfortheCenterofExcellenceofEndocrineTumors, Uppsala University Hospital, until May 2013. At present time he is senior advisor at the same department.

Dr. Ulrich-Frank Pape, MDUlrich-Frank Pape studied medicine at the Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, between 1989 and 1997, where he later completed his doctorate. During residency at the Charité he also did a postdoctoral research fellowship at the German Cancer Research Center DKFZ in Heidelberg. He is currently Deputy Chair of the Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Charité Medical University Hospital), Germany and specializes in clinical care as well as research of gastrointestinal cancers particularly neuroendocrine neoplasms, nutritional medicine and intestinal failure care.

He is a member of the Professional Association of German Internists (BDI), German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS), German Working Group of Medical Oncologists (AIO), German Society of Endocrinology (DGE), German Registry Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET-Register) and European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS) including the ENETS Advisory Board and the ENETS-Registry taskforce.









Postgraduate Course Biographies

Professor Marianne PavelMarianne Pavel is a senior physician specialized in internal medicine and endocrinology. She is leader of the Section for Neuroendocrine Tumors (Dept. of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Diabetes at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin) in Germany. She was an alumna of Prof. Werner Creutzfeldt and received her medical degree in 1992 from the Georg-August University in Göttingen.


and Diabetes in 2001, she was appointed Vice Head of the Dept. of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Friedrich AlexanderUniversityin2001.In2007shebecameAssistantDirectorattheCharitéandisexclusivelyworkinginthefieldofNET.Prof.Pavelhasconductedandparticipatedinnumerousclinicaltrialssince1993inendocrinologyandgastroenterology with a strong focus on NET.


Professor John Ramage Professor John Ramage is Consultant Physician in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Honorary Consultant Physician at the Institute of Liver Studies at Kings College Hospital and Lead Clinician for Kings Health Partners NET Centre which includes Kings, Guys, St Thomas’s, Kent Oncology Centre and Hampshire Hospitals. He is Research Director at Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust and Professor of Health Service Research.

Professor Ramage is Advisory Board member, past treasurer and now Chair of the UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society. He is a member of the EORTC Quality of Life

Group, through which he pursues research into Quality of Life in cancers. His main research interest is in Quality of Life and symptoms scores in neuroendocrine tumours of the small bowel and liver. He was corresponding author of the UK guidelines for NET.

Dr. Ricarda Seidensticker, MDDr. Ricarda Seidensticker is a radiologist at the University Hospital Magdeburg, Germany. She worked in the Radiology Department at Charité Medical University in Berlin from 2003-2006, since2006atMagdeburg,heremainly in thefieldof interventional radiology,herfocus is on the clinical management of oncological patients who undergo image-guided therapies, being responsible for the ancillary radiology clinic for microtherapy.

Hermajorareasofresearchinterestarethedevelopment,improvementandevaluationoflocal or local-ablative therapies in the field of GI tumors, particularly HCC, CCC and

metastastic colorectal cancer in a multidisciplinary approach. She has published several peer-reviewed papers and book chapters in the field of image-guided interventions. She is member of the German Radiology Society (DRG), German Academy for Microtherapy (DAfMT) and European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR).









Postgraduate Course Biographies

Dr. Christos Toumpanakis, MD, PhD, FRCPChristos Toumpanakis is a Consultant in Gastroenterology & Neuroendocrine Tumours in the NeuroendocrineTumourUnit–ENETSCentreofExcellenceofRoyalFreeHospital,London,UK, since 2007. He is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at University College of London and has been awarded as “Top-Teacher of the Year” in 2007, 2009, 2013 and 2014.

He graduated from Medical School-University of Athens, Greece, in 1994, obtained his Specialty Title in Gastroenterology & Hepatology in 2004 and his PhD from University of Athens in 2007. He has been involved in the area of NETs since 2000. He has presented in several

international conferences and published many original papers and reviews. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS), the editor of ENETS CME program, a co-author of ENETS and UKI NET Guidelines, as well as a member of the Advisory Board of UK NET Patients’ Foundation.

He is leading a NET Clinical Research Group and his main research interests include novel biomarkers & molecular imaging in NETs and carcinoid heart disease.

Professor Juan W. Valle, MB, ChB, FRCPJuan Valle is a Professor of Medical Oncology in the University of Manchester (Institute of Cancer Sciences), part of the Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre (MAHSC). He is based at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust within the Gastrointestinal Disease Group and treats cancers of the pancreas, liver and biliary tract and neuroendocrine tumours. He isHeadofServiceforTheChristieNeuroendocrineENETSCentreofExcellence.

Professor Valle is a member of the UK National Cancer Research Network (NCRN) Upper Gastrointestinal Clinical Studies Group and member of the hepatobiliary and pancreatic

subgroups; in addition he is Chair of the Neuroendocrine Subgroup. He has been awarded a number of grants for research leading to numerous publications and presentations in national and international meetings and is a peer-reviewer foranumberofinternationalmedicaljournals.

He is a Secretary of UKI NETS (UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumor Society) and member of the Advisory Board of ENETS; he is also a member of ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) and ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology).









Postgraduate Course Program

Wednesday, 9 March 2016 The postgraduate program is designed for clinicians and researchers who wish to learn more and are new to NET diagnosis and therapy. Limited seats, prior online registration required.

Time Topic Room

08:15 - 17:15 ENETS Postgraduate Course 112 Chairs: Martyn Caplin, GBR / Rocio Garcia-Carbonero, ESP

08:15 - 09:15 REGISTRATION & COFFEE ExhibitionArea

09:15 - 09:30 Introduction and Overview of GEP NETs Martyn Caplin, GBR

09:30 - 09:50 Carcinoid Syndrome – Management and New Advances Gregory Kaltsas, GRE

09:50 - 10:10 Somatostatin Analogues Anti-Tumor Effect: More Understanding in the Last Year Marianne Pavel, GER

10:10 - 10:30 Ectopic Hormones and Paraneoplastic Syndromes Associated with NETs Wouter W. de Herder, NED

10:30 - 10:40 Discussion

10:40 - 11:00 Case Study David Gross, ISR

11:00 - 11:30 COFFEE BREAK ExhibitionArea

11:30 - 11:50 Management for Pancreatic NET – Towards a New Algorithm Juan Valle, GBR

11:50 - 12:10 Locoregional Therapy for Liver Disease: Transarterial Embolization - Yttrium Radioembolization, Radiofrequency Ablation Ricarda Seidensticker, GER

12:10 - 12:20 Discussion

12:20 - 12:40 Case Presentation Christos Toumpanakis, GBR

12:40 - 13:40 LUNCH ExhibitionArea

13:40 - 14:00 Where Are We with Personalised Management? Tim Meyer, GBR

14:00 - 14:20 Quality of Life Measurement in NET Patients John Ramage, GBR









Postgraduate Course Program

Wednesday, 9 March 2016Time Topic Room

14:20 - 14:40 How Best to Manage Non-Secretory Causes of Diarrhea Ulrich-Frank Pape, GER

14:40 - 14:50 Discussion

14:50 - 15:10 COFFEE BREAK ExhibitionArea

15:10 - 15:30 Appendix Neuroendocrine Tumors Ulrich Peter Knigge, DEN

15:30 - 15:50 Management of NETs in Unusual Sites: Brain, Heart, Eyes, Ovaries Kjell Öberg, SWE

15:50 - 16:00 Discussion

16:00 - 16:20 Diagnosis of Pulmonary NETs Pier Luigi Filosso, ITA

16:20 - 16:40 Management of Pulmonary NETs Eric Baudin, FRA

16:40 - 17:00 Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Ashley Grossman, GBR

17:00 - 17:10 Discussion

17:10 - 17:15 Closing Remarks Martyn Caplin, GBR

17:15 - 18:15 ENETS ANNUAL CONFERENCE WELCOME RECEPTION Foyer in front of 112, Firstfloor









Thursday, 10 March 2016 Time Topic Room

07:30 - 08:25 Meet the Professor 123-128

Role of Transarterial Embolisation 123 Philippe Ruszniewski, FRA

Tricks for Controlling Difficult NET Syndromes 124 Barbro Eriksson, SWE

Advance in Paraganglioma and Phaeochromocytoma 125 Ashley Grossman, GBR

How Do I Choose Chemotherapy? 127 Nicola Fazio, ITA

Genomics and Epigenomics in NETs 128 Christina Thirlwell, GBR

08:30 - 08:45 Welcome and Introduction 113-116 (Plenary) Martyn Caplin, GBR

08:45 - 10:10 Session 1: New Understanding in NET Tumorigenesis 113-116 (Plenary) Chairs: Kjell Öberg, SWE / Aldo Scarpa, ITA

08:45 - 09:10 Overview - Profiling in GEP NET Aurel Perren, SUI

09:10 - 09:35 Hallmarks on Neuroendocrine Tumor Development Christopher Heaphy, USA

09:35 - 10:00 Metabolism and Cancer Dimitrios Anastasiou, GBR

10:00 - 10:10 Discussion

10:10 - 10:30 Life Achievement Award 2016 113-116 (Plenary) Chair: Martyn Caplin, GBR

10:10 - 10:15 Dedication Emanuel Christ, SUI

10:15 - 10:30 Recipient and Keynote Presentation: Peptide Receptors as Targets in Neuroendocrine Tumors Jean Claude Reubi, SUI

10:30 - 10:45 Presentation ENETS Grant Winners 2015 113-116 (Plenary)

10:30 - 10:35 CoE Excellence Academy Fellowship Henning Jann, GER

10:35 - 10:40 CoE Young Investigator Grant Jerome Cros, FRA

Scientific Program








31*For details, please go to page 50.

Scientific Program

Thursday, 10 March 2016Time Topic Room

10:40 - 10:45 ENETS Translational Medicine Fellowship Su-Chen Li, SWE

10:45 - 11:20 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER VIEWING Exhibitionarea


Session 2A and 2B are parallel sessions

11:20 - 12:30 Session 2A: Predictive Biomarkers for NETs 111 Chairs: Anne Couvelard, FRA / Tim Meyer, GBR

11:20 - 11:35 Tissue Markers Jean-Yves Scoazec, FRA

11:35 - 11:50 Circulating RNA Mark Kidd, USA

11:50 - 12:05 Circulating DNA Christina Thirlwell, GBR

12:05 - 12:15 Discussion

12:15 - 12:30 Presidential Abstract: Detection of SSTR2 and 5 Expression on Circulating Tumour Cells in Neuroendocrine Tumours Alexa Childs, GBR

11:20 - 12:30 Session 2B: Advances in Management of Pancreatic NETs 113-116 (Plenary) Chairs: Ivan Borbath, BEL / Frederico Costa, BRA

11:20 - 11:35 Molecular Imaging for Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Damian Wild, SUI

11:35 - 11:50 Laparoscopic Versus Open Surgery for Pancreatic NETs Els Nieveen van Dijkum, NED

11:50 - 12:05 Update on Molecular Targeted Agents versus Chemotherapy for P-NET Rocio Garcia-Carbonero, ESP

12:05 - 12:15 Discussion

12:15 - 12:30 Presidential Abstract: Netazepide, A Gastrin/CCK2 Receptor Antagonist, Can Eradicate Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumours in Patients with Autoimmune Chronic Atrophic Gastritis Malcolm Boyce, GBR

12:30 - 14:00 Satellite Symposium I, Industry - Sponsored Symposium* 112


12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH Exhibitionarea









Scientific Program

Thursday, 10 March 2016Time Topic Room

Session 3A and 3B are parallel sessions

14:00 - 15:15 Session 3A: Basic Science Abstract Session 111 Chairs: Anne Couvelard, FRA / Staffan Welin, SWE

14:00 - 14:15 A Novel Hereditary Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Syndrome Associated with Biallelic Inactivation of the Glucagon Receptor Laura Tang, USA

14:15 - 14:30 Midkine is a New Novel Serum Biomarker in Small Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors (SI-NETs) Kosmas Daskalakis, SWE

14:30 - 14:45 Splicing Dysregulation Impacts on Neuroendocrine Tumors: Evidence from Altered Spliceosoma Components and Somatostatin and Ghrelin Systems Justo P. Castaño, ESP

14:45 - 15:00 Epigenetic Remodeling upon DAXX and ATRX Loss in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (pNETs) Ilaria Marinoni, SUI

15:00 - 15:15 The Role of p27 in Pheochromocytoma Development Andrea Richter, GER

14:00 - 15:15 Session 3B: Clinical Abstract Session 113-116 (Plenary) Chairs: Nicholas Reed, GBR / Philippe Ruszniewski, FRA

14:00 - 14:15 Significance of Preoperative FDG-PET/CT Scan in Patients with Pulmonary Carcinoid Tumours Georgios Papaxoinis, GBR

14:15 - 14:30 Evaluation of the Somatostatin, CXCR4 Chemokine and Endothelin A Receptor Expression in a Large Series of Paragangliomas Daniel Kaemmerer, GER

14:30 - 14:45 Extra-Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Carcinomas: A National Population Based Study Jan Maarten Van Der Zwan, NED

14:45 - 15:00 Circulating Neuroendocrine Tumor Gene Signature, the NETest, Defines Therapy in GEP-NETs Mark Kidd, USA

15:00 - 15:15 Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy Prolongs Survival in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: A Single Centre Study in 1048 Patients over 10 Years Richard P. Baum, GER








33* European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)**For details, please go to page 51.

Scientific Program

Thursday, 10 March 2016 Time Topic Room

15:15 - 15:40 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER VIEWING Exhibitionarea


15:40 - 17:15 Session 4: ENETS / EANM* Joint Symposium: PRRT - Peptide Receptor 113-116 (Plenary) Radionuclide Therapy Chairs: Lisa Bodei, ITA / Bertram Wiedenmann, GER

15:40 - 16:20 PRRT Versus Medical Therapy for Intestinal NET Debate:

15:40 - 15:50 PRRT Richard P. Baum, GER

15:50 - 16:00 Medical Treatments Kjell Öberg, SWE

16:00 - 16:05 Rebuttal Comments Richard P. Baum, GER / Kjell Öberg, SWE

16:05 - 16:20 Discussion

16:20 - 16:35 Are We Ready for Combination Therapy with PRRT and Chemo- or Biotherapy? Rodney Hicks, AUS

16:35 - 16:50 Novel Isotopes Helmut Maecke, GER

16:50 - 17:00 Discussion

17:00 - 17:15 Presidential Abstract: Somatostatin Receptor PET/CT with Radiolabelled Antagonist is Twice as Effective as the Agonist for Detecting Liver Metastases: Results of a Phase 1/2 Study Comparing 68Ga-OPS202 with 68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT in Gastroenteropancreatic NET Patients Guillaume Nicolas, SUI

17:15 - 18:15 ENETS General Assembly 111

Members Only!

18:15 - 19:45 Satellite Symposium II, Industry - Sponsored Symposium** 112









Friday, 11 March 2016 Time Topic Room

07:30 - 08:25 Meet the Professor 123-128

Role of Transarterial Embolisation 123 Philippe Ruszniewski, FRA

Tricks for Controlling Difficult NET Syndromes 124 Barbro Eriksson, SWE

Advance in Paraganglioma and Phaeochromocytoma 125 Ashley Grossman, GBR

How Do I Choose Chemotherapy? 127 Nicola Fazio, ITA

Genomics and Epigenomics in NETs 128 Christina Thirlwell, GBR

08:30 - 09:50 Session 5: Surgical Debate - Transplant Versus Liver Resection 113-116 (Plenary) Chairs: Göran Åkerström, SWE / Massimo Falconi, ITA

08:30 - 09:10 Management of Liver Metastases Debate:

08:30 - 08:45 Liver Transplantation in NET (Pro) Vincenzo Mazzaferro, ITA

08:45 - 09:00 Liver Transplantation in NET (Con) Andreas Pascher, GER

09:00 - 09:10 Discussion

09:10 - 09:50 Intestinal Surgery in Patients with Unresectable Liver Metastases Debate

09:10 - 09:25 Resection of Primary Tumor (Pro) Graeme Poston, GBR

09:25 - 09:40 No Resection of Primary Tumor (Con) Reza Kianmanesh, FRA

09:40 - 09:50 Discussion

09:50 - 10:20 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER VIEWING Exhibitionarea


Scientific Program









Scientific Program

Friday, 11 March 2016Time Topic Room

Session 6A and 6B are parallel sessions

10:20 - 11:20 Session 6A: Treatment of NET G3 Or NEC 113-116 (Plenary) Chairs: Anja Rinke, GER / Ramon Salazar, ESP

10:20 - 10:35 Histopathology NET G3 Versus NEC G3 Laura Tang, USA

10:35 - 10:50 Medical Management of GEP NET/C G3 Halfdan Sorbye, NOR

10:50 - 11:05 Management of Atypical Pulmonary NET Is Different to SCLC? Eric Baudin, FRA

11:05 - 11:20 Presidential Abstract: Interim Results on the Influence of Lanreotide on Uptake of [68Ga]-DOTATATE in Patients with Metastatic or Unresectable NET: No Evidence for Disconti- nuation of Lanreotide Before [68Ga]-DOTATATE PET/CT Else Aalbersberg, NED

10:20 - 11:20 Session 6B: Neuroendocrine Tumor Models 111 Chairs: Christian Fischer, GER / Simona Glasberg, ISR

10:20 - 10:35 Slice Culture Anne Couvelard, FRA

10:35 - 10:50 Primary Cell Culture and Classical Cell Lines Maria Chiara Zatelli, ITA

10:50 - 11:05 Zebrafish Holger Gerhard, GER

11:05 - 11:20 Mouse Models (MEN1 and RIP-Tag) Rajesh Thakker, GBR

Sessions 7Ai and 7Aii are parallel to Session 7B

11:20 - 12:20 Session 7Ai: Molecular Targeted Agents and Angiogenesis 113-116 (Plenary) Chairs: Diego Ferone, ITA / Jonathan Strosberg, USA

11:20 - 11:40 Angiogenesis Inhibitors: Where Are We Now? Jaume Capdevila, ESP

11:40 - 12:00 PI3 Kinase Pathways and mTOR Inhibitors: Where Are We Now? Marianne Pavel, GER

12:00 - 12:20 What Is the Future for New Molecular Targeted Agents? Eric Raymond, FRA








36 *For details, please go to page 52.

Scientific Program

Friday, 11 March 2016

Time Topic Room

12:20 - 12:35 Session 7Aii: ENETS Surgical Trials 113-116 (Plenary) Chair: Dermot O’Toole, IRL

12:20 - 12:30 Intestine: Resection of Primary Intestinal Tumour Versus Conservative Care in Patients with Unresectable Liver Metastases Reza Kianmanesh, FRA

12:25 - 12:35 Pancreas: Follow-up Protocol of Sub-2cm Pancreatic NETs Massimo Falconi, ITA

Session 7B is parallel to Session 7Ai and 7Aii

11:20 - 12:35 Session 7B: ENETS NET Nurse Symposium 111 Chairs: Philippa Davies, GBR / Jenny Falkerby, SWE

11:20 - 11:25 Introduction Jenny Falkerby, SWE

11:25 - 11:35 Update, What’s New in the Field? Joakim Crona, SWE

11:35 - 11:45 Is 5HIAA Measurement in Blood Useful in Neuroendocrine Patients? Camilla Schalin-Jantti, FIN

11:45 - 11:55 Temzolomide/Capecitabine in Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Single Center Review Lynne McCallum, GBR

11:55 - 12:00 Question and Answer

12:00 - 12:10 The Effect of Patient and Doctors Delay in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors Lisette Saveur, NED

12:10 - 12:20 NET Patient Cancer Experience Survey Catherine Bouvier, GBR

12:20 - 12:30 Question and Answer

12:30 - 12:35 Summary and Close Philippa Davies, GBR

12:35 - 12:45 ENETS Awards and Grants Ceremony 2016 113-116 (Plenary) Chairs: Martyn Caplin, GBR / Dermot O’Toole, IRL

12:45 - 14:15 Satellite Symposium III, Industry - Sponsored Symposium* 112


12:45 - 14:15 LUNCH Exhibitionarea









Scientific Program

Friday, 11 March 2016Time Topic Room

14:15 - 15:35 Session 8: What’s New in the Field? 113-116 (Plenary) Chairs: Diane Reidy Lagunes, USA / Eva Tiensuu Janson, SWE

14:15 - 14:45 In-Brief Update Presentations

14:15 - 14:22 NETTER-1 Phase III in Patients with Midgut Neuroendocrine Tumors Treated with 177Lu-Dotatate: Efficacy and Safety Results Jonathan Strosberg, USA

14:22 - 14:29 Efficacy and Safety of Telotristat Etiprate in Patients with Carcinoid Syndrome Not Adequately Controlled by Somatostatin Analog Therapy: Analysis of the Ongoing TELESTAR Extension Period Dieter Hörsch, GER

14:29 - 14:36 Sunitinib (SU) in Patients with Advanced, Progressive Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (pNET): Final Overall Survival (OS) Results from a Phase III Randomized Study Including Adjustment for Crossover Eric Raymond, FRA

14:36 - 14:43 Everolimus for Advanced, Progressive, Nonfunctional Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) of the Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract: Efficacy and Safety from a RADIANT-4 Subgroup Analysis Simron Singh, CAN

14:43 - 14:45 Discussion

14:45 - 15:05 Overview of Best Clinical and Basic Science Abstracts Robert Jensen, USA

15:05 - 15:20 What’s New in NET Understanding Guido Rindi, ITA

15:20 - 15:35 Overview of Ongoing and Planned Clinical Trials Ulrich-Frank Pape, GER

15:35 - 15:45 Closing Comment 113-116 (Plenary) Massimo Falconi, ITA








38 *The numbers given to the abstracts e.g. A1, B1 etc are also the same numbers for the posters displayed in the exhibition hall.

Abstract Titles

The titels of all approved abstracts include first authors and are listed here:

A. BASIC SCIENCE - MTOR AND OTHER PATHWAYS, SIGNALLING, RECEPTORS(A1)* Bucau M et al. Dual High Throughput Proteomic and Transcriptomic Screen for Predictive Biomarkers of Everolimus Sensitivity in Pancreatic NET(A2) Costa DL et al. Immunohistochemical Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors in Neuroendocrine Tumors(A3) Detjen K et al. Slit-Robo Signaling Links to Ras Activity to Suppress Metastasis and Is Associated with Time-to-Progression in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(A4) Gagliano T et al. Cross-Talk Between EGFR and IGF1R Influences the Response to RTK Inhibitors in Bronchopulmonary (BP)-NET Cell Lines(A5) Gantenbein N et al. Are eIFs Ingredients for Neuroendocrine Tumorigenesis?(A6) Kaemmerer D et al. Differential Somatostatin and CXCR4 Chemokine Receptor Expression in Primary Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (GEP-NEN) and Their Metastases(A7) Mohamed A et al. Efficacy of Everolimus and Somatostatin Analogs as Single Agents or in Combination in Human Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Primary Cultures(A8) Nölting S et al. Selective Inhibition of PI3Kalpha (BYL719) - Promising Therapeutic Option for Neuroendocrine Tumors?(A9) Viudez A et al. A New Immunohistochemistry Prognostic Score (IPS) Based on MGMT, NDRG-1 and PHLDA-3 for Recurrence and Survival in Resected Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (PanNET)(A10) Wolf I et al. Targeting Tumor Metabolism in NETs: A Novel Mechanism of Action of the Somatostatin Analog Lanreotide

B. BASIC SCIENCE - GENETICS, EPIGENETICS, MIRNAS(B1) Beyens M et al. Whole Exome Sequencing of Three Families with Small Intestine Neuroendocrine Tumors(B2) Castaño JP et al. Splicing Dysregulation Impacts on Neuroendocrine Tumors: Evidence from Altered Spliceosoma Components and Somatostatin and Ghrelin Systems(B3) Chikouche A et al. The MEN2B Due to de Novo Mutation M918T at Algiers(B4) Crona J et al. Multiregion Analysis Reveal Evolutionary Patterns and a Chromosomal Instability Signature in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours(B5) Cros J et al. Well Differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (WDPNET) G3: Does the Ki67 Really Do It All?(B6) Koenig A et al. MTOR Controls an Epigenetic Program Leading to Autophagy and Cell Growth Control(B7) Marinoni I et al. Epigenetic Remodeling upon DAXX and ATRX Loss in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (pNETs)(B8) Nann D et al. Even Malignant Appendiceal Neuroendocrine Tumors Exhibit No Recurrent Chromosomal Alterations(B9) Richter A et al. The Role of p27 in Pheochromocytoma Development(B10) Swierczynski S et al. Assocation Between miRNAs and HDACs in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(B11) Tang L et al. A Novel Hereditary Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Syndrome Associated with Biallelic Inactivation of the Glucagon Receptor(B12) Wen-Chi C et al. Genes Involved in Angiogenesis and mTOR Are Frequently Found Mutated in Asian Patients with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(B13) Yu R et al. Characterization and Rescue of a Pathogenic D63N Mutant Human Glucagon Receptor That Causes a Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Syndrome (Mahvash disease)

C. BASIC SCIENCE - IN VITRO MODELS, TUMOR GROWTH, CTCS(C1) Behrang Y et al. A Novel In Vitro Model of a Highly Proliferative Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasia(C2) Behrang Y et al. Regulation of Neuroendocrine Differentiation by Growth Factor Induced Proliferation in a Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Cell Line(C3) Childs A et al. Detection of SSTR2 and 5 Expression on Circulating Tumour Cells in Neuroendocrine Tumours(C4) Errampalli R et al. Cannabinoids as Inhibitor of Tumour Growth and Invasiveness in Small Intestine Neuroendocrine Cancer









Abstract Titles

(C5) Krieg A et al. Establishment and Characterization of Three GEP-NEC Cell Lines for In Vitro and In Vivo Studies(C6) Lopez C et al. Chemoprevention with a Long Acting Somatostatin Analogue in a Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (MEN1) Knockout Mouse Model Does Delay the Progression of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (pNENs) (C7) Pan B et al. Inhibition of Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumor by a New Marker of Normal Neuroendocrine Cells(C8) Pifano M et al. Antitumor Activity of Desmopressin (dDAVP) and the New Analog [V4Q5]dDAVP in Human Small Cell Lung Cancer(C9) Schwach G et al. Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Cell Lines – An Update(C10) Simone V et al. Osteotropism of NETs: Role of the SDF1/CXCR4 Axis in Regulating EMT(C11) Xin B et al. Clinical Utility of EpCAM-Positive Circulating Tumor Cells in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms Using the CellSearch Platform

D. EPIDEMIOLOGY/NATURAL HISTORY/PROGNOSIS - REGISTRIES, NATIONWIDE AND REGIONAL SURVEYS(D1) Bajciova V et al. Merkel Cell Carcinoma – Epidemiology Data from the Czech National Cancer Registry(D2) Basuroy R et al. The Symptoms Experienced by Small Bowel and Pancreatic NET Patients Prior to Diagnosis Do Not Meet the Criteria for a Functional Diarrhoea (IBS-D) Diagnosis(D3) Basuroy R et al. Does Faecal Occult Blood Testing Help Identify Ileo-Colonic NETs in the UK Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP)?(D4) Benny A et al. Delays in Diagnosing Neuroendocrine Tumours by Secondary Care Specialities(D5) Bouvier C et al. Neuroendocrine Cancer Patient Experience Survey(D6) Cosaro E et al. Clinicopathologic Features, Management and Outcome of Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) in MEN1: The Verona Multidisciplinary PlaNET Group(D7) Davì MV et al. Clinicopathologic Features, Treatments and Survival of Patients with Ectopic Cushing’s Syndrome from Neuroendocrine Tumors: Data from an Italian Multicenter Study(D8) Gorbunova V et al. Neuroendocrine Tumors in Russia: NET Observational Registry Data (D9) Jimenez Fonseca P et al. Multidisciplinary Management and Patient Flow in Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET): Consensus of a Tertiary Hospital(D10) Jimenez Fonseca P et al. Epidemiology, Pathological Features and Clinical Outcome of Gastroentero- pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (GEP-NENs): Results from the National Neuroendocrine Cancer Registry of Spain (R-GETNE)(D11) Jin-Hu F et al. A Nation-Wide Retrospective Epidemiological Study of Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms in China(D12) Komarova L et al. NETs in Russian Cancer Center Hospital Registry(D13) Lesouef M et al. Metastatic Neuro Endocrine Tumors: Epidemiological Characteristics, Management and Prognostics Factors. Results from an Inter-Regional Network in France between Upper and Lower Normandy(D14) Madani A et al. Metastatic Disease in Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Cancer: Incidence, Treatment and Survival(D15) Valenzuela Y et al. Chilean Neuroendocrine Tumours Hospital Registry: Initial Data of a Latin-America Perspective(D16) Van der Zwan JM et al. Extra-Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Carcinomas: A National Population Based Study (D17) Vladova P et al. Exploring the Rising Incidence of Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors According to the Data from Regional Cancer Registry: A Population-Based Analysis of Epidemiology(D18) Weysser AS et al. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Appendix Are Probably Harmless Neoplasms(D19) Zhang P et al. Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Clinical and Pathological Features of Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Biliary Duct Neuroendocrine Neoplasm

E. EPIDEMIOLOGY/NATURAL HISTORY/PROGNOSIS - PROGNOSIS(E1) Apostolidis L et al. Prognosis and Treatment Outcomes of Patients with Mixed Adenoneuroendocrine Carcinoma (MANEC)(E2) Brizzi MP et al. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Biliary Tract: A Retrospective, Observational Multicenter Study(E3) Hallet J et al. Access to Care and Outcomes for Neuroendocrine Tumors: Does Socio-Economic Status Matter? A Population-Based Analysis









Abstract Titles

(E4) Han X et al. Development and Validation of Nomogram in Predicting Individualized Postoperative Survival for Nonfunctional Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Multicenter Retrospective Study(E5) Ji Y et al. Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumors-Experience in a Chinese General Hospital(E6) Jiang M et al. Clinicopathological Features and Prognostic Factors of Colorectal Neuroendocrine Neoplasms in China(E7) Jiménez Fonseca P et al. A Univariate Analysis of Factors Influencing Survival in Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(E8) Kim S et al. The Impact of PD-L1 Expression in Patients with Metastatic GEP-NETs (E9) Kolasińska-Ćwikła A et al. Neuroendocrine Neoplasm of the Colon and Rectum, Pathological and Clinical Characteristics, Based on pTNM WHO 2010 Classification(E10) Lamarca A et al. Prospective Validation of Prognostic Score in High-Grade Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Carcinomas (GI-NECs)(E11) Leng JH et al. Long-Term Outcomes of Colorectal Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Sub Group Analysis of 29 G3 Cases According to the 2010 WHO Classification(E12) Li Y et al. CEA Level, Radical Surgery and CD56 Expression Are Prognostic Factors for Patients with Locoregional Gastrin-independent GNET(E13) Marotta V et al. Prognosis of Stage IV Sporadic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (pNET): Tumor Slope is Prognostic Together with Tumor Burden and Grade (E14) Merola E et al. Peritoneal Carcinomatosis in Digestive Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Complications and Response to Therapy(E15) Michałowska I et al. Assessment of the Growth Rate of Paragangliomas Related to SDHx Gene Mutations Using Computed Tomography(E16) Milanetto AC et al. Neuroendocrine Pancreatic Tumors Secreting Calcitonin(E17) Özaslan E et al. Evaluation of the Concordance Between the Stage of the Disease and Ki-67 Proliferation Index in Gastroenteropancretic Neuroendocrine Tumors (GEP-NETs)(E18) Toumpanakis C et al. Predictive Factors for Survival in Patients with Advanced Small Bowel Neuroendocrine Tumours(E19) Zandee W et al. Additional Value for Urinary 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid as Prognostic Marker in Neuroendocrine Tumors?

F. EPIDEMIOLOGY/NATURAL HISTORY/PROGNOSIS - DESCRIPTIVE EPIDEMIOLOGY(F1) Assi R et al. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Experience of a Tertiary Care Center(F2) Bai J et al. Epidemiology of NENs and miRNA-224/LDL-C Level as an Independent Risk Factor in Jiangsu People’s Hospital(F3) Bayram F et al. Epidemiology Survival and Prognosis of Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Multidisciplinary Single-Center Study (F4) Borre M et al. Nutritional Status and Nutritional Risk in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors(F5) Boutzios G et al. VIPomas, a Rare Entity (F6) Castillo-Fernandez O et al. Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors. Ten Year Experience at Instituto Oncologico Nacional. Panama 2004-2015(F7) Cavalcoli F et al. Reduced 25-OH-Vitamin D Levels in Patients with Chronic Autoimmune Atrophic Gastritis(F8) Costa DL et al. Clinicopathological Features and Prognosis of Neuroendocrine Tumors: Analysis from a Single-Institution in Brazil(F9) Dam G et al. A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study of Pain in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors (F10) Hallet J et al. Understanding a Neuroendocrine Tumors’ Impact on Health Systems: A Population-Based Economic Analysis of Patterns of Costs(F11) Jia R et al. Clinical Characteristic and Treatment Options of Patients with G3 Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms in China(F12) Koffas A et al. Analysis of Oesophageal Neuroendocrine Tumour Outcomes (F13) Madani A et al. Peritoneal Metastases from Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Frequency, Treatment and Prognosis(F14) Massironi S et al. Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors of Unknown Primary Site: Report from a Series at a Single Institute









Abstract Titles

(F15) Moreno-Ríos J et al. High Grade Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (GEP-NET). Instituto Oncologico Nacional. Panama City, Panama. 2004-2015(F16) Rossi RE et al. Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumors – Data from a Single Centre(F17) Salvador C et al. Do Medical Oncology Services Receive More Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors? Assessment of This Tendency and Reflections About Its Aid Complexity (F18) Scharf M et al. Bone Metastases in NEN Patients - Frequency, Clinical, Therapeutic and Prognostic Relevance (F19) Toumpanakis C et al. Epidemiological Factors at Diagnosis in a Large Cohort of Patients with Small Bowel Neurondocrine Tumours(F20) Wang QN et al. Epidemiology and Treatment Strategy of Neuroendocrine Neoplasms in North China(F21) Yu R et al. A Clinicopathological Study of Malignant Insulinoma in a Contemporary Series (F22) Zhang YQ et al. Clinical Epidemiology Study of Gastric Neuroendocrine Neoplasms in China(F23) Zilli A et al. Vitamin D Deficiency as a Risk Factor in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Report from a Series at a Single Institute

G. PATHOLOGY, GRADING, STAGING(G1) Alexandraki K et al. Study of the Biological Significance of the IGF-IEc (MGF) in Well and Poorly Differentiated Neuroendocrine Neoplasms(G2) Cicchese N et al. Reassessment of Proliferative Activity at Disease Progression in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms(G3) Cives M et al. PD1 and PDL1 Expression in Midgut Neuroendocrine Tumors(G4) Delektorskaya V et al. Expression of m-TOR Pathway Components in Gastric Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: A Pilot Study (G5) Dunbar J et al. Tissue Prognostic Markers in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours(G6) Gurevich LE et al. Three Cases of Ectopic Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Syndrome Due to Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma(G7) Ji Y et al. Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumors - From Clinicopathologic to Immunophenotype Features(G8) Jin K et al. Evaluation of ENETS and AJCC Staging Systems for Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: A Multicenter Study in China(G9) Kasajima A et al. A Comparative Analysis of Ki67 Index of the High Grade Neuroendocrine Neoplasms Arising in the Gastrointestinal Tract and the Pancreas (G10) Li Z et al. PD-L1 Expression is Associated with Grade of Neuroendocrine Tumors(G11) Massironi S et al. Expression of Oncofetal Protein IMP3 in Lymph Node Metastases of Small Intestine Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: A New Predictor of Recurrence(G12) Milione M et al. Morphological Differentiation and Ki67-Index Are Predictive of Prognosis Independently of the Type of Therapy in Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinomas (NECs)(G13) Milione M et al. Distribution of T-Cell Infiltrate in G1, G2 and G3 NENs (G14) Milione M et al. Pancreatic NENs <2 cm Could Represent a New Entity Worth of Further Investigation(G15) Rong L et al. The Relation Between GEP-NEN Prognosis Re-Stratification and Ki-67 Variability: From a Single Institution Study(G16) Ryan C et al. Somatostatin Receptors Profile in Pulmonary NETs Associated with DIPNECH(G17) Sun L et al. Evaluate the Accuracy of Pathological Diagnosis on Biopsy Specimens from Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors(G18) Voronkova IA et al. Two Cases of Parathyroid Cancer with Pulmonary Metastasis

H. BIOMARKERS(H1) Ali A et al. Expression of Mutated p53 Protein in Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (WHO G3)(H2) Barriuso J et al. Validation of Lysyl Oxidase-Like 2 (LOXL2) as Prognostic Marker for Gastro-Entero- Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (GEP-NET) Using an Independent Cohort(H3) Basuroy R et al. NT-proBNP is Superior to ST2 and Galectin-3 Cardiac Markers in Identifying Carcinoid Heart Disease in Small Bowel NET Patients(H4) Cwikła J et al. The Clinical Utility of Blood Neuroendocrine Gene Transcript Analysis, the NETest, in Paragangliomas and Pheochromocytomas









Abstract Titles

(H5) Daskalakis K et al. Midkine is a New Novel Serum Biomarker in Small Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors (SI-NETs)(H6) Diakos C et al. Blood-Based Prognostic Biomarkers in Neuroendocrine Tumour: A Retrospective Study(H7) Drozdov I et al. Graph-Theoretic Definition of Neuroendocrine Disease – A Tumor Specific Mathematical Toolbox for Assessing Neoplastic Behaviour(H8) Falletta S et al. Role of TSC22D1 (TGFβ-Stimulated Clone 22 Domain Family Member 1) in Bronchial Carcinoids(H9) Fendrich V et al. C-Reactive Protein As a New Prognostic Factor for Overall Survival in Patients with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasia(H10) Grimaldi F et al. Detection within a Neuroendocrine Tumor of High Levels of B-Lymphocyte Stimulator (BLyS) Correlates with a Greater Disease Severity (H11) Kaemmerer D et al. Evaluation of the Somatostatin, CXCR4 Chemokine and Endothelin A Receptor Expression in a Large Series of Paragangliomas(H12) Kamp K et al. Is True Non-Secretion of Chromogranin A an Unfavorable Prognostic Factor in Patients with ENETs TNM Stage IV Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors?(H13) Kolasinska-Cwikła A et al. Circulating Neuroendocrine Tumor Gene Signature, the NETest, Defines Therapy in GEP-NETs(H14) Lewczuk A et al. Blood Gene Transcript Analysis Diagnoses Bronchopulmonary NETs and Identifies Progressive Disease(H15) Luo G et al. Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Survival in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(H16) Luo G et al. CA19-9 As a Prognostic Biomarker in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(H17) Merola E et al. Chromogranin A in the Follow-up of Digestive Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Is It a Useful Biomarker?(H18) Pavel M et al. Blood Measurement of NET Transcripts (NETest) Predicts Well-Differentiated Gastroenteropancreatic NET Disease Status and Is Prognostic for Disease Progression(H19) Pipinikas C et al. Somatic Variant Detection in Circulating Cell-Free Plasma DNA of Patients with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (H20) Pschowski R et al. Up-Regulation of the Immunoregulatory Enzyme Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO) with Consecutive Tryptophan Depletion Predicts Death in Patients with Neuroendocrine Neoplasia(H21) Rosiek V et al. The Usefulness of Assessment the Serum Concentrations of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Its Soluble Receptor Type 2 (VEGFR2) in Patients with Neuroendocrine Neoplasm (NEN)(H22) Tesselaar M et al. Validation of a Blood Neuroendocrine Tumor Gene Signature, the NETest, in a Netherlands NET Cohort(H23) Tourlet S et al. iFiT: An Integrative Bioinformatics Platform for Biomarker and Target Discovery. A Case Study in Neuroendocrine Tumors(H24) Tourlet S et al. Biomarker and Target Identification in GEP-NET: From in Silico Prediction to Validation on Patient Tissues(H25) Werner TA et al. In Vivo Expression of Survivin and XIAP in Medullary Thyroid Carcimoma(H26) Xin B et al. Expressions of CK 19 and CD117 in Hepatic Metastatic Pancreatic Nonfunctional Neuroendocrine Neoplasms(H27) Xin B et al. Expressions of ATRX and DAXX in Hepatic Metastatic Pancreatic Nonfunctional Neuroendocrine Neoplasms(H28) Xin B et al. Immunohistochemical Expressions in Hepatic Nonfunctional Neuroendocrine Neoplasms with Unknown Origins(H29) Yuhong W et al. Expression and Clinical Significance of Alpha-internexin in Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm

I. IMAGING (RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE, ENDOSCOPY)(I1) Aalbersberg E et al. Interim Results on the Influence of Lanreotide on Uptake of [68Ga]-DOTATATE in Patients with Metastatic or Unresectable NET: No Evidence for Discontinuation of Lanreotide Before [68Ga]-DOTATATE PET/CT(I2) Albers MB et al. The Role of Ga68-DOTATOC-PET-CT in Routine Screening of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1(I3) Assi R et al. The Role of 68Ga- DOTA-NOC PET in Evaluating Neuroendocrine Tumors: Real-World Experience from Single Lebanese Institution(I4) Ben Sellem D et al. Staging of Neuroendocrine Tumors: Value of Hybrid Imaging With 111In- Pentetreotide









Abstract Titles

(I5) Chan D et al. Dual 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose/68Gallium DOTATATE (FDG/DOTA) PET Predicts Overall Survival in Neuroendocrine Tumours (NET)(I6) Clift A et al. Staging in Small Bowel Neuroendocrine Tumours: Roles and Shortcomings(I7) De Robertis R et al. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features and Correlation with Their Histological Grade(I8) De Robertis R et al. Small and Large Incidental Non-Hyperfunctiong Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Spectrum of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features(I9) Dimitriadis GK et al. Molecular Imaging of Late Somatostatin Receptor–Positive Metastases of Renal Cell Carcinoma in the Pancreas by Radiolabeled 111In SRS Octreotide Scan: A Rare Differential Diagnosis to Multiple Primary Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(I10) Dréanic J et al. Emergency Therapy for Liver Metastases from Advanced VIPoma: Surgery or Transarterial Chemoembolization(I11) Dubash S et al. Biodistribution and Radiation Dosimetry of a Novel 18F-Fluoroethyl Triazole [Tyr3] Octreotate Analogue for PET Imaging Patients with Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumours(I12) Goodman S et al. Pretherapy Identification of Patients at Risk of Receiving a High Renal Dose Undergoing Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy(I13) Gouffon M et al. Value of Octreoscan and 18FDG-PET for Clinical Prognosis of Patients with Neuroendocrine Neoplasms(I14) Khamla E et al. Clinical Value of Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy in the Management of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (I15) Läppchen T et al. Iodinated Exendin-4 Shows Improved Pharmacokinetic in Rat Insulinoma Model(I16) Li Y et al. Evaluation of CT Prognostic Factors of Neuroendocrine Liver Metastasis Treated with Transcatheter Arterial Embolization (I17) Nicolas GP et al. Somatostatin Receptor PET/CT with Radiolabelled Antagonist Is Twice as Effective as the Agonist for Detecting Liver Metastases: Results of a Phase 1/2 Study Comparing 68Ga-OPS202 with 68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT in Gastroenteropancreatic NET Patients(I18) Olsen IH et al. 68Ga-DOTATOC PET and Gene Expression Profile in Patients with Neuroendocrine Carcinomas(I19) Ortolani S et al. [18F]FDG-PET/CT as a Predictive Tool for Response to Chemotherapy and Everolimus Treatment in Patients with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour(I20) Ortolani S et al. [18F]FDG-PET/CT Heterogeneity in Patients with Metastatic, Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours(I21) Papaxoinis G et al. Significance of Preoperative FDG-PET/CT Scan in Patients with Pulmonary Carcinoid Tumours(I22) Pałucki J et al. Role of Preoperative Computed Tomography (CT) in Diagnostics and Disease Stage of Small Bowel NEN: Correlation with Pathology Based on pTNM WHO 2010 Classification(I23) Rossi RE et al. Double Balloon Enteroscopy In Detecting Small Bowel Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (SB-NENS)(I24) Sokolov V et al. Type I Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumors Diagnostics: 16 Years of Experience(I25) Sokolov V et al. Multimodal Endoscopic Diagnostics of Gastric Type I Neuroendocrine Tumors(I26) Sokolov V et al. Multimodal Endoscopic Diagnostics of Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumors (I27) Yu J et al. Analysis of 18FDG-PET/CT in Patients with Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Neoplasm(I28) Yu J et al. Analysis of 18FDG-PET/CT in Patients with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor

J. MEDICAL TREATMENT - CHEMOTHERAPY(J1) Bello Roufai D et al. Antitumor Efficacy of Temozolomide in Patients with Metastatic Pulmonary Carcinoids(J2) Brieau B et al. Radio-chemotherapy Versus Surgery in Non-Metastatic Ano-Rectal Neuroendocrine Carcinoma: A Multicenter Study by the Association des Gastro-Entérologues Oncologues(J3) Crespo G et al. Capecitabine and Temozolomide in NETs G1-2: The Experience of Various Hospitals in Spain(J4) Crespo G et al. Capecitabine-Temozolomide in G3 Neuroendocrine Neoplasms(J5) Dal Buono A et al. FOLFOX Chemotherapy: Efficacy and Tolerability in Advanced Digestive Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (NENs)(J6) Faure M et al. FOLFOX in Neuroendocrine Tumors(J7) Gorbunova V et al. Aranoza in the Treatment of Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs): Single Institution Experience









Abstract Titles

(J8) Gorbunova V et al. Use of Lanreotide LAR in the Case of Intolerance of Octreotide LAR in Patients Well-Differentiated NETs(J9) Grego E et al. 3-Drugs Chemotherapy Regimen for G3 PanNENs with Ki67 Below 55%: Single Institution Experience(J10) Hentic O et al. O6-Methylguanine DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) Expression by Immunochemistry May Help Predict Response to Streptozotocin-Based Chemotherapy in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (PNET)(J11) Hirsch L et al. Efficacy and Tolerance of a Simplified Combination of Streptozotocine and Epi-Adriamycine in Metastatic Foregut Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET). A Pilot Study (J12) Lee L et al. Efficacy and Safety of Sunitinib as Long-Term Treatment in Japanese Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(J13) Marotta V et al. Chemotherapy for Stage IV Sporadic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (pNET): Are Partial Responses to Post-First Line Chemotherapy Predictable by Response/Type of First Line Chemotherapy?(J14) Miller R et al. The Role of Interval CT Scanning in Patients Undergoing Palliative Chemotherapy for Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs)(J15) Odintsova A et al. The Efficacy and Safety of Sunitinib in Heavily Pretreated Patients with NETs. National Cancer Research Center Experience(J16) Papaxoinis G et al. Safety and Compliance of Capecitabine and Temozolomide in Patients with Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumours(J17) Papaxoinis G et al. Efficacy of the Combination of Capecitabine and Temozolomide in Patients with Advanced Pulmonary Carcinoid Tumours(J18) Polozkova S et al. O6-Methylguanine DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) Deficiency and Response to Aranoza-Based Therapy in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors (J19) Spada F et al. Oxaliplatin-Based Chemotherapy in Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumors: Clinical Outcomes and Preliminary Correlation with Biological Factors(J20) Tabaksblat E et al. Temozolomide-Based Second-Line Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Bronchopulmonary Neuroendocrine Tumours

K. MEDICAL TREATMENT - SMS ANALOGUES, INTERFERON(K1) Albertelli M et al. Safety of High Doses Lanreotide Treatment in Patients with Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors: Results from a Prospective Phase II Trial(K2) Caplin M et al. Tumor Growth Rate (TGR) as an Indicator of Antitumor Activity with Lanreotide Autogel/Depot (LAN) Versus Placebo (Pbo) in Intestinal/Pancreatic NET: Post Hoc Analysis of CLARINET Data(K3) Lucas C et al. Dosimetry to Estimate the Effect of Gelofusine® on the Renal Absorbed Dose of Lutetium 177-DOTA-octreotate(K4) Özaslan E et al. Comparison of Somatostatin Analogue (SA) and Chemotherapy (CT) in Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) Patients with Ki-67 ≤20%(K5) Puliafito I et al. Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Knee Treated with Somatostatin Analogue and Radiotherapy: A Case Report(K6) Raderer M et al. Combination of Lanreotide Autogel and Temozolomide in Patients with Progressive Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (GEP-NET) - A Pilot-Study(K7) Sevilla I et al. Management of Controversial Gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) Neuroendocrine Tumour (NET) Clinical Situations (CS) with Somatostatin Analogues (SSAs): Results of a Delphi Questionnaire (Q) Panel from the NETPraxis Program(K8) Yao J et al. Safety and Efficacy of Pasireotide LAR (PAS) in Patients with Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET): Findings of a Phase I, Multi-Center, Open-Label, Dose-Escalation Study(K9) Yuhong W et al. Expression of Somatostatin Receptors in Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm and Multicenter Retrospective Clinical Study of Octreotide LAR in the Treatment of Advanced GEP-NET

L. MEDICAL TREATMENT - TARGETED THERAPIES(L1) Angelousi A et al. Sequential Everolimus and Sunitinib Treatment in Pancreatic Metastatic Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumors Resistant to Prior Treatments (L2) Berardi R et al. Everolimus Cumulative Dose and Dose Intensity in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(L3) Boyce M et al. Netazepide, a Gastrin/CCK2 Receptor Antagonist, Can Eradicate Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumours in Patients with Autoimmune Chronic Atrophic Gastritis(L4) Briest F et al. The Proteasome Inhibitor Bortezomib Is a Highly Effective Treatment Option for Gastroentero pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms and Sensitizes to DNA Damaging Therapy In Vitro









Abstract Titles

(L5) Briest F et al. The CDK4/6 Inhibitor Palbociclib Induces Anti-Proliferative Mechanisms in Gastroentero- pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms In Vitro(L6) Buzzoni R et al. Impact of Prior Somatostatin Analogue (SSA) Use on Progression-Free Survival (PFS) in Patients with Advanced Nonfunctional Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) of Lung or Gastrointestinal (GI) Origin: A Secondary Analysis from the RADIANT-4 Study(L7) Carmona-Bayonas A et al. Everolimus (EVE) Safety Profile in Patients (pts) with Advanced G1-G2 Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs) from Daily Clinical Practice(L8) Custodio A et al. Everolimus (EVE) Treatment for Advanced G1-G2 Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs) in the Community Setting: Clinical Benefit Irrespective of Previous Therapies(L9) Davies P et al. Retrospective Review of Single Centre’s Experience of the Side Effects Reported by Patients Receiving Everolimus and the Potential Implications Relating to Patient Monitoring and Education(L10) Gao H et al. The Efficiency of Sunitinib in Chinese Patients with Advanced Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor(L11) Koffas A et al. Efficacy of Lutetium-177 DOTA Octreotate Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy in Patients with Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumours and Carcinoid Syndrome Refractory to Somatostatin Analogues(L12) Koffas A et al. Efficacy of Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy in Patients with Advanced Bronchial Neuroendocrine Tumours(L13) Lock A et al. Is mTOR Pathway Activity a Good Predictor for Everolimus Therapy? A Pilot Study to Build Up a Phase II Trial in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasias (pNENs)(L14) Luo Y et al. Early Evaluation of Sunitinib in Treatment of Advanced Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (GEP-NENs) by CT Imaging: RECIST or Choi Criteria?(L15) Marconcini R et al. Everolimus (EV) Plus Somatostatin Analog (SSA) Administered Before or After Chemotherapy (CT) or PRRT in Advanced G1-G2 Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET): A Single Center Experience(L16) Oturai P et al. Long Term Renal and Haematological Side Effects in NET Patients Treated with Lu-177-DOTATATE(L17) Panzuto F et al. Everolimus in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinomas G3(L18) Pommier R et al. Impact of Prior Chemotherapy (Chemo) on Progression-Free Survival (PFS) in Patients (Pts) with Advanced, Nonfunctional Lung or Gastrointestinal (GI) Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET): A Secondary Analysis from the Phase 3 RADIANT-4 Study(L19) Raymond E et al. Sunitinib (SU) in Patients with Advanced, Progressive Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (pNET): Final Overall Survival (OS) Results from a Phase III Randomized Study Including Adjustment for Crossover(L20) Singh S et al. Everolimus for Advanced, Progressive, Nonfunctional Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) of the Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract: Efficacy and Safety from a RADIANT-4 Subgroup Analysis(L21) Yoo C et al. Efficacy and Safety of Targeted Agents for Treatment of Gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET): Single Center Experience(L22) Yuhong W et al. Sunitinib in the Treatment of Unresectable or Metastatic Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm: A Multicenter Retrospective Study in China(L23) Zhang Y et al. Everolimus in the Treatment of Advanced Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm: A Single-Center Retrospective Study in China

M. MEDICAL TREATMENT - OTHERS(M1) Benfini K et al. CDK-Inhibitors as New Therapeutic Treatment for Human Bronchial Carcinoids(M2) Cheng Y et al. Systemic Treatments and Prognostic Factors in Chinese Patients with Progressive Advanced Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (M3) Custodio A et al. Systemic Treatment Sequences across Europe for Patients (pts) with Advanced Non-functional (NF) Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (WD pNETs) (M4) Grozinsky-Glasberg S et al. The Role of Hepatic Intra-Arterial Therapies in Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs): A Specialist Center Experience(M5) Hörsch D et al. Efficacy and Safety of Telotristat Etiprate in Patients with Carcinoid Syndrome not Adequately Controlled by Somatostatin Analog Therapy: Analysis of the Ongoing TELESTAR Extension Period(M6) Nuñez B et al. Therapeutic Strategies in Patients with Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (GEP-NEN): Results from the National Neuroendocrine Cancer Registry of Spain (R-GETNE)(M7) Pavel M et al. Patient Interviews in TELESTAR, a Phase 3 Study of Telotristat Etiprate, Report Meaningful Improvement in Carcinoid Syndrome(M8) Zacks J et al. Telotristat Etiprate Appears to Halt Carcinoid Heart Disease









Abstract Titles

N. PRRT-ABLATIVE THERAPIES-ENDOSCOPIC TREATMENT(N1) Baum R et al. Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy Prolongs Survival in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: A Single Centre Study in 1048 Patients over 10 Years (N2) Bergsma H et al. Nephrotoxicity After PRRT with 177Lu-DOTA-Octreotate(N3) Bodei L et al. A Blood-Based Multi-Transcript Test, the NETest, Predicts and Defines PRRT Efficacy in Neuroendocrine Tumors(N4) Clift A et al. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation for Pancreatic Neoplasms(N5) Del Prete M et al. Personalized 177Lu-Octreotate Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) Allows a Safe and Significant Increase of Radiation Dose to Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs)(N6) Exner S et al. Somatostatin Analogs and mTOR Inhibitors as Radioprotectors or Radiosensitizers in Neuroendocrine Tumor Cells(N7) Genov J et al. Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Metastasis in Two Cases with Neuroendocrine Tumors (N8) Kong G et al. Favourable Responses in Patients with Bulky Neuroendocrine Tumours (NET) - A Personalised Approach Using 90Y-DOTA-Octreotate Sequenced with 177Lu-DOTA-Octreotate Induction Peptide Receptor Chemoradionuclide Therapy (PRCRT) (N9) Loh LM et al. PRRT for Malignant Pheochromcytomas and Paragangliomas: The Singapore General Hospital Experience(N10) Lucio T et al. Theragnostic Approach of Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (GEP-NET) – The Role of Nuclear Medicine (NM) in a Multidisciplinary Team (N11) Machta JS et al. Retreatment with Peptide-Receptor Radionuclide Therapy: Effects on Long-Term Survival, Renal and Bone Marrow Toxicity Using Yttrium-90 vs. Lutetium-177(N12) McEwan A et al. Induction and Maintenance Regimen with Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) Lu-177-DOTA-TATE (Lu-177) in Patients with Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumours (NET)(N13) Sansovini M et al. Long-Term Follow up of Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy with 177Lu-dotatate in Advanced Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(N14) Sokolov V et al. Gastric Type I Neuroendocrine Tumors Endoscopic Treatment Options(N15) Strosberg J et al. NETTER-1 Phase III in Patients with Midgut Neuroendocrine Tumors Treated with 177Lu-Dotatate: Efficacy and Safety Results

O. SURGICAL TREATMENT(O1) Arora A et al. Uncinatectomy: Rethinking the Surgical Approach for Neuroendocrine and Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas (O2) Bertani E et al. Resection of the Primary Tumor Prior to Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy Improves Treatment Response and Progression-free Survival in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors with Unresectable Liver Metastases(O3) Bertani E et al. Resectable Primary Tumor in Patients with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Located to the Body or Tail and Unresectable Liver Metastases: Does Distal Pancreatectomy Improve Survival?(O4) Figueira ERR et al. Prognostic Factors for Recurrence of Sporadic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors After Surgical Resection(O5) Figueira ERR et al. Liver Transplantation for Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors(O6) Hallet J et al. Outcomes of Cytoreductive Surgery for Well-Differentiated Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumors in the Setting of Extra-Hepatic Metastases (O7) Hammer P et al. Impact of Early Surgery on Prognosis in Advanced Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (GEP-NET)(O8) Impellizzeri H et al. Well-Differentiated, Non Functioning Neuroendocrine Tumours of the Pancreas: A Surgical Series with Clinical and Pathological Correlations(O9) Ji M et al. Surgical Management of Nonfunctioning Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors 2 cm or Less in Size: Results from a Multi-institutional Clinical Analysis in China(O10) Krug S et al. Evaluation of the Therapeutic Approaches Impacting on the Survival of Patients with an Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor(O11) Lopez C et al. Minimally Invasive Versus Open Pancreatic Surgery in Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1(O12) Masui T et al. Factors Affecting Recurrences of the Non-Functioning Pancreatic NET After Resection









Abstract Titles

(O13) Merola E et al. Curative Resection in Digestive Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Recurrence-Free Survival Rate and Definition of a Risk Score for Recurrence(O14) Milanetto AC et al. Duodenum Preserving Pancreatic Head Resection for Neuroendocrine Pancreatic Tumors of the Head of the Pancreas(O15) Miotto M et al. Cystic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Clinicopathologic Study and Long-Term Follow-Up After Surgical Resection in a Single Institution(O16) Muffatti F et al. Number and Localization of Positive Lymph Nodes Correlate with Recurrence in Nonfunctioning Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Implications for Surgery, Staging and Surveillance(O17) Polenta V et al. Comparison of Radiological and Histological Tumor Size in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm(O18) Ruzzenente A et al. Neuroendocrine Liver Metastasis: A Novel Nomogram to Predict Patient’s Prognosis After Liver Resection(O19) Sato A et al. How Long Should We Look Up for Recurrence After Resection of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors?(O20) Tsuchikawa T et al. Appropriate Indication of Organ Preserving Surgery for Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm(O21) Yang Z et al. Intra-Operative Portal Vein Insulin Assay Combined with Occlusion of the Pancreas for Complicated Pancreatogenous Hypoglycemia

P. NON DIGESTIVE NETS (BRONCHIAL, MTC, PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA)(P1) Fazio N et al. Efficacy and Safety of Everolimus in Advanced, Progressive, Nonfunctional Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) of the Lung: A Subgroup Analysis of the Phase 3 RADIANT-4 Study(P2) Ivanova R et al. Pathomorphology of Sporadic Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma – A Retrospective Analysis for a Period of 10 Years(P3) Kervarrec T et al. Merkel Cell Carcinoma of Lymph Node Without Skin Primary Can - and Should - Be Distinguished from Others Metastatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma(P4) Lang M et al. Thymic Neuroendocrine Neoplasia: Therapy with Everolimus(P5) Weinstein Y et al. A Case Series of 27 Primary Ovarian Neuroendocrine Tumors

Q. CLINICAL CASES/REPORTS(Q1) Baki S et al. Pseudotumor of Thymus Occuring After Hypercortisolism Recovery: Case Report (Q2) Caff A et al. Very Early Response to Sunitinib in VHL Patient with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor(Q3) Chen L et al. The Application of Octreotide in a SINET Patient with Carcinoid Syndrome, Carcinoid Heart Disease and Carcinoid Crisis: A Case Report(Q4) Chiloiro S et al. Non-Secreting Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Coexisting with ACTH-dependent Cushing Disease(Q5) Clift A et al. Multivisceral Transplantation and Vascularised Sentinel Forearm Flap for a Metastatic Gut-Derived Neuroendocrine Tumour: Follow-Up(Q6) Coakley M et al. Cystic Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Pancreas (c-pNETs): A Single-Center Experience(Q7) Dou D et al. Type 1 Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumor with SAPHO Syndrome Effectively Treated by Octreotide: A Case Report(Q8) Fanetti I et al. Heterotopic Pancreas Mimicking a Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumor: A Case Report(Q9) Fatima A et al. Carcinoid Tumors Presenting as Appendicitis(Q10) Kiraly AE et al. Non-Functioning Adrenal Composite Pheochromocytoma-Ganglioneuroma Simultaneous with Subclinical Cushing‘s Syndrome Due to Contralateral Adrenal Hyperplasia - An Unusual Presentation(Q11) Ladwa R et al. The Difficulties of Response Assessment After Peptide Receptor Radionucleotide Therapy (PRRT): An Unusual Case of Symptomatic Pseudoprogression(Q12) Ladwa R et al. A Single Centres Experience of Cardiac Metastasis from Neuroendocrine Tumours (NET)(Q13) Liço V et al. MEN1 Syndrome with Pancreatic Involvement and Synchronous Lung Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report(Q14) Liu Q et al. Ectopic Malignant Insulinoma with Multiple Liver Metastases: A Case Report(Q15) Malczewska A et al. MEN1-related Glucagonomatosis Incidentally Revealed During Management of Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction Following Surgery for Crohn’s Disease(Q16) Manoharan J et al. Is Screening of Young Asymptomatic MEN1 Patients Necessary? (Q17) Manoharan J et al. An Unusual Phenotype of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 with a Small Intestine Neuroendocrine Tumor Associated with Large Deletion of the MEN1 Gene









Abstract Titles

(Q18) Nakano K et al. A Case of Multiple Pancreatic Insulinoma Laparoscopically Resected through Precise Spatial Diagnosis by SACI Test(Q19) Palmela C et al. Bizarre Neuroendocrine Tumour Presentations(Q20) Pombo T et al. Collision Tumor of the Appendix: Mucinous Cystadenoma and Carcinoid. A Case Report(Q21) Richardson C et al. Neuroendocrine Tumours of the Thymus: A Report of Four Cases(Q22) Strzelczyk J et al. Second Primary Malignancies Incidence in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumours - Retrospective Review of 454 Neuroendocrine Tumour Cases(Q23) Trifanescu R et al. Ectopic Cushing Syndrome in a Patient with Metastatic Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (Q24) Yliaska I et al. MEN1 Associated Thymic Neuroendocrine Tumors in Oulu University Hospital Finland(Q25) Zhang P et al. Subtype Classification and Clinicopathological Features of Gastric Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Experiences in 116 Chinese Patients

R. ...NONE OF THE ABOVE(R1) Caff A et al. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Experience from a Single Institute(R2) Chan D et al. Current Trials in Neuroendocrine Tumours: A Systematic Review(R3) Gazzabin S et al. Promoting High Quality Care in Clinical Trials for Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs)(R4) Giandomenico V et al. MiR-196a Is Specifically Regulated in FDG-PET Positive and Negative Small Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients at Late Stage of Disease(R5) Kavan P et al. Comparing Real-Life Practice to Established Guidelines in the Management of Gasteroentero pancreatic Neuroendocrine Cancer Patients: A Tertiary Cancer Center Experience(R6) Lambrescu IM et al. Versatile Goblet Cell Carcinoma of the Appendix - A Case Presentation(R7) Lee CL et al. Neuroendocrine Tumours: A Retrospective Analysis in a Single Irish Institution (R8) Manon A et al. Pharmacokinetic (PK) Differences Between Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Administration of Lanreotide: Results from a Phase I Study(R9) Ortendahl J et al. Budget Impact of Somatostatin Analogs (SSAs) as Treatment for Metastatic Gastroentero pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (mGEP-NETs) in US Hospitals(R10) Pfragner R et al. Establishment and Characterization of a Continuous Cell Line from a Human Familial Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma(R11) Reidy-Lagunes D et al. Design of a Phase 3, International, Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo (PBO) Controlled Study Assessing Efficacy and Safety of Lanreotide Autogel/Depot (LAN) 120 mg in Patients with Well-Differentiated, Advanced Typical and Atypical Lung NETs(R12) Reinhold M et al. Quality of Life (QoL) and Psycho-Social Distress in Patients with Neuroendocrine Neoplasias (NEN) – Correlation with Tumor Stage, Clinical Status and Treatment (R13) Rigby C et al. To Evaluate Patient’s Understand of the Neuroendocrine (NET) Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Meeting Process at a ENETs Centre of Excellence (R14) Rigby C et al. To Evaluate How the Outcome of Neuroendocrine Tumour (NET) Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Meeting Decisions Are Conveyed to Patients at a ENETS Centre of Excellence (The Christie) and How This Service Can Be Further Improved(R15) Sánchez-López C et al. Clinical Nurse Specialist in NET Patients at Institut Català d’ Oncologia - ICO(R16) Segelov E et al. Identifying and Prioritising Gaps in Neuroendocrine Tumour Research - Results of the Delphi Consensus Project of the Commonwealth Neuroendocrine Tumour Research Collaboration (CommNETS)(R17) Singh S et al. CommNETS: Formation of an International Commonwealth Countries NET Partnership (R18) Williams M et al. Exploring Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Their Impact on Quality of Life in Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumours(R19) Wyld D et al. How Long Is the Piece of String? – How Patients Negotiate the Uncertainties of a NET Diagnosis(R20) Zhang L et al. Caregivers’ Burden of Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumor and Related Factors

End of Scientific Program








CoE -CentersofExcellenceWorkshop

The Centers of Excellence (CoE) Workshop Training Course is taking place within the framework of the 13th Annual ENETS Conference. Limited seats, prior online registration required.

An application has been made to the EACCME ® for CME accreditation of this event.

11:00 - 14:00, Wednesday, 9 March 2016, Room 131

Time Topic Room

10:00 - 11:00 Registration 131

11:00 - 11:15 Introduction Overview: CoE Procedure - 7 Years of Experience Dermot O’Toole, IRL, Chairman of the ENETS CoE Certification Commission

11:15 - 12:15 Aims, Basic Principles and Definitions ENETS CoE - Certification Procedure I • Application • Enrolment Fundamentals of the Requirements Catalogue Presentation of Selected Documents Questions Regine Reinstorf, GER, ENETS CoE, Coordinator of the ENETS Certification Program for GSG - Cert

12:15 - 13:20 ENETS CoE - Certification Procedure II • Audit Preparation • On site Audit • Deviations Presentation of Selected Documents Questions Regine Reinstorf, GER, ENETS CoE, Coordinator of the ENETS Certification Program for GSG - Cert

(Work & Lunch)

13:20 - 13:50 “Mock Audit” of Selected Situations Regine Reinstorf, GER, ENETS CoE, Coordinator of the ENETS Certification Program for GSG - Cert

13:50 - 14:00 Feedback / Questions

(Coffee and tea will be offered during the entire workshop)





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Sponsors &Exhibitors

Industry - Sponsored Satellite Symposium I

Charting the Future of NET Therapy: New Evidence in Clinical Practice12:30 - 14:00, Thursday, 10 March 2016, Room 112

Time Topic Room

12:30 - 12:35 Chairs Introduction 112 Simron Singh, Medical Oncologist, Odette Cancer Centre - Sunnybrook, Toronto, ON, CAN

12:35 - 12:45 Current Challenges in NET Simron Singh, Medical Oncologist, Odette Cancer Centre - Sunnybrook, Toronto, ON, CAN

12:45 - 13:00 Case-Based Presentation: Lung NET • Challenges with Diagnosis • Treatment Options • New Data Including Overall Survival Nicola Fazio, Director, Unit of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology and NeuroendocrineTumors, European Institute of Oncology (IEO), Milan, ITA

13:00 - 13:15 Case-Based Presentation GI NET • Somatostatin Analogues - More Than Just Symptom Control • Optimal Dosing Diego Ferone, Assistant Professor, Department of Endocrinological & Medical Sciences, University of Genova, Genova, ITA

13:15 - 13:30 State of the Art Lecture • New Data Overview - What’s New and Exciting and How Do Current Guidelines Reflect This? • Individualising Therapy and Optimal Sequencing Simron Singh, Medical Oncologist, Odette Cancer Centre - Sunnybrook, Toronto, ON, CAN

13:30 - 13:55 Panel Discussion

13:55 - 14:00 Conclusions and Key Learnings Simron Singh, Medical Oncologist, Odette Cancer Centre - Sunnybrook, Toronto, ON, CAN





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Industry - Sponsored Satellite Symposium II

Dual Perspectives:Connecting with Patients to Optimise NET Management18:15 - 19:45, Thursday, 10 March 2016, Room 112

Time Topic Room

18:15 - 18:20 Welcome and Introduction 112

18:20 - 18:40 The Long Journey to Diagnosis: Is Awareness the Only Problem? Eric Baudin, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FRA

18:40 - 19:00 The Role of SSAs in Tumour Control Ulrich-Frank Pape, Charité – Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, GER

19:00 - 19:20 Inadequate Symptom Control: A Serious Unmet Need Enrique Grande, University Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, ESP

19:20 - 19:30 NETs: Examining Different Perspectives

Panel Q&A All Faculty

19:30 - 19:40 Nuclear Medicine: What Does the Future Hold? Guillaume Nicolas, University of Basel, SUI

19:40 - 19:45 Session Close

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Sponsors &Exhibitors

Industry - Sponsored Satellite Symposium III

Navigating the Patient Pathway in Advanced Pancreatic NET12:45 - 14:15, Friday, 11 March 2016, Room 112

Time Topic Room

12:45 - 12:50 Welcome and Introduction 112 Gianfranco Delle Fave, ITA

12:50 - 13:20 Evidence-Based Treatment Decisions for Our Patients - What Are the Key Considerations? Chris Verslype, BEL

13:20 - 13:50 Achieving Long Term Outcomes in Advanced pNET Eric Raymond, FRA

13:50 - 14:15 The Patient Pathway in Advanced pNET: A Case-Based Discussion Facilitator: Gianfranco Delle Fave, ITA

14:15 Close Gianfranco Delle Fave, ITA





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ENETS gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor We also thank Ipsen for sponsoring the ENETS APP.

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Industry - Sponsored Satellite Symposia

Symposium I Charting the Future of NET Therapy: New Evidence in Clinical Practice Supported by Novartis Oncology Thursday, 10 March 2016, 12:30 - 14:00, Room 112

Symposium II Connecting with Patients to Optimise NET Management Supported by IPSEN Thursday, 10 March 2016, 18:15 - 19:45, Room 112

Symposium III Navigating the Patient Pathway in Advanced Pancreatic NET Supported by Pfizer Oncology Friday, 11 March 2016, 12:45 - 14:15, Room 112

Sponsors &Exhibitors





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Sponsors &Exhibitors





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Sponsors &Exhibitors

Patient Advocacy ENETS kindly thanks the patient advocacy organizations for their presence and participation during the 13th Annual ENETS Conference 2016.



Non-Profit Organizations ENETSalsogreatlyappreciatesandgivesthankstothepresenceandparticipationbythenon-profitorganizations during the 13th Annual ENETS Conference 2016.

Exhibitors, Patient Advocacy & Non-Profit Organizations





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Sponsors &Exhibitors





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Sponsors &Exhibitors





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Sponsors &Exhibitors

PfizerOncology is committed to the discovery, investigation and development of

innovative treatment options to improve the outlook for cancer patients worldwide.

Our strong pipeline of biologics and small molecules, one of the most robust in the


breakthroughs into clinical application for patients across a wide range of cancers.

By working collaboratively with academic institutions, individual researchers, cooperative

researchgroups,governments,and licensingpartners,PfizerOncologystrives to

cure or control cancer with breakthrough medicines, to deliver the right drug for each






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SUG16/002 Date of preparation: January 2016.

Tumours have specific characteristics and behaviours that may be best treated with personalised medicine.

We’re focused on transforming treatment by targeting the right drug at the right time for each patient.


Focused on what truly matters

GIPE16UKLO0872_ENETS AD_Ad.indd 1 13/01/2016 10:56

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NET – from contemporary clinical management to controversis and new frontiers

Frontiers of Hormone Research

Editor: E. Ghigo

Vol. 44

Neuroendocrine Tumors A Multidisciplinary Approach


M. Papotti W.W. de Herder

The easiest way to order : w w hore

The term ‘carcinoid’ entered medical literature over 100 years ago to describe a peculiar intestinal epithe-lial neoplasm. Since then, a large body of literature has expanded the concept of carcinoid, later re-placed by the term ‘NeuroEndocrine Tumor’ (NET), defining a wide spectrum of peculiar tumors, poten-tially affecting all organs and tissues, originating from neuroendocrine cells, sharing, but, at the same time, keeping, pathognomonic pathological, radiological and clinical features. This book provides an authoritative overview of the epidemiological, clinical, genetic, molecular and pathological characteristics of NETs and highlights the most relevant controversial issues in the classifi-cation, diagnosis and therapy. Furthermore the new frontiers in the field of medical therapies are pre-sented, through a multidisciplinary and translational approach. Considering the fact that NETs have been recently demonstrated less rare as considered so far, Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Multidisciplinary Approach is a must read for endocrinologists, gastroenterolo-gists, endocrine surgeons, as well as pathologists, nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists focused on NET.


Preface: Papotti, M.; de Herder, W.W.; Ghigo, E.; Guaraldi, F.

•EpidemiologyofNeuroendocrineTumors: Fraenkel, M.; Faggiano, A.; Valk, G.D.•BiochemicalTestinginPatientswithNeuroendocrine

Tumors: Granberg, D. •ClinicalSyndromesRelatedtoGastrointestinal

Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Boutzios, G.; Kaltsas, G. •RadiologicalImaging: Computed Tomography, Magnetic ResonanceImagingandUltrasonography: Sundin, A.; Wills, M.; Rockall, A. •NuclearMedicineImagingofNeuroendocrineTumors:

Brabander, T.; Kwekkeboom, D.J.; Feelders, R.A.; Brouwers, A.H.;Teunissen, J.J.M.•EndoscopyandEndoscopicUltrasoundinAssessingand

Managing Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: O’Toole, D.; Palazzo, L.•Pathology:ClassificationandImmunoprofile: Blank, A.;

Schmitt, A.; Perren, A.•GeneticsandEpigeneticsofPancreaticNeuroendocrine

Tumors and Pulmonary Carcinoids: Dreijerink, K.M.A. ; Derks, J.L.; Cataldo, I.; Scarpa, A.; Valk, G.D.; Speel, E.-J.M. •PancreaticSurgery: Maurizi, A.; Partelli, S.; Falconi, M. •GastrointestinalSurgeryofNeuroendocrineNeoplasms:

Palnæs Hansen, C.; Holst Olsen, I.; Knigge, U.•TransplantationandDebulkingProceduresfor

Neuroendocrine Tumors: Frilling, A.; Al-Nahhas, A.; Clift, A.K.•A25-YearExperienceofGastroenteropancreatic

Neuroendocrine Tumors and Somatostatin (Congeners) Analogs:FromSymptomControltoAntineoplastic Therapy: O’Dorisio, T.M.; Anthony, L.B.•MedicalTherapyofPulmonaryNeuroendocrine

Neoplasms: Targeted, Symptomatic and Chemotherapy: Ferolla, P. •PeptideReceptorRadionuclideTherapyofNeuroendocrine

Tumors: Bodei, L.; Kidd, M ; Prasad, V.; Modlin, I.M. •HormoneandReceptorCandidatesforTargetand BiotherapyofNeuroendocrineTumors: Hofland, L.J.; Vandamme, T.; Albertelli, M.; Ferone, D.•TheRoleofChemotherapyinWell-Differentiated GastroenteropancreaticNeuroendocrineTumors: Strosberg, J.; Goldman, J.; Costa, F.; Pavel, M.•OtherNovelTherapies: Biomarkers,microRNAsand microRNAInhibitors,DNAMethylation,Epigenetics, ImmunotherapyandVirotherapy: Giandomenico, V.; Thirlwell, C.; Essand, M.


Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Multidisciplinary ApproachEditorsMauro Papotti Wouter W. de Herder

Karger – Medical and Scientific PublishersCH–4009Basel,,


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Ordersmaybeplacedwithanybookshop,subscription agency, directly with the publisher or through a Karger distributor.

Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Multidisciplinary ApproachEditors: Papotti, M. (Turin); deHerder,W.W.(Rotterdam)X+270p.,51fig.,26incolor,27tab.,2015CHF216.00/EUR202.00/USD254.00 (hard cover)CHF259.00/EUR242.00/USD305.00(online)OnlineversionforinstitutionalpurchasePricessubjecttochange,VATnotincludedEURpriceforeurozonecountries,USDpriceforUSAandLatinAmericaonlyISBN978–3–318–02772–3(hardcover)e-ISBN978–3–318–02773–0

Frontiers of Hormone Research, Vol. 44SeriesEditors:Ghigo,E.(Turin);Guaraldi,F.(Turin);Benso,A.(Turin)ListedinMEDLINE/PubMed




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