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Chemistry 11: General Chemistry I

Course Syllabus (Sections 1439, 1440, 1441)

Spring 2020, Santa Monica College Instructor: Dr. Arno Papazyan E-mail: papazyan_arno@smc.edu OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Wednesday 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Sci 255 Friday 12:15 pm – 12:40 pm Sci 255 LECTURES (Dr. Papazyan): Monday, Wednesday 3:45 pm - 6:15 pm Sci 140 LAB (Section 1439; w/ Dr. Ferede): Tuesday 12:45 pm - 4:45 pm Sci 322 LAB (Section 1440; w/ Dr. Ferede): Thursday 12:45 pm - 4:45 pm Sci 322 LAB (Section 1441; w/ Dr. Papazyan): Friday 12:45 pm - 4:45 pm Sci 322 PREREQUISITES: Chem 10 and Math 20 COURSE DESCRIPTION This is the first semester of a two-semester, standard, first-year college chemistry course. Covered topics include units of measurement, significant figures, dimensional analysis, atomic structure and the periodic table, naming ionic compounds, acids and bases, and simple covalent compounds, stoichiometry, reactions in aqueous solution, introductory oxidation-reduction reactions, behavior of gases, thermochemistry, electronic structure of atoms and periodicity, ionic bonding and ionic compounds, covalent bonding, molecules, molecular shapes, molecular orbital theory, valence bond theory, intermolecular forces, properties of liquids and solids, and introductory organic chemistry. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION WITH INSTRUCTOR Simply talking to your professor works great. E-mail is also a very efficient means of communication. Extra materials or announcements may be sent by your professor via email. It is your responsibility to check your SMC email several times a day or make sure that your SMC email is forwarded to an account that you do check several times a day. CLASS RESOURCE WEBSITE http://www.papazyan.org

Canvas will only be used for its online gradebook


RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK & “HOMEWORK” Textbook: Zumdahl & Zumdahl, Chemistry, 10th edition, Cengage Learning. The SMC bookstore sells the “bundle” which includes a pass for OWLv2 online homework and learning system (ISBN for the bundle: 9781337537797). If you buy the book (a used previous edition is ok) elsewhere, you need to purchase a 6-month pass from Cengage if you want to use the online homework system. Instructions for registering for the online homework system OWLv2 will be sent by email. Homework is not graded. But it would be a terrible mistake not to solve all the homework problems. If you don’t use OWLv2, then make sure you can solve a good portion of the end-of-chapter problems, and all of the “Practice Questions” and “Suggested Problems” (from end-of-chapter problems) posted at my website papazyan.org for each chapter. The benefits of developing self-initiated studying habits will ensure a successful career for the rest of your life. If you don’t feel like working on homework problems because they are not graded, you haven’t yet developed the correct approach to academic success.

OTHER REQUIRED ITEMS Calculator A basic scientific calculator such as Texas Instruments TI-30Xa is required. If you wish to use another, comparable calculator, you need to receive my approval. Graphing or programmable calculators, computer-like devices including tablets or phones are not permitted during any quizzes or exams. Please respect this rule; you will not be allowed to use a graphing or programmable calculator during an exam.

Lab materials Safety Goggles: ANSI Z87.1 chemical splash goggles are required for all laboratory experiments. Safety goggles

must fit snugly to your face, and be able to fit over your prescription eye wear. They may be purchased at the SMC Bookstore. Students without goggles will not be allowed to perform the scheduled experiment.

Laboratory Coat: A knee length (41-42 inch) laboratory coat must be worn at all times while in the laboratory when anyone is conducting experiments. Regular, white lab coats are sufficient and available at the SMC Bookstore.

Closed Shoes: Wear closed shoes at all times while in the laboratory. Nitrile Gloves: Nitrile gloves must be worn when directed to do so by your instructor and/or by the lab

manual. These gloves are available at the SMC Bookstore. Laboratory Locker Card: This must be purchased at the SMC Bookstore. You need to turn this in to your

instructor when you check into your locker (not later than Week 2), in order to be allowed access to your laboratory equipment.


Almost all of your actual learning occurs outside of lecture. Don’t be shocked by this!

Lectures are only the beginning of the learning process. Your professor is not a professional entertainer, and is not trying to recruit you into science against your instincts. If you lack the motivation to learn and work toward your future and you get “bored” during science lectures, you need to question your commitment to your own success in a path that involves scientific thinking. While PowerPoint slides do contain most of the material, and they are supplemented by plenty of verbal as well as on-board explanations and examples, they are not meant to be mindlessly copied and memorized. Naturally, you do need to memorize some terms, names and formulas. However, while such memorization is occasionally necessary, it is insufficient for achieving true learning and obtaining a good grade. You develop your depth and understanding by solving as many practice questions as possible, thus converting initially memorized items into acquired knowledge and master the thinking process involved. Numerous practice questions are supplied on the class website. When you find a practice question too difficult to answer or a concept too confusing, you should ask for the professor’s help by email or during office hours. You are ultimately wholly responsible for your success, even though the professor provides as much help and guidance as possible.


STUDY HABITS AND STRATEGIES Before Class Prepare for each class by reading appropriate sections of the book, resources posted on the class website, and any relevant materials your professor sends. You don’t need to achieve a full and deep understanding at that point, but mainly an exposure to the ideas and procedures to be covered. This will make it easier for you to spend more time in class listening, learning, and asking questions instead of just copying notes.

During Class Memorizing examples and expecting very similar questions on the tests will not work well enough. Mindless copying of “rules” and examples from the board is not note-taking, and memorizing those is not learning. Actual understanding of the concepts and applying them to new questions are the keys to success. If you are not good at note-taking, it’s alright, you can print the compressed “notes from slides” at the class resource site and add to them instead of writing everything from scratch. Don’t expect to leave the lecture with anything more than a passing familiarity with the subject. You haven’t truly learned anything until you do the work after class.

After Class – Also known as “homework” In order to keep up, it is highly recommended that you schedule at least 2 hours every day (7 days a week, not just on the days when there is class) to study, solve many problems, and complete the lab assignments. Increase the amount of time you dedicate if necessary. Don’t relax just because you have a few days between today’s class and the next one. Use the intervening days to get better at the subject. Don’t relax just because you won’t have a test or quiz for a few weeks. You need to keep up with the coverage whether you are being tested very soon or not. Diligently work through all the suggested homework problems and practice questions (available on the class website), and then do some more. You will learn best by struggling to solve them and by making mistakes. You must work through and master the problems by yourself to do well in this class. Following somebody else (solutions manual, instructor, tutor, friend, online videos, etc.) answering the questions is not enough, even if you feel that you follow and understand the logic. Again, you must solve problems yourself, and lots of them. You, your pencil, eraser, calculator, periodic table, and a list of constants that may be needed, against the question. Just like on a test. That is the only way you can actually learn.

If you find yourself coming up with “rules” and “shortcuts” that are nowhere to be found in the lectures, stop. Check with your professor to make sure the “shortcut” is actually reliable or valid.

If your answer to a question was incorrect the first time, re-try using the correct answer (from the key) as a guide. If you still cannot solve it, study the solution provided. Then put away any solutions, resources, etc. and restart from the beginning of the question. If you get stuck, repeat until you can solve the question from beginning to end. Then re-try answering the question the next day (or several hours if there is no time before a test) again from beginning to end.

You would do well to use the OWLv2 system which gives you plenty of opportunities to practice. You can’t do well without solving a lot of problems. Practice questions, suggested problems from the book, and the examples solved in class are necessary for learning the concepts. But remember: they don’t necessarily mimic the exam and quiz questions.

Seeking help If you are having trouble with the homework, lab assignments, or lecture material, get help from your professor (if it’s related to the lab, you must first seek help from your specific section’s instructor.) Form a study group with your classmates to do homework together and discuss concepts. Take advantage of the free tutoring offered in the Science Learning Resource Center (LRC) in Sci 245. More information on LRC can be found at


The Learning Disabilities Program (located in the Student Services Center (SSC) 3rd Floor; phone number 310-434-4684) also conducts diagnostic testing and offers study strategy classes for students. More information can be found at https://www.smc.edu/StudentServices/DisabilityResources/Pages/Learning-Disabilities.aspx



While it is sometimes unavoidable to be sleep-deprived, you should make every effort to get enough sleep every night. “Enough” sleep varies from person to person, and 7-8 hours is reasonable. However, persistently getting only 6 hours of sleep will leave virtually anyone as sleep-deprived (as measured scientifically by performance on mental tasks) as not having slept at all the night before, but the 6-hours-of-sleep-a-night person will not be aware of the severity of the situation, and claim to “feel fine”. However, lectures will sound impenetrable and meaningless and exam questions will look alien if you are suffering from sleep-deprivation (knowingly or unknowingly).

And don’t study if you are sleepy. Cramming for an exam the night before is a bad idea under any circumstances, but doing that at the expense of your precious sleep is a very bad idea. As you get tired, hours will pass while you make 10 minutes’ worth of progress. Those hours are much better spent getting the sleep your brain needs. Resume your study after you get your sleep.

Yeah, it’s that important …



Act respectfully, collegially, and ethically toward your peers as well as your professor. Use polite and appropriately respectful language when addressing the professor, in written correspondence

as well as conducting yourself in person. A modicum of behavioral standards will be demanded of you, as is standard in any professional environment. If your professor raises an eyebrow in response to being yelled “that doesn’t make sense”, he is not making faces or being condescending; he is being polite and tolerant. Phrase your questions politely. And starting your email with “Hey” is probably never really appropriate regardless of how great your rapport with him is. Err on the side of politeness.

Come to class or lab on time. If you are late to the lab, do not expect to be allowed into the lab; you will miss that experiment (missing more than one lab without an acceptable reason will cause you to be dropped, and you will be dropped if you miss more than two labs for any reason). You committed to the schedule of the section by enrolling; do what’s necessary in order to honor that commitment. If it turns out you can’t, then this section is not at the right time for you, and you need to drop it.

Do not leave the class unless there is an emergency. Let your professor know in advance if you need to leave early. It is a distraction to everyone, and sets the wrong tone as well. If you leave without advance permission, you should not come back into the room until the break (or end of class).

Do not use mobile devices or laptops. You can expect the professor to ask you to put away your electronic devices, if they are in your hand or in front of you. Failing to comply would necessitate your removal from the lecture room. While allowed in the past, and occasionally useful, they proved to be a net negative for almost everyone, and hugely distracting for some students. Don’t be tempted. Otherwise you will slow down the class and gain nothing while time and effort is spent enforcing this rule, not to mention the disruption involved. If mobile devices are needed for a particular instructional purpose, then naturally you will be allowed to use them.

Do not create noise or other distractions (audible conversations, laughing, giggling, etc.) during class time, with no apparent purpose relevant to the aims of the course. On the other hand, my lectures are meant to be “conversations”, where students are active participants. And we can laugh together as a class, and joke together as a class. So, this rule only applies to audible “humor” and conversation where the producers of it are not willing or able to share it with the class. If your humor was heard by anyone else and you cannot share it with everyone, you will be politely but firmly asked to continue outside of the classroom for the duration of the lecture period.

Do not eat, drink (except water), or smoke (or vape) in the classroom. No food or drinks are allowed in the labs.

Failing to meet the above expectations will cause you to be removed from the room.

Obviously, cheating and any other similar conduct violating the SMC Code of Academic Conduct will not be tolerated, and will be treated according to guidelines contained in the Code. Students must read and understand the SMC Code of Academic Conduct available at:


The rules will be strictly enforced and academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, cheating on exams, changing answers on graded assignments, copying of lab reports, and falsification of lab data. If such dishonesty is discovered, all students involved will obtain an automatic zero on their assignment, be reported to the campus disciplinarian, and possibly receive an F grade in the course. A zero score obtained due to cheating will count towards your final grade – it cannot be substituted or dropped!


ATTENDANCE You will be dropped from the class if you fail to come to any one of the lecture or laboratory meetings during the first two weeks of classes. In general, by missing lectures you lose your connection with the material and will find it hard to know what’s important for performing well in the course. By omitting lectures, you are accepting a very high risk of an undesirable grade. After the first two weeks, if you have more than 6 absences you may be dropped due to lack of attendance. This is more likely to be enforced if your performance in class is not at a passing level.

EXAMS and QUIZZES Lab Safety Quiz: See the “LABORATORY” section for details.

Quizzes and Midterm Exams: There are 4 quizzes and 4 midterm exams. Lowest exam score and lowest quiz score are dropped at the end of the semester. There are no make-up exams or quizzes before or after the scheduled time of an exam or a quiz. In other words, life’s unexpected challenges, whether it is underperformance due to being tired, or having a flat tire or getting sick and miss an exam, are handled without relying on the instructor’s subjective judgement. This setup also avoids the inequitable situation where a student takes a test that is different from the rest of the class, or has more (or less) time than the rest of the class to study. While no method could be perfect, this arrangement is meant to be the fairest way to address the challenges the students may face during the semester objectively.

Bring pencils, eraser, and calculator for the exams and quizzes. You may be requested to bring standard scantron 882-E forms as well. Bags and backpacks will be left against the walls on the days we have an exam or a quiz. Students who are late will not be given extra time. Students arriving after another student turned in their test and left the classroom cannot take the test. There are no restroom breaks; so take care of restroom needs accordingly before quizzes and exams. Your calculator needs to be taken out of its sleeve before taking the tests, and the sleeve needs to be left in your bag or backpack. Calculators and other items may be checked at the beginning of tests. Cell phones should be turned off (not quiet mode; actually turned off). Watches are also not allowed. Bring an official ID; there may be spot checks to confirm your identity, especially early in the semester. Points can be deducted for failing to follow the procedures described for an exam.

FINAL EXAM The final exam is a standardized multiple-choice test from the American Chemical Society appropriate for this course. It is cumulative; therefore it includes all of the topics covered. It has a hefty weight in determining your overall grade, and every student must take it. Poor performance on the final can easily lower your grade by one letter grade (A to B, B to C, for example) and an excellent performance can raise it by a letter grade. There is no make-up final exam. Missing the final exam results in a final exam grade of zero. The final exam grade will be available online. The final exam will not be returned to the students. You can buy an exam guide and a pass for an online practice exam at: http://shopping.na1.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.3773982/sc.11/category.144048/.f

HOMEWORK Homework is not graded. However, you will fail if you don’t do plenty of homework. As an absolute minimum, you should be able to solve (ultimately with no help or consultation) all the practice questions and selected problems from the end of chapters available at the course website. Doing more of the similar end-of-chapter questions and using the online homework system OWLv2 increases your chances of success significantly, especially if you make sure you can answer them without consulting any sources just as in an exam setting. You shouldn’t expect to answer questions fully without help at the beginning of your studying of a topic, but you should strive to do so ultimately, and before the test.



Individual lab sections are autonomous. The details of how each section’s lab is run are up to the instructor of that section. This means that any lab issues should be discussed and resolved with your lab instructor.

For each experiment, the lab grades of all sections will be “normalized” at the end of the semester so that all sections sharing the same lectures have the same median grade. Therefore, there is no reason to worry that your section might be disadvantaged due to the individual style differences between instructors.

Show up to the lab on time! Make sure you understand what constitutes “late”, and how your instructor treats your tardiness. In Dr. Papazyan’s lab section, you are officially late if you entered the lab after the lab lecture started. You can expect to be sent away and miss the lab if you are late. If your lab instructor is not Dr. Papazyan, make sure you understand what constitutes “late” and its consequences in your particular lab section. It’s clearly best to make sure you are in front of the lab room before the start time.

You will partner with another student in the lab. The partner will remain the same for the duration of the course, except when the partner is absent. You must record and have access to your lab partner’s name and contact information. You must also know your assigned locker. Locker cards will be collected at check-in during the first lab meeting. Locker cards will be returned at the end of the semester at the time of the check-out unless you damaged, lost or broke something during the semester. The locker card can be returned to the SMC bookstore for a refund.

Lab Experiments are designed to give students experience handling chemicals, equipment, and performing important techniques. They also tie in with the material discussed during lectures. Lab Exercises (i.e. “dry labs”) are designed as in-class skill-building worksheets, with instructor assistance available as needed. The lab activities are shown on the course schedule. The documents needed for the labs (Prelab, Procedure, and Lab Report) are available at:


Do not use the departmental page to avoid the possibility of using the wrong documents. Students must print out these documents and bring them to the appropriate lab periods. You will not be

allowed to perform the experiment without the printed report form in which to record your observations. Prelab assignment should be completed before coming to the lab. If you are still working on your prelab

after the lab period started, you cannot perform the lab, and therefore you will miss that lab. Students who do not show up on time and with completed pre-lab assignment cannot perform the

experiment and receive a zero for that experiment. Students cannot perform the lab if they do not have the proper “personal protection equipment” (PPE) or

appropriate clothing. This will also result in a zero for the experiment. Don’t come to the lab with open shoes or flip-flops, since you will not be allowed to perform the experiment.

Lab reports are due on the next scheduled lab period. There is no late returning of reports. If you don’t return the report on time, the grade for that lab will be zero.

Missed labs cannot be made up in the same section. Labs can be made up in another section only if it is allowed and approved by the instructor of that other section. Approval by the instructor of your regular section (for the attempt to make up) has no bearing on the decision of the accommodating lab instructor and students are forbidden to use such approval in order to influence or pressure another instructor into accommodating their request.

The lowest lab grade will be dropped.

Each lab is grade is broken down as follows: Pre-lab assignment 10% Pre-lab write-up w/ flowchart 20% Pre-lab Quiz 20% Lab report 50%

No pre-lab assignment for Excel and Inorganic Nomenclature exercises.


Examples of how to get a zero on an experiment: Not returning the lab report on time Coming to the lab without the completed prelab assignment, printed report form and acceptable clothing Coming to the lab late enough to be sent away Coming to the lab without all the personal protective equipment (goggles, lab coat, nitrile gloves)

Come to the laboratory having already done the pre-lab assignment and pre-lab write-up. Don’t try to do them right before the lab. If your prelab wording is essentially identical to that of another student, it will be counted as plagiarism, with the appropriate consequences. If your prelab work turns out to be plagiarized, it means you did not demonstrate that you made an effort to be ready for the lab, and you went through the experiment under false pretenses. Not coming to the lab with your own prelab would lead to a zero on that lab, and it would be the same with a plagiarized prelab, even if you completed the experiment (causing delays and potential danger to everyone else in the lab).

In preparing any lab documents, if you are benefitting from collaboration, make sure your words and calculations are yours and reflect your individuality. Make sure you understand what you learned from someone else and then do the calculations and express the thoughts yourself. In other words, don’t copy somebody else’s work, and don’t let others copy yours. This is especially important for the lab reports. Don’t be surprised if you lose most or all of your experiment grade as a result of participating in plagiarizing (copying others’ work or letting others copy yours).

Demonstrating a good understanding of lab safety is required at the beginning of the semester Students must take a lab safety quiz and receive 90% or higher. The links to the safety guidelines and the quiz as well as the lab rules and other information can be found under the “Labs” links of the course page under http://papazyan.org. The safety quiz will first be administered during a lecture period (please check the schedule shown near the end of this syllabus). It can be re-taken if the 90% threshold was not passed the first time. The re-takes may be administered by the instructor of your lab section, if needed, at an appropriate time. If you pass the threshold upon retaking, your score will be set at 90%. You will have to miss your first actual experiment (Excel exercise is not an experiment) and receive a zero on it if you haven’t received 90% or better on the safety quiz. Remember that you will be dropped if you miss more than one experiment without a documentable and acceptable excuse, and failure to receive 90% on the safety quiz is not an acceptable excuse. Safety quiz grade counts as a lab grade, just like a regular experiment or lab exercise. Depending on the severity of the safety violation, you may lose up to 100% of a lab grade. Take lab safety rules seriously.


ADD, DROP, AND RELATED ATTENDANCE POLICIES DROP POLICY You will be dropped if you fail to show up to any lecture or lab during the first two weeks of the semester.

Remember that not showing up to the first or second lab meeting will also cause you to be dropped, even if you attended the lectures. You might be able to prevent being dropped by notifying the instructor in advance, citing a reasonable and verifiable excuse.

You need to drop the class if you don’t really agree to follow all the rules and expectations stated in this syllabus. You are committing to the philosophy and the practice of the section in which you chose to register. You should also seriously consider switching to another lecture section, during the first week, if you observe in class that you are incompatible with the style and philosophy of the section to which this syllabus belongs.

One excused lab absence is allowed. You need to contact your instructor and provide reasonable documentation of your excuse.

Missing more than one lab during the semester is not allowed even with documentable excuses, as it indicates that you were unable to honor your commitment to the schedule of the section in which you registered. If you miss more than one lab, you will be dropped from the course.

On the other hand, it is your responsibility to drop yourself out of the class if you are not doing well in the class and do not want to receive a failing grade. Do not rely on the instructor to drop you, even if you missed enough labs or lectures that would cause you to be dropped.

It is also your responsibility to pay attention to appropriate drop deadlines set by the College.

ADD POLICY If you want to add, you must: Show up to every lecture and lab during the first week of classes. Submit your name, SMC student ID, email. You may be required to sign\\ a statement declaring that you fulfill the prerequisites for the course, and that

you will add the course within 10 hours of receiving the add code. In any case, if you cannot add the course in 10 hours, or it turns out that you lack the prerequisites, you will likely not be able to remain in the course even if you end up adding it after the 10-hour limit.

Students will be added only if there is space available. All chemistry classes can only have a maximum of 28 students per laboratory section. Students on the official waitlist are added first, according to the order in which they appear on the list. If there is space available after the waitlist is exhausted, a lottery will be held to determine who is added to the roster. The procedure rules out any judgement calls by the instructor.

IMPORTANT DEADLINES Last day to withdraw to receive a refund: March 1, 2020 Last day to withdraw to avoid a "W": March 1, 2020 Last Day to Request for Pass/No Pass Grade: Mar 21, 2020 Last day to withdraw to guarantee a "W": May 16, 2020

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY AND/OR MEDICAL PROBLEMS Students with disability-related needs or medical problems that might interfere with student’s performance in class should notify the instructor and Disabled Student Services right away so that appropriate accommodations can be arranged. Do not wait until right before the exam.



Highest 3 of the 4 quizzes 3 x 5% = 15% Highest 3 of the 4 exams 3 x 16% = 48% Highest 13 of 14 labs (including the Lab Safety Quiz) 13 x 1% = 13% Final Exam 24% Total 100%

% Grade* Letter Grade 90-100 A 80-89 B 68-79 C 56-67 D 0-55 F

* These cutoffs are applied after your average grade is rounded to the nearest integer. For example, 89.51 would be treated as 90 and would correspond to an A, while 89.49 would receive a B.

The lowest exam, the lowest quiz, and the lowest lab grades are dropped.

The percentage contribution of each category (Quizzes, Exams, Labs, Final) as listed above is fixed.

If there are mistakes to be corrected in the grading of any exams or quizzes, they must be brought to the instructor’s attention on the same day as receiving the information that is being claimed to need correction. In the case of lab grades, any objections or corrections should be brought to the instructor’s attention within the lab period during which the report was returned to the student. Requests for corrections after those deadlines will not be honored.

The letter grades are determined mathematically from the sum of your grades, and are not negotiable. They represent your overall performance, not your needs or aspirations. The only way to improve your letter grade is to improve your performance by:

following the study advice provided by your professor during the semester or session, not after asking for more detailed and personalized explanations of points that are unclear to you, again during

the semester or session There will be no extra credit opportunities. There is no need to ask.

The final exam is selected from a set of several editions prepared and standardized by the American Chemical Society. The particular edition selected for our sections will be determined at the end of the semester, shortly before the final exam date. All editions contain questions on topics that are covered during the semester. Different editions have slightly varying levels of difficulty in terms of raw scores, as indicated by the national norms of each edition. In order to further normalize (or calibrate) the final exam score, the raw score may be increased by an amount that aligns the raw score corresponding to 70th percentile (according to the ACS national norms for the given edition) (“percentile” has the same meaning as in SAT or ACT scores) with the lower threshold for a letter grade of C (67.5 out of 100). If this alignment leads to an improvement (typically small) in final exam scores, it will be applied. Otherwise, the original raw scores will be kept. Feel free to contact me if you need further clarification on how the final exam grade is adjusted.


Throughout the semester, you will find that every effort is made to ensure that you are treated fairly and that your ultimate grade reflects your overall performance. You will also find that I enthusiastically provide as much help as possible until you understand the point you are having difficulty with. I don’t give up if you don’t. I regard myself as your coach, and that’s my role during the vast majority of the semester. Also know that I care deeply about my students’ success as a matter of human decency as well as professional pride. However, I must take on the role of the referee when grading. Having done my part (and more) throughout the semester allows me to enforce the letter-grade cutoffs that are stated in the previous page without hesitation. Please understand that the cutoffs are firm and are not subject to negotiation or changes based on your needs or aspirations. Missing a cutoff by 0.1% is painful (and believe me it would pain me greatly to see), but is part of the letter-grade system in which we have to operate. Avoiding such unfortunate circumstances is naturally your responsibility, by putting in the necessary effort and time during the semester, including the use of office hours, and using all the resources at your disposal.

Please do not contact me about raising your letter grade.

Doing so has had a zero rate of success in the past, and has a zero chance of success in the future.

And finally, an advice about accepting advice

Take the advice I’ll give you throughout the semester to heart. A lot of it may sound like what you’ve heard before. Perhaps. But my advice is “curated”. I don’t recommend everything that you might have heard before. It is selected and filtered by my personal experiences and observations, or scientific studies. I give it because I know it increases your chances of success. It is of course possible to do well even if you reject or dismiss the advice and do things “your way”. Often, though, that means you will find the class unsatisfying, confusing, or even painful to endure. If that is the case, I simply ask that you take responsibility for that self-inflicted pain.

It might feel good to blame the professor for the consequences of your sleep-deprivation or ignoring his advice. And it might feel satisfying to post multiple negative reviews to drive the point home. But it won’t change reality. Following my advice and guidance maximizes (but doesn’t guarantee, of course) your chance of actual success, in reality.

It is tempting and normal for all of us to consider ourselves special, and feel that advice or warnings apply only to less special, less clever, less resourceful people. It is an act of wisdom to resist that temptation!



1. The student will demonstrate the ability to solve scientific problems by following logical procedures based on well-established scientific principles. 2. The student will follow written procedures used in the general chemistry laboratory accurately and safely. When completing a lab report, the student will correctly apply the scientific method by making reasonable estimates of experimental uncertainties and drawing appropriate conclusions based on the gathered data and scientific principles. 3. The student will be able to relate microscopic theories to macroscopic observations specifically using the chemical principles developed in Chemistry 11 to explain observable phenomena.


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Write balanced chemical equations, including net ionic and redox equations. 2. Apply dimensional analysis and demonstrate a working knowledge of metric units including those for mass (g), length (m), area (m2), volume (L & m3), energy (J), quantity (moles) and concentration (M) as well as metric prefixes and abbreviations such as kilo, micro, nano, etc. 3. Describe basic separation techniques such as filtration, chromatography, and distillation. 4. Describe the quantum mechanical model of the atom and perform calculations using the Bohr model. 5. Write electronic configurations for the various elements. 6. Describe the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum (such as IR, UV, etc.) 7. Use both the IUPAC and common names (Stock notation) to write the names of inorganic compounds, given their formula. Also students should be able to write the correct formula of a compound, given its name. 8. Identify common organic functional groups and apply basic IUPAC rules of organic nomenclature. 9. Calculate enthalpies of reaction from bond energies, from standard heats of formation, and from calorimetric data. 10. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the first law of thermodynamics, state functions, and fundamental definitions such as "system," "state," "surroundings," etc. 11. Apply knowledge of intermolecular forces (IMF's) to explain trends such as melting and boiling points of compounds. 12. Demonstrate an understanding of atomic structure, including the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an element, the definition of isotopes, and how to determine average atomic masses. 13. Draw Lewis structures for simple molecules and polyatomic ions and use them to predict hybridization, geometry, and polarity for these species. 14. Use valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory to describe the bonding in simple chemical species. 15. Describe the properties of ideal gases and predict deviations from ideal behavior in real gases. 16. Describe the basic tenets of kinetic molecular theory, including a qualitative understanding of molecular speed distributions, the determination of root-mean-square speeds, and relative rates of effusion of ideal gases. 17. Perform calculations involving the gas laws, including basic PV=nRT calculations, kinetic molecular theory, partial pressures, and changes in variables such as pressure, temperature, and volume. 18. Describe the nature of solids, liquids, gases, and solutions. 19. Demonstrate knowledge of solubility rules and be able to predict the solubility of simple inorganic compounds. 20. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles involved in chemical bonds, including the continuum from ionic and covalent bonding, and the definition of bond- and molecular-polarity. 21. Demonstrate knowledge of trends in the periodic table such as atomic radius, ionic radius, electronegativity, ionization energy, common chemical reactivity, etc. 22. Describe metallic bonding, particularly related to its differences from ionic or covalent bonding and how these differences produce metallic properties. 23. Define concentration units for solutions and solve solution stoichiometry problems, including those involving dilution. 24. Perform complex stoichiometric calculations including balancing equations and predicting products, and those involving different phases of matter, limiting reactant problems, and problems involving mixed units. 25. Demonstrate a working knowledge of laboratory safety. 26. Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of the proper waste disposal. 27. Demonstrate good observational skills. 28. Demonstrate laboratory note taking skills, especially related to the production of an organized laboratory notebook. 29. Demonstrate proper usage of the laboratory balance. 30. Use significant figures in calculations and measurements. 31. Describe and explain sources of error, including random and systematic error. Be able to explain how these errors affect precision and accuracy. 32. Perform basic lab skills such as gravity filtration, solution preparation, dilution, and titration. 33. Demonstrate the use of volumetric glassware including pipettes, burets, and volumetric flasks. 34. Demonstrate the proper and skillful use of basic lab equipment (ring stands, Bunsen burners, etc.) in both qualitative and quantitative experiments. 35. Demonstrate ability to read a barometer. 36. Achieve a reasonably high degree of reproducibility, accuracy and precision in their lab results.


LECTURE SCHEDULE (The pace of covering the subjects in lectures will vary slightly in practice) Quiz and Exam dates are firm and will not be changed, unless an error was made in the original scheduling

Final exam is probably on June 12 @3:30pm, but it needs to be verified by the department. Consult with your professor before making any travel plans.

Monday Wednesday February 17

President’s Day February 19

Introduction Lecture: Ch. 1 (Chemical Foundations)

February 24 Lab Safety Quiz Lecture: Ch. 1 (Chemical Foundations)

February 26 Lecture: Ch. 1 (Chemical Foundations)

March 2 Lecture: Ch. 2 (Atoms, Molecules, and Ions)

March 4 Lecture: Ch. 2 (Atoms, Molecules, and Ions)

March 9 Lecture: Ch. 2 (Atoms, Molecules, and Ions)

March 11 Quiz 1 Lecture: Ch. 3 (Stoichiometry)

March 16 Exam 1 Lecture: Ch. 3 (Stoichiometry)

March 18 Lecture: Ch. 3 (Stoichiometry)

March 23 Lecture: Ch. 3 (Stoichiometry)

March 25 Lecture: Ch. 4 (Types of Chem. Rxns & Soln. Stoichiometry)

March 30 Lecture: Ch. 4 (Types of Chem. Rxns & Soln. Stoichiometry)

April 1 Lecture: Ch. 4 (Types of Chem. Rxns & Soln. Stoichiometry)

April 6 Quiz 2 Lecture: Ch. 5 (Gases)

April 8 Exam 2 Lecture: Ch. 5 (Gases)

April 13 Spring Break

April 15 Spring Break

April 20 Lecture: Ch. 6 (Thermochemistry)

April 22 Lecture: Ch. 6 (Thermochemistry)

April 27 Lecture: Ch. 7 (Atomic Structure and Periodicity)

April 29 Lecture: Ch. 7 (Atomic Structure and Periodicity)

May 4 Quiz 3 Lecture: Ch. 7 (Atomic Structure and Periodicity)

May 6 Exam 3 Lecture: Ch. 8 (Bonding: General Concepts)

May 11 Lecture: Ch. 8 (Bonding: General Concepts)

May 13 Lecture: Ch. 8 (Bonding: General Concepts)

May 18 Lecture: Ch. 8 (Bonding: General Concepts)

May 20 Lecture: Ch. 9 (Covalent Bonding: Orbitals)

May 25 Memorial Day

May 27 Lecture: Ch. 9 (Covalent Bonding: Orbitals)

June 1 Lecture: Ch. 10 (Liquids and Solids)

June 3 Quiz 4 Lecture: Ch. 10 (Liquids and Solids)

June 8 Exam 4 Review and practice for the final exam

June 10


Section 1439 Lab Schedule

Tuesdays 12:45pm - 4:45pm in SCI 322 (with Dr. Ferede)

Feb 18 Lab check-in; Safety training

Feb 25 Using Excel for Graphical Analysis

Mar 3 The Densities of Solutions and Solids

Mar 10 No Lab

Mar 17 Inorganic Nomenclature

Mar 24 Paper Chromatography

Mar 31 Gravimetric Analysis

Apr 7 Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Antacids

Apr 14 No Lab

Apr 21 Types of Chemical Reactions

Apr 28 The Molecular Weight of Carbon Dioxide

May 5 Calorimetry and Hess’s Law

May 12 Using Periodic Properties to Identify Group 2A Cations and Group 7A Anions

May 19 Atomic Emission Spectra

May 26 VSEPR Theory and Shapes of Molecules

Jun 2 Intro. to the Structures and Isomerism of Simple Organic Molecules; Lab check-out


Section 1440 Lab Schedule

Thursdays 12:45pm - 4:45pm in SCI 322 (with Dr. Ferede)

Feb 20 Lab check-in; Safety training

Feb 27 Using Excel for Graphical Analysis

Mar 5 The Densities of Solutions and Solids

Mar 12 No Lab

Mar 19 Inorganic Nomenclature

Mar 26 Paper Chromatography

Apr 2 Gravimetric Analysis

Apr 9 Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Antacids

Apr 16 No Lab

Apr 23 Types of Chemical Reactions

Apr 30 The Molecular Weight of Carbon Dioxide

May 7 Calorimetry and Hess’s Law

May 14 Using Periodic Properties to Identify Group 2A Cations and Group 7A Anions

May 21 Atomic Emission Spectra

May 28 VSEPR Theory and Shapes of Molecules

Jun 4 Intro. to the Structures and Isomerism of Simple Organic Molecules; Lab check-out


Section 1441 Lab Schedule

Fridays 12:45pm - 4:45pm in SCI 322 (with Dr. Papazyan)

Feb 21 Lab check-in; Safety training

Feb 28 Using Excel for Graphical Analysis

Mar 6 No Lab

Mar 13 The Densities of Solutions and Solids

Mar 20 Inorganic Nomenclature

Mar 27 Paper Chromatography

Apr 3 Gravimetric Analysis

Apr 10 Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Antacids

Apr 17 No Lab

Apr 24 Types of Chemical Reactions

May 1 The Molecular Weight of Carbon Dioxide

May 8 Calorimetry and Hess’s Law

May 15 Using Periodic Properties to Identify Group 2A Cations and Group 7A Anions

May 22 Atomic Emission Spectra

May 29 VSEPR Theory and Shapes of Molecules

Jun 5 Intro. to the Structures and Isomerism of Simple Organic Molecules; Lab check-out