Yahoo Content Marketing presentation @udecam

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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Présentation de Patrick Albabo, Head of Advertising Solutions Yahoo EMEA, lors des Rencontres 2014 de l'UDECAM


  • 1. Visual CommunicationYahoo 2014 Confidential Yahoo 2014 Confidential && PPrroopprriieettaarryy.. 1

2. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. by Daniel Horande on 2 3. Yahoo 2014 Confidential Yahoo 2014 Confidential && PPrroopprriieettaarryy.. by Moyan Brenn on 3 4. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 4 5. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 5 6. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. Copyright Aba6ca 7. Bring it back to marketing photosYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 7 8. The Future of Content is Visual by Megazord onYahoo 2014 Confidential Yahoo 2014 Confidential && PPrroopprriieettaarryy.. 8 9. 16Xthe amount of photos takena year now vs. the year 2000Source: FujilmInternal Study by Steve Harwood onYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 9 10. The role of photography has changedThen by John Sheldon and Michael Daddino and Paul Curto onYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 10 11. The role of photography has changedNow by David Lytle and Kent and Docteur Christophe and Kristina Alexanderson and SteFou! and Isobel onYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 11 12. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 12 13. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 13 14. +57%Watched video& took photos-35%Watched video onlyStart LevelYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 14 15. Took a photo 54%50%Number of correcttest answersJust watchedthe videoYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 15 16. +23%Without takinga pictureTook a photo-30%Start Level0%Took a photo anddidnt refer to itYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 16 17. Content is becomingmore visualYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 17 18. Yahoo 2014 Confidential Yahoo 2014 Confidential && PPrroopprriieettaarryy.. 18 19. The F shaped behaviourYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 19 20. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 20 21. Yahoo 2014 Confidential Yahoo 2014 Confidential && PPrroopprriieettaarryy.. 21 22. Content marketing is becomingmore visualYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 22 23. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 23 24. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 24 25. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 25 26. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 26 27. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 27 28. Yahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 28 29. Yahoo 2014 Confidential Yahoo 2014 Confidential && PPrroopprriieettaarryy.. 29 30. SummaryYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 30 31. The worldaround us isbecomingmore visualVisual contentmarketing isscalable,elegant andmodernYourconsumerthinks visuallyYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 31 32. MerciContacts:Patrick Albano, Yahoo EMEA, palbano@yahoo-inc.comJulien Guagliardo, Yahoo France, julieng@yahoo-inc.comYahoo 2014 Confidential & Proprietary. 32