Yeni Bogazici,12-17 August, 2011- 4 th Pulya Cartoon Festival Cartoonists Meeting in Northern Cyprus...

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Yeni Bogazici,12-17 August, 2011- 4th Pulya Cartoon Festival

Cartoonists Meeting in Northern Cyprus



11 August- 22:55 PM Lefkosa Airport, Northern Cyprus. Arrivals Gate

Meeting with Mustafa Tozaki, Turgay Karadag and after a very long hour, with Trayko Popov from Sofia. Boarding the Mitsubishi Bus start 60 km to Paradise Bungalows in Yeni Bogazici to accommodations…

Is midnight and the temperature does not fall below 30 Celsius degrees.

But the adventure can begin…






Ahmet Aykanat, Tr Ercan Akyol, TrSaadet Demir Yalcin, Tr

Sevcan Cerkez, N.C

Turgay Karadag, Tr Serkan Surek, N.CNicoleta Ionescu, Ro

Trayko Popov, Bg

George Licurici, Ro

Mustafa Tozaki

Arif Ali Albayrak

Serap Kanay



First Day in Paradise Bungalows

First Day: Let’s trip to Famagusta…

Official reception at the Mayor of Famagusta

Mustafa Tozaki and his first masterpiece…

Famagusta’s Heart of Town: under Sycamore tree…

Cartoonists on the Steps of History…

Ahmet Aykanat before the Lunch…

Irina Licurici turned into a mosque facing Mecca

Born for shopping…

Mustafa Tozaki: the ancient Art of Lunch…

White to move and win…

Opening March of 4th International Pulya Festival…

Official Arif’s speech at the Red Ribbon Cutting Ceremony…

Ahmet Aykanat under the eyes of Authorities at official opening

Work in progress…

Trayko Popov and his Cartoon Gallery

Ercan Akyol behind his creations…

Licurici and his perspectives…

Portrait and portraits of Nicoleta Ionescu

Sevkan Cerkez: Sculptures in Cardboard…

Ahmet Aykanat cartoons…

Serkan Surek’s Cartoons Panel

Mustafa Tozaki,

Cartoon gallery… (poems)

Saadet Demir Yalcin…

Turgay Karadag stories…

Nicoleta and Alexandru, Masters of PC tablets…

The Smiling Family…



SevcanNicoleta Saadet


The World before Facebook… (ancient Salamis)

Ancient stones, new perspectives…

Modern Disciples in the Roman amphitheater…

Lords of the Rings: Ercan, Arif, Mustafa

Hot Day in Lefkosa City…

Old friends… Like in Rembrand’s Masterpiece Return of prodigal son

(Cakmak and Aykanat)

Meeting with Huseyin Cakmak in Lefkosa

Caravanserai: Assault on Syrup of Roses

Short visit to the store’s art Sevcan Cerkez in Lefkosa

Visiting Editorial News Papers Holding Yeni Duzen in Lefkosa

Trayko: No pictures please, Paparazzi boys!

Interview time… George: “Cyprus was a pleasant surprise for me…”

Pax vobis cum…

Among the mass media trophies…

Another Day, another trip: Karpasia Peninsula

After a session of swimming in Mediterranean Sea, following a singing session…

Musa playing with the camera for lady Sevcan…

No music, no life…

Good music, good beer, good times…



007 Agent

Romantic dinner at the down of the moon… (Silver Beach Terrace)

A new morning, a new Breakfast at Tiffany’s…

Ercan Akyol: Passion for Ayran drink

New trip in Kyrenia…

Hot day in Kyrenia …

Kyrenia Castle… Big Brother watching you…

Lunch Atmosphere: Reading time…

Kyrenia’s Bay… Irina in a Colonial picture

Musa planning to send his works with Cargo Ship to the

World Festivals…

Kyrenia Terrace… Peace around the table…

Gentlemans party in the swimming pool | A Trayko Popov Project

Turgay Karadag

Ercan Akyol

George Licurici

Musa Kayra

Trayko Popov

Alexandru Ifrim

Trophys stylish night…

Photo shooting, under the bird logo Pulya



Arif’s Singer Daughter

Nicoleta Serap

The Amphiteater – before Prize Winning Ceremony

The drums announce the winners…

The night of the Generals…

George Licurici on the Stage: Let’s just kiss and say…

Cartoonists under the flashlights…

Tree times a Lady- Serap Kanay, translator and modern artist…

Other beautiful pictures:

George & Irina Licurici in the Festival area

Romanian Team: a Family Affair…

Brothers in Arts…

Erkan Akyol, the Model…

Saadet Demir Yalcin, satellite view…

Arif: Expressions

Turgay: Thank-you for your hospiality…

The night descends on the beach… Remained in sand beautiful drawings and very good memories... Goodbye Cyprus!

Microsoft Power Point Presentation with pictures from all cameras

George Licurici Suceava, Romania, September 2011