YOGI BHAJAN TEACHES CLASS - satnamrasayan.it · Kriya 31 minutes: Close your eyes, roll them and...

Post on 30-Jul-2018

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  • NM122 940223 upper palate control the hypothalamus; front lobe control the personality 7D66 SUMMARY MEDITATION We are going to join ourself into that meditation. And its a very simple thing. Its not all the way out, its just like that. As you are weighing something. Kriya 31 minutes: Close your eyes, roll them and move your arms like as you are weighing the atmosphere, the universe and with the sound you will create Hum, Hum, Hum, Har, Hum, Hum, Hum, Har Concentrate. This is the crucial minutes. Put your best. One minute left. Standby. Inhale, hold, listen to the sound you have chanted. Breathe out. Breathe in again, hold tight, listen to your own sound you have chanted in their akashic record, those who learn to see the naad and hears the naad and recognize the naad, knows all knowledge how the . Exhale.

    Inhale deep again, deep, deep, deep, hold tight, listen to the sound, solidly, clearly and your personal sound, please. Relax.

    Twist your body and shake your hand and just, let move the energy powerfully and forcefully please. Come on, come on, move, move, move. LECTURE There are two areas of the human body which are the most important. One is the upper palate, which control the hypothalamus, other is the front lobe which you call as the forehead. Normally, people meditate in many forms with idea to develop. If hypothalamus is developed, then the automatics of the bodies are developed and if front lobe is developed and is controlled, then the personality of the individual is controlled by the individual. These are the two things which one has to. I am not saying that you dont make excuses. Ill say you all lie and you lie knowingly because you nothing else have to say. You make excuses and you have lot of flip-flops and lapses and there are tons and tons of other things which everybody knows are not a human property. In caliber, in consciousness, we lie to each other, we try to impress each other, we try to impose on each other, we try to control each other, we do million things. There is subjective reality of our and there is no, therefore, objective game. Therefore one end up in life as a lot of pain. And thats what everybody wants to avoid. Now if you see at your whole scene, Oh I have neurosis, oh, my mother did this to me, my father did this to me, my circumstances did this to me. All right, there area about one million things which happened to you and one million things will happen to you. That does not mean that your life should go berserk. Because your life is your life in the beginning, in the middle and in the end.

    Aad Puran, Madh Puran, Anth Puran Parameshwara. It cannot be anybodys life. And if you are for somebodys suffering or somebodys pain you are for somebodys suffering or somebodys pain you are carrying or somebody you want to cause pain or that kind of thing, lunatic obsession you have. Then you have a fundamental problem in your living. There is a possibility that you may not be in a position to trust anybody. Because you dont trust your own intelligence. So question is that of a caliber. How far we can have our caliber and how wide we can be, how deep we can be our understanding and how, how much height we can take. All these things decides human life. Not just because there is a structure of flesh and bones. Thats not human. Human is confidence and deliverance. Human confidence is in very graceful, well calculated deliverance. Human confidence is not letting down anybody, come what may. Human confidence is, be helpful in spite of everything else. Human confidence has very powerful aspects. Extremely realistic caliber, consciousness, commitment, trustworthiness, worth. You look at all those positive aspects, they are all human. And then there is a one aspect of human life, thats called faith. The very indifferent, indefinite trust. The Infinite trust. Without defining, without limiting the trust. So I was telling you a story, I just repeat the story today. The story is called, I am yours, my lord. The story is very historical. Once there was a king, he was very noble, very gracious. He was very well settled. He was young and he in his proper inspiration, took a rout. But in that, he go astrayed. He was very tired and he was sitting under the tree. And he stretched his leg. As he stretched his leg, the cobra bit him. So in a sequence to that, he yelled. In the vicinity, there was a shepherd girl. All she had is her shepherd dogs and her sheeps and one big shepherd stick. Thats all she was there. So she immediately came to the rescue of the king and she knew everything, she cut the wound, she suffered the poison, she tie it out and she put some herbs and she gave him something to eat. But when it was a cold night, there was nothing anybody she could do, so she put her sheeps around him and put her blanket over in that way. So he went through all

  • that sequence of going through sweats and pain and fever and finally in three, four days, he recuperated. So with milk and whatever she had, nursed him. While in-between, one day he was very much in love her and they made love. She said, I am yours my lord. So next day he thought he could go and he got in horse, he went back to his castle and kingdom and he ruled. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, after about twenty years, the neighbor king who always wanted to usurp his kingdom raised an army and tried to attack him. So war was set and it was very deep war in which many died. Three sons of this king and four sons of the other king, they lost their life in the war. So they both have measure now. So finally, one time they decided that itll be a king to king. So, in desperation, the other king who was young and powerful and wanted to win and wanted to conquer, advanced towards this king. Fight was very battle and lot of blood was flowing around and lot of faithfuls were dying and everybody wanted to protect their king and but the, the enemy was very powerfully advancing. Finally, it came to king to king and fight started. Meanwhile, this king advanced himself and wanted to have a very first hand war, swear attack. And all of a sudden, a very young knight came in-between and took that war on himself, that attack on himself and pierce his sword through this king, attacking king and in the next minute, he died. This king turned around and he said, I am grateful to you. And he returned the answer, I am yours my lord. used my light. After all, memories are memory. He remembered when he said, I am grateful to you, and she said, I am yours my lord. And he said, Okay, lets go back to the throne. So when they went back, he recognized that twenty some years ago, he met this woman who saved his life. And today, his very son saved his life. But they are very trivial word, I am yours, my lord, and Thank you very much, was clear indication and it was a relationship for which there was no doubt. So in our life our relationship and our words play very important role. They are always there. The strength of a person is not how beautiful you are, how rich you are, how wise you are, how great you are, how committed you are. Your strength is if you have a caliber till the last end. In Shakespear, As You Like It, there is a one saying, Even clubs cannot separate them. In many other virtues of love and romance stories, the only thing is, They could not be separated. Death or hereafter. So there are some people who just get with each other and there is nothing in the planet can separate them. They understand unisonness. They understand oneness. They understand merger. Thats actually the relationship of a teacher and student. Lover and a beloved, God and His devotee. This is called Bhakti Yog. Power of the Bhakti Yog is that it starts the Shakti, the power of all powers it invokes in a person and gives and uncoils through all this chakras and unto the circles to infinity. This power of the man is the real power which comes out of love, dedication, devotion. It doesnt need dictation. Its not manual or mental or spiritual. It is all three plus more to it. This power of man is so powerful that many times in the recorded history of mankind the God has come through and has served such people. As Guru Nanak said, Nanak Das Thur Mangey, Janki Jo Aap Japey Hamara Naam Japaala. That means I asked the dust of the feet of those who have themself and repeat the name of God and makes other to do it. The idealistic situation it is the elevation, status of a man, where there is no excuse, there is no weakness, there is no gain, there is no satisfaction of ego. There is no smallness but there is . Tonight we are going to meditate in that form of the Darveshas, which is ultimately became the part of the Sufis and those of the saints who was just everything and were nothing. These are the people who lived through their life and enjoyed the godliness in themself. Theyll enjoy the vastness in the self, they have the depth of all oceans, they have the height of all skies and they have width of all horizons. And they were still, simple humble human beings. We call them Fakirs, who have no worry, nothing to worry about, nothing to feel about, nothing to manipulate about. These people who are very simple, as simple that every morning, at the rise of the sun, God will like to look at them. At every evening, at the twilight zone, God will lower them to sleep in His own lap. These are the people who hands of God protect them all the time. These are the people for whom Almighty takes a pleasure to work. These are the people who are human real in action. And the life is bountiful, blissful and beautiful. You will not see them dodging and deploying, diplomacies and lying and aiming at different saying, different, satisfying their ego temporarily and losing their soul. They dont want their consciousness. They are very simple, gracious, great people. We are going to join ourself into that meditation. And its a very simple thing. Its not all the way out, its just like that. As you are weighing something. Kriya 31 minutes: Close your eyes, roll them and move your arms like as you are weighing the atmosphere, the universe and with the sound you will create Hum, Hum, Hum, Har, Hum, Hum, Hum, Har Concentrate. This is the crucial minutes. Put your best. One minute left. Standby. Inhale, hold, listen to the sound you have chanted.

  • Breathe out. Breathe in again, hold tight, listen to your own sound you have chanted in their akashic record, those who learn to see the naad and hears the naad and recognize the naad, knows all knowledge how the . Exhale. Inhale deep again, deep, deep, deep, hold tight, listen to the sound, solidly, clearly and your personal sound, please. Relax. Twist your body and shake your hand and just, let move the energy powerfully and forcefully please. Come on, come on, move, move, move. What you said yesterday one can lose weight, you remember? I know. She is right here. What is it? Come here. How you lose your weight, tell the people, you are skinny anyway. Student: (----------). YB: Come on, sit down, let me see. Student: (----------). YB: . Student: (----------). YB: sit down. Student: (Reads something). YB: You got to feel the pulse. Student: Yeah. YB: What else you know which they dont know. Student: I dont know. YB: Whats gentlemen and ladies, this is the, this is the secret of her not having weight. And she does it quite good. So I wanted to share with you. You are all right now? After this news conference, feel good? See how skinny she is. She doesnt eat. Student: (----------). YB: Shes hard to eat when you sit on your hands, remember? Twenty minutes . Adjust the metabolism, thats what she says and thats what she does. And its not only she, I have inquired, today many people do that. Except me. I am having Dr. Kabir coming here, Dr. MD, Student: Yeah, YB: Umm? Student: Yeah. YB: Dr. Giffith, this name is , when he is coming? Student: (----------). YB: Niranjan. Student: (----------). YB: She disappeared? Anyway. And he is Americas very specialized doctor on, oncologist on cancer. Therefore I am going to ask you all, everybody, those who are here and those who are not here and those who have died and those who lived and you and your shadows and your alter egos to meet, if he is here Saturday, . Student: (----------). YB: Tomorrow is what day? Student: Thursday. YB: Thats all right. Well anyway, we intend to have Saturday, bring one dish each and by communication. Dish by communication means that you will not repeat it. If I am making rice, few people decide rice, but every rice has to be different rice. Got it? And well meet here and we have dish from everybody and those who are lazy, please go and put cold shower and prepare them and prepare their and well like to listen to his lectures, priceless man. Hell like to meet you. Saturday, what time? Student: (----------). YB: I know, Saturday well meet what time? Student: (----------). YB: No, what time will be better? Student: (----------). YB: All right? Six PM okay? Everyones is listening? Yes or no? Students: Yes sir. YB: And everybody will come and this gentleman will talk to you about his experience, about and about his medical experience, how to protect and provide protection to you and your future. All right? May the long time sun (The class sings, May the long time.....). YB: Sat Nam. Blessed is my soul, my virtue and myself, blessed is my dreams and my faith. Blessed is my inner being and environments. My words and my thoughts and my deeds in which I feel God in all. Sat Nam.

  • Saturday six PM. Saturday six PM, we shall have a service, itll be a dish and a wish, but everybody dead or alive must participate. Got it? It means participate with your ancestors. Bring your dish and their dish, too. Whats so wrong? You forgot that? You are just carrying the genes, big deal. Now go home and sleep tight tonight. Nirinjan, Saturday wish and dish and gurdwara and all the teenager will sing keertan, Wahe Guru Kaur will sing a poem and that, that, that will prepare that special song