Your Erroneous Zones

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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ZONES* ------Wayne W.



It’s great isn’t



Wayne Walter Dyer is an American self-help author and motivational speaker. His first book Your Erroneous Zones is one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold.

Two themes: We choose to be who we are. And we should take charge of our present moments. 


The first chapter emphasizes a theme common to many people. We have personal agency. We control our thoughts, which affects our emotions. Therefore, we control our emotions.

Negative thoughts create emotions which prevent us from doing what we want to do. Example, shyness prevents you from introducing yourself to someone you like, you avoid expressing your feelings because you fear offending other people.Learning positive thought patterns to undo the reinforcement of years of negative thoughts is hard work.

*SELF LOVE*Love yourself by creating a positive self image. A positive self image is a virtuous cycle. When you free yourself from the need for external approval, you are free in your pursuit of happiness without fear of opinion. A positive self image also lets you love others, who love you back.


Approval from others can be pleasurable. However, it should not become a need in our lives. Self esteem that depends on approval from others is always collapse when that approval is taken away. We also cannot pursue happiness for ourselves if we are always worrying about how other people will approve us.

*GUILT AND WORRY*Guilt as a reaction to imposed standards from an authority figure. Or from not living up to self imposed standards, standards which you don’t really believe in. Guilt is present moment immobilization from a past event. Learn from your mistakes instead of feeling guilty. Guilt does not change the past. It is useless. Either change, or accept your behavior.