Young Professionals Forum ,SA

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Reflecions on past forums heLd by YPF,SA








March 2012 well-known South African rapper

Slikour- Siya Metane released the

controversial song Blacks are fools. This

speedily became the most spoken of song in

2012 thus far. YPF sought to engage with

Slikour beyond the hysteria of the song title,

and more on the message he articulates in the


Reflection points on forum of the 8th May 2012

by Reggie Mlangeni:

Black South Africans suffer from an inferiority

complex. It is best encapsulated by the

structure of BEE. A company has met its

empowerment targets if it is 30% black owned.

Nowhere else in the world does a 30%

ownership benchmark equate to success.

Most of what black South Africans are fighting

for, in an industrial and economic sense, was

built by former colonial rulers of our country.

Instead of fighting among ourselves to “inherit”

that legacy, we should be debating how to

develop and build new industries or reshape

the existing ones in a way that reflects our

identity and our legacy.

Calling for a heightened sense of urgency or

better yet a yearning for a different legacy

within the black society. What appears to be

lacking is a sense of pride in being black. This

could be ascribed, in part, to the post-

apartheid legacy. As a starting point we need

to increase the dialogue among ourselves to

re-write our history. Use this as our starting

point to move forward, with a clearer sense of


As black people we are generally riding on a

false power. Which is tells you that you are not


good enough and you can’t do it on your own,

so we’ll (current owners of economic

resources and power) give you a share.

Examples of false power:

- Your salary


- The credit approval granted by a bank to get

you that luxury car or tiny apartment in the


- The approval of your community and social

circles that are stuck in the same debilitating


“The formerly oppressed, once they attain

power, become the next oppressor.”

There is evidence of this statement in our

society right now. The quality of education

afforded to children in townships has seen

marginal improvement post-apartheid. The

changed oppression is becoming increasingly

visible. The most vehement critics of Slikour’s

song represent a newspaper whose readers

are largely black. This systematic prevention of

reasoning and introspection to challenge and

build ourselves will cripple our chances of self-

actualization, especially when the very people,

who prevent this personal development look

like us, speak like us, share our history, and

live among us.

How great do we think we are as individuals?

If we do not buy into our own greatness we

can never self-actualize.

It’s time for black South Africans, to recognize

that we are unlikely to see the South Africa

that we want to live in. It is time to start

building a country with a legacy that is beyond

our enjoyment, because it is our responsibility.

To repair the damage that apartheid caused

we need to repair the state of the mind of

every black person, to the point where we

don’t feel the need to put our hands for more

grants or false empowerment.

Let’s be careful about how we, as black

people, speak. There’s a growing trend of split

speech in the sense that black people who are

the partial haves referring to themselves as us

and those with even less than the partial haves

as them. Implicitly it means, even if it is on a

subconscious level, we as black people are

starting to see ourselves as different to other

black people of lesser economical means.


Given that every one of us is the leader, the

government, the economy, how are we going

to take ownership of our country? Looking at

the litany of the things that are not satisfactory

in the country it is about time we started doing

something about it. We need to break the

cycle of “abuse” of redoing the very same

things that we know do not lead to the success

we desire. We need to hold each other to

account, otherwise we will never achieve the

level of excellence that the country needs.


FORUM 22 MAY 2012 :

The conversation with

Slikour continues…

The forum session of the 22/05/2012

Our previous session with Slikour and Shaka

Sisulu was a great success. The conversation

was very insightful. We had posed a question

in the session to Slikour in terms what he is

doing about the challenges that face the very

Blacks he says are “Fools”. He took up the

challenge and has an exciting idea which he

would like to share and get input from us. The

purpose of the forum was the unpacking of his

idea and finding ways to ensure that his

endeavor is successful and impactful.

Reflections on the forum by Tebogo Moalusi


Once again he illustrated to us there is a real

misconception that South African artists are

aloof about issues that face South African

people. When Slikour started this journey, he

actually worked hard at formulating a strategy

and journey for what he was about to do. The

song was critical at getting people’s attention

and getting them talking. Now that he has our

attention, the guy is working on an exciting

project that will address some of the issues he

raises in the song. So last night was the

YPF gave Slikour input on the documentary

he is working on. He wants the documentary to

be factually correct and to represent a diverse

set of views on the subject matter. What struck

me the most about last night was that this

could be the beginning of something massive

but a lot of work has to be done to make sure it

gains traction and momentum.

As young professionals, we need to find better

ways of integrating our efforts. There are so

many great things happening around us, being

driven by young and dynamic youth leaders.

But the impact and reach of their efforts is

limited by the lack of partnership, visionary

leadership and effective networking. We need

to break boundaries and do things differently.

We have to take control and not be afraid to

fail. If we fail we have learnt, and that is still


I admire Slikour courage in going forward with

this intervention. Many of us are educated and

empowered, but we are big talkers who aren’t

able to convert ideas to something tangible.


The moment we convert half of the great ideas

we have is the moment we start to really carve

our place in society as young professionals.

What also great about this journey is that the

Arts, a sector not seen a professional and

serious by many, is integrating with the YPF.

We have always said that artists,

sportswomen and men, civil servant and

entrepreneurs are also professionals. We must

continue to build the foot print of the Young

Professionals Forum so it includes

professionals from different industries and

sectors. It not just about dark suits, pencil

skirts and high-rise buildings. We will break

boundaries with Slikour…because before we

are anything else, we are Proud Africans in the

pursuit of success and excellence. Aspire.

Inspire. Desire. Perspire. Retire….MoFire!


Forum 12 June 2012:




Reflections on the forum by YPF

members: Arnold Mokoena and Tlhokomelo


Arnold Mokoena @arnoldmokoena :

On Tuesday the 12th of June, The Young

Professionals Forum had the pleasure of

engaging with ANC NEC member Enoch

Godongwana and a colleague of his Njabulo

Sithebe (A retired economist) .The discussion

was around the ANC policy documents to be

reviewed at the Upcoming policy conference

26th of June 2012. “Mr Godongwana got the

discussion going with his opening statement

was “The ANC is a church it debates,

integrates and acts in the best interest of all

citizens of the country”.

Both our guests were involved in drafting the

Economic transformation discussion paper,

which will be debated at the ANC policy

conference. What I found interesting from the

evening was the ANC government is aware of

the current problems affecting South African

citizens (youth unemployment , crime ,

poverty and many other issues of equal

importance ) and they want to improve the

quality of life for all South Africans but they

don’t have all the answers they need help. We

as “South Africans “ complain a lot and never

do anything about it , Enoch also encouraged

all of us to write discussion documents and

not sit on the sidewalks . After writing our

discussion documents we should also hold our

leaders/government to task. Helen Zille DA

leader always says “you get the government

you deserve”. I was challenged to get involved

and to stop being “noisy

Tlhokomelo Mogale @tlhoksta :


Pertinent comments from the Forum:

The forum felt very strongly about challenges

facing small medium enterprises in South

Africa. The general consensus at this forum

was that when it comes to economic

development and transformation,

entrepreneurship should be seen as one of

the pillars of economic growth. There forth

governments and political parties through their

policies should look to create an environment

whereby entrepreneurship will flourish

organically. By environment, meaning:

Easy to start a company (company

registration, tax clearance etc.).

Easy to access finance.

Relaxation of labour laws etc.

A challenge was then raised to the forum by

Mr Godongwana. He requested that we draft a

paper that would highlight the issues related to

the process of registering a company as well

as the proposed solutions. YPF is to put team

together to draft this paper.

A very important point was raised by a YPF

member that when it comes to ANC policies,

these are usually very sound. The issue lies

with the implementation of these policies and

that is where the government does not excel.

Skilled labour is currently concentrated in the

private sector, with a few government

departments being able to compete.

Moving forward, government has to look at

developing a relationship with the new crop of

young professionals. The relationship with this

group of people is critical in that it would allow

government access to best minds in the

country to implement projects. At the same

time, it is the responsibility of young

professionals to create their own platform that

will allow them to be active and visible in the

public domain. We must be seen to be taking

a leadership role in formulating a vision for our


In closing, it was clear that young

professionals are ready, willing and able to

work. Government as well as the ANC must

take an active role to get these young people

involved through various channels to ensure

full participation in the different spheres of the

government as well as the country’s politics.


FORUM 26 JUNE 2013:



Reflections by Tebogo Moalusi


Polo Radebe: Business Leader

passionate about young people,

entrepreneurship and women


Magdalene Moosamy: ANCYL

Spokesperson and NYDA Chief

Operations Officer.

Andile Khumalo: M&G Top 200 Young

South Africans, Black Business Council

Treasurer and Business leader who is

positive about prospects of South Africa

Musa Kalenga: M&G Top 200 Young

South Africans, Nedbank Head of

Digital Marketing, media specialist and

opinion leader.

The topic for the session was “How do young

people in SA organise and mobilise

themselves behind a common cause that

results in effectively getting matters that affect

the youth elevated on the National agenda and

actually getting things done”.

We proceeded by breaking the problem

statement into 3 main questions:

1. How do we define a relevant common

cause for young people that transcends

our differences

2. How to practically get broader buy-in

from young people

3. What are the steps that should be to be

taken once young people have

organized themselves behind a

common cause to achieve meaningful


My views on the session

This is both a simple and difficult question to

answer. In terms of the simplicity, the reality is

that the issues facing South African young

people have not changed dramatically. The

National Development Plan is a good

reference in terms of articulating these

challenges. Therefore when we know what the

problem is, we should be able to unite behind

alleviating and eradicating it. The difficulty lies

in how society has become stratified and what


role various people play in rallying behind the


What seems to have happened is that with the

Black educated middle class increasing in

size, it has brought about various complexities

that divide the masses. Fragmenting the

critical mass, even though the problems

remain the same, they no longer affect

everyone in the same way. Resulting in a

unique yet challenging opportunity, where

young professionals have the power and

capability to effect relevant change. Yet the

world they live in distracts them from truly

connecting with the struggle. Helping fellow

countrymen rise above their circumstances

and contributing to society is no longer an

imperative and ideology which is the baseline

that enjoins us. Being part of the solution has

been relegated to charity that one does based

on convenience. This can be seen in

participation of young professionals in

progressive youth organisations and in

programmes that seek to be the solution.

Much like the “Gym and New Year’s

Resolution Syndrome (GNYRS)”. At the

beginning, because there is a cool factor

attached to getting involved, there are a

healthy number of professionals that get

involved. As time passes and the initiative

become more demanding, the numbers

dwindle leading to the initiative taking strain

and possibly failing. What I have also noticed

is that although the numbers decrease the

complaints about “what government and the

ruling party are not doing” stay the same or


As one of our panelists Musa put it, “we are

great at rallying behind problems and

complaints but we are horrible at rallying

behind solutions and value”. The twitter and

facebook page supporting the complaints

behind the NYDA is more likely to have a

greater support in comparison to one that

would have sought to create an alternative

youth development agency that takes

advantage of the gap created by the NYDA’s

inefficiencies. The reality is that by

complaining and identifying problems, we don’t

have to expend ourselves and commit to

anything except our opinion. However when

you rally behind a solution, you are then

required to invest yourself in trying to make it

work, which is where the real challenge lies.

“Why should young professionals spend their

precious time identifying and applying


themselves to solutions that take their time

away from studying or working?” We quickly

forget about our responsibilities as young

leaders and allow our professional life to

dictate whether or not we will continue to make

a difference. Our purpose is better defined by

our job description than by our understanding

of what contribution we need to make to the


I quote a colleague who asserted: “we must

not make the mistake of thinking that simply

because one is a young professional; they

have a propensity or even appetite to lead.

Some people are comfortable just living their

lives without being bothered about things like

making a difference”. Andile Khumalo said

yesterday that organisations such as the YPF

are conduits for self-actualisation, platforms

and vehicles that allow young people to

achieve their purpose. However, we must not

make the mistake of thinking that all change

will come about from the collective. It has to

start with you. So the change we want to see

will start with the individual and will be

amplified through progressive organisations

they chose to align themselves with.

Main points that came out of the session:

Across the world can observe many

examples of what it takes to change

ones destiny. We need to learn and

implement these strategies.

As young people, it is our time. We

have the greatest interest in making

sure that things work. The return of

investments that we will see in the

future will be as a result of what we do

now and tomorrow. So if we squander

the opportunity, we shouldn’t be

surprised if our grandchildren still ask

the same questions and face the same


We need to become a society that is

able to rally behind solutions and value.

Identifying problems is easy. It’s coming

up with solutions and following through

that shift the status quo.

Our language has to change to one that

is positive. That is how we will change

the culture of entitlement and victim

mentality. So change the way you think

about your world so the world can

change how it relates to you.


Be self-aware. Have a clear purpose in

life. Invest in your abilities and let those

unlock value that your community and

people can enjoy.

Leverage off partnership, innovation

and integration

As a collective, increase your footprint.

Be heard, but be relevant. Allow

experience to build depth in your

understanding and use your

understanding to take advantage of

opportunities instead of just seeing the


Use platforms, networks and

associations you’re affiliated with realise

your full potential.

Speed is an important aspect of winning

a battle. Being a critical mass has to be

used as an asset and sometime you

should not be apologetic about being a

champion of change in the face of

adversity. There will always be people

who are not interested in a new day.

With privilege comes great

responsibility. Wear the title of Young

Professional with pride. Work to get

other young people to enjoy the same

opportunities you have been exposed

to, thusanang.

Education is vital as a national we

should be using education as the focal

point of our efforts because it is through

an educated population that we can

really address economic freedom and

ensuring that our people enjoy the

benefits of all the other freedoms

We must start to distinguish between

small business and entrepreneurialism.

We should focus on building the

entrepreneurial spirit in people and

support people who try and even fail.

Entrepreneurship needs to be

recognised and celebrate. A failed

entrepreneur is a better one next time

round. The systems and institutions

need to understand this and gear

themselves to ensuring that we give

people the chances the need to change

the world.

Innovation and creativity is yet to bloom

in South Africa. Young people are so

bombarded by other people’s creativity

that they don’t have time to think for

themselves. Social media and media in


general have created a dependency for

thought and therefore we are unable to

be creative and take advantage of

opportunities. Local problems are

exploited by foreign people and

businesses. It cannot be that we know

the problem but cannot find our own

solutions for it. We are constantly

importing intellectual capability, whilst

we are more than capable of

addressing our issues constructively.



FORUM 31ST JULY 2012 :





On Tuesday, the 31st of July, the Young

Professional’s Forum (YPF) met with Dr.

Siphamandla Zondi for what turned out to be

not just a session with some fantastic quotable

quotes but stern re-affirmation of the

importance of the work being done by the YPF

and a reminder of our responsibility as the

emerging middle class of South Africa.

Before I get into what was discussed and what

I took from it let me first introduce you to Dr.

Zondi for those who may not know the man.

He is a director of the Institute for Global

Dialogue who is a sought after political analyst

and is published widely in topics ranging from

regional integration to public health policy and

has co-ordinated the Africa Institute of South

Africa’s regional integration and sustainable

development programs. Dr. Zondi has

travelled extensively on the continent and

received his DPhil in African Studies at the

University of Cambridge, UK.

From his profile I had geared myself up to a

theoretical debate of an abstract group of

people know as the Middle Class, and how

“they” weren’t playing their part in formal

politics, policy formulation etc. I thought it

would be an intellectual discussion that may

highlight some interesting statistics about

“their” buying power, living conditions,

preferences and so on and how all of this was

changing over time. Instead, what I got was a

very practical, very real talk on how “we” are

neglecting our responsibility of being the

change agents of our time, how selfish “we’ve”

become and more importantly how if we do not

“change for the better, we’ll be changed for the


What first struck me was the recurring theme

we’ve all heard (especially those that have

attended a YPF session with a guest speaker

involved in politics) and that is that we as the

young professionals are seen to have

neglected anything that we don’t see as being

directly beneficial to us and our way of life not

realizing that the broader stability and

prosperity of the country is imperative if we are

to attain the material goods we so want. All of


us who were in attendance, and I suspect

anyone reading this, are without doubt part of

the middle class – a class defined by the fact

that they live in formal housing with access to

electricity, sanitation, running water, basic

education, reliable telecommunication, a level

of control on your ability to achieve certain

things and so on.

We are the middle class because we are not

on either side of the social spectrum; we are

neither excluded and marginalized nor

entrenched and powerful, unless we organize

ourselves because “an organized minority is a

political majority”.

The most important take out from the session

for me was what Dr. Zondi repeatedly pointed

out to us, that being that historically it has

always been the responsibility of the middle

class to lead a sustainable and effective

revolution – to make the point our esteemed

speaker used the Class of ’44 as an example,

he spoke about how a group of affluent, middle

class individuals took it upon themselves to be

the leaders of their generation by being

concerned about the greater good of their

society, not just of themselves. This group was

made of individuals who are now considered

giants of society, Mandela, Tambo, Sisulu to

name a few, were alive to their responsibility

and did not shy away from it. The truth is,

they have taken us as far as they can and we

must be conscious to the fact that the baton

has been passed on to us. It is in our hands,

right now!

This brings us to the reason why today, we as

the middle class are a muddled class. We live

in a country of great contradictions, a country

that is only different from many on the

continent due to the “depth of its’ challenges


and height of its’ opportunities”. Yet we seem

not to be taking advantage of this even though

as things stand today these heights far

outweigh the potential depths. To steal from

the presentation South Africa is a country of

great skill but incompetence reigns, a country

of great minds but fools reign, a country of

great hope but despair reigns and the main

reason for this is that the middle class is not at

the centre of it all. We have relegated

ourselves to the sidelines and only flex our

collective muscle when our luxuries are

threatened (think e-toll saga here) yet when it

comes to voting we seem to have short-term

memory loss before returning to our corners

were we’ve mastered the art of complaining.

When challenged on our apolitical approach

we tend to give excuses like the fact that we

do not identify with politics, the political

landscape is vulgar and unclean or that we are

too smart to get involved as it’s a space

occupied by “morons”. Dr. Zondi’s response to

these common excuses was in the form of 2


1. In the same way that society requires

doctors to help cure illnesses, politics requires

leaders to give direction and rid it of corruption

– We Are Those Leaders

2. If a “moron” is driving a car and is

headed directly to a wall and the “genius” sit in

the passenger seat complaining surely the

“moron” must be applauded for at least

attempting to drive whereas the “genius” is

more to blame for the accident? – Come On

Geniuses, Play Your Part.

What was interesting was learning that the

word politics is derived from an old Greek word

Politika which means to be concerned about

the change and affairs of your society, so Dr.

Zondi pointed out that if you are concerned

about your society and how it changes, you

are by definition involved in politics. The trick I

guess is to make your involvement impactful

and the way to do this is to be in the centre of

it all because as any change agent knows,

Change Happens in the Centre!!!


As I sat there and listened I took pride in the

work we’ve done as the YPF, the past 4 years

have been eye-opening and I do believe that

we are onto something that is necessary. We

are getting organized, we are conscious of our

greater responsibility and we understand that

change doesn’t just happen, it is caused.

Dr. Siphamandla Zondi was an engaging

speaker who got us thinking and I really

enjoyed the session. He mentioned that he is

writing a book on the subject and some of the

comments from the floor seemed to get him

thinking too so I look out for a YPF mention in

the sleeves a what promises to be an

interesting read.

Speaking of which, he did suggest that we

read a book by Dr. Miles Munroe called The

Burden of Freedom which apparently

describes the state South Africa finds itself in

at the moment.

This was another fantastic YPF session with

new faces and many new possibilities.

Watch This Space

By Itumeleng Merafe









On the 15th of August 2012 YPF was fortunate

to have been extended an invite to the

National Development Plan handover event.

This was indeed an auspicious occasion for

South Africa as it illustrated the positive strides

our government continues to make. In the

words of President Zuma National

Development plan was government fulfilling its

promise to the citizens of South Africa.

The consultative process of the National

Planning Commission reaffirmed that there is a

place for organisations such as the Young

Professionals Forum and active citizens as the

architects of the South Africa we are building.

Which also meant that we as an organisation

must continue to grow,organise ourselves and

make sure we are ready and able to contribute

positively to the Republic of South Africa we

take pride in.


FORUM 27 JULY 2013:



Refection points by Karabo Radebe

Need for the Tri-partied alliance given the

difference in agenda's - history to address

a broader movement behind the ANC's

position in the RSA context. Highly

involved in the democracy of RSA. RDP

initiated to address issues across SA

society, currently a contest within the tri-

apartheid alliance. If Cosatu were to leave

the tri-apartheid would be deemed a loss

by Cosatu as ANC was founded on

socialist policies. Workers are there to

keep ANC in check.

Participation in NDP process leading up to

the current document –In 2009 Cosatu

contested the commission to be

established, as what powers would it

have? The composition of the

commission, bias towards business.

Cosatu engaged when diagnostic report

took place. Property ownership, particuarly

in the context of colonial ownership (small

minority taking over majority's property). If

a revolution doesn't address that issue,

then it is not a revolution. Gender and

class amongst key themes to be

addressed, ownership of economic stock

etc must be addressed. The NDP doesn't

address any of these issues!

Cosatu relevance to young professionals

given exploitation- progressive mass

movements, Sasco, Cosas. Focus at the

student level as will be future leaders.

Long history of students and workers

driving revolution from pre 1968 years.

Black professionals must coordinate else

will continue to be excluded from the

economy ("black" -all those on the

receiving end of the apartheid system) .

We need to continue be active citizens,

only if we have a mind-set change,

amongst those most desperate for


Working with young professionals in an

effort to change attitudes so as to be

change agents.

Labour vs capital, mutually exclusive -

labour has always had a place in political

historically of RSA ; not necessarily anti

capital, but rather manage its worst parts

so not exploitative as other parts of the


Youth unemployment- risk youth remain


unemployable? Rejection of youth wage

subsidy. Any other suggestions to address

youth unemployment- - rejected due to

unemployment issue in RSA being

structural unemployment. For example

extraction of minerals, extracted and sent

away, this structure remains in place.

Monopolies dominating most of the

economy. No beneficiation for example

would create additional employment

avenues. Educational structure

marginalises the majority, healthcare.

Youth subsidy is a pacifier, doesn't

address issue. In corporate’s interest as

they make more profit. People never really

employed, churned in and out of


Investment arms of parties and unions-

they are a reality, some run very well and

benefits given to workers in form of

scholarships etc, clothing and textile

worker arm also doing well. Risks also

exist and possibility of conflicts of interest

Continuous strike seasons- "coincidence"

given that negotiations begin similar time

each year. Strikes we see are a minority of

wage negotiations not settled. Violent

strikes publicized, creating expectation

that unless things get violent won't get

resolution. Which is dangerous.

Education of workers- self admittedly

unions are weak in this regard. Only

leadership supposed to be under training

but that still doesn't take place. Contradict

selves. Need to establish deliberate career

path for workers. Australian trade union

movement is An example, numsa used to

work with them.

How do we build united democratic

society, have to address immediate

challenges of race etc. What programs run

to attract non-discriminatory audience.

Economic freedom fighters - ousted youth

league leaders. Have a grievance, would

never have established it had they not

been "wronged"... Never create political

parties off the back of personal issues.

About ideas and ideology should drive


Middle class of RSA- that's where should

engage most, how do we go about it. We

as professionals, should have a bias

towards the people "society" at large.

Middle strata must see its destiny with the

workers, not the capitalists. Risk change


ideologies. Risk of inferiority complex and

create antagonism between workers and


Celebrate rise of black people employed in

corporate with the comfort that they will

work at addressing the issues of the

working class.