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Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School




Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

YEAR 11 EXAMINATION TIMETABLE You should have been given a copy already of your examination timetable.

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Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise

Monday 23 March 2020

Cells Photosynthesis

Monday 30 March 2020

Nutrition Digestion Enzymes

Monday 6 April 2020

Respiration Aerobic Anaerobic

Monday 13 April 2020

Nervous system – reflex arc Insulin Osmoregulation Phototropism

Monday 20 April 2020


Monday 27 April 2020

Past papers

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise Monday 23 March 2020

Enterprise Business Resources/Factors of production Business Ownership The Public Sector

Monday 30 March 2020

Social Enterprise Business Location Business Aims and Objectives Stakeholders

Monday 6 April 2020

Market research Market Segmentation The Marketing Mix The Product Life Cycle

Monday 13 April 2020

Marketing and the Law Competition Customer Service International Business

Monday 20 April 2020

E-Business M-Business Types of Production

Methods of Manufacturing Specialisation and Division of Labour

Monday 27 April 2020

Inventory Control Technology and Manufacturing Quality Assurance Health and Safety in Manufacturing

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise Monday 23 March 2020

Atomic Structure Chemical Bonding

Monday 30 March 2020

Structures Nanoparticles

Monday 6 April 2020

Chemical Formulae and Balancing Equations Periodic Table

Monday 13 April 2020

Quantitative Chemistry

Monday 20 April 2020

Acids, Bases and Salts

Monday 27 April 2020

Chemical Analysis

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise

Monday 23 March 2020

The family and parental


discuss family members’ roles and responsibilities;

discuss how family members influence the child’s

development; discuss the factors that affect the decision to

have a baby; assess how having a baby affects family life; demonstrate understanding of children’s rights,

parental responsibilities and the UN Convention on the

Rights of the Child;

Monday 30 March 2020


identify the parts of the female and male reproductive

systems; demonstrate knowledge of the functions of the

female and male reproductive systems; explain how the menstrual cycle works; explain conception; and explain the functions of the following

hormones during pregnancy and childbirth:

o progesterone; o oxytocin; o oestrogen; and o prolactin.

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

evaluate family planning methods and assess the benefits

of family planning; list the causes of and describe the treatments

for male and female infertility;

Monday 6 April 2020 &

Monday 13 April 2020


identify the signs of pregnancy and how it is confirmed;

explain the following minor problems associated with

pregnancy: o heartburn; o nausea; o tastes and cravings; o constipation; o varicose veins; o dental problems; o oedema; o backache; and o emotional changes;

discuss ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage; discuss the difference between identical and

non-identical twins; recognise the stages of development of the

embryo at week 6 and the foetus at weeks 20 and 40; describe the development of the foetus at

week 14 and at week 28; discuss healthy brain development in the

womb; and explain the function of the following parts of

the pregnancy support system in the uterus:

o placenta; o amniotic sac and fluid; o cervix; and

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

o umbilical cord. discuss how antenatal care benefits the

mother; identify the following tests and checks carried

out at antenatal appointments and explain the

importance of each:

o urine test; o blood test; o blood pressure test (high or low, and

checking for pre-eclampsia);

o weight check; o baby’s heartbeat check; and o screening tests;

discuss the role of a partner during pregnancy; describe the role of the following health

professionals during pregnancy and birth:

o doctor (GP); o sonographer; o midwife; o obstetrician; o paediatrician; and

- gynaecologist;

Monday 20 April 2020

Diet and lifestyle during

pregnancy + Birth

discuss current government nutritional advice and its

relationship to a healthy pregnancy; explain which foods to avoid during pregnancy; analyse and evaluate a range of meals for a

pregnant woman; demonstrate knowledge and understanding of

food safety and hygiene practices when storing, preparing

and cooking foods for pregnant women; and

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

analyse how alcohol consumption, drug taking and smoking

affect the unborn baby. explain how the following diseases affect the

unborn baby: o rubella; o chicken pox; o listeriosis; and o toxoplasmosis;

Birth discuss the three stages of labour; evaluate the following birth options:

o home birth; and o hospital birth;

evaluate the types of pain relief available during labour,

including medical and complementary; describe the following types of delivery:

o induction; o breech; o forceps; o caesarean; and o ventouse extraction;

• analyse the role of the birthing partner;

Monday 27 April 2020

The newborn baby

describe the appearance and physical condition of a

newborn baby, including: o average weight; o length and head circumference; o skin and birthmarks; o fontanelle; and o Apgar score; and

identify and describe the following reflexes of a newborn

baby: o sucking and swallowing; o rooting; o grasping; o Moro and startle; and

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

o stepping. describe how to meet the following needs of a

baby: o warm, safe and clean environment; o sleep; o food; o fresh air; o love and comfort; and o clothing;

explain the postnatal checks for mother and baby;

describe the symptoms of postnatal depression;

Monday 4 May 2020

The newborn Baby(continued)


Feeding the newborn baby

explain how to help prevent sudden infant death syndrome

(SIDS); explain the factors to consider when choosing

clothing and equipment for a baby; identify the information on care labels found

on babies’ clothing; explain how the Consumer Rights Act 2015

protects the consumer when buying equipment for a baby; identify quality marks used on clothing and

equipment for a baby and explain their benefits to the

consumer; Feeding the newborn baby explain how breastfeeding works; describe how to make a formula feed; identify the sterilisation methods for bottle

feeding; and evaluate feeding options.

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise

Monday 23 March 2020

Digital Data: Information and data Units of data: bit, nibble, byte, kilobyte, megabyte,

gigabyte; and terabyte Data types: numeric (integer and real), date/time,

character and string Pixels and resolution Vector-based graphics and bitmap graphics Buffering and streaming Sound quality: sample rate, bit depth and bit rate Analogue-to-digital conversion Data portability File formats: jpeg, tiff, png, pict, gif, txt, csv, rtf,

mp3, mp4, midi, mpeg, avi, pdf, wav and wma Data compression

Monday 30 March 2020

Software: System software - referring to allocating the

following: memory, storage processing time Modes of processing: real-time, batch and multi-

user Utility applications: disk defragmenting, task

scheduling, backup and restoring data Antivirus software and the importance of regular

updates. Database Applications:

Basic database concepts: table, record, field, key field, query, form, report, macro, relationship and importing data

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

Data types when creating a database structure Data validation Validation checks: presence, length, type, format

and range; Extract data from a database structure using

simple query structures and using the following logical operators: <, >, =, <=, >=, AND, OR and BETWEEN;

Big data: volume, velocity and variety; Data analytics

Monday 6 April 2020

Spreadsheet Applications: Basic structures of spreadsheet software: cells,

rows and columns; Features of spreadsheet software:

– data types; – templates, headers and footers, conditional formatting, validation, and importing data; – entering text, numbers and formulae; – formatting cells, rows and columns; – creating and replicating formulae; – creating a simple template for others to use; and – using simple functions, relative and absolute cell referencing, IF statements and VLOOKUPs;

• data modelling • charts • selected print areas • macros

Network Technology: LAN and WAN World Wide Web, the Internet of Things and

intranets Communications technologies: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,

optical fibre, and mobile communication technology (4G and 5G)

Network resources: network interface card, network cables, switch and router

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

Network topologies: Bus, Star and Ring; Advantages and disadvantages of using a network

in an organisation

Monday 13 April 2020

Computer Hardware: Central processing unit (CPU) Components of the CPU: the arithmetic logic unit

(ALU), control unit and immediate access store Fetch-execute cycle: program counter, memory

address register (MAR), memory data register (MDR), instruction address register (IAR) and ALU

Clock speed, cache size, and number of cores Characteristics, typical uses, and advantages and

disadvantages of the following input, output and storage devices: microphone, mouse, graphics digitiser, touch screens, speakers, printers (laser and 3D), hard disc drive (HDD), high definition (HD) storage media and solid state drive (SSD);

RAM, ROM and cache Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing Advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing Impact of cloud computing on gaming, file storage

and sharing (including collaborative tools);

Monday 20 April 2020

Cyberspace, Network Security and Data Transfer: Cybercrime Threats to cybersecurity: hacking, pornography,

cyber stalking, data theft, denial of service, digital forgery, cyber defamation, spamming, phishing

Malware and describe the following forms of malware: virus, Trojan horse, worm, key logger and spyware

Network protection encryption, passwords, levels of access, backup and firewalls

Protocols: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

Digital Applications: Gaming applications

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

Simulations and mobile phone applications and how they can be used to support the following: education and training, social interactions, work practices

Impact of the following digital applications: online banking, online training and e-commerce.

Monday 27 April 2020

Ethical, Legal and Environmental Impact of Digital Technology on Wider Society:

Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013;

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988; Data Protection Act 1998; Computer Misuse Act 1990; Ethical impact of technology on society, referring

to the following: internet misuse, access to personal information, social media misuse, the implications of global positioning system (GPS) and tracking, concerns about the security of personal data

Impact of digital technology on employment: increased job opportunities in the digital technology and computing sector, job displacement, changes in work patterns, the need for upskilling

Digital technology related health and safety issues: repetitive strain injury (RSI), back strain and eye strain

Good health and safety practice in the workplace

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

ENGLISH LANGUAGE Length of exam: 1 hour 45 minutes Section A: Writing for Audience and Purpose - 55 minutes Section B: Reading to access non-fiction and media texts - 50 minutes

Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise Monday 23 March 2020

Section A: Writing for Audience and Purpose - CCEA English Language textbook Pages 2-5: Planning your writing. Who? What?

Why? Introductions – Revise 9 different techniques to start any piece of writing page 3. Conclusions – page 4

Learn techniques to establish a rapport with your reader: page 8 of Textbook; direct appeal, inclusive pronouns, imperatives, emotive language, fact, opinion, statistics, expert [pinion and celebrity endorsement

Monday 30 March 2020

Revise all techniques to establish a rapport with your reader: page 8 of Textbook; direct appeal, inclusive pronouns, imperatives, emotive language, fact, opinion, statistics, expert [pinion and celebrity endorsement

Monday 6 April 2020

Revise pages 10-17: getting the form right ( blog, letter, article or speech), know the characteristics of each FORM of writing

Monday 13 April 2020

Revise Persuasive language P13: INAFOREST, (Imperatives, Name an Expert, Alliteration, Facts, Opinions, Rhetorical devices, Emotive language, Statistics, Triplets/rule of three)

Revise Sentence structure ( short, long) and how to use sophisticated punctuation p17 (brackets, colon, semi-colon and hyphens)

Monday 20 April 2020

Section B: Reading to access Non Fiction & media texts- CCEA English Language Textbook Pages 25-43: PEE, persuasive Techniques page

33 - learn

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

Extracting and interpreting meaning pages 42 and 43

Monday 27 April 2020

Pages 44-63: presentational devices in media texts, layout, colour, images, tone, structure;

Read exemplar student responses pages 59, 60,61& 62

ENGLISH LITERATURE Length of exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 2 questions: a response to Unseen Prose and one essay on ‘Of Mice and Men’ Closed Book

Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise

Monday 23 March 2020

Re - read Chapters 1 - 3 ‘Of Mice and Men’

Learn all quotes on Chapters 1 -3

Revise all Language Techniques used by Steinbeck in the novel – compile a list of these or a Spider Diagram/Mind Map and learn

Monday 30 March 2020

Re-read Chapters 4 – 6 ‘Of Mice and Men’ Learn all quotes on Chapters 4-6 Revise all Character Mind Maps E.g. Slim, George,

Lennie, Curley, Candy, Crooks, Curley’s Wife

Learn specific examples and quotes to support

Monday 6 April 2020

Revise all Theme Mind-Maps e.g. friendship, loneliness, dreams/failed dreams, Violence/unpleasantness of life on a ranch

Learn specific examples and quotes to support Complete 1 Extract question in timed conditions. Use Mark Schemes to self- assess and identify

areas for improvement Read and highlight exemplar responses

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

Monday 13 April 2020

Revise all Steinbeck’s Language Techniques with specific textual examples

Revise ‘How to Write an Essay’ hand out and Complete 1 Essay question on the whole novel – not extract based.

(Use Mark-scheme given by teacher to self-assess)

Read and highlight exemplar A* responses

Monday 20 April 2020

Unseen Prose Pupil Booklet – pages 8,9,10 learn ‘Techniques for learners’ table

Revise characteristics of Victorian Prose writing to engage the reader: description of setting, narrative voice, tone, place, simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification pathetic fallacy, striking verbs, adjectives, variety of sentence structure, onomatopoeia, hyperbole etc.

Monday 27 April 2020

Read A*/A exemplar responses and annotate and annotate how P.E.E. is used effectively;

Complete past paper extracts and questions from the Unseen Prose Booklet as instructed by your teacher

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise Monday 17 February 2020 Theme B: Coastal Environments

Definitions of all key geographical terms Coastal processes and landforms

constructive and destructive waves; • processes: – erosion (attrition, abrasion/corrasion, hydraulic action and solution/corrosion); – transportation (longshore drift); and – deposition; • explain the formation of the following coastal landforms – erosional landforms (headland, cliff, wave cut platform, cave, arch, stack and stump); and – depositional landforms (sandy beach, shingle beach and spit, including hooked spit); and • interpret aerial photographs and OS maps to identify coastal landforms and land uses.

Monday 24 February 2020 Sustainable management of coasts • recognise the following reasons for coastal defences: – in all continents, except Africa, most people live near coasts; – coastal areas are important economically, for example as a location for tourism, fishing and port activity; and – sea levels rise as a result of climate change; • describe and evaluate the following methods of coastal management: – hard engineering (sea walls, groynes and gabions); and – soft engineering (beach nourishment and managed retreat); and • investigate one case study of coastal management from the British Isles (for example Newcastle, County Down), and evaluate the coastal management strategy used,

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

referring to the principles of sustainability.

Monday 2 March 2020 Theme D: The Restless Earth Definitions of all key geographical terms

describe the structure of the Earth (inner and outer core, mantle and crust); • the Earth’s crust is made up of a number of plates; • how convection currents cause plate movement; • the formation of landforms at the following plate margins: – constructive plate margin (mid-ocean ridges); – destructive plate margin (subduction zones and ocean trenches); – collision zones (fold mountains); and – conservative plate margins (fault lines);

Monday 9 March 2020

Theme D: The Restless Earth Definitions of all key geographical terms the formation of the basic rock types and

recognise their characteristics: – igneous (basalt and granite); – sedimentary (limestone and sandstone); and – metamorphic (slate and marble).

Monday 16 March 2020

Theme D: The Restless Earth Understand the causes and global distribution of earthquakes in relation to plate boundaries; • distinguish between the focus and epicentre of an earthquake; • demonstrate knowledge that earthquake magnitude is measured on a seismograph using the Richter scale; • The physical consequences of earthquakes: – liquefaction; and – tsunamis; • The causes and impacts of an earthquake by using one case study from an MEDC or LEDC: – identifying the plates involved; – describing the short-term and long-term impacts on people and the environment; and – evaluating how the country prepared for and responded to the earthquake (describing both immediate and long-term strategies implemented after the event);

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

Monday 23 March 2020

Theme D: The Restless Earth Volcanoes: characteristics and consequences • describe the characteristics of the following: – shield volcanoes; – composite volcanoes; and – supervolcanoes; and • discuss the potential global impacts, on people and the environment, of a supervolcano eruption (for example Yellowstone).

Monday 30 March 2020

Theme C: Our Changing Weather and Climate Definitions of all key geographical terms distinguish between weather and climate;

• describe how to measure the following elements of the weather: – temperature (digital thermometer – °C); – precipitation (rain gauge – mm); – wind direction (wind vane – eight compass points); – wind speed (anemometer – knots); - atmospheric pressure (barometer – mb);

– cloud types (stratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus and cirrus); – cloud cover (observation – oktas); • describe sources of data for a weather forecast: – on land (land-based stations and rainfall radar); – in the air (satellites – geostationary and polar); – at sea (buoys); The factors that affect climate: – latitude; – prevailing winds; – distance from the sea; and – altitude.

Monday 6 April 2020

Theme C: Our Changing Weather and Climate Definitions of all key geographical terms

Weather systems affecting the British Isles temperature, moisture characteristics and seasonal variation of the following air masses affecting the British Isles: – tropical maritime; – tropical continental; – polar maritime; and

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

– polar continental;

Monday 13 April 2020

Weather systems affecting the British Isles temperature, moisture characteristics and seasonal – the weather patterns and sequence of change associated with a frontal depression as it moves across the British Isles (weather at the warm front, in the warm sector and at the cold front); and – the weather patterns associated with anticyclones in the British Isles during winter and summer; • interpret synoptic charts and satellite images and understand the following limitations of forecasting: – range; and – accuracy; and • Describe the impacts of extreme weather on people and property using a case study of extreme weather (tornado or

drought or hurricane) outside the British Isles. Monday 20 April 2020

Theme A: River Environments The drainage basin: a component of the water cycle

Definitions of all key geographical terms the elements of the drainage basin and their

interrelationships: inputs (precipitation); stores (interception by vegetation); transfers (surface runoff/overland flow, infiltration,

throughflow, percolation and groundwater flow); and outputs (river discharge and evapotranspiration identify and define the following characteristics of

a drainage basin: watershed; source; tributary; confluence; and river mouth How gradient, depth, width, discharge and load

change along the long profile of the river and its valley.

Theme A: River Environments

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

Monday 27 April 2020

The drainage basin: a component of the water cycle Know the processes:

– erosion (attrition, abrasion/corrasion, hydraulic Action and solution/corrosion); – transportation (solution, suspension, saltation and traction); and – deposition; River Landforms

Explain the formation of the following river landforms using annotated cross-sectional diagrams:

– waterfall; – meander, including slip-off slope and river cliff; and – floodplain and levees;

Monday 4 May 2020 Theme A: River Environments: Sustainable Management of Rivers

the physical and human causes of flooding in the context of one case study from the British Isles (for example Somerset Levels, 2014);

recognise the impacts of flooding on: – people (loss of life, property and insurance cover); and – the environment (pollution and destruction of wildlife habitats).

Flood management methods: – hard engineering (dams, flood walls, levees, embankments, and straightening and deepening the river); and soft engineering (washlands, land use zoning and afforestation); and • investigate one case study of a river outside the British Isles (the Mississippi) and evaluate the river management strategy used, referring to the principles of sustainability.

Monday 11 May 2020 Recap on all topics

Monday 18 May 2020 Recap on all topics

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise

Monday 23 March 2020

Life for minority groups • Problems faced by black Americans: - Jim Crow laws and civil rights in the southern states - the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and its actions - the experience of black Americans in the northern states - political and cultural responses of black Americans • Problems faced by immigrants: - attitudes towards immigration - restrictions on immigration in the 1920s - hostility towards immigrants: the Red Scare, Palmer Raids, Sacco and Vanzetti case and the impact on the lives of immigrants • Problems faced by Native Americans: - the policy of allotment and the impact on Native Americans - education and the experience of Native Americans Prohibition The introduction of Prohibition: - the reasons for the introduction of Prohibition and its aims - differing attitudes towards Prohibition - the growth and impact of organised crime, corruption and violence, especially the Mafia - the reasons for the failure of Prohibition

Monday 30 March 2020

Social change and popular entertainment • The changing role of women in American society: - the significance of voting rights for women - the increasing role of women in the workplace - the influence of the flappers

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

- continuity in the role of women, including women in rural areas, working class women and women living in the Bible Belt - the extent to which the lives of women changed in the USA in the 1920s Changes in popular entertainment: - the main features and popularity of jazz music, dance and radio - the rise of Hollywood and movie stars - the impact of cinema and jazz music on people’s lives - the growing role of spectator sport in people’s lives, including boxing and baseball - differing attitudes towards social change and popular entertainment and the impact on people’s lives The ‘Roaring Twenties’ • The boom years: - reasons for the rapid economic growth in the 1920s - new methods of mass production and their impact on industries and people’s lives - the features of the boom, including the development of consumer goods, cars, chemicals and the construction industry, and their impact on people’s lives - the impact of mass marketing and credit on the lives of Americans - the significance of the policies of the Republican presidents in the boom years

Monday 6 April 2020

Economic problems in the 1920s • Problems behind the prosperity: - unequal distribution of wealth and groups in society that did not prosper - overproduction and underconsumption - agriculture and problems faced by farmers and sharecroppers - decline of older industries, such as coal and textiles - the significance of the economic policies of the Republican presidents The Wall Street Crash, 1929 • The Wall Street Crash of October 1929:

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

- the causes of the Wall Street Crash, October 1929 - the short-term and the longer-term effects of the Wall Street Crash The Wall Street Crash The Great Depression and its effects on industry and the lives of workers: - the economic cycle of closure of firms and increased unemployment - the fall in demand for cars and consumer goods - the Bonus Army and Hoovervilles - the impact of the Great Depression on industry and the lives of workers • The Great Depression and its effects on agriculture and the lives of farmers: - effects of tariffs and overproduction - hardships of farmers and sharecroppers - the Dust Bowl and the effects in the Midwest - the impact of the Great Depression on agriculture and the lives of farmers • President Hoover and the Great Depression: - Republican beliefs in laissez-faire and rugged individualism - voluntarism, work schemes, President’s Organization on Unemployment Relief (POUR), Hawley–Smoot Act 1930, Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) 1932, Farm Board - the impact of Hoover’s policies on the lives of Americans and the role of state governments up to March 1933 - the effectiveness of Hoover’s policies and actions to deal with the Great Depression up to March 1933 - Hoover’s unpopularity, the presidential election of 1932 including Hoover’s campaign and Roosevelt’s personality and campaign

Monday 13 April 2020

The O’Neill years • O’Neill’s policies and actions to improve the economy: successes and failures • O’Neill’s attempts to improve community relations in Northern Ireland and the differing responses to his efforts • O’Neill’s attempts to improve relations with the Republic of Ireland and the differing responses in Northern Ireland to his efforts

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

The campaign for civil rights • The influence of the civil rights movement in the United States of America on Northern Ireland • Reasons for the emergence of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA), its demands and methods and the differing attitudes towards it • Early civil rights marches, including British government and police responses, O’Neill’s five-point reform programme and the differing responses to it • The effectiveness of NICRA • Reasons for the emergence of the People’s Democracy: actions and impact • Reasons for the downfall of O’Neill

Monday 20 April 2020

A deteriorating situation, 1969–72 • Increasing tensions and violence, summer 1969 • The reasons for and consequences of the intervention of the Irish and British governments • The re-emergence of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), the split in the IRA and the objectives of the newly formed Provisional IRA • The re-emergence of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) and its objectives, and the setting up of the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) and its objectives • Reasons for and effects of internment, escalation of violence, civil rights protests against internment, and Bloody Sunday and responses to it • Reasons for the fall of Stormont and the introduction of direct rule • Reaction in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland to the British government’s decision to suspend Stormont The search for a political solution – attempt at power-sharing, 1973–74 • The reasons for and responses to the introduction of a power-sharing Executive to Northern Ireland and a Council of Ireland; the effects of the Ulster Workers’ Council strike on the attempt at power-sharing in Northern Ireland; the reintroduction of direct rule

Changing Republican strategy

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

Monday 27 April 2020

• The reasons for the hunger strikes, 1980–81; the impact of the hunger strikes, including change in Republican strategy; the effect of Sinn Féin’s electoral success on the SDLP Changing relations – towards closer co-operation • Reasons for closer co-operation between the Irish and British governments in the 1980s; the terms of the Anglo-Irish Agreement: its significance for relations between Britain, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and for how Northern Ireland would be governed The Downing Street Declaration, 1993 • The Hume–Adams initiative; the Downing Street Declaration: the key terms and responses to the Declaration in Northern Ireland and its significance for paving the way for the ceasefires The Good Friday Agreement, 1998 • The key terms and responses to the Agreement, including the referendum; the significance of the Agreement for relations between Britain, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

MATHEMATICS M8 (Mr Tracey, Mrs Lynch and Mrs Burke)

Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise Monday 23 March 2020 Topic 1 – Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry

Topic 2 – Algebra

Monday 30 March 2020

Topic 3 – Ratio, Proportion and Variation

Topic 4 – Probability

Monday 6 April 2020

Topic 5 – Algebraic Indices, Standard Form, Exponential

Growth and Decay

Topic 6 – Circle Geometry

Topic 7 – Graphs and Graphical solutions

Monday 13 April 2020 Topic 8 – Congruence and Similarity

Topic 9 – Linear & Graphical Inequalities

Monday 20 April 2020

Topic 10 – Changing the Subject of a Formula

Topic 11 – Loci and Constructions

Monday 27 April 2020

Topic 12 – Transformations

Topic 13 – Number

Topic 14 – Compound Measures and Real Life Graphs

(including gradient of a curve)

Examination date: Unit M8: Thursday 4 June 2020 Paper 1: Non Calculator: 9.15 – 10.30 (1 hour 15 mins) Paper 2: Calculator: 10.45 – 12.00 (1 hour 15 mins)

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

MATHEMATICS M4 (Mr Tracey, Mr McVey and Mrs McGahon)

Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise Monday 23 March 2020 Topic 1 – Pythagoras’ Theorem & Trigonometry

Topic 2 – Indices, Prime factors, HCF, LCM Monday 30 March 2020

Topic 3 & 7 – Solving Equations and Quadratic Equations Topic 4 – Area, Perimeter and Volume (arcs, sectors, cylinder, cone, sphere and frustums)

Monday 6 April 2020

Topic 5 – Money Matters Topic 6 – Accuracy

Monday 13 April 2020 Topic 8 – Collecting, Presenting & Analysing Data (including sampling and histograms)

Monday 20 April 2020

Topic 9 – Straight Line Graphs (including co-ordinate geometry) Topic 10 – Fractions and Algebraic fractions

Monday 27 April 2020

Topic 11 – Circle Theorems Topic 12 – Compound Measures (Speed, Density and Pressure)

Examination date: Unit M4: Tuesday 19 May 2020: 9.15 – 11.15 (2 hours)

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise Monday 23 March 2020

Topic 1 – Pythagoras’ Theorem & Trigonometry Topic 2 – Indices, Prime factors, HCF, LCM and Binary

Monday 30 March 2020

Topic 3 – Solving Equations Topic 4 – Area, perimeter and volume (Arcs, sectors, cylinder, cone and sphere)

Monday 6 April 2020

Topic 5 – Money Matters Topic 6 – Accuracy

Monday 13 April 2020 Topic 7 – Quadratic equations (simple quadratic equations only) Monday 20 April 2020

Topic 8 – Collecting, presenting & analysing data (no histograms) Topic 9 – Straight line graphs and co-ordinate geometry

Monday 27 April 2020

Topic 10 – Fractions & Algebraic fractions Topic 11 – Compound Measures (Speed, Density and Pressure)

Examination date: Unit M3: Tuesday 19 May 2020: 9.15 – 11.15 (2 hours)

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning Topic(s) to Revise Monday 23 March 2020

1.4 Energy – Types, Conservation of Energy, Resources, Efficiency, Work, Power, Kinetic Energy, Gravitational Potential Energy (Booklets 1 and 2) PPQ on topic

Monday 30 March 2020

1.2 Forces - Hooke’s Law, Pressure, Moments of a Force, Principle of Moments, Centre of Gravity (Booklet 3) PPQ on topic

Monday 6 April 2020

1.5 Atomic and Nuclear Physics – Structure of the atom and nucleus, Radioactive Decay, Dangers of radioactivity, Half-life (Booklet 4) PPQ on topic

Monday 13 April 2020

1.5.15-23 Uses of Radioactivity, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Fusion (Booklet 4 and 4b) 1.2.6-1.2.9 Mass and Weight PPQ on topic

Monday 20 April 2020

1.3 Density and kinetic theory 1.1 Motion – Average speed, rate of change of speed, vectors and scalars, displacement, velocity and acceleration, speed-time graphs, distance-time graphs, displacement-time graphs, velocity-time graphs (Booklet 5 and Booklet 6) PPQ on topic

Monday 27 April 2020

1.2.1-1.2.5 Forces and motion, Newton’s Laws Directly Proportional Graphs booklet (Booklet 7) PPQ on topic Completion of all other PPQ

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School


Week Beginning

Topic(s) to Revise

Monday 23 March 2020


The meaning and significance of the identity of Jesus, both for His disciples and for Christians today, by studying key events relating to His titles as Son of God, Messiah, Son of Man, Son of David and Saviour: - the ministry of John the Baptist (Mark 1: 1–13); - calming the storm (Mark 4: 35–41); - Jesus feeds the 5000 (Mark 6: 30–44); - Peter’s declaration about Jesus (Mark 8: 27–33); - the Transfiguration (Mark 9: 2–13); - the request of James and John (Mark 10: 35–45); - blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10: 46–52); - Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem (Mark 11: 1–11).

Monday 30 March 2020

JESUS THE MIRACLE WORKER- BOOKLET TWO The healing miracles Jesus performed, taking account of their controversial nature and their contemporary meaning and significance for Christian truth and witness: - a man with an evil spirit (Mark 1: 21–28); - Jesus heals many people (Mark 1: 29–34); - a man with a dreaded skin disease (Mark 1: 40–45); - a paralysed man (Mark 2: 1–12); - a man with a paralysed hand (Mark 3: 1–6); - Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5: 21–24, 35–43); - a woman with a haemorrhage (Mark 5: 25–34); - the Syro-Phoenician woman’s daughter (Mark 7: 24–30); - a boy with an evil spirit (Mark 9: 14–29);

Monday 6 April 2020


The meaning and significance of Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God and the Sabbath in relation to

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

contemporary Christian values and commitments: - the coming of the Kingdom (Mark 1: 14–15); - Jesus’ attitude to the Sabbath (Mark 2: 23–28); - the Parable of the Sower (Mark 4: 1–20); - the Parable of the Lamp on a Stand (Mark 4: 21–23); - the Parable of the Growing Seed (Mark 4: 26–29); - the Parable of the Mustard Seed (Mark 4: 30–32); - Jesus and the children (Mark 10: 13–16); - entry into the Kingdom (Mark 10: 17–31); - the Greatest Command (Mark 12: 28–34).

Monday 13 April 2020

DISCIPLESHIP- BOOKLET FOUR Jesus’ teaching on discipleship considered in relation to modern pluralist societies and to issues of identity, belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, values and community cohesion: - Jesus calls His disciples (Mark 1: 16–20; 2: 13–17); - Jesus chooses the Twelve (Mark 3: 13–19); - the challenge of witnessing (Mark 6: 1–6); - the mission of the Twelve (Mark 6: 7–13); - the cost of being a disciple (Mark 8: 34–38); - coping with temptation (Mark 9: 42–50); - the question about paying taxes (Mark 12: 13–17); - the widow’s offering (Mark 12: 41–44); and - the pressure of discipleship (Mark 14: 66–72).

Monday 20 April 2020

DEATH & RESURRECTION- BOOKLET FIVE Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and critically evaluate the meaning and significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection for Christian truth and identity: - Jesus goes to the temple (Mark 11: 15–19); - the plot against Jesus (Mark 14: 1–2); - Judas agrees to betray Jesus (Mark 14: 10–11); - the Passover meal and the Last Supper (Mark 14: 12–26); - Jesus predicts Peter’s denial (Mark 14: 27–31); - the events in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14: 32–50); - Jesus before the Jewish Council (Mark 14: 53–65); - the Roman trial and mocking (Mark 15: 1–20); - Jesus’ crucifixion and death (Mark 15: 21–41); - Jesus’ burial (Mark 15: 42–47); - Jesus’ resurrection (Mark 16: 1–8);

Year 11 Revision Guide – Summer 2020

St. Mary’s Grammar School

Monday 27 April 2020

GENERAL REVISION Five-mark question past paper practice

Ten-mark question past paper practice

Go through notes in blue exercise book/revision summary book.