Year 9 Review Day Workbook

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Workbook for Year 9 students to complete during Review Days


Wallasey School

Y9 Review Day Work


Name:______________________ Form: _____

Yr 9 Review Days Workbook

This booklet should be used when working at home on Thursday and Friday. There are normally five 1 hour lessons each day, two form periods and homework of up to an hour for each day. This gives a total of about twelve hours. You will be involved in your review which may take up to two hours of your time (with travelling). This means that you should be spending ten hours working through this booklet over the two days.

You should spend 1 hour on each of the core subjects:

English, Mathematics and Science and between 30-40 minutes on each of the other subjects:

Here is a suggestion of timings that you could use to make sure that you keep on task.

Thursday Friday

9.00 – 10.00 English 9.00 – 10.00 Science

10.00 – 11.00 Mathematics 10.00 – 11.00 Design and Technology

11.00-11.20 Break 11.00 – 11.20 Break

11.20 – 12.00 Geography 11.20 – 12.00 History

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 13.40 Art 13.00 – 13.40 French/German

13.40 – 14.20 PSHCE/RE 13.40 – 14.20 Drama

14.20 – 14.40 Break 14.20 – 14.40

14.40 – 15.20 Music 14.40 – 15.20 P.E.

Part of this schedule will be taken up by your review and so you will need to use your homework time to complete all other tasks. You will need to use the internet for many of the tasks. If you do not have access to this at home then please visit the local library or work with a friend.

ENGLISH – Year 9

As you know, we are a UNICEF Rights Respecting School and you will be looking at issues to do with how we treat each other in some parts of this booklet. The Holocaust was the extermination of about six million Jews during World War II by Nazi Germany. During the Holocaust, many people were very badly treated, and their rights were certainly not respected.

Read the following poem written after the holocaust and then answer the questions which follow:

“Pigtail” by Tadeusz Rozewicz

When all the women in the transport had their heads shaved four workmen with brooms made of birch twigs swept up and gathered up the hair Behind clean glass the stiff hair lies of those suffocated in gas chambers there are pins and side combs in this hair The hair is not shot through with light is not parted by the breeze is not touched by any hand or rain or lips

In huge chests clouds of dry hair of those suffocated

and a faded plait a pigtail with a ribbon pulled at school by naughty boys.

1. What associations do you make with the title “Pigtail”? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

2. Why do you think “swept up” is in a line of its own? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

3. Why is the hair described as “stiff” in the second stanza? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

4. What tone or atmosphere is created by the third stanza? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

5. Find two words in the final stanza which help to create the image that there was a lot of hair kept. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

6. Ann Frank was a young German girl who died in a concentration camp. What do you know about her? Carry out some research on the internet and write about her life. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Mathematics You have two tasks to complete.

Task 1 – Happy New Year

All working out must be shown so your Maths teacher can see how you have attempted the investigation.

Task 2 – MyMaths Use time over Review Days to catch up on your MyMaths homeworks. Your teacher will be setting two new additional pieces which are to be completed first. Ask your teacher if you do not know your login details. Write them here:

School login – wallasey

School password – rubber

Individual login – _____________________

Individual password – __________________

Task 1 – Happy New Year!

What could the questions be if the answer was 2013?

Come up with a variety of questions that give the answer 2011. You can use as many different mathematical operations you wish (+, - x ÷, ², ³, %, brackets,fractions etc) but remember the rules of BODMAS. Examples for 2012 are:

503 x 4 = 2012 and another is 25² x 3 + 137 = 2012 See how many different symbols you can use!

























The table below shows the top 10 most successful countries in terms of gold

medal winners between 1896-2008.

Country Gold medals Number of games


1. USA 929 25

2. Russia(Soviet Union) 395 9

3. Germany 247 22

4. GB 207 26

5. France 191 26

6. Italy 190 25

7. China 163 8

8. Hungary 159 24

9. Sweden 142 25

10. Australia 131 24

Please complete the writing frame on the next page

Find and label these countries 1 – 10

on the world map.

What pattern do you notice?

The map shows that the most successful continent in terms of winning gold medals is


There are many reasons why these countries might be successful including…….

A) ______________________________________________________________________


B) ______________________________________________________________________


C) ______________________________________________________________________


China has only appeared in 8 Olympics but appears very successful. This could be


A) ______________________________________________________________________


B) ______________________________________________________________________


There are no nations from the continents of _________________________________

This might be because…….

A) ______________________________________________________________________


B) ______________________________________________________________________


Extension – Can you predict the names of any countries which might appear on the list in

the next 100 years? Why might this happen?



The images above are stylised landscapes in the style of

‘Scandinavian Folk Art.’ On the next page (BLANK PAGE) design your

own Scandinavian style landscape. Your design must include at least

two trees and two houses. Fill in with patterns similar to those

above, and then colour in using felt tips or colour pencils.

PSHCE - Limiting human rights

Task – Read the scenarios below as if you are the Head Teacher of a school.

Think about what right is being violated or denied (see last page).

Your job is to decide whether the students’ human rights should be limited or not and why?

You may need to use additional paper to earn a higher level.

Scenario What UNCRC Right is being violated or denied?

Should the students’ human rights be limited? Higher level answer - Is the student denying other people's rights (whose and which ones?)

Why do you think this? (Higher Level Marks will need to write on separate sheet to allow for detailed answers)

A teacher suspects

that a student has a

knife in their bag.

Students hold a

demonstration on

school grounds against

tuition fees but the

protest turns violent.

Scenario What UNCRC Right is being violated or denied?

Should the students’ human rights be limited? Higher level answer - Is the student denying other people's rights (whose and which ones?)

Why do you think this? (Higher Level Marks will need to write on separate sheet to allow for detailed answers)

A student is feels the

lesson is boring and

disrupts the lesson by

chatting with her

friends. When the

teacher tells her to

stop talking she tells

her she has a right to

express her opinion

A student misbehaves

and refuses the listen

to the teacher. Finally,

the teacher becomes

so frustrated that she

shouts at him, telling

him he is too stupid to


I think that I have achieved level This is because I could improve my level by

Teacher Assessment…….

RE/PSHCE - Citizenship

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Rights relevant to task

4 Schools must do all they can to protect children’s rights

6 Every child has the right to be alive and be the best person they can be.

12 Every child has the right to express his or her views, and those views must be taken seriously.

13 Every child has the right to express him or herself and to receive all kinds of information and ideas.

14 Every child has the right to have their own beliefs and religion

17 Schools must make sure children are protected from receiving harmful information.

19 Every child must be protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment.

24 Every child has the right to the best possible health

26 Children have the right to get what they need to develop fully.

28 Every child has the right to an education.

29 Education should help children to develop fully as people.

30 Children must never be stopped from enjoying their own culture, religion or language

31 Every child has the right to have time to rest, play and do things they enjoy.

33 Children have the right to be protected from illegal drugs

37 Every child has the right to protection from torture and very bad treatment

The work you have completed is going to be marked according to the citizenship levels. You are going to mark your own work according the level descriptors for citizenship. We have targeted the questions and tasks to meet the criteria of the level. You may need to use additional paper to earn a higher level. If you think that your work is thorough and detailed you should award yourself a high level e.g. 4A

Feel free to complete the higher levelled tasks if you wish Level 5

Use a range of sources to investigate a range of topics

Give reasons for my own opinions

Understand that the rights of others are not always respected

You give detailed and thorough answers, including your own point of view

Level 6/ 7

Describe how different types of rights need to be protected, supported and balanced.

Weigh up where an individual’s or groups’ rights are in conflict.

Produce a detailed piece of work, with thorough explanations and detailed points of view

Fitness is made up of four S-factors: suppleness, strength, speed and stamina.

The table below shows how well different activities develop the four S-factors.

Sport Suppleness Strength Stamina Speed

hiking * ** *** *

jogging ** ** **** *

disco dancing *** * *** *

hard cycling ** *** **** *

swimming **** **** **** **

weight training * **** * *

gymnastics **** *** ** **

football *** *** *** ***

tennis *** ** *** ***

1 Which of these activities would be the best to develop all round fitness?

Explain your answer.




2 Which activities would be the best to develop faster reaction times?

Explain your answer.



3 Which activities would be the best to develop your strength?

Explain your answer.




* little effect

** good

*** very good

**** excellent

4 What activities would you suggest for the following people?

Explain your answers.

a a Year 9 girl who hates sports



b a middle-aged man who has recently recovered from a heart attack



c a 30-year-old woman who fractured her femur (thigh bone) and has recently had her

plaster cast removed.



5 a Briefly outline a fitness programme for a celebrity of your choice in the media. You need to

select somebody who you think would benefit from participating in a 'get fit' programme..

In outlining your programme you will need to include;

Diet - what food will your celebrity need to eat to improve their 4 S's







A training plan - when and how often will they train.

Remember if they do too much they may run the risk of Injury.





What activities they will do in their training, to help improve their overall fitness level ( it

would be good to suggest a range of activities to help improve the 4 S's.)





b How would you evaluate your fitness programme?









• recall the four S-factors used in evaluating fitness

• develop criteria to use in evaluations.

Design and


Some great foods to add to your diet are chicken,

tuna, salad, turkey, salmon, peanuts, cheese, nuts are great , whole grain bread, and grapes.

Porridge: 75g oats + tbsp ground

linseeds + 250ml skimmed milk + tsp sugar

2 slices granary bread, toasted + olive oil based spread + natural crunchy peanut butter

1-2 boiled / scrambled eggs 250ml fresh fruit juice


low-carbohydrate diet.



Rowing boat oar.

Key moments in History and the Olympics:

Your task is to find out about these events and understand why they were im-


History and the Olympic Games

Imagine you have just walked into that stadium. What do you think people

around you are doing or saying or thinking?

Now write down 5 questions you would like to ask to find out more about the

event in the picture.






Look at the next image

Write a headline for a newspaper front page to go with this picture

Are there any similarities (things that seem the same) or differences between

this picture and the previous picture?

What questions could you ask to find out more about the event in the two


More information on the event shown in the two pictures can be found at this


Using the information on the above website, write, or sketch a storyboard

telling the story of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.

You could structure your work by doing some of the following:

Say where Berlin is.

Say who was in charge of this country.

Write about some of the things the government did.

Say if the things the government did were right or wrong.

Say if the things the government did fitted in with the ‘spirit of the

Olympics’ or not.

Write about the good things that still happened during these Olympic



Now you know more about the event shown in the photographs.

Would you change the headline you gave picture two?

If yes, what would your new headline be?

If not, explain why

Year 9 review day : French

Objective: To be able to recognise landmarks in Paris

______________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

_________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________

_________________________ ___________________________

Choose the correct name for each of the landmarks from the

box below and copy it as carefully as you can

La cathédrale Notre-Dame l’arc de triomphe

La Grande Arche de la défense la Sacré-Coeur

Le musée du Louvre l’Avenue des Champs Elysées

La tour Eiffel

la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie

Now imagine you are visiting Paris. You are going to visit one

landmark per day. Choose a landmark for each day and write a

sentence saying what you are going to do:

LUNDI….Je vais visiter______________________________

MARDI…Je vais visiter______________________________






Now try to put the following sentences into French:

1) I am going to to see (voir) the Eiffel tower


2) He is going to visit (visiter) the Museum of Science and



3) We are going to see the Louvre Museum


4) She is going to visit the Arc de Triomphe


5) We are going to see the Champs Elysées


Conjugate the following verbs at these different tenses.

Past Present future

Je+ jouer


Elles+ vendre

Nous+ aller


Read the passage below about Bastian Schweinsteiger, a

famous German football player .

Hallo ! Mein Name ist Bastian Schweinsteiger. Ich bin am ersten

August neunzehnhundertvierundachtzig in Kolbermoor geboren.

Kolbermoor liegt in Bayern, in


Die Stadt ist ziemlich klein mit einigen

Geschaften, eine Backerei, Schulen, eine

Kirche, Supermarkte, ein Stadion, und ein


Fussball war immer mein Lieblingssport ,

als ich ein kleiner Junge war. Ich bin

immer mit meinem Vater zu Fussballspielen

am Wochenende gegangen. Wir sind mit

dem Auto nach Munchen gefahren, um

Bayern-Munchen zu sehen.

Skilaufen war auch sehr wichtig in meinem Leben, denn ich

wohnte in der Nahe von den Alpen. Es ist gut fur die Gesundheit.

Im Moment bin ich deutscher Fussballspieler und seit 2002

stehe ich beim Bundesligisten FC Bayern Munchen unter

Vertrag. Ich mag diese Mannschaft und ich werde fur Bayern

Munchen bis 2016 spielen.

Answer the following questions about the passage, in English.

1 In which year was Schweinsteiger born ? ___________________

2 How old does that actually make him now ? ___________________

3 Where is Kolbermoor ? _________________________________

4 Name 5 places in Kolbermoor _____________________________

5 What other sport is he passionate about ? ___________________

6 Why was this sport so easy for him ? _______________________

7 Where did he used to go when he was younger and who with ?


8 How many years has he played for Bayern Munchen ?


9 How many more years has he been signed up for ?


10 Write down the German for ‘’ it is good for the health ‘’


Now translate this paragraph into English

Hallo ! Mein Name ist Bastian Schweinsteiger. Ich bin am ersten

August neunzehnhundertvierundachtzig in Kolbermoor geboren.

Kolbermoor liegt in Bayern, in Sudostdeutschland. Die Stadt ist

ziemlich klein mit einigen Geschaften, eine Backerei, Schulen,

eine Kirche, Supermarkte, ein Stadion, und ein Hallenbad.


















In Drama we have been learning about T.I.E (Theatre in Education). This is where you produce plays for primary school children.

1. Choose one of the following five topics and circle it:

Stranger Danger Bullying

Dangers of smoking

Dangers of drugs Firework safety

2. For your chosen topic write down a list of ideas that you could use in a

piece of Drama to help teach a younger audience about it. (think about

characters and storylines)







3. On the next page, design a poster aimed at Year 6 pupils. The poster should show them the dangers of your topic but in a catchy way so they will want to read it.

4. If you finish all that work, think of a catchy name for your new theatre company and design a logo that would go on your T-Shirt if you were going out to visit primary schools.

Components of skill related fitness

1. Match up the pictures with one of the components of skill related fitness from the box be-


2. For each athlete in the picture above write down why that component of skill related fit-

ness is important for their sport/event.

Components of fitness

Co-ordination Agility Reaction time Power Balance






















Strength Muscular endurance Flexibility

Speed Aerobic endurance

Components of Physical fitness

Match up the pictures with one of the components of physical fitness

from the box below


Musicals This year has seen the musical ‘Les Miserables’ turned into a film, next week we will be performing the musical ‘Sweeney Todd’ in school.

1. What is a musical?



2. What are the 3 longest running musicals in London’s West End?




3. Name 4 musicals, who composed the music for these musicals.

Musical Composer

4. Listen to a song from the 4 musicals you have chosen on ‘YouTube’. For each piece of music answer the following. a. Name some of the instruments you can hear b. Describe the mood of the music

Name of musical Instruments you can hear

Describe the mood

Scenario ‘The Gym’

The owners of the Park View Hotel want to promote the hotel gym to attract new


Task 1

The owner of the Park View Hotel has asked you to create a new logo for ‘The Gym

that could be used in a booklet to promote the gym.

Design or create on computer /paper your own logo for ‘The Gym’.

Task 2

Using information taken from relevant websites, your task is to make or design a 2

sided leaflet (2 sides of A4) that could be used to attract new members to ‘The Gym.

The leaflet could include:-

Include Relevant images of the equipment at the gym

Information about classes and equipment

Ladies only area

Contact details of the gym (Address & phone number)

Location – map of where the gym is located

Special offers

Prices of different membership packages (Standard/student)

Opening times

Useful sites

*Remember that if you do not have Desk Top Publishing software e.g. Publisher,

then you can hand draw the leaflet and explaining the types of images that you

would include.