Ycl2012 media 09

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Challenge • raise awareness about threat posed to

endangered species by illegal

commercial trade in their parts

• encourage consumers to avoid buying

these products

• stop demand because it’s the only way to

stop the killing

What do the target audience think? If I buy only one wildlife product, nothing will change globally

I think that only import of big amounts of products are illegal and I buy just a souvenir

I am travelling, so I don`t want to think about global problems now

It doesn’t relate to me personally, so why I should be the one to think about it

Target audience Consumers from different countries after 14, who travel internationally (especially to Asia, Africa

and the Caribbean) with strong ethical sense

Key emotion: Fear of becoming a smuggler and of the following consequences

Why Fear? If so many animals are dying every day just because of itch for gain, so we

are really living in a cruel world. That’s why only fear for themselves can

make people change their behavior.

Insight: We inform the target audience directly in the process of travelling about illegal

character of buying wildlife products and consequences following that. So it becomes a

personal issue based on fear and as the result prevent them from buying and becoming

a smuggler.

Where Websites of main airlines on determined destinations, websites for booking, Facebook, Wikipedia,

official websites of countries of determined areas, airports, planes, Discovery channel.

Our communication message meets the target audience directly on all

steps of travel (especially to Asia, Africa and the Caribbean).

Why this strategy: People who are coming to the foregoing areas have a real opportunity to make illegal purchase

of wildlife products, so if we influence them we will surely decrease the demand.

We give them information directly before the moment they will face this problem, so they will

have a concern in the message and it will be harder even to consider a purchase.

Every person worries a little bit when he crosses the border. So we just intensify his emotion.

Common emotional idea in text message Person only bought a souvenir for his family, but he wasn’t thinking about consequences. That’s

why he became a smuggler. This is a really frightening situation. Common rational idea in text message Export/import/buying of illegal wildlife products is forbidden by law, so it’s not only an ethical

issue, but it can lead to administrative and criminal responsibility.

Common style of implementation In emotional part of communication message the type is filled with animalistic print of the

animal’s skin (elephant, tiger, sea-turtle).

Planning a travel Websites for booking, websites of main airlines on determined

destinations. We create a new step in the process of booking an airline

ticket or hotel. After a person have chosen a hotel or flight, the next step

appears on the screen. A person sees the text: “ Export/import/buying of

illegal wildlife products is forbidden by law. Please, before continue, visit

the official group “Accidental smugglers “on Facebook”.

Official sites of countries and issues about them in Wikipedia. When

people are planning a travel, they seek for information, and usually by

means of websites of countries and Wikipedia. So we plan to use these

websites to place the links to the Facebook page “Accidental smugglers” to

let potential customers learn about the cases of buying of wildlife products

and following consequences and danger of imprisonment.

Supportive promotion Creation of the film “ Accidental smuggler “. Fill is produced jointly with

“Discovery” channel. It describes the situations with buyers of wildlife

products and penalties of different character which these actions lead to.

The group on Facebook “Accidental smugglers”. Where we make some

fakes account, from which we tell stories about illegal buying of wildlife

souvenirs and it’s consequences. This people are telling their stories to

prevent others from the same mistakes. Group is actively promoted by

IFAW group members.

Airport Main halls of airports. The stands “face-in-hole”. Description: we show three criminals

standing in prison behind the bar. They all have the same speaker balloon “I am innocent”, but

different text, written near them: 1. killed a man. 2. was selling drugs. 3. bought an wildlife

souvenir for his family (only this person has a hole instead of face). The text at the bottom of

the picture says: “ Export/import/buying of illegal wildlife products is forbidden by law”.

Waiting rooms, where passengers get ready for particular flights

1. Images on the glass walls: by modifying natural print of elephant, tiger and sea-turtle we make

the lines look like a prison bar. Title: “I am a smuggler. I bought a wildlife souvenir for my family”.

The text in the bottom: “Export/import/buying of illegal wildlife products is forbidden by law”

2. On the back of seats passengers can see the text: “the smuggler. here?” and on the other back

of a different seat there is the text: “or here?” . There are some of the seats with such texts in the

waiting hall, so many passengers can get in touch with the message.

Mirrors in restrooms. On the neck level in the mirror people see the text: “ I bought a souvenir

for my family. Am I a smuggler?”. The text at the bottom of mirror:

“ Export/import/buying of illegal wildlife products is forbidden by law”.

Luggage areas. A hole, from which conveyer belt starts, is stylized as the door of house, and

the opposite hole is stylized as a prison cell. On the conveyer belt people see the face of a

shocked person and title: “Smuggler. Bought a wildlife souvenir for his family.”

Ticket and boarding pass. On the back side of the ticket there is a modifying natural print of

elephant, tiger and sea-turtle on which lines look like a prison bar. On the top there is a title:

“The ticket to prison”. In the middle a person see the text, which ends near perforate line, which

links boarding pass: “I am a smuggler”. At the bottom: “Export/import/buying of illegal wildlife

products is forbidden by law”. The boarding pass is white with the text: “I bought a souvenir for

my family”. So the whole message in the middle: "I am a smuggler. I bought a souvenir for my

family”. But after boarding the person has only white boarding pass with positive message left.

So we show that he still has a choice.

On board Plane

Stewardess. The stewardesses provide the briefing on the board regarding safety and flight issue with mimics

and gestures. After that they provide information about the illegal traffic and purchase of wildlife products and

possible penalties, ending with the gesture: the one hand bent at the elbow moving from above the head, and

the other hand moving from her bailey to meet the first on the neck level. This gesture imitates a closing

prison bar. And she finishes with the words: “Our airline is closed for smugglers.”

Mirrors in restrooms. The mirrors in the restrooms have the same messages as at the airports.

Lockers . The lockers inside has a modified natural print of elephant, tiger and sea-turtle on which the lines

look like a prison bar. Title: “I am a smuggler in prison now. I bought a wildlife souvenir for my family”. The text

at the bottom: “Export/import/buying of illegal wildlife products is forbidden by law”

Film “Accidental smuggler” . On boards the film is broadcasted at least once during a flight.

The communication campaign is worth implementing due to its direct influence on the

primary customers of wildlife products – travelers. Because we don’t give a person

information, which he can use or not, we give him information, which he really needs


We use such negative backroom notion as “smuggler”. We place a buyer of wildlife

products in one row with gun-runners and drug mules. Due to this we emphasize the

importance of the problem and seriousness of consequences in very apprehensive,

authoritative tone.

We base on one of the most strongest and personal feelings -- fear for himself. In the

world of individuals it’s important to reach everyone personally.

Others campaigns of different social organizations connected with animal welfare are

mainly based on two emotions: love or disgust. So ours, based on fear, will really stand


In our message we don’t ask our target audience for favor, we give a favor to them, by

providing with necessary information, and what else is important - in time.

Because smuggling is a global problem, our campaign can be implemented in every


Summary Challenge: • raise awareness

• encourage consumers to avoid buying

• stop demand

Insight : We inform the target audience directly in the

process of travelling about illegal character of

buying wildlife products and consequences following

that. So it becomes a personal issue based on fear

and as the result prevent them from buying and

becoming a smuggler.

Key emotion : Fear of becoming a smuggler and of

the following consequences

Strategy : Our communication message meets the

target audience directly on all the steps of travel.

Activation : Promotion on all the steps of travel

(planning a travel, being at airport, and on board).