Your own full blown Gerrit plugin

Post on 08-May-2015

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Gerrit at Eclipse Foundation have really long history. Initially only EGit and JGit projects could use this tool, but starting from February 2012 Gerrit become fist class citizen in Eclipse ecosystem. Every Eclipse Foundation's project can immediately start using its powerful code review capabilities. Capabilities that together with TDD and CI create safety net against bugs for software development. For quite long time Gerrit features set was pretty closed and adding new functionality required upstream code base changes. That means either you ended up in port and rebase nightmare or contributed your changes back to community... where they could not have been accepted because they solve your domain's problem not something that is vital for the community edition. Plugin support in Gerrit was initially introduced in version 2.5. Since then amount of available extension points substantially increased. In this presentation we will understand Gerrit plugins architecture. We will discuss extensions and plugins especially differences between them and which one to choose when. We will see how to combine everything together (including WEB UI) to get your first full blown Gerrit plugin.


Your own full blown Gerrit plugin.

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Dariusz Łuksza,


2014 Dariusz Łuksza


● Basic concept of Dependeny Injection (or have open mind to grasp it during presentation)

● POSIX compatibe operating system (Linux or Mac... or Windows with cygwin, sshd is required)

● Being familiar with JavaScript● Maven

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

How Gerrit and Jenkins Gerrit Trigger plugin works?

Trigger buldPush

Retrigger build

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2014 Dariusz Łuksza

What we will build?1



Plus maven configuration to build and deploy plugin in running Gerrit instance.

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

What it requires?

● REST endpoint – to schedule a build and receive confirmation

● UI Action – part of Gerrit Web UI that will show button on change screen and popups

● Capabilities – so that only members of given groups can retrigger builds

● Two HTTP calls from Gerrit to CI server – this is implementation detail, how we actually retrigger build

Initialize project

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Add archetype catalog

Window → Preferences → Maven → Archetypes

First of all you need to add remote archetype catalog to Eclipse... don't know why is not on the default list.

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Create project from archetype

Ctrl + n → Maven → Maven Project → Next x2

Fill out those addional archetype properties

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Default project structure

You can also provide documentation for plugin ;)

Automated plugin deployment

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

How to intall plugin in gerrit?● Copy jar file to $gerrit_home/plugins directory

– Works fine in local development environment but could be not compatible with integration tests

or● Use Gerrit ssh command to install it remotley

– Plugin jar file must be on server file system

– Use scp command to copy plugin jar file, then gerrit ssh command to install it

– Requires additional setting in $gerrit_site/etc/gerrit.config:[plugins]

allowRemoteAdmin = true

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

How to deploy plugin from command line?

$ scp /path/to/plugin/file.jar /tmp/

$ ssh -p 4918 gerrit plugin install /tmp/jar.file

First operation require SSHD running on the server and system account.

Second, require account in Gerrit (this is different then one used in first step) and membership in Gerrit Administrators group*.

* or Administrate Server capability

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Deploy from Maven? Yes, we can!

Those lines goes on and on... On last slide you will find link to repository that contains this pom.xml file

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

And missing Maven profile setting

systemUser name is used in scp command

deployUser should be member of Gerrit Administrators group*.Plus have SSH public key in Gerrit of local system user.

* or have Administrate Server capability

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

And we are good to go!Now you can simply type `mvn verify` to deploy newest plugin version in running Gerrit

Our two commands being executed

Configure your plugin

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Configure plugin in gerrit.config

● Add:[plugin "RetriggerMe"]

jenkinsUrl = http://localhost:9090/

selfName = localhost 8080to $gerrit_site/etc/gerrit.config and restart Gerrit

● From now on, our plugin must be installed under `RetriggerMe` name. Otherwise it will not see this configuration.

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Let's start from plugin configuration!

pluginName will contain name under which our plugin was installed in Gerrit, annotation here is very important. That value is dynamically bound in plugin context during installation process.

Extract `jenkinsUrl` and `selfName` from $gerrit_site/etc/gerrit.config file

Don't forget about @Inject

Communicate with outside world via REST


2014 Dariusz Łuksza

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Let's communicate with outside world! - REST end points

Will be automatically serialized to JSON before sending to client.

Inject our configuration provider

Implement proper interface

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Let's communicate with outside world! - REST end points

Inform Gerrit that we want to have our REST enpoint to be registered in `change` context, with name `retrigger`. This is another part of Gerrit's Guice magic ;)

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Let's communicate with outside world! - REST end points

Install our child Guice module in main plugin module.

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Let's communicate with outside world! - REST end points

Let's test it:

$ mvn verify

$ curl -X POST –digest \ http://admin:tJESZhrTpZGm@localhost:8080/a/changes/2/RetriggerMe~retrigger



"jenkins_url": "http://localhost:9090/"


Generated HTTP password for admin user

Name under which plugin was installed

REST endpoint name


Context name

Response always starts with magic “)]}'” prefix. This is preventing from JavaScript injection, this is a security feature of Gerrit.

Extend Web UI

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Add button on Web UI

Add UiAction interface

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Add button on Web UI

Handle button `onclick` action

Gerrit's JavaScript magic ;)

Context name

Our REST endpoint name

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Communicate back to server

Callback function

Call associated REST endpoint

Note object fields naming convention (underscores)

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Handle data from client and trigger build

Input datastructure, remember about name convention, camelCase in Java, underscores_in_java_script

Gerrit will automatically deserialize JSON to Java object

Extend Gerrit permission system

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Protect retrigger button with plugin own capability

Extend CapabilityDefinition class

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Protect retrigger button with plugin own capability

Grant our plugin capability to users group

Configuring capabilities requires changes in All-Projects access rights.

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Protect retrigger button with plugin own capability

Bind it in plugin main module

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Protect retrigger button with plugin own capability

Anotate our UiAction with @RequiresCapability

And that is it! Only members of groups with `retrigger` capability will see `Retrigger Me!` button in Web UI.


2014 Dariusz Łuksza

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

How to debug?

● Modify $gerrit_site/etc/gerrit.config:

[container] javaOptions = -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8998,server=y,suspend=n

● Use 'Remote debug' from Eclipse :)

2014 Dariusz Łuksza

Dariusz Łuksza,


Thank you!

Questions?Links:● Gerrit documentation: development part: API part:

● RetriggerMe source:

● Presentation:

● Create Gerrit Web UI plugins using AngularJS: