Your Community Connection - Waste...

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News from Waste Management’s Pine Tree Acres Landfill

Ewan Drum has a desire to be a Superhero but instead of fighting evilvillains, his goal is to provide food and other important necessities for

the homeless. Eight year oldEwan is a New Haven resi-dent and with the help andsupport of his parents, Angeand James Drum, and otherfamily members, he travelsto Detroit’s Roosevelt Park(by the Michigan AvenueTrain Depot) once a monthto deliver food and othercollected items (such astoiletries) to his new friends.

Waste Management employee, Arnold Harvey, made similarheadlines across the country when he started his own non-profit to help the homeless he encountered while servicing hisroute every day in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Arnold was evenfeatured on a Thanksgiving Day ABC special. In honor of hiseffort, Waste Management committed to a 500 blanketgive-away across the nation. WM’s Pine Tree Acres Landfillrequested blankets to provide to Ewan Drum and received 30wool survival blankets. Ewan and mom, Ange, visited Pine TreeAcres just before the holidays for a tour of the facility and tocollect their blankets.

To view the ABC story about Arnold Harvey visit

If you missed the Bay Voice article about Ewan Drum youcan find it here on-line at

Your Community ConnectionVol. 1, 2015

Pine Tree Acres Landfill36600 29 Mile RoadLenox, MI 48048


Call for current hours of operation as hours maychange seasonally.Monday–Friday 7 a.m.–4:30 p.m.; Saturday 7 a.m.–11a.m.

For tours or public education presentations, please call the site.

Meet Super Ewan

Washing hands to help a Michigan family

Recycling HoursEvery day during normal business hours

Pictured here with boxes of blankets areEwan Drum (left) and Waste ManagementPine Tree Acres District Manager DaveRogers and Route Supervisor, DaveStevens, of WM Detroit East HaulingOperations (servicing New Haven).

Printed on recycled paper.


Please keep this number handy.

Working in the trash business can be a dirty job and that made aWaste Management driver the perfect role model for a specialneeds boy struggling with establishing good hand-washing habits.

Waste Management customer Dave Goddeeris, a resident ofWashington Township, asked Waste Management for help becausehis nine-year-old son Paiden is fascinated every time WasteManagement services his family’s housing complex.

Scott Alvaro, a WMsupervisor for the DetroitEast area, arranged forWM driver Ed Bahlmanand technician DaveFletcher to visit the familywith him on Saturday,October 11, 2014. Aftertelling Paiden all about thetruck, Bahlman asked himif he could wash his hands.

“Ed explained to Paidenthat his hands get dirtydoing this job. Paiden tookhim directly to the bath-room to show Ed wherethe sink was,” said Alvaro.“Ed was the perfect personfor this. His interaction withPaiden was extraordinary.”

In an email to Waste Man-agement, Goddeeris ex-pressed his family’s thanksfor the special visit.

“I cannot put into words just how happy Paiden was with everythingthat happened Saturday,” he wrote. “It was a beautiful day and oncehe saw that familiar truck come down our street, his smile justexploded. And, that smile never left his face all day.”

Father and son, Dave and Paiden Goddeeris

Paiden and WM Driver Ed Bahlman

Pine Tree Acres Landfill36600 29 Mile RoadLenox, MI 48048

As public education around sustainability and recycling grows, the publichas gotten very passionate about recycling. As a result, many items arefinding their way into the recycling bin and becoming contaminates in therecyclable waste stream. This adds cost for processing the recyclablesand/or devalues the recycled materials, posing a threat to the sustain-ability of the recycling industry. As the largest recycler in North America,Waste Management experiences this problem on a large scale and iscommitted to greater efforts around public education about properrecycling. At right, are a couple of facts that you may not be aware of.

Recently Waste Management presented webinars through the EPAand Greenbiz with good information about this concern. The webinarinformation is available at the Pine Tree Acres Landfill website Newspage

Please visit the Waste Management Recycle Often and Recycle Rightwebsite at and take thepledge to practice and promote proper recycling.

Waste Management educational effort around proper recycling

It’s hard to think of the warm summer growing season in the graycold months of winter but all the more reason to share this story.In 2014 students of New Haven HighSchool partnered with Pastor JeffBean of First Baptist Church in NewBaltimore to plant a garden. The pro-ceeds from their efforts went directlyto feed local families and the local foodpantry. Growing food in local commu-nity gardens is proving to be a veryworthwhile educational effort as wellas enhancing Michigan’s local growingand food processing economy.

Then just before Thanksgiving, NewHaven High School again played host

to the Lenox/New Haven annual community dinner. WasteManagement donated the turkeys for the meal prepared by

New Haven Fire and EMS staff andcommunity volunteers. Communitymembers in attendance donated fooditems to stock the local food pantry inexchange for their meal. WM also sup-ports the local food pantry by donatingrefuse collection service. Participation inthe community dinner has grown overthe years showing the community’swonderful spirit of giving.

Waste Management congratulates theLenox/New Haven community for theireffort in these wonderful activities.

New Haven – a “growing”/giving community

Pine Tree Acres offers residents a Recycling Drop Off area atthe landfill available during normal business hours.