Yulong Sand Lake - Hong Thai Travel Singapore€¦ · Day 1 Singapore (Est. 7hrs)Shenyang ~Imperial...

Post on 18-Mar-2020

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Panjin Red Beach The largest & well preserved wetland, with the rare red reed at the beach as the background. A green ecotourism system combining scenery of humanities & nature.

Gong Geer Grassland The nearest Mongolian

grassland to Beijing. It is

reputed as the ”Natural

Garden” epitomized by the

boundless pasture ,which

integrates the beautiful

natural landscape and the

fascinating Mongolian

folkway very well.

Yulong Sand Lake situated at the west edge of Khorchin sandy land, it is praised as the nearest and the most beautiful roaring sand spot in desert. Endless grasslands and vast Horqin Sandy connected within 5 acres of grassland. And the well-known “first Chinese dragon" was unearthed here.

Xar Moron River Canyon “Inner Mongolia Little Three Gorges”, extends along the Xar Moron River from east to west, forming a valley that is hospitable to both farming and herding. It's one of the most important deep fault zones in the Heshigten Global Geopark area


Imperial Palace The former imperial palace of the early Manchu-led Qing dynasty in China. It was built in 1625 and the first three Qing emperors lived there from 1625 to 1644.

Da Da Line It is known as one of the most beautiful grassland highway in China, with a total length of 135 km, starts from the Dali Lake and ends at the southern tip of Daxing'anling

Highlights Shenyang Imperial Palace ; Zhong Ave. Manqing Shopping Street ; Panjin Red Beach National Scenic Corridor; Inner Mongolia Chifeng

Harqin Palace ; Yulong Sand Lake Scenic Spot ; Mengyuan Culture Tourism Area ; Da Da Line ; Gong Geer Grassland; Xar Moron River Canyon

Bonus Go Crab Fishing in Sep @ Panjin Red Beach Offer up a blue Hada & kumiss (welcome

drinks) to welcome you with sweet songs Free Trying Mongolian Traditional Clothing

Gourmet Delights Panjin Chinese Mitten Crabs: a famous delicacy

in Chinese cuisine. Mongolian Hot Milk Tea:The aroma smells like

Ovaltine and the taste has a mild saltiness to it. 43°9 Instant-boiled Mutton Chifeng Duijia :Chinese Sandwich Shenyang YuanWei Zhai Roast Duck

Accommodations Chifeng Wanda Realm Hotel

http://www.wandarealmcf.cn/ Jinzhou Yuandu Hotel http://www.yuan-du.cn/

Day 1 Singapore (Est. 7hrs)Shenyang ~Imperial Palace~Man Qing Shopping Street Man Qing Shopping Street :great place for visitors to see the most real culture (including antiques, paintings and

souvenirs) of northeast China, and to enjoy all the delicious special snacks.

Day 2 Shenyang ~(Est. 2.5hrs) Panjin ~ Red Beach National Scenic Corridor <Incl.

Crab Fishing in Sep>~(Est. 1.5hrs)Jinzhou

# Go Crab fishing to catch Chinese mitten crabs during the Crab harvest season in Sep.

Day 3 Jinzhou ~ (Est. 3.5hrs) Chifeng ~ Harqin Palace Harqin Palace : It is the Mongolian Palace built in Inner Mongolia with the longest history, the largest size, the highest

grade, and the best state, with a history of more than 300 years.

Day 4 Chifeng ~ (Est. 2hrs) Wengniute Banner ~Yulong Sand Lake Scenic Spot

~Wengniute Banner Museum (Own Expense)~ (Est. 2.5hrs) Reshui Town Hot Water Hot Spring : A great amount of hot water springs flow out with temperature up to 83 °C, It has medical

efficacy to a variety of skin diseases and rheumatism . It is a good treatment for a variety of diseases by taking spa there

Day 5 Reshui~Da Da Line~(Est 1.5hrs) Mengyuan Culture Tourism Area~(Est 1.5hrs)

Gong Geer Grassland <Incl. Mongolian Family Visit+Milk Tea Tasting +

Trying Traditional Mongolian Clothing> ~ (Est. 3hrs) Reshui # There is a non-stop drive cross the Da Da Line and all pastures along the way are owned by local herdsmen, please

don’t step in without their permissions, And please note that land agent will not responsible for the consequences of the act. Mengyuan Culture Tourism Area Here the Mongolian singer will offer up the blue Hada and kumiss to welcome you

with sweet songs, then enjoy the authentic ethnic songs and dances. Later you can have a herdsman visiting, being Mongols in traditional Mongolian clothing and tasting salty milk tea.

Day 6 Reshui ~(Est. 1.5hrs) Xar Moron River Canyon ~ Huangyuan River Drifting(Own

Expense) ~ (Est. 3.5hrs) Chifeng #Enjoy a river drifting at Huangyuan, which is the fountainhead of Xar Moron River; about 8km from the well-known Dali Nur. This tranquil location is also the fountainhead of the Fuhe culture and Hongshan culture.

Day 7 Chifeng ~ (Est. 5hrs) Shenyang ~ WWII Allied Prisoners Camp Site Museum

(Own Expense)~ Zhong Ave. WWII Allied Prisoners Camp Site Museum: was established by Japan exclusively for detention of captives of the

pacific battlefields from the United States, Britain and other allied states. Originally known as Mukden POW Shelter, it was the largest POW camp established by the Japanese army in northeast China.

Day 8 Shenyang (Est. 7hrs) Singapore Wish you enjoy 8D holiday with Hong Thai Travel!

Day BKF Lunch Dinner

City Tour Code: HRB8S

4 Hotel or Similar Class 8Days (7BF、6L & 6D)

1 - Roasted Duck Shenyang 4 Ruifeng Int’l Hotel

2 Hotel River Crab Flavor Jinzhou Upgrade 5 Yuandu Hotel 3 Hotel Chifeng Sandwich Chifeng 4 Fuxing Dongfang Hotel 4 Hotel Instant-boiled Mutton

Rishui 2N 3 Xinyue Hotel

<Hot Spring in Room> 5 Hotel Mongolia Boiled Lamb ✓

6 Hotel Chifeng Upgrade 5 Wanda Realm Hotel

7 Hotel Shenyang 4 Ruifeng Int’l Hotel

8 Hotel Wish you enjoy 9 days holiday with Hong Thai!

Tour code: HRB8S Effective From May-Oct’2017 Tour Sequence and Flight Schedule subject to local agent and airline’s final arrangement. The special sceneries listed in the itinerary, the availability is subject to season & weather conditions. Your understanding on the limited conditions of some restaurants & hotels in Inner Mongolia is very much appreciated Please note that Only foldable roll-over bed will be provided in most China hotels for triple sharing room Tipping for local tour guide and driver: 8D RMB ¥200 /person <Not Applicable for Promo Tour>

Please refer to our Optional List for the price and details of our recommended optional activities. HRB8S_CN_6-Mar-17 Additional Tour RMB400/pax: 1) WWII Allied Prisoners Camp Site Museum , 2) Wengniute Banner Museum,

3) Huangyuan River Drifting , 4) Korean Dinner + Performance

8 盘锦红海滩内蒙赤峰沙湖草原

本团特色 沈阳 沈阳故宫,满清一条街,中街 盘锦红海滩国家风景廊道-情人岛-廊桥爱梦

-岁月小栈-稻田画,途观采油机;赠 9月钓蟹活动 内蒙赤峰

喀喇沁亲王府,玉龙沙湖,蒙元文化城, 贡格尔草原,达达线,西拉沐沦大峡谷


赠送一:每人 2米蓝色贵宾哈达一条; 赠送二:每人赠送蒙古袍拍照一次; 赠送三:每人赠送热水温泉小镇一次性浴缸袋一个; 赠送四:草原迎宾酒,席间敬酒献歌; 赠送五:每人赠送蒙古族特色小挂件一个

美食精选 (享用特色风味)

盘锦河蟹宴:素有“辽河蟹天下第一”的美誉 蒙式早餐:喝着热腾腾的奶茶,感受游牧民族独特

的饮食习俗 43°9有机涮羊肉:冰酒最佳位置北纬 41°,白酒最

佳位置北纬 27°,羊肉最佳位置就是北纬 43°9 赤峰对夹:于百年老字号宴宾楼,感受老赤峰,品

尝新味道 原味斋烤鸭:吊炉饼与烤鸭的完美结合

豪华住宿(免费提升 2 晚住宿 5 星酒店) 赤峰万达嘉华酒店 http://www.wandarealmcf.cn/

锦州元都酒店 http://www.yuan-du.cn/

红海滩国家风景廊道 举世罕见,闻名遐尔,是全


的天然湿地资源. 让您漫
















身;5 万亩草原与茫茫无边的






西拉沐沦大峡谷 素有内蒙小三峡之称,克





沈阳故宫 中国清朝初期在东北地区





达达线 中国最美草原公路之一,起


岭南端;全长 135 公里,每公

里只有 5 个人,但牛羊马群

却是人口的 10倍.

第一天 新加坡(约 7 小时)沈阳~沈阳故宫~满清一条街 满清一条街:建于清光绪 31 年,东起雄伟壮观的抚近门,西至气势恢弘的怀远门,全长 1300 米,雕梁画柱,青墙飞檐的仿古建筑,构筑了独具

满汉特色的人文景观.这条街上除了餐馆, 民生用品店外,最主要的是街上的古玩城, 玉,铜器,玛瑙,羽毛画等物品应有尽有.

第二天 沈阳~(约 2.5 小时)盘锦~红海滩国家风景廊道赠送 9 月钓蟹体验-情人岛-廊桥爱梦-岁月小栈-

稻田画-途观采油机~(约 1.5 小时) 锦州 #康泰旅行社特别安排团友于 9 月盘锦河蟹肥美的季节,体味【钓蟹】、【戏蟹】的无穷乐趣,美景美食双收

第三天 锦州~ (约 3.5 小时)赤峰~喀喇沁亲王府 喀喇沁亲王府:清朝贡亲王的府邸,始建于清康熙十八年(1679 年),先后有十二代喀喇沁蒙古王爷在此袭政,是内蒙古现存王府建筑中建成年


第四天 赤峰~ (约 2 小时)翁牛特旗~红山玉龙沙湖旅游区~乘坐沙漠越野车+骑骆驼(自费)~翁牛特旗

博物馆(自费) ~(约 2.5 小时)热水镇 红山玉龙沙湖国际生态文化旅游区:感受“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的沙漠美景.在辽阔的大沙漠里,可以漫步在沙漠的木栈道上;也可自费



热水温泉:地热水温泉,水温在 83 摄氏度左右,对各种皮肤病,风湿病,高血压和心血管等有特殊疗效.清康熙曾驾幸热水温泉沐浴,九世班禅

也曾在此沐浴讲经.现被列为中国 11 个甲级温泉的第 2 个疗养温泉<特别提供一次性浴缸袋方便团友于酒店房间内享受天然温泉浴>

第五天 热水~ 达达线~(约 1.5 小时)蒙元文化城~ (约 1.5 小时)克什克腾贡格尔草原-牧民家访-品奶茶

-试穿蒙古袍~乘坐越野车深度游(自费)~(约 3 小时)热水 #达达线只能车览,无法停车;另路边草场均归当地牧民所有,随意走入践踏的行为可能导致与牧民产生纠纷被抓,本社对该行为导致的后果



传统的蒙古族服装,让团友在草原上留下美丽印记 蒙元文化城:由 7 部分组成,大门,成吉思汗银碗喷泉广场,苏力德,成吉思汗纪念堂,腾格里敖包,体验牧民生活和那达慕会场.用餐席间蒙古族

歌手将致以蒙古族最高礼节-哈达银碗敬酒仪式,并敬献 2 米长蓝色贵宾哈达,在此还可欣赏到具浓郁民族风情的蒙古族歌舞表演.

第六天 热水~(约 1.5 小时)西拉沐沦大峡谷-峡谷枫树-塞北小三峡-浑善达克山地-非洲沙地~潢源漂

流(自费) ~(约 3.5 小时)赤峰 峡谷枫树 :秋季红叶满山遍野,红透了整片山野,似有与北京香山一争高下之势,是摄影旅游的好去处


第七天 赤峰~(约 5 小时)沈阳~二战盟军战俘营旧址(自费)~中街 二战盟军战俘营旧址:被称为“东方奥斯维辛”,是二战时期日本在沈阳设立的一个专门关押太平洋战争中受俘盟军的场所,也是二战期间日

本在本土及海外占领地设立的 18 座战俘营中保留最为完整的一座.在二战中曾关押了 2,018 名战俘,当中有 250 人死去.

中街:沈阳最早的商业街,有近 400 年历史,也是中国第一条步行街;百货商店多集中在路两侧;琳琅满目的小商品市场则散布在沿衔胡同里

第八天 沈阳 (约 7 小时)新加坡 8 天行程至此圆满结束,康泰旅行社祝您旅途愉快!


早餐 午餐 晚餐 城市


3-4 酒店 或 同级 8 天 (7 早,6 午,6 晚)

1 - 原味斋烤鸭 沈 阳 4 瑞峰国际酒店

2 酒店 河蟹风味<每人一只> 锦 州 提升 5 元都宾馆

3 酒店 对夹风味 赤 峰 4 福兴东方酒店

4 酒店 涮羊肉风味 热 水

2 晚 3

鑫悦宾馆<房间内温泉浸泡> 5 酒店 手把肉风味 ✓

6 酒店 赤 峰 提升 5 万达嘉华酒店

7 酒店 沈 阳 4 瑞峰国际酒店

8 酒店 结束 8 天精彩行程, 康泰祝您旅途愉快!

团号: HRB8S 生效日期: 2017年5-10月有效

以上航班,车程时间均为正常情况下的估算时间, 若航班时间及行程次序因不可抗拒因素有所更动,须以航空公司及当地接待安排为准

由于气候温度等因素影响, 行程所列特别景观, 视具体出发日期而定.

草原地区旅游条件有限, 住宿膳食方面稍微逊色, 不便之处敬请团友谅解.

中国各地酒店的三人间提供的是折叠加床, 条件有限,敬请团友谅解.

导游司机服务费 (全程人民币 ¥200 ) 两岁小童亦须缴付 <不适用于特价推广团>

行程所列自费项目活动之细节和价格, 请参阅自费项目团友须知. HRB8S_CN_6-Mar-17

附加配套:人民币 400/人 包括 : 1) 二战盟军战俘营旧址; 2)翁牛特旗博物馆; 3)潢源漂流; 4) 朝鲜歌舞宴;