Year6 curriculumstatementterm1201415

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Curriculum Statement

Year 6

Term One September 2014


During the first term we will be studying short stories with flashbacks. Authors often use the literary element of flashback to set the stage, develop a character, or add a twist in the development of the plot. Children in Year 6 will learn to identify a short story or novel of this genre and be able to explain how the use of flashback advances the plot. This also gives your child a great opportunity to study literature in-depth and understand how the author can use many techniques in their writing for many different purposes.

In another topic this term will be looking at examples of biography and autobiography. These non-fiction texts allow your child to see the world through the eyes of another. We will read many different life stories to try to understand how they are written. The chil-dren will be learning all about ways in which these accounts are written and what type of language is used. They will learn that an autobiography is written by the person whom the story is about, whereas a biography is a recount of someone else’s life. Later in the term children will be learning all about journalistic writing and how newspaper reports are published. We will also explore and experiment with how to write a newspaper report and look at different non-fiction texts to

discover how they are constructed.

Later this term we will be studying extended narrative writing. This reinforces work on narrative, dialogue and settings from previous knowledge. Using a variety of stories, children will explore different texts and analyse ways in which the author has conveyed their message to the reader. They will create their own linear stories using texts they have already read as a guide. The children will learn how to write sustained stories, using their knowledge of story elements: narrative, settings, characterisation, dialogue and language of story. These skills are an essential element to extended story writing which helps to keep the story understandable, at a steady pace and exciting to the read-er. Moreover, it further develops children's engagement with, and motivation for, fiction writing, through exploring and then creating the kind of quest-type text adventure that forms the basis for many electronic games. This will encourage your child to become an independent thinker and develop a creative and enquiring mind. At the same time, it will allow children to engage in more complex texts that will assist them in undertaking literacy work in the following term.

Also this term we will be concentrating on aspects of poetry. We will be learning the language of po-etry and how to construct a poem using new vocabulary learned in the classroom. We will be looking closely at the power of imagery, digging deeply into hidden meaning in text and exploring ideas. We will also be finding out about poets from around the world and learning some classic poems.

Relevant books/authors:

Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone—J K Rowling; The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank; Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll; Sue Palmer - Writing for Children; Stig of the Dump - Clive King and Ed-ward Ardizzone; The Diary Of a Wimpy Kid - Jeff Kinney; The Story of Tracey Beaker - Jacqueline Wil-son; Another Forgotten Child - Cathy Glass. Related websites/resources: (highly recommended) (highly recommended) (highly recommended)


During the first half term we will be studying Fiction genres. We will read a wide range of genres. The children will be exploring further the features of science fiction stories, legends and detective stories. Later in the term children will be learning all about journalistic writing and how newspaper reports are published. We will also explore and experiment with how to write a newspaper report and look at different non-fiction texts to discover how they are constructed.

In the second half of term we will be studying short stories with

flashbacks. We will start with identifying techniques from the film that show a flashback has taken place. And then, Year 6 children will plan to retell the story ‘The Piano’ and write a short story from the grandson's point of view.

In another topic this term will be looking at examples of biography and autobiography. These non-fiction texts allow your child to have knowledge about Ho Chi Minh. We will research and plan a biographical newspaper article about Uncle Ho. The children will be learning about the features of autobiography and writing their own autobiography focusing on the change in the past five years.

Relevant books/authors:

Ngoài hành tinh – Davido Russell; Cuộc chiến với hành tinh Fantom – Nguyễn Bình; Người vận hành thời gian – Justin Richards; Cho tôi xin một vé đi tuổi thơ - Nguyễn Nhật Ánh; Góc sân và khoảng trời - Trần Đăng Khoa

Related websites/resources: How you can support at home:

Reading with your child is vital. Research shows that it's the single most important thing you can do to help your child's education. It's best to read little and often, so if possible, try to put aside some time for reading every day. • Encourage your child to read with you at home every day and record their reading in the diary.

• It would be helpful - where possible - to assist your child’s development at school to schedule a regular time for quiet, independent reading, perhaps straight after school or just before bed. • Discuss writing targets with your child when they do their Vietnamese homework.


Here and Now, There and Then and Building a Village

In our first topic called ‘Here and Now, There and Then’ we will be learning about life in other countries and study the similarities and differences between the countries children have visited and comparing them with Vietnam. They will learn about the main physical and human features and environmental is-sues in both countries We will also be learning important map skills that the children can use to help them discover information about countries and know how different localities can influence the nature of human activities within them. They will be learning what environmental issues such as weather systems and terrain may affect inhabitants. We will also be using historical evidence to construct a picture of the past to find out what these countries were like many years ago and how they have changed since. In the second half term children are going to find out about the places where people live. In our ‘Building a Village’ topic they will look at types of housing in a range of countries as well as different historical periods and societies. We will consider why people choose to settle in a particular area, and look further into issues such as the affordability of buying or renting a house, convenient

transport links to their place of work, availability of good local schools and hospitals, a variety of shops, restaurants and recreational amenities. Children will be contrasting modern day life with that of their ancestors, who would have been more concerned about fulfilling their most basic human needs – a fresh and reliable supply of water, food and fuel supplies, the availability of local building materials and a defensive location to protect them from hostile neighbours. This will enable children to look at the wider picture and get a sense of continuity especially in their own country and community. These topics will allow the children to have a greater understanding of Vietnam. It will also assist in determining their understanding of the wider

world and ultimately their place within it.

How you can support at home:

• If you have travelled, please discuss your travels around the world with your child. Talk about your trip and how you travelled there, where you stayed and maybe new friends you met. This will fire your child’s mind for adventure and give him/her a sense of the excitement of travel.

• Please allow your child to watch some interesting television programmes on geography - tourism in particular - and what types of tourism and methods of travel are now on offer.

• It would be very helpful if you would allow your child to read some tour guide material or allow them to visit the local tourist information centres.

Related websites/resources: (highly recommended)


This term’s work reinforces and extends areas previously covered. The oral and mental activities involve addition and subtraction (including decimals) and multiplication and division of whole numbers. Children continue to develop skills, counting on and back in steps of 0.1, 0.2, 0.25 and 0.5, doubling two digit numbers (including decimals) and multi-ples of 10 to 1000 together with corresponding halving. They will also learn how to multiply and divide multiples of 10 (including decimals) and derive quickly the division facts corresponding to tables up to 10 x 10. Estimating, approximating, ordering and rounding numbers to 1 000 000 together with written methods using columns for addition and subtraction (including decimals), short multiplication and short division will be taught. Ordering common and decimal fractions, finding equivalences, ratio, proportion and percentages are extended. Line graphs and bar charts with grouped discrete data, simple probability, acute and obtuse angles, 2-D, 3-D shapes, perimeters (including formulae), measures and shape and number sequences are all developed. Calculator skills will also be extended.

How you can support at home:

The maths work your child is doing at school may look very different to the kind of ‘sums’ you remember. This is because children are encouraged to work mentally, where possible, making personal notes to help support their thinking. Even when children are taught more formal written methods they are only encouraged to use these methods for calculations they cannot solve in their heads.

Here are some ways in which you can help your child. • Play mental maths games • In the shops — look at prices, add/subtract/divide money • Try a range of calculation — estimate first then use a calculator • Practise times tables together — make a game or competition

Related websites/resources:

P.S.H.E. – In PSHE we are learning all about our new beginnings. This looks at beginning new experiences such as coming to a new class, making new friends and understanding new ways in which to learn. We will be exploring how we can learn to think independently and look after ourselves. We will be brainstorming many important questions about our social welfare and thinking of new ways in which we can help others. We will also be learning how to think about ourselves, learn from our experiences and recognise what we are good at. We will also learn about each other and look at issues of respect, personal cleanliness and self-respect. During the first term we will also focus on our BIS ‘Golden Rules’. Each week, the children have an opportunity to discuss a ‘Golden Rule’ and how they can adhere to these and support each other. We will look at how we can be good friends and care for each other and our belongings. Finally, we will look at how we can try our best, not only in class, but also in our relationships.

We do hope that the above information will be useful for you when supporting your child’s homework and discussing his/her learning. Should you have any further questions please contact your child’s class teacher.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION - In Term 1 children in Year 6 will focus on speed, agility and quickness skills in developing sporting skills to be implemented effectively in game play later in the year. In swimming the focus will be to be able to refine breaststroke over 25 metres, as well as enabling the children to swim freestyle and backstroke competently over the distance. In the racket unit focus will be on short tennis. Indoor hockey skills will be refined. Basic tactics and rules will be introduced.

MUSIC - At the start of Term 1 Year 6 will be learning how different cyclic patterns can fit together. They will learn how to perform a cyclic pattern with an awareness of different parts. Emphasis will be placed on increasing more difficult music theory concepts. In the second half of the term children will be learning how lyrics and melodies are used together in songs and apply this knowledge to learn songs with simple 2 part harmony. Focus will centered on performance skills such as pitch, blend, projection and stage presence.

SCIENCE – In the first half of term we will be looking at ‘Living Things

and their Environment’. This topic looks at classifying animals and how they have changed to suit their environment. The desert is one of the most inhospitable places on Earth yet it is home to a great variety of wildlife with plants including cacti and animals such as the gila woodpecker, the wind scorpion and the meerkat. How is life in the desert possible without water? After half term we will be looking at ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. First there was the big bang! Then life began on Earth 3.8 billion years ago. But when did humans arrive and where did we come from? If we can find out the answer to

these questions perhaps we can figure out where we are heading in the future… How you can help your child at home: Encourage your child to take part in the research side of the homework. The more that they can discover at home the better it will help them in class. They can also research about famous scientists that existed and made amazing discoveries; like Charles Darwin and Carl Linnaus.

Related websites/resources: minerals-landforms/fossils.htm newsid_2636000/2636827.stm

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY - In the first term, children will be learning more advanced skills when using search tools to find specific information. They will use these skills to research ideas, resources and scenarios relevant to creating their own game. Over the second half of the term, children will learn the importance of testing and ‘debugging’ their games in order to perfect them.