Year 6 Autumn Newsletter · 2019. 9. 11. · Year 6 Autumn Newsletter Children will be reading...

Post on 24-Aug-2020

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ILP Focus Geography

History Exploration in the early 1900s The History of the Titanic

Art & Design Colour mixing and painting, working with oil pastels to create different effects

Computing Online safety: how to keep safe and who to alert if something doesn’t feel right.

D&T Building an igloo and exploring other types of shelters

Geography Features of the Polar Regions and exploring animals and plants in those localities

PHSE Goal setting and how to take smaller steps to achieve these

Science Electricity and circuits: making a celebration festive lamp

Year 6 Autumn Newsletter

Welcome to the planet’s coldest lands, which are incredibly beautiful, yet often deadly. This half

term, we’ll start by making and observing icebergs. We’ll then find out more about them using

non-fiction books. We’ll learn technical vocabulary so we can write reports in the role of engineers.

Using globes and maps, we’ll identify the polar regions, comparing the Arctic and Antarctic. We’ll

also think about how we can protect the polar environment. Then, we’ll investigate the tragic story

of the RMS Titanic, and find out about the people on board. We’ll download images of polar

features and save our information in digital folders. When we’re more familiar with the polar

regions, we’ll write exciting stories, poems and diary entries from the perspective of brave

explorers. Researching our favourite polar animals will be fun, and we’ll create animal artwork

inspired by the Inuit people. We’ll experiment with creating pictures using different mediums such

as oil pastels and different shades of paint.

The main text that the children will study will be,

‘Kensuke’s Kingdom.’ They will complete a variety of

written pieces related to this: a short narrative, diary

entries, setting description and non- chronological

reports linked to The Titanic and the Polar Regions.

The children will begin their term with exploring Place

Value up to 10,000,000. They will then consolidate

using the most effective written method for addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division. They will also

look at fractions, decimals and percentages.

Year 6 Autumn Newsletter

Children will be reading whole class four times a week

with the teacher. As the focus is now on whole class

reading skills, we need you to work with us by listening

to your children at home every day. Please sign the

children’s home reading diaries when you have listened

to your child read. Thank you for your continued

support with reading.

We are keen to encourage arriving to school

on bikes, but we must remind you and your

children of our school policies for this.

Children are allowed to come to school on

their bike as long as they have taken part in

the bicycle training that we run in school.

The children must also wear a helmet and a

parental permission form must be signed and

handed in at the office. Bikes must be

secured with a lock and remain the

responsibility of the parents, not the school.

If you choose to allow your child to bring

their bike to school, please remind them

that they are not allowed to ride the bike on

school grounds as it is a safety hazard.

Thank you for your support.


We will continue to send homework on

Friday to be handed in on Tuesday.

Thank you for the support that you offer

with this. We have ordered SATs revision

guides and these will be sent home for

pupils to complete for homework as soon

as they arrive. Please can we ask that

they are returned every week as these are

very beneficial to your child and costly to

replace. Thank you.


The children will be taking part in P.E.

activities every week. The days these

activities take place may change from week to

week, therefore it is really important that

children have their kits in school at all times.

Kits should be plain black shorts, white school

t-shirt and black P.E. pumps. No football

strips or trainers please. Smart Start points

will be continually awarded for those children

who adhere to the school uniform policy.

Your child will have a log-in for ‘Times

Tables Rockstars.’ We will send a reminder

of these log- in details, but please

encourage your children to access this free

resource at home to support them with

their recall of times tables. Thank you.

Swimming will commence this term with letters

sent out soon to confirm details.

Mondrian will be swimming on Tuesdays at 1.20 –


Kandinsky will be swimming on Wednesdays at 1.20

– 3.00.

All children will need to bring a full swimming kit: Girls - a swimming costume and a towel. Boys - swimming trunks (no swimming shorts please), and a towel.

Boys & Girls - Long hair must be tied back and a swimming hat must be worn for those who have

longer hair. All jewellery must be removed. Goggles can only be worn if a doctor’s letter is

provided. Thank you.

Which teachers are working in Year 6? Mrs Saleem – Mondrian Teacher Mrs Boulton – Kandinsky Teacher Mrs Joseph – Teaching Assistant Mrs Rushton – Teaching Assistant Mrs Miah – 1 to 1 support Mrs Sardar – 1 to 1 support Miss Courtnell – intervention support