Your GRAD Will Be CLUESS On How To Find A Job Parents play a key role in preparing students for...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Your GRAD Will Be CLUESS On How To Find A JobParents play a key role in preparing students for their careers.

It makes sense to create a career and job search plan because they will be doing it over, and over, and over

By the time your graduate is 38 the Department of Labor suggests they will go through 11-14 job searches.

We Reach Over 1,000 Campuses!

18 -Free - Fall & Spring Online Webinars

12 Hour GRAD Marathon

24 of the nation’s top

career authors and coaches! -


The Unemployed Graduate!



Here Is What You Will Learn!

Why you need to step in and become “career coach”1

How dramatically the job search process has changed!2

Why your student needs to develop an online presence3

12 Guerrilla marketing techniques to get a job4

18 mistakes your graduate will make when job hunting5

15 soft skills employers want your grad to have6

Why your student needs to take ownership of their career7

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6 Changes



Degrees Do Not Guaranteed A Job!

“A college degree is no longer a guaranteed cushion from financial hardship. Only 56 percent of the class of 2010 had a job — any job — one year after graduation compared with 90 percent in 2007,

High Unemployment!

TalentMarks believes the Career Center is no longer a destination. We provide support, relationship builder & scalable coaching!

This Has Enormous Consequences

Competition Comes From!

2,000,000 fellow graduates1

13,000,000 unemployed workers2


6,000,000 English Speaking Chinese3

Smart computers like Siri

But Opportunities Exist!

3,000,000 jobs are posted every month

Coach Mom & Dad

Next Steps

6 Changes



Career Planning -Too Little , Too Late!

Survey’s Show Grads Don’t Plan

• 95% of grads do not created a job search plan• 61% had only one alumni mentor during college• 60% spend less than 5 hours on their job search per


- We are reaching out to organizations with the same theme -

Hire, Intern, Job Shadow the Class of 2012

Your Student Should…

Take career, personality, skill & behavior assessments1

Evaluate the assessments with staff2

Research the industries, careers and jobs that fit their profile 3

Job shadow within a few of the industries that match their profile4

Network with alumni within those industries5

Participate in multiple internships6

Start to build a career plan the minute they arrive on campus7

Career Studies – NOT Required

Colleges and universities do not require their students to explore career opportunities and or build a career plan and job search strategy~

Senior visits to the Career Center

• 27.2% never visited• 16.1% visited once• 18.2% visited twice• 27.0% visited 4-6 times• 11.6% visited 8 times

760 student college

Is That Enough Time to Learn How To..

1. Take personality, behavior, interests, skills and branding tests as well as analyzed them?

2. Evaluate industries, companies and positions that were right for them?3. Chose the right major/career?4. Build a network of alumni as a foundation to look for jobs?5. Attend career fairs?6. Participate in on campus interviews with firms7. Learn how to use Linkedin to connect with alumni?8. Learn how to effectively use job boards?9. Understand how to use Twitter to find jobs before they are posted?10.Master techniques to build an online brand?11.Learn the 15 soft skills companies expect?12.Learn how to avoid the 18 common mistakes students make?13.Build a career plan?14.Create job search strategy?15.Learn the best practices in how to interview?16.Learn how to handle the emotional UPS and downs of the job search


Is the Career Center to Blame?

58% of the graduates did not think their career center did well in preparing them for job hunting!

Graduate Regrets!

Research Indicates..

1. Grads with an internship received a median income of $6,680 more than those that did not have an internship.

2. Students working during school in an area related to their major entered the labor force with an income of $34,510 versus those that did not who entered the labor force with a median salary of $28,000

3. Graduates who found a job related to their major earned on average $10,000 more then those that did not

Budget Cuts Averaging 15.5%

For the 2010-11 academic year, the average non-personnel operating budget for a career center is $74,711, according to results of NACE’s 2010-11 Career Services Benchmark Survey. 

For the 2011-12 academic year, career centers reported an average operating budget of $63,086,down 15.5 percent from the average budget of $74,711 reported for the 2010-11 academic year 

What YOU Can Do!

• Visit the Career Center• Ask for employment stats• Find out what they are doing to increase students

participation• Find out what percent of students get jobs within your

students major

Coach Mom & Dad

Next Steps

6 Changes



Six Changes In Job Search Industry

1. Job Boards

2. Automated resume readers

3. Social Media

4. Online Community

5. New job search tools

6. Employment checks

+ 1,000 Career Centers, Undergrad & Grad

Highly measurable marketing


Job Boards

Resume Readers

Smarter technology uses advanced algorithms to find the best matches automatically or drill down with pinpoint semantic searches that far exceed the compatibles of traditional full text search engines

Resume Losing Importance

Social Media

Online Community

Tens of thousands of niche online communities

Job Search Tools

Background Checks

Coach Mom & Dad

Next Steps

6 Changes



You Can Help!

1. Have a frank talk about the realities of looking for a job. Stick to the facts!

2. Remind your student to take ownership of his/her career3. Outline what you will do to help them and what they will need to do4. Sign an agreement!5. Meet on a regular basis6. Lead, don’t do!

Stick to the FACTS

70-80% of grads are unemployed on graduation day1

2011 average grad took 7.4 months to get a job2

58% of grads wished they had invested more time in career planning3

60% of grads end up taking unrelated jobs to their careers4

61% of grads spent less then 5 hours a week looking for a job5

95% of grads do not have a written career plan6

There are 3,000,000 jobs posted every month!7




Meet Regularly

Lead, Don’t Do!


Next Steps

6 Changes



Next Steps

Read - The Unemployed Grad1

Encourage your student to take ownership of his/her career2


Stay involved in their career exploration and planning3

Encourage your student to visit the career center!

5 Review/Recommend us on Amazon/Barnes & Nobles

Fresh, Soph, Jr & Senior Career Building

1. Webinars2. Career Videos3. Career Courses4. Online Community5. Career Planning Checklists
