Youth problems (1)

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Problems modern Youth

As it is a little lived,

As it is much endured

Now the problem of social adaptation of youth in the conditions of public and spiritual crisis became object of steadfast attention of various public institutes and the organisations. It is natural, as the youth condition causes the society future, prospect of its development. Rising generation education should meet, on the one hand, to requirements of a society, with another – to consider interests of the person.


High communicative culture

Formation of an individual way of life

Business qualities

Internal stability

High spiritual and moral culture

What personal qualities are necessary for the person in modern conditions effectively to build the life, to take a worthy place in constantly changing world? It first of all:

• The youth at a certain stage of life, in a growing, feels requirement for occurrence for the communities based on the general values which are translated in the internal plan and are used as a material for self-development.

The socially-psychological characteristic of the group Methods of influence and their use in work with youth .

To bring up the person – means to assist formation of its person.

There are three kinds of activity: Knowledge of the world and; Removal of an estimation to world around; Change of and the world.

To the factors inducing to activity, concern:

Informative and professional interest, or personal interest in knowledge; Creative character of activity; Competitiveness; Game character of carrying out of employment, dynamics and

dramatisation; Emotional influence of different factors.

Influence of group on the person by means of mutual relations is great enough. Not last role is played also by a position of the member of group. How much the person is active in the aspiration to creative self-expression, to self-improvement, participation in development, to no small degree promotes its adaptation, an individualization and integration in collective.


It is possible to draw a conclusion that such influence is invaluable to self-development in a youth, renders beneficial influence on formation and development of the person, promotes satisfaction of pressing needs of modern youth, the decision of actual age problems and overcoming of problems, but the person should be active in the aspiration to creative self-expression, self-improvement and then all will be good.