Post on 12-Feb-2022

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HOSTED BY: ___________________________

YOU ARE TO PLAY THE ROLE OF: ___________________________

DATE: _________________ TIME: __________________ SCENE OF THE CRIME: _______________________________

_______________________________________ RSVP: __________________________________________



TAYLOR HOLMES London, England

If you had to choose one word to describe Taylor Holmes it would be genius. Taylor is the director of the crime lab of the Metropolitan Police Service in London, England. Taylor is highly respected in the

U.K. as a criminal investigator, and is an international leader in biochemical forensic research! Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc.


Sydney, Australia Crick Watson is the crabby trace evidence analyst from Sydney Australia. Brilliant-minded but

lacking social skills, this microscope-wielding lab tech is the one to go to if you need a hair, fiber or paint chip analyzed!

Suggested attire: more traditional detective attire - i.e. a Sherlock Holmes costume.


Cat Willows is the dependable trace evidence specialist from Las Vegas, Nevada. Known to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Cat checks test results two, three, or even four times!

However, if Cat’s analyzed the data - you know the analysis is correct. Suggested attire: all black attire with a black jacket that says ‘Forensics’ or ‘CSI’ on it. You can make the letters

out of construction paper and tape it to the back.


Alex Christie is the ultra-mysterious DNA analyst from Los Angeles, California. Even though Alex has been a crime scene investigator for over ten years, nobody truly knows the real Alex.

Suggested attire: trench coat and a fedora hat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc.

MAGNUS PI Dallas, U.S.

The ultra-eccentric Magnus Pi is the talented questioned document examiner from Dallas, Texas. An international legend in handwriting and document analysis, this fraud-spotting CSI is the one you call

to investigate crimes involving documents! Suggested attire: lab coat, a cowboy hat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc.


Dublin, Ireland Fingerprints anyone? Jordyn ‘JJ’ Gites is the world’s preeminent fingerprint examiner. If a crime lab can’t lift a fingerprint from a piece of evidence, it’s sent to JJ who will find every last one! A nerdy

perfectionist, J.J. is the expert on dusting prints…and how to cut a rug on the dance floor! Suggested attire: light-colored suit and a makeup brush and baby powder in a small container (i.e. a fingerprint dusting


SKY STOKES Cape Town, South Africa

If you hear singing during a crime scene investigation, it’s probably coming from the songbird known as Sky Stokes. Known to be quite paranoid, this firearm and tool mark analyst from Cape Town,

South Africa is the one to be around if you want entertainment! Suggested attire: all-black attire with a black jacket that says ‘Forensics’ or ‘CSI’ on it. You can make the letters out of

construction paper and tape it to the back.


JAIME CLUSEAU Ontario, Canada

Jaime Cluseau is the ill-mannered DNA analyst from Ontario, Canada. One of the brightest minds in the field of molecular biology, but difficult to work with in the lab. Jaime has developed a reputation

for being problematic. Suggested attire: more traditional detective attire - i.e. a Sherlock Holmes costume.


Ryan Langley is the overly-sensitive entomologist from New York, New York. Ryan is the leading expert of forensic insect evidence. If you need an insect identified or to know how long it’s been

somewhere… Ryan Langley is who you ask! However, treat Ryan with the utmost respect, as Ryan can’t take strong personalities.

Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc. An I NEW YORK button or t-shirt under the lab coat is an optional prop.


Los Cabos, Mexico The moody and insensitive Templas Simone is the world’s renowned arson expert. It’s rumored Templas can smell smoke from over a mile away and detects the cause of a fire by simply walking into

an ashy room! Nevertheless, Templas is a challenging friend to have, as the mood swings are a real killer! Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc.


Bundenbach, Germany Sage is the nosy German botanist and long-time member of the International Crime Scene

Investigation Association. There is not a plant alive that Sage doesn’t know every detail about, so Sage is definitely the one to go to for advice on a plant specimen or soil sample. Watch what you say around

Sage Spade and take heed of this gossip, because your words will be on public record! Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc. Optional props are any

type of plant specimens that you can show your colleagues.

JADEN BRASS Madrid, Spain

Jaden Brass is the Spanish rookie of the International Crime Scene Investigators Association. A part-time bullfighter specializing in latent fingerprints, this bluntly-honest CSI has been burning the midnight oil at the Madrid Criminal Investigation Laboratory. Rumor has it that Jaden is up for a big

promotion already! Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc.


Napoli, Italy The ultra-spunky Italian, Giosette Grissom, is one of the greatest firearms and tool mark analysts

this world has ever known. Giosette Grissom is also known for another awesome talent - mockery. Don’t allow Giosette to stand behind you if you don’t want an irritating shadow!

Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc. Hair slicked straight back.


Washington D.C., U.S. Sidney Sidle is the outgoing standup comic and DNA Analyst from Washington, D. C. Sid’s a super

friendly person on the surface, but don’t cross this comic or you’ll pay the price - possibly with your career! This lab analyst has friends in very high places and is no stranger to seeking revenge!

Suggested attire: dark-colored suit and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc. Hair should be ultra-professional. A rubber chicken or any other ‘joke/comedy’ items as optional props.


DAKOTA TRACEY Manchester, England

Dakota Tracey is a prim & proper poet in addition to being one of the most knowledgeable forensic scientists in the world. A biochemist by training, Dakota heads up the crime lab in Manchester,

England - a famous post-graduate training facility. Dakota typically brings the trainees of the Manchester lab along with him/her to forensic science events, as it is part of their training.

Suggested attire: more traditional detective attire - i.e. a Sherlock Holmes costume.


Dakota is hardly alone, as s/he typically brings the apprentices of the Manchester lab to forensic science events, as it is part of their training. They are a tight-knit group of dedicated forensic science

trainees. Suggested attire: more traditional detective attire - i.e. a Sherlock Holmes costume.


Charleston, South Carolina Dal Kreagan’s not the most experienced crime scene investigator, but s/he’s proven to be a

remarkable sleuth, nonetheless! Dal’s the youthful private eye from South Carolina who inherited a successful PI agency a few years ago. Tenacious & ultra-discreet, this investigator is called upon by the

Charleston Police Department when they get stumped! Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc.

INSPECTOR NORSE Honolulu, Hawaii

Known for being an excellent profiler, Inspector Norse is very driven yet unpredictable. Having escaped a near-death experience during an investigation, this inspector’s past seems to have enabled an

uncanny sight through a killer’s eyes! There’s not much that gets by this super sleuth! Suggested attire: all-black attire with a black jacket that says ‘Forensics’ or ‘CSI’ on it.


New Orleans, Louisiana This unconventional DNA analyst from New Orleans is great to have by your side when you need help solving a case! Max Marpel can solve the most complex cases involving DNA - and in record time!

However, Max is ruthless, intense, and prefers to work alone. Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc. Hair ruffled up a bit.


Rome, Italy This morose biochemist from Rome would rather watch paint dry than engage in a meaningful

conversation with anyone. Addy Danglish is a talented investigator who often hums a solemn tune while staring blankly at the wall. Those closest to Addy claim s/he’s a genius and prefers to ponder deep

thoughts over idle chit-chat. Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc. Hair slicked straight


CORDON GREY Toulouse, France

Cordon Grey is the questioned document examiner who lives life at top speed. Nothing slows down this fast-talking French CSI. Cordon is the ambitious child of a police chief and a S.W.A.T. officer

and was sleuthing crimes by the age of three. Cordon is seriously addicted to the thrill of the chase while in the midst of an investigation.

Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc. Optional props are any type of plant specimens.


ROSSY PANNER Hobart, Tasmania

Rossy Panner is a latent fingerprint examiner and the wealthy owner of an international private investigative agency in Hobart, Tasmania called The Panner Agency. This agency is a group of elite

investigators for hire. Internationally called upon, this group can find needles in haystacks! The Panner Agency are known for solving cold case files as they have the best techniques, some of the best forensic

minds, and definitely the most expensive equipment in the world to aid their investigations! Suggested attire: very trendy and ritzy-looking detective attire - i.e. a rich-looking Sherlock Holmes costume. Optional

business cards for ‘The Panner Agency’ as props.

PANNER AGENCY DETECTIVES Manchester, England Hailing from Hobart, Tasmania, the Panner Agency Detectives are the finest forensic

specialists for hire. They stick together and always have each other’s backs while solving difficult criminal cases!

Suggested attire: upscale detective attire - i.e. a rich-looking Sherlock Holmes costume. Optional business cards for ‘The Panner Agency’ as props.

HETNEY WINTHROP Acapulco, Mexico

Hetney Winthrop is the most gentle and appeasing firearm and tool mark investigator you’ll ever have the pleasure of meeting. Hetney is a perfect role model and an avid philanthropist - giving as

much time and money as possible to various charity organizations. There is nothing that Hetney wouldn’t do for a friend…or even a stranger!

Suggested attire: lab coat and any type of investigation tools - notepad, latex gloves, forceps, etc.

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