Year 11 Parents/Carers GCSE Preparation Evening September 2014 11 Curriculum Evenin… · GCSE...

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Year 11 Parents/Carers GCSE Preparation Evening September 2014

Mrs Monk

6th Form Open Evening:

Thursday 13th November 2014

6pm – Helenswood Upper


Purpose of the evening

By the end of the evening you should have:

1. A full understanding of the key expectations, events and challenges of Year 11.

2. A variety of strategies to use to support your daughter in her learning.

Our Expectations

• Committed to turning potential into exceptional achievement

• Centred on students, learning and achievement

• Committed to working partnership with parents and students

• To have high expectations of ALL students in ALL respects.



• Attendance is something that our academy takes very seriously.

• Girls are expected to arrive on time to their tutor rooms by 8:40 to ensure that tutors start the day on time 08:45

• Each student aims for a minimum 95% attendance throughout the year

• Each day that a student is ill it is important to call the attendance line before 09:30 to ensure we know your daughter is safe 01424 757986

Examinations • Statement of Entry (issued mid – end January)

Check all your personal details and exam entries. Your legal name has to be used for exam purposes

• Individual Candidate Timetable (issued after Easter break)

Check exam entries carefully

• Equipment – minimum of:-

Black Pen




Calculator – Science and Maths calculator paper

• Know your venue and seat number – can be found on your Individual Candidate Timetable

• Make sure you arrive 15 minutes before the start of each exam

• Same rules and regulations apply for both internal and external exams

No talking when in the exam room

If you need help put up your hand and wait patiently for an invigilator

No electronic devices or mobile phones in the exam room

Any queries please deal with prior to the exams starting

• If you are ill or are unable to sit an exam, please let the school know asap.

• Any queries see Mrs Gaunt

Mock Exam Dates

Week beginning the 17th Nov

Week beginning the 24th Nov

Results on 16th Dec 2014

Parents evening by invitation on 7th Jan 2015


Mr E Clarke

• Website / App


• Social Media

• eSafety


• Friends and followers

• Information about your child

• Ownership of the technology

• The dangers

• Bullying

• Strangers

• Reputation

• Apps

• Tips and tricks children use to get online

• What you can do as parents


• Our forum / workshops

• Next parents forum is Wednesday 22nd October at 6pm

• Our committee

• Join us and help shape policy / procedure

• Open discussions with staff / governors

• Email

Year 11 English Language and English Literature

What is your daughter studying in Year 11?

11I Band

• GCSE English Language

• GCSE English Literature

11A and E Bands

• IGCSE English Language

• GCSE English Literature

11I Bands

• Your daughter has completed her Controlled Assessments (40% of the English Language and 25% of the English Literature GCSEs)

11I Bands – Year 11

Term English Language English Literature After School Support

1 ‘Pride and Prejudice’

2 Unit 1 and Unit 2 preparation

‘Pride and Prejudice’

3 Speaking and Listening Assessments

‘A View from the Bridge’

English Language and English Literature

4 Unit 1 and Unit 2 Preparation

‘A View from the Bridge’

English Language and English Literature

5 Revision Revision English Language and English Literature

11I Bands – The Exams

English Language: • 2 exams – reading non-

fiction and writing non-fiction

• 1 hour each • 60% of GCSE • Marked on reading,

building an argument, identifying and using technique, writing for audience and purpose, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, sentences and grammar.

English Literature: • 2 exams – novels and

drama analysis • Exam 1: Of Mice and

Men and Comparative Poetry

• Exam 2: Pride and Prejudice and A View from the Bridge

• 2 hours each – 1 hour per text

• 75% of GCSE • Not allowed texts in


11A and E Bands

• Your daughter is in the process of drafting her coursework (40% of the IGCSE English Language Exam) and has completed her Controlled Assessment for English Literature (25% of the GCSE)

11A and E Bands Term English Language English Literature After School


1 IGCSE English Language exam preparation. Completion of coursework

Coursework support

2 IGCSE English Language exam preparation. Completion of coursework

Coursework support

3 Targeted support for individuals – coursework. Completion of coursework

‘An Inspector Calls’ or ‘Hobson’s Choice’ ‘Heroes’

English Language and English Literature

4 Speaking and Listening Assessment (20%) IGCSE English Language exam preparation.

English Language and English Literature

5 Revision Revision English Language and English Literature

11A and E Bands – The Exams

IGCSE English Language: • 1 exam – reading non-

fiction • 2 hours • 40% of GCSE

English Literature: • 2 exams – novels and

drama analysis • Exam 1: Of Mice and

Men and Comparative Poetry

• Exam 2: Heroes and An Inspector Calls/Hobson’s Choice

• 2 hours each – 1 hour per text

• 75% of GCSE • Not allowed texts in


Literacy Intervention – E Bands • A four week intensive intervention to develop basic skills;

• Based on the ‘English Mastery’ programme

• Continued intervention each week in-class.

What next?

• Look out for revision timetables – website and via Parentmail.

• Contact either your daughter’s class teacher or Mr. Richards with concerns or questions.

Maths – The exam

• Two papers – Calculator and non-calculator

• No coursework, purely exam based

• Two tiers

• Higher = A* - E

• Foundation = C – G

• Early entry to the exams is no longer available. All students will sit their Maths GCSE in June 2015.

Maths - Resources

• MyMaths • We have found that those students who regularly access

MyMaths feel more confident about their own ability • Immediate marks given

• Red/Amber/Green indicated

• Booster packs

• Levelled tasks

• Lessons provided online to support independent study


• Username: helenswood Password: mathsrocks

Maths - Resources • Revision guides and


• Half price if bought through the school at £5 for the pair.

• Use early and target their revision.

Maths – What can we do?

• Provide high quality lessons

• Target students that are underachieving through regular and thorough analysis of any MOCK examinations.

• Provide revision sessions 3 times a week after half term (possibly before) – Mon, Tue and Thursday.

• Give you any information that you require.

Maths – What can you do?

• Support students and encourage them to use MyMaths or revision guides regularly.

• Persuade and coax or nag and moan?

• Remain positive – Maths can be learnt

• Get involved – Ask them to explain what they have worked on in lesson to you.

What does a C question look like?

The diagram below shows a triangular prism.

Calculate the volume of this triangular prism.

Homework , Revision, Exam details

• Homework will be set once a week, one of them being from a homework booklet and another one accessible using the MyMaths website mentioned earlier.

• The exam details are as follows:

mini-MOCK to be completed mid-December 2014

maxi-MOCK to be completed in March 2015

GCSE paper will be sat in June 2015

Science • 2 style of qualifications



• Both equivalent to each other

GCSE – what’s involved?

• 3 one year courses

• Core, Additional, Further Additional • Each 1 GCSE

• 75% exam; 25% coursework

• Combined biology, chemistry and physics

• Triple Science • all three courses over two years

• Double Science • Core and Additional over two years

GCSE – what is your daughter doing?

Additional Further Additional

11i1 Y ?

11i2 Y ?

11i3 Y

11a1 Y

11a2 Y

GCSE Science How to support your daughter

• Activelearn access from home

• Revision guides (BEWARE!)

• “Homework” club each week – Thursday’s after school

• Textbooks

• Revision!

BTEC Science • Two qualifications – each 1 GCSE equivalent (new 2012 BTEC

Principles and Applications. The new BTEC are separate qualifications. • One year each (Principles Year 10; Applications Year 11)

• More bias towards controlled assessment (75%)

• Controlled assessment MUST be completed in school

• Students create a portfolio of evidence towards their final grade • Grades = Pass [C], Merit [B], Distinction [A]

• Students complete Units that award points towards the final grade

• Each course is 25% exam – November, March, June

• Exam is 1 hr 15 mins

• Homework – focus on exam

BTEC – what is your daughter doing?

Principles Application

11a3 Y Y

11e1 Y Y

11e2 Y Y

11e3 Y

BTEC Science How to support your daughter

• Extra research for portfolio

• Revision guides (BEWARE!)

• “Homework” club each week – Thursday’s after school

• Discuss controlled assessment – portfolio progress

• Revision!

Year 11 Pastoral Manager