Your Job Search and Future Prospects Will Be Determined by the Company You Keep

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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You need to stay away and distance yourself from questionable and unethical people. The company you keep will carve out for you in a big way your job search and future prospects.


Your Job Search And Future Prospects Will Be Determined By The Company You Keep

You Should Not Discuss Any Unethical Behavior At A Job Interview.

• It does not look good if you have engaged in unethical behavior

• It does not look good if you have worked for companies, for extended periods, that

have engaged in such behavior either.

• Chances are, someone who has acted unethically in the past, will likely do so in the


It Does Not Look Good If You Have Worked For A Company That Makes Pornography.

I have interviewed several people who attempted to downplay this aspect of their resume. However, it always comes up, and

I am not okay with this sort of past.

If Someone Lies Or Cheats You, You Can Place Your Bet On The Fact That They’ll Do It Again.

• Good and honest people will leave bad and dishonest situations.

• Good people do not want to be associated with unethical behavior or


• Being associated with such behavior will taint your resume and your career.

A Couple Of Years Ago, I Had A Dentist Who Wanted To Break My Jaw To Keep Me From Grinding My Teeth.

When I heard this, all I could imagine was some sort of mad scientist thrusting his fist into my jaw.

This sounded absolutely crazy.

My Fear And My Skepticism Led Me To Some Research.

I was given a list of names from my dentist of people to call to perform the procedure. The list seemed a bit

strange to me, as he had put one dentist out of alphabetical order, at

the top, and then the rest in alphabetical order.

I ended up calling this first name and scheduling an appointment.

The Dentist I Went To Told Me That My Teeth Were Ground Down, And That He’d Need To Take Impressions.

I wasn’t quite sure what was happening, but by the time I had left, I ended up paying the receptionist 1,000 dollars, which she said would be put toward the final bill.

A few weeks later, she called back and told me to bring 4,900 dollars with me.

“That Sounds Like An Awful Lot To Break My Jaw,” I Said.

She said that they were not going break my jaw, but install a new set of

molars into my mouth.

When I told her I did not want new teeth, she claimed they had already

ordered the temporaries.

“But I did not order new teeth.”

Months And Months Later, After My Wife And I Had Returned From A Cruise…

I received 20 or so messages on my work voicemail.

They were from a man named Brian Cash, who was a debt

collector working for the dentist I had paid 1,000 dollars to.

He claimed that I still owed the dentist for the molars he had


He Said He Would Not Stop Excessively Calling Until I Paid Off My Bill.

After I had reached a settlement with the dentist, I ended up hiring Brian Cash to

collect over 1,200,000 dollars in debt that was owed to my companies.

Years ago, we began offering financing on my websites, Legal Authority and

Employment Authority. The service is highly effective in obtaining jobs for users,

and it is also an intensive process, so it can range in the hundreds of dollars up to

thousands of dollars.

Not Long After Allowing People To Make Payments, With No Money Down Mind You, We Had Over $1,200,000 In Unpaid Accounts

So we had begun using Brian Cash’s Minnesota company to collect these debts.

And everything had been going fine for about six months.

Then one day, his website disappeared.

Soon After His Website Disappeared, We Found Several Articles Claiming That His Company Had Been Involved In Illegal Activity.

In other words, they were shut down for misappropriating $125,000 of their client’s


Brian Cash, whose real name was actually Tim Peters, was using the debt he collected

on his client’s behalf, to pay off his own credit card bills, as well as the operating

costs of his own company.

This Situation Gave Me An Epiphany About The Connection Brian Cash Had To My Dentist.

That dentist was a shady character in the sense that he charged me for a procedure I

did not even order.

I realized that I should have been more cautious about hiring Cash, as he had

worked with the dubious dentist.

You Should Not Trust Somebody Who Has Lied Or Acted Unethically Once…

Because they will almost certainly do it again.

Remember This:

Your job search and future opportunities will be determined by the company you keep.