You may write this on your Tang Dynasty wksht Glue China Geography wksht on pg 54 Glue Early China...

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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You may write this on your Tang Dynasty wksht

Glue China Geography wksht on pg 54

Glue Early China wksht on pg 55

Glue Tang Dynasty wksht on pg 56


Bellwork Answer the following questions on your Early China worksheet

(below the text or on the back of the worksheet)

•Han Dynasty•Civil Service Examinations- What are they? (1st paragraph) •Summarize the creation and use of the Silk Road in 2 sentences.

• I can evaluate and summarize how the Tang Dynasty unified China.

• SPI- 7.20- Describe the unification of China under the Tang dynasty and reasons for the cultural diffusion of Buddhism.

• When the Han Dynasty collapsed, China split into several kingdoms. It is called the Period of Disunion. There was mass chaos.

1. How did the lack of a central government make China vulnerable?

2. China begins to reunify under which dynasty?3. What were the major achievements of the Sui




Let’s Review!

• Yangtze River• Yellow River• Himalayas • Plateau of Tibet• Gobi Desert

How have the physical features of China most likely

influenced the early Chinese dynasties?

• How did the Tang dynasty reunify and strengthen a divided China?

• The Tang Dynasty arose in China in 618 AD when a former official overthrew the government and took over.

• The Tang then ruled for over 300 years! • Many historians consider this era to be

the Golden Age of China. • Why do you think it is called Golden Age?

• Step 1: Read the article (You must be silent during this part.)

• Step 2: After reading, write the article number on pg. 60 and Tweet a summary of the article. (Don’t forget to use hashtags at the end of your tweet.) Fill up the lines! Add 1-3 hashtags (be creative)

• Step 3: On my cue, discuss your tweet with your group. You should all have different tweets.

• I will tell you when to rotate stations.• You will read and tweet all articles individually.• You will rotate as follows: 1 to 2, 2 to 3 , 3 to 4, 4 to 1,


Example • Chinese ruler Empress Wu did not come from an upper-

class family. As a young woman, she joined the emperor’s court, where she used her intelligence to influence important people. Emperor Gaozong declared her his empress, and she ruled China in his name during his many illnesses. After the death Emperor Gaozong, Empress Wu’s sons were rulers. In A.D. 690, Empress Wu overthrew her second son. Wu won the respect of the people because of her ability to rule and her determination to make China stronger

• Practice- “Tweet” a summary of this excerpt! Include hashtags!

On a separate sheet of paper, write a five sentence summary on how the Tang Dynasty unified China. Remember to POWTIDE!1-Topic Sentence –Answer the question-How did the Tang unify China? ( The rest of the sentences should back this statement up) 1-2- Important Evidence “According to…” “According to the articles I researched…. 1-2- Detailed explanation of evidence “This proves… “This is important because.. “This shows….1. Ending “In Conclusion, ….