Youtube marketing: 7 Reasons Why to use Youtube for marketing

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Youtube Marketing : 7 Reasons Why to use Youtube for marketing 7 reasons why we should use Youtube for marketing. 1. We buy from people that we know, like and trust. Video is a very powerful medium for letting people to get know us and like us, making it far more likely that they will buy from us. 2. Youtube is the third most visited site on the web. With over 1 Trillion hits in 2011 alone. That’s a lot of views. 3. YouTube is owned by Google. What that means is that it’s easier to get ranked on Google through the power of video that’s on Youtube than any other means. 4. Positioning yourself as a leader. Great content shared on Youtube will establish you as a leader that people will want to follow. Like to know why become a leader read 5 Reasons to Become a Leader Not sure what the characteristics of a leader are 18 Characteristics of a Leader looks into this. 5. Marketing on Youtube takes less time. Most people will be able to produce 5 or more videos in the same time to write one blog.  6. Videos convert better. It’s not uncommon for to have a ten times better conversion ratio with videos compared to plain editorial posts. 7. Video Marketing build rapport. Because the viewer can see you and hear your voice this builds rapport much quicker So build rapport with our prospects and to enable them to get to know like and trust us video marketing is the most powerful tool that we as internet marketers have. And YouTube is the big daddy of all video sites with a mind boggling amount of people visiting Youtube every day. And great content shared on Youtube establishes us as leaders and gives us much better conversion rates. In the next post we will look at how to set up our Youtube channel from scratch, what is needed to make our channel look cool and how to do that. Live in the moment it’s a present Love greatly and unconditionally Laugh at life’s challenges, funny things, and ourselves Bruce PS Go and have a look at my Youtube channel. To see how a standard channel looks like as the next time it will look much cooler


Youtube Marketing : 7 Reasons Why to use Youtube for marketing

7 reasons why we should use Youtube for marketing.

We buy from people that we know, like and trust. Video is a very powerful medium for You Tube marketing letting people to get know

us and like us, making it far more likely that they will buy from us.

Youtube is the third most visited site on the web. With over 1 Trillion hits in 2011 alone.

That’s a lot of views.

YouTube is owned by Google. What that means is that it’s easier to get ranked on Google through the power of

video that’s on Youtube than any other means.

Positioning yourself as a leader. Great content shared on Youtube will establish you as a leader that people will want to follow. Like to know why

become a leader read 5 Reasons to Become a Leader Not sure what the characteristics of a leader are 18 Characteristics of a Leader looks into this.

Marketing on Youtube takes less time. Most people will be able to produce 5 or more videos

in the same time to write one blog.

Videos convert better. It’s not uncommon for to have a ten times better conversion ratio with

videos compared to plain editorial posts.

Video Marketing build rapport. Because the viewer can see you and hear your voice this

builds rapport much quicker

So to build rapport with our prospects and to enable them to get to know like and trust us video marketing is the most

powerful tool that we as internet marketers have. And YouTube is the big daddy of all video sites with a mind-

boggling amount of people visiting Youtube every day. And great content shared on Youtube establishes us as leaders

and gives us much better conversion rates.

In the next post we will look at how to set up our Youtube channel from scratch, what is needed to make our channel look cool and how to do that.

Live in the moment it’s a present

Love greatly and unconditionally

Laugh at life’s challenges, funny things, and ourselves


PS Go and have a look at my Youtube channel. To see how a standard channel looks like as the

next time it will look much cooler