Year 10 Engineering - Lesson 5 - How To Mark Out The Spinner 2

Post on 16-Nov-2014

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How to Mark out the Spinner

R.Winter 2009

Learning Aims:• To know the names of 5 basic metal working and

marking out tools and what they are used for.

• To learn how to mark out a perfect hexagon in metal

• To have marked out the hexagon for your spinner using the powerpoint, my demo and the tools provided – THIS LESSON

• To have put your work in your bag and written your name on it.

This is what you will be marking out today. – Using your plan from 3D modelling to help you

These are the tools you are will be using: - Learn their names!

Steel Rule


Centre Punch

Engineers Blue

Engineers Square


Start by cleaning your material to remove any dirt or grease – This helps the engineers blue go on.

Egineers Blue

Apply the Engineer’s Blue to the metal, but only cover ¾ of the metal.... The rest is a waste!

Take the Engineers square and place it against the longest side of the metal, so that the thinner ‘blade’ of the tool is running just inside the edge of your piece of metal. – Take your scribe, and using it like a pencil, mark in the engineers blue a line from top to bottom

We do this because the edge of the material is not 100% or at 90degrees to the other side, hence our hexagon would be wonky.

You should end up with something like this...

Try and keep the gap between your line and the edge of the material as small as possible to minimise waste!

Now place your steel rule against the top edge exactly, and right against the line you just drew. - Now make a mark with the scribe at a measurement of 25mm. - This is the centre of the line you just drew as the width of the metal is 50mm.

Make a mark at 25mm...

Slide your ruler along the top edge, still keep it inline with the top edge and make another mark at 25mm

Keep Rule flat against top edge!

Make another mark at 25mm but further along

Now draw a line ‘through’ both of the 2 marks you just made...

This gives you the exact CENTRE LINE of the piece of work

Measuring from the right hand end vertical line, make a mark along the line you just drew at 25mm (this will be the centre of the spinner)

And Again at 0mm (this will be the left side of the spinner)

You should now be left something like this....




CAREFULLY Line up the point of your centre punch with the 25mm mark and sharply hit it with a hammer JUST ONCE!

Do the same at the 0mm mark and the 50 mm mark so you have 3 dents, each 25mm apart.

Take your dividers, and using the adjustment wheel, set the gap between the two points to exactly 25mm using a steel rule

Put one end of the divider in the dent you just made in the middle, and then draw a quarter of a circle in one of the corners as shown....

Draw another quarter circle in the other corner....

Then do the top and bottom corners so it looks like this...

Now put one end of the divider in the 0mm dent and draw an ‘arc’ that crosses the first mark you made

Now, keeping it in the 0mm hole, cross over the mark you made at the bottom....

Now switch the divider so its in the 50mm hole and do the same on the opposite side.

You should be left with something like this.... We have just created our ‘6 points’ for the hexagon

Where each arc crosses another arc, take your centre punch and make a dent.... You should have 4 more to do in total

You will now be left with a dent hole at each of the 6 points of the hexagon.

Now using the steel rule, join the dots with lines!

When you do them all, you are left with a perfectly marked out, perfectly straight hexagon ready for cutting out.....